BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.

Hate to break it to ya but you already pay more for a Ford truck Than you do for a Tundra.

We have a Tundra, nice truck if you're into trucks.

Yep,just bought one myself. I go pick it up tommorow from Extreme Offroad Performance where they're installing 5 inches of lift and some Fuel Hostage Rims with 35x12.5 Nitto trail Grapplers and some BushWacker pocket flares.
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We needed a truck for one of our daughter's activities, I rarely drive it.

That arrogant smirk is going to cause a lot of pain for Americans...and a lot of money, too. But he doesn't give a flying fuck since he hasn't entered a retail store since he was 12 years old. He had nannies and live-ins to take care of that.
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.

Hate to break it to ya but you already pay more for a Ford truck Than you do for a Tundra.

We have a Tundra, nice truck if you're into trucks.

Yep,just bought one myself. I go pick it up tommorow from Extreme Offroad Performance where they're installing 5 inches of lift and some Fuel Hostage Rims with 35x12.5 Nitto trail Grapplers and some BushWacker pocket flares.
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We needed a truck for one of our daughter's activities, I rarely drive it.

I love mine. Unfortunately I will now have to walk aways when I go to my dentist since it will no longer fit in the parking garage.
So will Mexico pay the extra 20% or will the cost be added to what the American consumer pays?

Yes it would do just that. But it also makes it more of an incentive to buy from goods not sold in Mexico. It would be devastating to them, which is why they will realize it's much cheaper to just help pay for the wall.

Do you have any clue how much American business goes to mexico? 20% tax Mexico will surely counter with, along with declining Mexican consumer situation will be painful for our business too and cause disruption and pain for everyone not to mention a steep decline in relations with our neighbor...and for what? Retarded Trumpster wall fancies?

For their refusal to accept responsibility for generations of illegals costing us billions.

Idiot, it is not Mexican responsibility to secure OUR borders and pay for our immigration policies.

Trump's demand that they do is highly insulting and damaging to our relationship. Mexicans will not just rollever like a little doggy, they have some national pride and will not tolerate that sort of treatment, just as we never would.

I agree that normally another nation shouldn't have to pay for our stuff, but they are complicit in illegal drug trafficking and human trafficking on our border. Their people have zero respect for our sovereignty or our laws. Taxing goods on the border is just one way, but we could also fine illegals that are here, seize their assets, as well as anyone that harbors them, which is usually their own families.
Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.
Will not bother me, I stopped buying from Mexico and China years ago.
well if it works for you then what the fuck you know you are a clown ?
Rubes Here is how to Read this : Trump Proposes 20% Tax on Your Groceries
What does my choosing not to buy Mexican goods bother ewe? Are you a monkey?

What kind of computer you typing on there hoss? Mexico is the second largest supplier of electronics to the United States. All the major computer makers have production facilities there. How about your TV. Mexico is one of the world's, if not the world's, leading exporter of flat screen TV's. Let's hurry up and get this tariff implemented, before the Superbowl. Jack those TV prices up twenty percent, that ought to go over like a turd in a punch bowl.

How about your cellphone. Foxconn has facilities there, as do seven of the other top ten electronic manufacturing companies.

You might even want to check your car. It is not just Ford, GM and Fiat/Chrysler have production facilities there along with 39 other automotive companies including BMW, Toyota, Honda, and Volkswagon.
Cost of building wall roughly equal to one year's worth of court translators for illegal immigrant criminals.
I'm sure Trump will lower the rate if Mexico pays towards the wall....seems they have some choices to make, to survive.....
it also creates a negative effect on Mexican employment, which means more folks wiling to cross the border to find a better life.:2up: Amigo

1) We pay it in consumer costs, not Mexico
2) Violates NAFTA and WTO
The peso was tumbling Thursday after Mexico's president, Enrique Peña Nieto, announced he had canceled a meeting scheduled for next week with President Donald Trump.

The peso was down by 1.2% at 21.3175 per dollar as of 11:57 a.m. ET.

The currency had been up by as much as 0.8% at 20.9358 per dollar at about 8:50 a.m. ET.

What do you think it's going to look like tomorrow, after this announcement?

If you don't see this as economic muscle don't understand Trump yet.

Mexico's President will reconsider his position on meeting Trump within the next five days.

...all of which means Mexican exports are getting more competetive.

When China devalues it's currency they get called cheaters looking for competetive edge, but when Trump's air pushing devalues Mexican currency that's smart?

Mexico ain't China my friend. Mexico is a scant two steps away from being the next Venezuela.

Thanks for your opinion. Now do you have any hard DATA to add?
Use your head, Ford can't raise prices without losing market share. Business is optimistic about President Trump because he is promising to cut corporate taxes and lowering unnecessary regulations so that Ford and other companies can move their facilities back here without having to raise prices.
You live in a fantasy world. Cutting the corporate tax and regulations won't offset the cost of Ford having to pay way more to produce the same or less amounts of product. Less profit = less jobs. Unless part of Trump's plan is massive subsidies for Ford or dramatically lowering the American standard of living.
Cutting taxes and removing regulations will lower Ford's cost of production so that it can maintain profit margins without raising profits.
That shit won't cover having to pay thousands of people $50,000 a year instead of $10,000. Tariffs are wealth destroyers. Fact.
Direct labor costs are only about 10% of the cost of a Ford, so as the federal government lowers taxes and removes costly regulations and the states compete to have the factories located there, that small amount will be covered. Why are you so opposed to better paying jobs for Americans?
That 10% is going to either skyrocket when all production is moved to the U.S., or more likely, Ford will decide to cut production bigly.
There is no reason to think so. Japanese cars manufactured here are price competitive with cars manufactured in Mexico, so the lower taxes and reduced regulations from the federal government and the competition from the states for the factories will cover the overhead Ford still has from old labor contracts. There will be more good paying factory jobs in America and consumers will not have to pay more for goods. The only reason the Democrats oppose this is because they want to suck up to Hispanic voters, but Hispanic Americans will also benefit from this so it is a losing battle for you guys.
Trump needs to cut all foreign aid to Mexico! No American taxpayer dollars should go to that country.
Watch Mexico do the same to us...

Trade war is coming.

Wouldn't this just cause American companies to start making products in America?
No, it would begin a trade war. American companies are not going to close their Mexican factories and lose billions doing so

Oh. well that explains it. Well done. Trade war it is.
A trade war with mexico can blossom into a north american trade war which will hurt our economy

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