Breaking news, the electoral college has just chosen Trump as the next President

Liberal loses her mind after Trump wins the electoral vote in Wisconsin. Christmas has come early for Trump voters. LOL


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And all these lies about how electors weren't going to elect trump. You are idiots to believe he wouldn't be prez. Sheatr dummies you are.


You need a link to show you that Trump won the EV? Seriously? You can't even Google that yourself? Wow, you're right. Government can take care of you better than you can take care of yourself.

Here's some blankets and fire water, Tonto ...
Yeah, I'd like a link too's not just a river in Egypt anymore. What desperate and bizarre posts from someone who has decided to call themselves "KeepItReal". :lol:

Dude....if you were to "KeepItReal" - you'd accept the fact that it's over. It's been over. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States in about a month and literally nothing can stop that now.
Whoop de doo, like we didn't know that wasn't going to happen..
Your depends were already well soiled from November...:lol:
Is that why you have been chewing on them this whole time??
I voted for Trump, so fuck off...
Yes...everyone did now...:rofl:
Hardly so, since he received the minority popular vote..
So? Change those depends, you stink....:lol:

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