BREAKING NEWS: U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ

How many nations outside of dictatorships have we fucked with their elections and democracy in order to change the course of the election?

Either way we shouldn't accept it here...In fact anyone that could argue that this is ok is a traitor and should be lined up against their garage in shot.

Yep, which means you must want Hillary shot after she screwed Bernie in the primary. Shame on her, Wasserman Shultz, and all the other far left wingers involved; which I am sure who they are will become apparent as the snow flies this winter!
New its clear it was an "act of war" against the USA ? whats new? What Trump is gonna do to "Nigeria in snow "?


U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has gathered enough evidence to charge six members of the Russian government in the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the investigation.

Federal agents and prosecutors in Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco have been cooperating on the DNC investigation and prosecutors could bring the case to court next year, it said.

By identifying individual Russian military and intelligence hackers with charges, U.S. authorities could make it difficult for them to travel, but arrests and jailing would be unlikely, according to the Journal report.

The hacking investigation, conducted by cybersecurity experts, predates the appointment in May of federal special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee the probe of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion with President Donald Trump’s campaign." U.S. authorities identify six Russian officials in DNC hack: WSJ

New its clear it was an "act of war" against the USA ? whats new? What Trump is gonna do to "Nigeria in snow "?


U.S. authorities identify six "Russian" officials in DNC hack: WSJ

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has gathered enough evidence to charge six members of the Russian government in the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the investigation.

Federal agents and prosecutors in Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco have been cooperating on the DNC investigation and prosecutors could bring the case to court next year, it said.

By identifying individual Russian military and intelligence hackers with charges, U.S. authorities could make it difficult for them to travel, but arrests and jailing would be unlikely, according to the Journal report.

The hacking investigation, conducted by cybersecurity experts, predates the appointment in May of federal special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee the probe of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion with President Donald Trump’s campaign." U.S. authorities identify six Russian officials in DNC hack: WSJ

And it is the Trump DOJ that is pursuing this which doesn't look like any sort of cover up of Russian collusion to me.

"And it is the Trump DOJ that is pursuing this which doesn't look like any sort of cover up of Russian collusion to me."

Um... when the DOJ started the investigation, Trump promptly fired the director of the FBI. Then a special counsel had to be appointed. One of the subjects of his investigation ios obstruction of justice by the president. So maybe you need glasses, if it doesn't "look like" a coverup to you. ;)

He didn't 'promptly' fire Comey. It was two months later after the Russian investigation had made the news. We may never know the exact reasons for the firing but there is plenty of evidence that others recommended it for reasons totally unrelated to Russia. And since the firing, Comey has provided absolutely no reason for us to believe it was because of the Russia investigation.

"We may never know the exact reasons for the firing"

What do you mean, "we"? The rest of us know why he was fired, because Trump told us so.

And 2 months is very prompt, indeed.
You sound like a boot licker when you try to equate the US with Russia in order to defend Russia. Except at least Trump got something out of it. You, you'e just a follower.
so you don't trust our own constitution? Is this what this is about in this thread? you already convicted someone without validating evidence? hmmmmm so you are anti american. tsk tsk. what rule of law are you pushing?

Are you equating the US with Russia to defend Russia? Lets be clear...Yes or No?
No one's defending Russia; however, a big deal is being made about Russia meddling in the election because Trump won. Had HRC won we would be hearing crickets about Russian interference. And if you think Russia only did things that would help Trump...............can you say GOLDEN SHOWERS?

"No one's defending Russia; however, a big deal is being made about Russia meddling in the election because Trump won. Had HRC won we would be hearing crickets about Russian interference. "

Both Congressional committees investigating chaired by republicans... the republicans appointed a Republican special counsel... you're delusional...
The republican establishment didn't want Trump to be president. The people said otherwise.

Irrelevant. This happened after the election. And the one person to blame for it is Trump. Period.
If Stalin was still alive these fucking conservatives would be kissing his ass in order to get after Obama. It is sick.
You sound like a boot licker when you try to equate the US with Russia in order to defend Russia. Except at least Trump got something out of it. You, you'e just a follower.
so you don't trust our own constitution? Is this what this is about in this thread? you already convicted someone without validating evidence? hmmmmm so you are anti american. tsk tsk. what rule of law are you pushing?

Are you equating the US with Russia to defend Russia? Lets be clear...Yes or No?
No one's defending Russia;

Stfu, You've already shown yourself to shit on the US for Russia. I wasnt asking you because your bullshit doesnt need clarification.
Thanks for showing you lack a response based on facts and reason so you resort to stfu. Where were you in 2012 when Obama told Romney that the 80's wanted it's foreign policy back? And remember, Obama became "more flexible after the election"!

Fuck off pal and practice hating America for Russia shithead
so you don't trust our own constitution? Is this what this is about in this thread? you already convicted someone without validating evidence? hmmmmm so you are anti american. tsk tsk. what rule of law are you pushing?

Are you equating the US with Russia to defend Russia? Lets be clear...Yes or No?
No one's defending Russia;

Stfu, You've already shown yourself to shit on the US for Russia. I wasnt asking you because your bullshit doesnt need clarification.
Thanks for showing you lack a response based on facts and reason so you resort to stfu. Where were you in 2012 when Obama told Romney that the 80's wanted it's foreign policy back? And remember, Obama became "more flexible after the election"!

Fuck off pal and practice hating America for Russia shithead
Hey yo, when are you proving anything?
so you don't trust our own constitution? Is this what this is about in this thread? you already convicted someone without validating evidence? hmmmmm so you are anti american. tsk tsk. what rule of law are you pushing?

Are you equating the US with Russia to defend Russia? Lets be clear...Yes or No?
No one's defending Russia;

Stfu, You've already shown yourself to shit on the US for Russia. I wasnt asking you because your bullshit doesnt need clarification.
Thanks for showing you lack a response based on facts and reason so you resort to stfu. Where were you in 2012 when Obama told Romney that the 80's wanted it's foreign policy back? And remember, Obama became "more flexible after the election"!

Fuck off pal and practice hating America for Russia shithead
Name calling is all you have.
While the Dirty Democrats block our Voter ID laws they complain about imaginary Russians interfering with our election. It's amaaaaaazing.
The Fed gov is going to charge Russia for hacking a private organization's computer?

Wouldn't the private organization have to file the charges?
Didn't that private organization say they weren't hacked and refuse to allow the FBI to investigate?

It's all bullshit.

It's like Russia charging Debbie Wasserman Schultz for rigging the DNC elections. WTF?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

how does one get to be as ignorant and uninformed as you are? does it take much work?
While the Dirty Democrats block our Voter ID laws they complain about imaginary Russians interfering with our election. It's amaaaaaazing.

still no proof of in person voter fraud of any significance, nutter butter. hacking by Russians is a known fact.

damn you people are stupid.

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