Breaking News: There May Be Enough Invalidated Votes To Overturn Cochran Victory

g5000 has is correct.

A gop blog from down here

Yall Politics

From CBS:

Candidates may challenge election results in court in Mississippi, but the state has no formal procedure in place for a recount.

Mississippi law allowed anyone who did not cast a Democratic ballot on June 3 to cast a Republican runoff ballot, the Associated Press reports. McDaniel and his supporters previously cited a defunct Mississippi law - effectively invalidated by the courts - that requires primary voters to support a party's nominee in November. That would bar Democrats from supporting Cochran, the McDaniel camp argued. Mississippi elections officials confirmed before polls opened that the law is functionally unenforceable, according to the AP.
Chris McDaniel examining Mississippi Senate election "irregularities" - CBS News

"Illegal" voting and McDaniels citing a law that has been rejected, McDaniel is saying Democrats who voted for Cochran must vote for him in November, also. :cuckoo:
JFC, the McDaniel folks are just not ready for prime time. The only way for them to challenge the election is:

Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-923


*** Current through the 2013 Regular Session and 1st and 2nd Extraordinary Sessions ***


Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-923 (2013)

§ 23-15-923. Nominations with respect to state, congressional, and judicial districts, etc.; investigation, findings, and declaration of nominee

Except as otherwise provided in Section 23-15-961, a person desiring to contest the election of another returned as the nominee in state, congressional and judicial districts, and in legislative districts composed of more than one (1) county or parts of more than one (1) county, upon complaint filed with the Chairman of the State Executive Committee, by petition, reciting the grounds upon which the election is contested. If necessary and with the advice of four (4) members of said committee, the chairman shall issue his fiat to the chairman of the appropriate county executive committee, and in like manner as in the county office, the county committee shall investigate the complaint and return their findings to the chairman of the state committee. The State Executive Committee by majority vote of members present shall declare the true results of such primary.

HISTORY: SOURCES: Derived from 1942 Code § 3144 [Codes, Hemingway's 1917, § 6426; 1930, § 5897; Laws, 1908, ch. 136; repealed by Laws, ch. 495, § 346]; en, Laws, 1986, ch. 495, § 281; Laws, 1988, ch. 577, § 4, eff from and after December 9, 1988 (the date the United States Attorney General interposed no objection to the amendment).

McDaniel apparently thinks he has some right to peruse the election results personally. If Cochran asked that the results not be certified until the last day, than just gives McDaniel the maximum time to file a valid challenge.

Or how about this one:

23-15-575. Participation in primary election.
No person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nominations made in the primary in which he participates.

Page 232

Intentions change, I have read Mississippi has no 'recount' in primaries, so McDaniel can, and most likely will, sue. Bush 2000, if you don't like the state vote count, sue in Federal Court.
Or do you mean evolve? Like it or not, democrats are expected to follow the rules. :lol:, yeah right!

Apparently a registered Democrat can vote in a Republican primary and vice-versa? doesn't make sense, but then again all is fair game in the realm of politics.
Or how about this one:

23-15-575. Participation in primary election.
No person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nominations made in the primary in which he participates.

Page 232

Intentions change, I have read Mississippi has no 'recount' in primaries, so McDaniel can, and most likely will, sue. Bush 2000, if you don't like the state vote count, sue in Federal Court.
Or do you mean evolve? Like it or not, democrats are expected to follow the rules. :lol:, yeah right!


No one outside the McDaniels camp thinks the law not allowing a person to switch candidates from a primary to general is valid, and in fact, people do so all the time. I'm a republican, and I do it. And McDaniel did it in 2003.
Or how about this one:

23-15-575. Participation in primary election.
No person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nominations made in the primary in which he participates.

Page 232

Intentions change, I have read Mississippi has no 'recount' in primaries, so McDaniel can, and most likely will, sue. Bush 2000, if you don't like the state vote count, sue in Federal Court.
Or do you mean evolve? Like it or not, democrats are expected to follow the rules. :lol:, yeah right!


Ouch! I guess that justify's everything, what a crock of bull!
I think the chances are slim the vote will be overturned. However, it is always best to wait for the FACTS to come in before making claims, conspiracies, or beliefs.

The vote was close enough that a recount is warranted. Let's see what shakes out.

I just hope the recount takes place in all precincts, not just ones chosen by one of the candidates.

I agree. A full recount of all votes is in order.

If it turns out that voters cast ballots in Democrat primaries, then later voted in the Republican primaries (as the OP link infers) - that is classic case of voter fraud. Ya know, that thing that Democrats vehemently insist "Doesn't exist"......

There is no factual support for this OP "Breaking News: There May Be Enough Invalidated Votes To Overturn Cochran Victory"
Intentions change, I have read Mississippi has no 'recount' in primaries, so McDaniel can, and most likely will, sue. Bush 2000, if you don't like the state vote count, sue in Federal Court.
Or do you mean evolve? Like it or not, democrats are expected to follow the rules. :lol:, yeah right!


Ouch! I guess that justify's everything, what a crock of bull!

IF YOU DID NOT vote is emphasized, and if Mississippi has no method of preventing enforcing its odd voting laws, there may need to be a challenge, to the state's election procedures. McDaniel did argue about Democrats who didn't vote June 3, who would not support the Republican nominee in November, should not be allowed to vote June 24, his handlers shut him up on that.
The logical conclusion is the Democratic Central Committee had a vested interest in Cochran's political future and vote. So what happens if McDaniel runs as a write in candidate? one would assume the Republican vote would be split and their candidate will win, which amounts to a win win for the Dem's. Oh how interesting it gets, reminds me of Ross Perot vs HW Bush resulting in Clinton. Same game different name.
There is no factual support for this OP "Breaking News: There May Be Enough Invalidated Votes To Overturn Cochran Victory"

McDaniel may be even more conservative than Cochran, but he will be a first term Senator. Thus, what difference will it make in the long run? He will be assigned to low importance committees, unlike Cochran. And as convoluted as they may be, the voting laws must be followed(.)
There is no factual support for this OP "Breaking News: There May Be Enough Invalidated Votes To Overturn Cochran Victory"

McDaniel may be even more conservative than Cochran, but he will be a first term Senator. Thus, what difference will it make in the long run? He will be assigned to low importance committees, unlike Cochran. And as convoluted as they may be, the voting laws must be followed(.)

I would not be surprised if they all three split the vote at 33.3% and someone has to flip a coin for a winner.
Or do you mean evolve? Like it or not, democrats are expected to follow the rules. :lol:, yeah right!


Ouch! I guess that justify's everything, what a crock of bull!

IF YOU DID NOT vote is emphasized, and if Mississippi has no method of preventing enforcing its odd voting laws, there may need to be a challenge, to the state's election procedures. McDaniel did argue about Democrats who didn't vote June 3, who would not support the Republican nominee in November, should not be allowed to vote June 24, his handlers shut him up on that.

Just da-yum - you're just bat shit crazy. We got your number
PS, nobody in the Cochran camp or state party suggested he couldn't challenge. But the time is ticking away quickly if he wants to have any political future.

McDaniel's campaign staff and supporters sort through voter book - - Jackson, MS

I'm reading that Cochran is trying to screw them over.

UPDATE: The Cochran campaign is reportedly asking county clerks not to certify the voting rolls until the last day possible so that the McDaniel people will not be able to look at the rolls and challenge them.

BREAKING! There May Be Enough Invalidated Votes to Overturn Cochran Victory ?Update: 800 Hinds County Voters Crossed Over Illegally | The Gateway Pundit
Ouch! I guess that justify's everything, what a crock of bull!

IF YOU DID NOT vote is emphasized, and if Mississippi has no method of preventing enforcing its odd voting laws, there may need to be a challenge, to the state's election procedures. McDaniel did argue about Democrats who didn't vote June 3, who would not support the Republican nominee in November, should not be allowed to vote June 24, his handlers shut him up on that.

Just da-yum - you're just bat shit crazy. We got your number

McDaniel argued the 'point', not I. And I will conclude you reference the royal "we", and it isn't a failure of youranti-psychotic medications.:lol::lol:
Intentions change, I have read Mississippi has no 'recount' in primaries, so McDaniel can, and most likely will, sue. Bush 2000, if you don't like the state vote count, sue in Federal Court.
Or do you mean evolve? Like it or not, democrats are expected to follow the rules. :lol:, yeah right!


No one outside the McDaniels camp thinks the law not allowing a person to switch candidates from a primary to general is valid, and in fact, people do so all the time. I'm a republican, and I do it. And McDaniel did it in 2003.

Well I hate to break this to you but McDaniels is correct. It's a bizarre statute that for the life of me I can't figure out how on earth you could enforce it.

But it's real. Many sources. I just grabbed a Daily Beast link.

The problem is that Mississippi, which doesn’t have voter registration by party, has a statute that prohibits people from voting in a party primary if they don’t intend to vote for that party’s nominee.

However, save an outright declaration of intent or the ability of an election judge to read minds, it’s hard to determine voter intent months in advance.

Told ya! No guff.


Mississippi GOP Plays Games With Black Votes - The Daily Beast
McDaniels has every fucking right to challenge the primary with the outrageous number of Democrats who voted for Cochran.. If they voted in their own Democrat Primary, it is against the law to vote a second time in the OPPOSING party's ., It's common fucking sense and sure enough. IT HAPPENED.

Correct and they won't find anything remotely close to enough people who did to overturn the results.

You guys lost. Deal with it.

You got a crystal ball that you're able to divine that from?

They already found over 1,000 illegal cross over votes IN ONE COUNTY. So don't be so bubble headed sure, unless of course you don't mind looking like a moron when and if they do.
if you're from Miss. raise your hand.

If you're not from Miss. Shut the hell up, and let miss. handle their State business.

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