Breaking News: There May Be Enough Invalidated Votes To Overturn Cochran Victory

BTW, the article also says:

"UPDATE: The Cochran campaign is reportedly asking county clerks not to certify the voting rolls until the last day possible so that the McDaniel people will not be able to look at the rolls and challenge them."

The first half of that sentence may be fact. The second half (the part I bolded) is most certainly an unsubstantiated claim to a motive. I can think of another reason.

JFC, the McDaniel folks are just not ready for prime time. The only way for them to challenge the election is:

Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-923


*** Current through the 2013 Regular Session and 1st and 2nd Extraordinary Sessions ***


Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-923 (2013)

§ 23-15-923. Nominations with respect to state, congressional, and judicial districts, etc.; investigation, findings, and declaration of nominee

Except as otherwise provided in Section 23-15-961, a person desiring to contest the election of another returned as the nominee in state, congressional and judicial districts, and in legislative districts composed of more than one (1) county or parts of more than one (1) county, upon complaint filed with the Chairman of the State Executive Committee, by petition, reciting the grounds upon which the election is contested. If necessary and with the advice of four (4) members of said committee, the chairman shall issue his fiat to the chairman of the appropriate county executive committee, and in like manner as in the county office, the county committee shall investigate the complaint and return their findings to the chairman of the state committee. The State Executive Committee by majority vote of members present shall declare the true results of such primary.

HISTORY: SOURCES: Derived from 1942 Code § 3144 [Codes, Hemingway's 1917, § 6426; 1930, § 5897; Laws, 1908, ch. 136; repealed by Laws, ch. 495, § 346]; en, Laws, 1986, ch. 495, § 281; Laws, 1988, ch. 577, § 4, eff from and after December 9, 1988 (the date the United States Attorney General interposed no objection to the amendment).

McDaniel apparently thinks he has some right to peruse the election results personally. If Cochran asked that the results not be certified until the last day, than just gives McDaniel the maximum time to file a valid challenge.

Or how about this one:

23-15-575. Participation in primary election.
No person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nominations made in the primary in which he participates.

Page 232
Was Al Franken a sore loser when he demanded a recount?

That was by 300 votes statewide.

ALGORE and hanging chads.. So stuff it already.. McDaniels has every fucking right to challenge the primary with the outrageous number of Democrats who voted for Cochran.. If they voted in their own Democrat Primary, it is against the law to vote a second time in the OPPOSING party's ., It's common fucking sense and sure enough. IT HAPPENED.
A federal appeals court ruled in 2008 that a separate Mississippi law is unenforceable. It says a person may vote in a party's primary only if he intends to support the party's nominee in the general election. The state's Democratic attorney general and Republican secretary of state said in a joint news release Monday: "A person lawfully in the polling place may challenge a voter based on party loyalty only if the voter openly declares he does not intend to support the nominees of the party whose primary the voter is participating in."

Get over it, Steve.
McDaniels has every fucking right to challenge the primary with the outrageous number of Democrats who voted for Cochran.. If they voted in their own Democrat Primary, it is against the law to vote a second time in the OPPOSING party's ., It's common fucking sense and sure enough. IT HAPPENED.

Correct and they won't find anything remotely close to enough people who did to overturn the results.

You guys lost. Deal with it.
Of course. That's the point. McDaniel has a right to look at the vote tallies, in a courthouse during operating hours under the supervision of a county official. He can then file a challenge under state law. No one ever interfered with that right. But, I and everyone else I've heard on the issue don't think he's gonna find 25K votes. It's most likely over, and it's increasingly becoming likely that his refusal to graciously concede and get behind the Republican who will vote against Reid is costing whatever future he may have in politics.
The first half of that sentence may be fact. The second half (the part I bolded) is most certainly an unsubstantiated claim to a motive. I can think of another reason.

JFC, the McDaniel folks are just not ready for prime time. The only way for them to challenge the election is:

Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-923


*** Current through the 2013 Regular Session and 1st and 2nd Extraordinary Sessions ***


Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-923 (2013)

§ 23-15-923. Nominations with respect to state, congressional, and judicial districts, etc.; investigation, findings, and declaration of nominee

Except as otherwise provided in Section 23-15-961, a person desiring to contest the election of another returned as the nominee in state, congressional and judicial districts, and in legislative districts composed of more than one (1) county or parts of more than one (1) county, upon complaint filed with the Chairman of the State Executive Committee, by petition, reciting the grounds upon which the election is contested. If necessary and with the advice of four (4) members of said committee, the chairman shall issue his fiat to the chairman of the appropriate county executive committee, and in like manner as in the county office, the county committee shall investigate the complaint and return their findings to the chairman of the state committee. The State Executive Committee by majority vote of members present shall declare the true results of such primary.

HISTORY: SOURCES: Derived from 1942 Code § 3144 [Codes, Hemingway's 1917, § 6426; 1930, § 5897; Laws, 1908, ch. 136; repealed by Laws, ch. 495, § 346]; en, Laws, 1986, ch. 495, § 281; Laws, 1988, ch. 577, § 4, eff from and after December 9, 1988 (the date the United States Attorney General interposed no objection to the amendment).

McDaniel apparently thinks he has some right to peruse the election results personally. If Cochran asked that the results not be certified until the last day, than just gives McDaniel the maximum time to file a valid challenge.

Or how about this one:

23-15-575. Participation in primary election.
No person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nominations made in the primary in which he participates.

Page 232

That's been proven as impossible to enforce as has been cited several times on this forum. Learn to read.

But it is funny how McDaniel is bitching about it now when he's done the same thing...
So they are saying that a number of people voted in both the Democrat primary in Mississippi on June 3, and in the Republican primary runoff on June 24.

Let me ask a dumb question, since I don't know the answer: Is it illegal for the same person to vote in both those elections?


The Mississippi law Adams cites, MS Code 23-15-575, states: “No person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nominations made in which he participates.”

By already voting on June 3rd the were not eligible for the later vote
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I think the chances are slim the vote will be overturned. However, it is always best to wait for the FACTS to come in before making claims, conspiracies, or beliefs.

The vote was close enough that a recount is warranted. Let's see what shakes out.

I just hope the recount takes place in all precincts, not just ones chosen by one of the candidates.

Oh please STFU already.. Yesterday before it came out that over 35k democrats cast their vote you were on here spewing that the roles hadn't changed and that less than maybe 2000 votes were cast SO IT PROBABLY wont be a legal challenge.. YOU DONT know SHIT and always run that fat mouth like you do. ITS OLD.

You have me confused with someone else. I did not say less than 2000 votes were cast.
A federal appeals court ruled in 2008 that a separate Mississippi law is unenforceable. It says a person may vote in a party's primary only if he intends to support the party's nominee in the general election. The state's Democratic attorney general and Republican secretary of state said in a joint news release Monday: "A person lawfully in the polling place may challenge a voter based on party loyalty only if the voter openly declares he does not intend to support the nominees of the party whose primary the voter is participating in."

Get over it, Steve.

That's a separate law. Anyone who voted for Cochran can vote for Childers in the primary regardless of the law. It would be unconstitutional. The attorney general, sec of state and courts all agree.

But if anyone voted for childers on June 3, he should not have been able to vote in the gop runoff on last Tues. My personal guess is that 25K blacks didn't vote on Tue. And while there probably were some ineligible votes cast, the bottom line was Cochran convinced people that a. they are better off with him as senator and b. McDaniel is a nut.
I think the chances are slim the vote will be overturned. However, it is always best to wait for the FACTS to come in before making claims, conspiracies, or beliefs.

The vote was close enough that a recount is warranted. Let's see what shakes out.

I just hope the recount takes place in all precincts, not just ones chosen by one of the candidates.

Oh please STFU already.. Yesterday before it came out that over 35k democrats cast their vote you were on here spewing that the roles hadn't changed and that less than maybe 2000 votes were cast SO IT PROBABLY wont be a legal challenge.. YOU DONT know SHIT and always run that fat mouth like you do. ITS OLD.

You have me confused with someone else. I did not say less than 2000 votes were cast.

And it's irrelevant how many dems crossed over, so long as they didn't vote for childers on June 3.
A federal appeals court ruled in 2008 that a separate Mississippi law is unenforceable. It says a person may vote in a party's primary only if he intends to support the party's nominee in the general election. The state's Democratic attorney general and Republican secretary of state said in a joint news release Monday: "A person lawfully in the polling place may challenge a voter based on party loyalty only if the voter openly declares he does not intend to support the nominees of the party whose primary the voter is participating in."

Get over it, Steve.

That's a separate law. Anyone who voted for Cochran can vote for Childers in the primary regardless of the law. It would be unconstitutional. The attorney general, sec of state and courts all agree.

But if anyone voted for childers on June 3, he should not have been able to vote in the gop runoff on last Tues. My personal guess is that 25K blacks didn't vote on Tue. And while there probably were some ineligible votes cast, the bottom line was Cochran convinced people that a. they are better off with him as senator and b. McDaniel is a nut.

I am going out on a limb here but let me guess, you are not from Mississippi and you know nothing about McDaniel's platform.
McDaniels has every fucking right to challenge the primary with the outrageous number of Democrats who voted for Cochran.. If they voted in their own Democrat Primary, it is against the law to vote a second time in the OPPOSING party's ., It's common fucking sense and sure enough. IT HAPPENED.

Correct and they won't find anything remotely close to enough people who did to overturn the results.

You guys lost. Deal with it.

Is that what your crystal ball is telling you or did you personally count the votes yourself? Come clean, which is it??:dig:
A federal appeals court ruled in 2008 that a separate Mississippi law is unenforceable. It says a person may vote in a party's primary only if he intends to support the party's nominee in the general election. The state's Democratic attorney general and Republican secretary of state said in a joint news release Monday: "A person lawfully in the polling place may challenge a voter based on party loyalty only if the voter openly declares he does not intend to support the nominees of the party whose primary the voter is participating in."

Get over it, Steve.

That's a separate law. Anyone who voted for Cochran can vote for Childers in the primary regardless of the law. It would be unconstitutional. The attorney general, sec of state and courts all agree.

But if anyone voted for childers on June 3, he should not have been able to vote in the gop runoff on last Tues. My personal guess is that 25K blacks didn't vote on Tue. And while there probably were some ineligible votes cast, the bottom line was Cochran convinced people that a. they are better off with him as senator and b. McDaniel is a nut.

I am going out on a limb here but let me guess, you are not from Mississippi and you know nothing about McDaniel's platform.

Don't ever go to vegas.
So they are saying that a number of people voted in both the Democrat primary in Mississippi on June 3, and in the Republican primary runoff on June 24.

Let me ask a dumb question, since I don't know the answer: Is it illegal for the same person to vote in both those elections?

Yes, is what they are saying and the reason being is that to vote in the primary you have to be in support of the person you voted for, we know that is not the case with the cross over democrats.

Now, in lies the problem. Who is to say who voted for whom? In other words so a person voted in the run off and should not have, how do you invalidate their vote? By asking them who they voted for? Anyone knowingly who cheated will simply say McDaniel. The only way the election gets turned around is if they are so many that did vote illegally then the courts could rule, after the Republican committee agrees, that the election was invalidated and they would do it once again.

Not quite. The problem is more straightforward than that.

You cannot vote in two different party primaries in the same election cycle. You can either vote in the Democratic primary or the Republican primary.

You don't need to know who voted for who to determine if someone voted in both primaries. You only have to note whether they voted at all.

When you vote, a note is made that you voted. So then it is a simple matter of verifying the names of the people who voted in the Democratic primary against the names of the people who voted in the Republican run-off primary.

If someone voted in the Democratic primary and their name shows up as having voted in the Republican primary, then they voted illegally.

Now if it turns out the number of people who voted illegally exceeds the margin by which Cochran won, then and only then will the ballots have to be examined to see who the illegal voters voted for, and those votes subtracted from whomever they voted for.

So right now we are in the first stage. Determining how many illegal voters there were.
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I think the chances are slim the vote will be overturned. However, it is always best to wait for the FACTS to come in before making claims, conspiracies, or beliefs.

The vote was close enough that a recount is warranted. Let's see what shakes out.

I just hope the recount takes place in all precincts, not just ones chosen by one of the candidates.

Oh please STFU already.. Yesterday before it came out that over 35k democrats cast their vote you were on here spewing that the roles hadn't changed and that less than maybe 2000 votes were cast SO IT PROBABLY wont be a legal challenge.. YOU DONT know SHIT and always run that fat mouth like you do. ITS OLD.

You have me confused with someone else. I did not say less than 2000 votes were cast.

I deleted the post.. I'm sorry for that.
That's a separate law. Anyone who voted for Cochran can vote for Childers in the primary regardless of the law. It would be unconstitutional. The attorney general, sec of state and courts all agree.

But if anyone voted for childers on June 3, he should not have been able to vote in the gop runoff on last Tues. My personal guess is that 25K blacks didn't vote on Tue. And while there probably were some ineligible votes cast, the bottom line was Cochran convinced people that a. they are better off with him as senator and b. McDaniel is a nut.

I am going out on a limb here but let me guess, you are not from Mississippi and you know nothing about McDaniel's platform.

Don't ever go to vegas.

Excellent non-answer.
The first half of that sentence may be fact. The second half (the part I bolded) is most certainly an unsubstantiated claim to a motive. I can think of another reason.

JFC, the McDaniel folks are just not ready for prime time. The only way for them to challenge the election is:

Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-923


*** Current through the 2013 Regular Session and 1st and 2nd Extraordinary Sessions ***


Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-923 (2013)

§ 23-15-923. Nominations with respect to state, congressional, and judicial districts, etc.; investigation, findings, and declaration of nominee

Except as otherwise provided in Section 23-15-961, a person desiring to contest the election of another returned as the nominee in state, congressional and judicial districts, and in legislative districts composed of more than one (1) county or parts of more than one (1) county, upon complaint filed with the Chairman of the State Executive Committee, by petition, reciting the grounds upon which the election is contested. If necessary and with the advice of four (4) members of said committee, the chairman shall issue his fiat to the chairman of the appropriate county executive committee, and in like manner as in the county office, the county committee shall investigate the complaint and return their findings to the chairman of the state committee. The State Executive Committee by majority vote of members present shall declare the true results of such primary.

HISTORY: SOURCES: Derived from 1942 Code § 3144 [Codes, Hemingway's 1917, § 6426; 1930, § 5897; Laws, 1908, ch. 136; repealed by Laws, ch. 495, § 346]; en, Laws, 1986, ch. 495, § 281; Laws, 1988, ch. 577, § 4, eff from and after December 9, 1988 (the date the United States Attorney General interposed no objection to the amendment).

McDaniel apparently thinks he has some right to peruse the election results personally. If Cochran asked that the results not be certified until the last day, than just gives McDaniel the maximum time to file a valid challenge.

Or how about this one:

23-15-575. Participation in primary election.
No person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nominations made in the primary in which he participates.

Page 232

Intentions change, I have read Mississippi has no 'recount' in primaries, so McDaniel can, and most likely will, sue. Bush 2000, if you don't like the state vote count, sue in Federal Court.

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