Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Did this answer your question Seawytch? That question being essentially, "how can anyone have a legitimate objection to gay marriage, legally speaking". Not only does society as a whole have an implied objection, they have a mandated objection. See the details on the messiah Harvey Milk for why that legal obligation to object to gay marriage exists.

Here are the facts order to keep gays and lesbians from legal, civil marriage you must be able to identify a societal harm in allowing us to legally marry each other. We don't have to prove our worth to society, you have to prove that gays and lesbians marrying is a detriment. You can't which is why Federal Court after Federal Court is striking down these anti gay laws.


1. Federal and state laws protecting children that mandate a person must err on the side of caution when that person even just suspects harm coming to a child or children. And those laws having a punitive clause where failure to do so can result in prosecution.

2. Gays and lesbians [same sex couples] lining up in unison to elevate Harvey Milk's sexual-political "achievements" as a matter of law, and now a new US Postage stamp as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world".

3. That Harvey Milk's "sexual-political achievements" were to bugger orphaned street teens on drugs, vulnerable and incapable of consent. And his officiating to at least one of those boys as "a father figure"; a boy who later killed himself on Milk's birthday.

4. The fact that once married, LGBTers will elevate, legally, to the top-tier of screened people to adopt orphaned children.

5. The fact that even when gays are reminded of Harvey Milk's sex crimes against orphaned teens, the church of LGBT line up to defend and not denounce him.

6. The law in California passed on the urgings/beliefs of a gay politician there, as this church expands its flock, that requires young children in public schools to celebrate Harvey Milk for his sexuality. [see #3 & #5].

7. The law in California on the urgings/beliefs of a gay politician there, as this church expands its flock, that prohibit teens and other minors under 18 from seeking therapy on their own even to help change their sexual orientation from gay to straight, even if that child knows or suspects it was imprinted on them from molestation from a same-sexed perp. While other laws, statutes and customs there not only don't prohibit the reverse in children [urging "coming out" gay or being "bi curious"] and dozens of entities that exist to "help children transition" from straight to gay. [not a church? yeah, right]/

8. First amendment rights particularly in Utah where the christian faith teaches that an entire culture [Sodom] and its inhabitants were wiped off the map because of homosexual behavior taking over an entire region as a culture. [See Jude 1 & Romans 1, also the Koran for muslims Poets 26.] And that not just the homosexuals but also their enablers or apologists being sent to the Pit of Fire forever.

As long as the church of LGBT requires children to celebrate Harvey Milk's sexual-political "achievements" those adults must not be allowed access anywhere near adoptable orphans.

You DO realize what will happen the moment they get the legal toe in the door of marriage, right? If any adoption agency DARES to screen them at that point as not savory to adopt, that adoption agency will be sued into next year and the US Supreme Court will be faced once again with a decision to examine the LGBT CULTure more closely, this time, and make that final determination to shelve children's protection in favor of an ideology that worships the Harvey Milk sexual ideal, which is, sex with orphaned teens who are preferably, according to Milk's bio, addled on drugs and incapable of mentally resisting his sexual advances.

I'll leave you, Seawytch, to contemplate once again the quote from Harvey Milk's bio by his gay friend/journalist Randy Shilts,

"Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems". [page 180 The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk]
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And Where_'s natural law theory falls on its own inconsistency. The hatred above expressed by him exposes that the end game is coming shortly for his hate group.

What is morally abnormal is the refusal by some Americans to allow others to live their private lives as they wish.
Hate? And we were discussing gay marriage, not outlawing gay behavior. Simmer down.

Yup, so the far right needs to remove the hate speech because all adults have the civil right to marry the partner they wish.

people on the left also do not support gay marriage. stop being such a partisan leftwinger.
Hate? And we were discussing gay marriage, not outlawing gay behavior. Simmer down.

Yup, so the far right needs to remove the hate speech because all adults have the civil right to marry the partner they wish.

people on the left also do not support gay marriage. stop being such a partisan leftwinger.

I imagine that some on the left don't want civil marriage. Do you oppose it?

Speak and children and fools and look who shows up.

I'm quite new to the forum, but the first couple of posts I read them, I learned that Truth does not matter to them and JakeStarkey is a collectivist posing, poorly, as something else, meaning that truth doesn't matter to them either. CLICK! GONE!

How does collectivism relate to marriage?

And your natural law theory has fallen flat, so you ad hom.
i support gay's right to marry just like heterosexuals. i've repeatedly stated this jakey. stop being a dumbass.

So, for once, you are on the side of right and good.

I am glad for you.

There is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ and there is no ‘movement.’

There is only marriage, where both opposite- and same-sex couples are eligible to enter into those marriage contracts.

Given the fact that same-sex couples are eligible to access marriage law exactly as it exists now – unaltered and unchanged – to deny them that access is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

This is neither opinion nor speculation, but it is indeed a fact of Constitutional law, as appropriately determined by the Federal courts.
Incorrect. Gay marriage exists in some states now. Marriage is redefined in those states to incluse (only) two same sex people, although I have no idea why it's limited to two and can't get an answer. Also the equal protection clause is about individual rights, not hetero, gay, threesome, group relationships.

And unfortunately there are those who use the term ‘gay marriage’ in the context of partisan demagoguery, propagating the lie that allowing same-sex couples access to marriage law will ‘change’ marriage, when in fact nothing could be further from t he truth.

The answer to your question as to why only two persons are allowed to enter into a marriage contract is because that is how the states have composed their laws, and why it’s an equal protection violation to disallow same-sex couples access to a law they’re eligible to enter into.

Disallowing three or more persons access to marriage law does not violate the Equal Protection Clause because there is no law written to indeed accommodate three or more persons in marriage – a state cannot be in violation of the 14th Amendment by disallowing a class of persons access to a law that does not exist.

Last, equal protection doctrine pertains to classes of persons adversely effected by the state, be they a suspect class or protected class, depending on the makeup of the class of persons, the nature of the right denied, and level of judicial review. The Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, on the other hand, protects individuals from state excess, where the government seeks to deny a particular individual is civil liberties. Due process can be either procedural (criminal law) or substantive (civil law). The courts have determined that denying same-sex couples access to marriage law not only violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, but the substantive due process rights of same-sex couples as well.
i support gay's right to marry just like heterosexuals. i've repeatedly stated this jakey. stop being a dumbass.

So, for once, you are on the side of right and good.

I am glad for you.

for once...lmao. you're such a sissy tattletale...go run to the mods and report this crybaby.

My only comment for you when you cry is to stop trolling. Son, you are an adult. :lol:

There is no such thing as Same-sex Marriage. Just as there is no such thing as 'black-white', 'down-up', 'Happy-Sad' and 'Leftist Americans'.

You see friend, nature precludes that something can be at two places at one moment. Therefore it is impossible for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

What you're speaking to is the illusion of reason. Wherein terms are merely redefined, without regard to the standing concept which the term formerly represented.

This is a chronic ploy of collectivism. For instance some months ago, we learned that our old insurance policies were "sub-standard". Now what was this based upon? Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. They just snatched it out of the ether, demanding that they were now in charge and THEY DECIDE WHAT THE STANDARD IS!. Which in the case of Obamacare, it means for the moment that you must buy a bunch of crap that YOU DO NOT NEED AND WILL NEVER USE!

Never forget:

Deceit <=> FRAUD<=> Ignorance
>>> >> S O C I A L I S M << <<<

Thank you for providing me this opportunity to teach and, I hope that helps.

You just said "incorrect" and then agreed with him. There is no "same sex marriage" there is just marriage.

"While it was assumed until recently that a person could only share an intimate emotional bond and develop a family with a person of the opposite sex, the realization that this assumption is false does not change the underlying right. It merely changes the result when the court applies that right to the facts before it. Applying that right to these Plaintiffs, the court finds that the Constitution protects their right to marry a person of the same sex to the same degree that the Constitution protects the right of heterosexual individuals to marry a person of the opposite sex." ~ Judge Robert Shelby Utah marriage case

I would ask that if you are going to participate in an adult discussion, that you try to comport yourself within the scope of what is expected from an adult.

That is to be of sober mind and to impart sound reasoning, to the extent that is possible.

If you truly are incapable of such, as the above response would indicate, please refrain from expressing yourself.

Marriage is the joining of one male human being and one female human being. The institution is designed to a human analogue to the natural biological design, wherein, two individuals of the distinct genders dedicate their respective lives to one another, becoming one entity, through the joining of coitus, which promotes the biological imperative to procreate in sound, stable, fulfilling families.

This is not possible for homosexuals, except where homosexuals turn from their abnormal desires, rising above their malady and join with another of the distinct gender.

Meaning that where two homosexuals go to a courthouse and fill out an application and are accepted to play house, that is all they are doing, they are no more participating in Marriage, than they are falling toward Mars. What they are doing is deluding themselves and, in the process, undermining the viability of their culture.

That's your opinion or religious view. I happen to be legally married and we just filed our first joint Federal tax return. WOW, what a difference!
Did this answer your question Seawytch? That question being essentially, "how can anyone have a legitimate objection to gay marriage, legally speaking". Not only does society as a whole have an implied objection, they have a mandated objection. See the details on the messiah Harvey Milk for why that legal obligation to object to gay marriage exists.

Here are the facts order to keep gays and lesbians from legal, civil marriage you must be able to identify a societal harm in allowing us to legally marry each other. We don't have to prove our worth to society, you have to prove that gays and lesbians marrying is a detriment. You can't which is why Federal Court after Federal Court is striking down these anti gay laws.


1. Federal and state laws protecting children that mandate a person must err on the side of caution when that person even just suspects harm coming to a child or children. And those laws having a punitive clause where failure to do so can result in prosecution.

2. Gays and lesbians [same sex couples] lining up in unison to elevate Harvey Milk's sexual-political "achievements" as a matter of law, and now a new US Postage stamp as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world".

3. That Harvey Milk's "sexual-political achievements" were to bugger orphaned street teens on drugs, vulnerable and incapable of consent. And his officiating to at least one of those boys as "a father figure"; a boy who later killed himself on Milk's birthday.

4. The fact that once married, LGBTers will elevate, legally, to the top-tier of screened people to adopt orphaned children.

5. The fact that even when gays are reminded of Harvey Milk's sex crimes against orphaned teens, the church of LGBT line up to defend and not denounce him.

6. The law in California passed on the urgings/beliefs of a gay politician there, as this church expands its flock, that requires young children in public schools to celebrate Harvey Milk for his sexuality. [see #3 & #5].

7. The law in California on the urgings/beliefs of a gay politician there, as this church expands its flock, that prohibit teens and other minors under 18 from seeking therapy on their own even to help change their sexual orientation from gay to straight, even if that child knows or suspects it was imprinted on them from molestation from a same-sexed perp. While other laws, statutes and customs there not only don't prohibit the reverse in children [urging "coming out" gay or being "bi curious"] and dozens of entities that exist to "help children transition" from straight to gay. [not a church? yeah, right]/

8. First amendment rights particularly in Utah where the christian faith teaches that an entire culture [Sodom] and its inhabitants were wiped off the map because of homosexual behavior taking over an entire region as a culture. [See Jude 1 & Romans 1, also the Koran for muslims Poets 26.] And that not just the homosexuals but also their enablers or apologists being sent to the Pit of Fire forever.

As long as the church of LGBT requires children to celebrate Harvey Milk's sexual-political "achievements" those adults must not be allowed access anywhere near adoptable orphans.

You DO realize what will happen the moment they get the legal toe in the door of marriage, right? If any adoption agency DARES to screen them at that point as not savory to adopt, that adoption agency will be sued into next year and the US Supreme Court will be faced once again with a decision to examine the LGBT CULTure more closely, this time, and make that final determination to shelve children's protection in favor of an ideology that worships the Harvey Milk sexual ideal, which is, sex with orphaned teens who are preferably, according to Milk's bio, addled on drugs and incapable of mentally resisting his sexual advances.

I'll leave you, Seawytch, to contemplate once again the quote from Harvey Milk's bio by his gay friend/journalist Randy Shilts,

"Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems". [page 180 The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk]

Your fantasies won't hold up in court.
C_Clayton_Jones said:
And unfortunately there are those who use the term &#8216;gay marriage&#8217; in the context of partisan demagoguery, propagating the lie that allowing same-sex couples access to marriage law will &#8216;change&#8217; marriage, when in fact nothing could be further from t he truth.

Delusion: an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

The Marriage Standard, resting upon no less an authority than nature itself, provides that marriage is the joining of ONE HUMAN MALE and ONE HUMAN FEMALE, establishing one sustainable body. This representing analogically the coital 'joining' intrinsic to the natural design of the species for the purpose of procreation within a stable, sustainable 'family'.

Such is not possible for the Homosexual who joins with another of the same gender.

THEREFORE: Removing the standard to provide for the pretense of marriage for those WHOLLY UNSUITED FOR SUCH, OBVIOUSLY AND INALTERABLY "CHANGE"S MARRIAGE.

With the "change" being paradoxical, wherein the Legitimacy to which the Homosexual desperately aspires, EVAPORATES THE INSTANT that the standard is altered to accept those who are otherwise disqualified for marriage.
Where_ continues his delusional fantasizing. His only competitor in idiocy is Sil's "cult" theory.

If you two tried that at SCOTUS, they would turn you out in the alley.
Did this answer your question Seawytch? That question being essentially, "how can anyone have a legitimate objection to gay marriage, legally speaking". Not only does society as a whole have an implied objection, they have a mandated objection. See the details on the messiah Harvey Milk for why that legal obligation to object to gay marriage exists.


1. Federal and state laws protecting children that mandate a person must err on the side of caution when that person even just suspects harm coming to a child or children. And those laws having a punitive clause where failure to do so can result in prosecution.

2. Gays and lesbians [same sex couples] lining up in unison to elevate Harvey Milk's sexual-political "achievements" as a matter of law, and now a new US Postage stamp as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world".

3. That Harvey Milk's "sexual-political achievements" were to bugger orphaned street teens on drugs, vulnerable and incapable of consent. And his officiating to at least one of those boys as "a father figure"; a boy who later killed himself on Milk's birthday.

4. The fact that once married, LGBTers will elevate, legally, to the top-tier of screened people to adopt orphaned children.

5. The fact that even when gays are reminded of Harvey Milk's sex crimes against orphaned teens, the church of LGBT line up to defend and not denounce him.

6. The law in California passed on the urgings/beliefs of a gay politician there, as this church expands its flock, that requires young children in public schools to celebrate Harvey Milk for his sexuality. [see #3 & #5].

7. The law in California on the urgings/beliefs of a gay politician there, as this church expands its flock, that prohibit teens and other minors under 18 from seeking therapy on their own even to help change their sexual orientation from gay to straight, even if that child knows or suspects it was imprinted on them from molestation from a same-sexed perp. While other laws, statutes and customs there not only don't prohibit the reverse in children [urging "coming out" gay or being "bi curious"] and dozens of entities that exist to "help children transition" from straight to gay. [not a church? yeah, right]/

8. First amendment rights particularly in Utah where the christian faith teaches that an entire culture [Sodom] and its inhabitants were wiped off the map because of homosexual behavior taking over an entire region as a culture. [See Jude 1 & Romans 1, also the Koran for muslims Poets 26.] And that not just the homosexuals but also their enablers or apologists being sent to the Pit of Fire forever.

As long as the church of LGBT requires children to celebrate Harvey Milk's sexual-political "achievements" those adults must not be allowed access anywhere near adoptable orphans.

You DO realize what will happen the moment they get the legal toe in the door of marriage, right? If any adoption agency DARES to screen them at that point as not savory to adopt, that adoption agency will be sued into next year and the US Supreme Court will be faced once again with a decision to examine the LGBT CULTure more closely, this time, and make that final determination to shelve children's protection in favor of an ideology that worships the Harvey Milk sexual ideal, which is, sex with orphaned teens who are preferably, according to Milk's bio, addled on drugs and incapable of mentally resisting his sexual advances.

I'll leave you, Seawytch, to contemplate once again the quote from Harvey Milk's bio by his gay friend/journalist Randy Shilts,

Your fantasies won't hold up in court.

That's funny.

The objective Reader should understand that what the above represents is less a statement of truth and more a quivering prayer to the god of vacuous pap.

Any court which holds to objective reasoning would be swayed by sound reason, in the face of the irrational contest presented by the opposition.

Where such will never hold up, is in the Kangaroo court, which were targeted for their historic lack of objectivity and Leftist political bent.
Did this answer your question Seawytch? That question being essentially, "how can anyone have a legitimate objection to gay marriage, legally speaking". Not only does society as a whole have an implied objection, they have a mandated objection. See the details on the messiah Harvey Milk for why that legal obligation to object to gay marriage exists.


1. Federal and state laws protecting children that mandate a person must err on the side of caution when that person even just suspects harm coming to a child or children. And those laws having a punitive clause where failure to do so can result in prosecution.

2. Gays and lesbians [same sex couples] lining up in unison to elevate Harvey Milk's sexual-political "achievements" as a matter of law, and now a new US Postage stamp as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world".

3. That Harvey Milk's "sexual-political achievements" were to bugger orphaned street teens on drugs, vulnerable and incapable of consent. And his officiating to at least one of those boys as "a father figure"; a boy who later killed himself on Milk's birthday.

4. The fact that once married, LGBTers will elevate, legally, to the top-tier of screened people to adopt orphaned children.

5. The fact that even when gays are reminded of Harvey Milk's sex crimes against orphaned teens, the church of LGBT line up to defend and not denounce him.

6. The law in California passed on the urgings/beliefs of a gay politician there, as this church expands its flock, that requires young children in public schools to celebrate Harvey Milk for his sexuality. [see #3 & #5].

7. The law in California on the urgings/beliefs of a gay politician there, as this church expands its flock, that prohibit teens and other minors under 18 from seeking therapy on their own even to help change their sexual orientation from gay to straight, even if that child knows or suspects it was imprinted on them from molestation from a same-sexed perp. While other laws, statutes and customs there not only don't prohibit the reverse in children [urging "coming out" gay or being "bi curious"] and dozens of entities that exist to "help children transition" from straight to gay. [not a church? yeah, right]/

8. First amendment rights particularly in Utah where the christian faith teaches that an entire culture [Sodom] and its inhabitants were wiped off the map because of homosexual behavior taking over an entire region as a culture. [See Jude 1 & Romans 1, also the Koran for muslims Poets 26.] And that not just the homosexuals but also their enablers or apologists being sent to the Pit of Fire forever.

As long as the church of LGBT requires children to celebrate Harvey Milk's sexual-political "achievements" those adults must not be allowed access anywhere near adoptable orphans.

You DO realize what will happen the moment they get the legal toe in the door of marriage, right? If any adoption agency DARES to screen them at that point as not savory to adopt, that adoption agency will be sued into next year and the US Supreme Court will be faced once again with a decision to examine the LGBT CULTure more closely, this time, and make that final determination to shelve children's protection in favor of an ideology that worships the Harvey Milk sexual ideal, which is, sex with orphaned teens who are preferably, according to Milk's bio, addled on drugs and incapable of mentally resisting his sexual advances.

I'll leave you, Seawytch, to contemplate once again the quote from Harvey Milk's bio by his gay friend/journalist Randy Shilts,

Your fantasies won't hold up in court.

So the objective facts 1-8 are now "subjective fantasies" to Seawytch. Somehow I'm making up the child protection law mandates, or Harvey Milk's sex life, or that gays and lesbians worship and apologize for that sex life? I'm making up that the laws I spoke about were passed in California? I'm making up that being married puts you at the top level of applicants to adopt orphans?

And how can you be sure, if I'm not making that stuff up, that it won't be considered as to the quesiton of "gay marriage" somehow being a constitutional "right"? It disturbs me how certain you are that the welfare of adoptable orphaned children and the peculiarity of marriage's access to them will not be a topic at all for discussion in Utah vs Harvey Milk?

Do you know something that we don't know about the Justices? Have some of them been bribed to ignore the welfare of adoptable children in the discussion of marriage? Or? Your explanation for your certainty is something I'd like to hear.
The fantasises are Sil's "cult" theory and Where_'s "natural law" argument.
You just said "incorrect" and then agreed with him. There is no "same sex marriage" there is just marriage.

"While it was assumed until recently that a person could only share an intimate emotional bond and develop a family with a person of the opposite sex, the realization that this assumption is false does not change the underlying right. It merely changes the result when the court applies that right to the facts before it. Applying that right to these Plaintiffs, the court finds that the Constitution protects their right to marry a person of the same sex to the same degree that the Constitution protects the right of heterosexual individuals to marry a person of the opposite sex." ~ Judge Robert Shelby Utah marriage case

I would ask that if you are going to participate in an adult discussion, that you try to comport yourself within the scope of what is expected from an adult.

That is to be of sober mind and to impart sound reasoning, to the extent that is possible.

If you truly are incapable of such, as the above response would indicate, please refrain from expressing yourself.

Marriage is the joining of one male human being and one female human being. The institution is designed to a human analogue to the natural biological design, wherein, two individuals of the distinct genders dedicate their respective lives to one another, becoming one entity, through the joining of coitus, which promotes the biological imperative to procreate in sound, stable, fulfilling families.

This is not possible for homosexuals, except where homosexuals turn from their abnormal desires, rising above their malady and join with another of the distinct gender.

Meaning that where two homosexuals go to a courthouse and fill out an application and are accepted to play house, that is all they are doing, they are no more participating in Marriage, than they are falling toward Mars. What they are doing is deluding themselves and, in the process, undermining the viability of their culture.

That's your opinion or religious view. I happen to be legally married and we just filed our first joint Federal tax return. WOW, what a difference!

Huh. Look at that, the Relativist offers up the LEGAL qualifier, noting, NOT the LIFELONG BOND of two individuals who have FULLY COMMITTED TO ONE ANOTHER, but the TAX FILING, as representing her primary concerns for her would-be "marriage", and, in so doing establishing "That", as a fact of the incontrovertible variety.

And in a delightfully sweet, ironic twist, one which is FURTHER validated through her inability to contest such being limited to the attempt to distract from such, through feckless and fallacious appeals.

For all intents and purposes, she and her most special friend are bound through simple incorporation, basically a modification of an LLC. But instead of actually using the path of incorporation, the Homo-lobby advocating the normalization of sexual abnormality, DESPERATELY needed to take the pretense of "Marriage" path. The thing is that HAD they opted to incorporate, instead of demanding Marriage, they could load up the car and drive, or fly or sail, anywhere in the world, where their 'union' would be recognized. Because a corporation is a legally binding contract. As it stands now, the moment our contributor and her 'significant other' cross their state line, they're right back to being little more than roomies.

So, we should WHY would the Homo-movement reject a secular and throughly binding, perfectly suited instrument, over something for which they are THOROUGHLY UNQUALIFIED FOR?

They DESPERATELY NEED the legitimacy inherent in "Marriage" which is unobtainable as a practicing homosexual. The proof of which is demonstrated in the desperation itself.

Much as many homosexuals are obsessed with the accumulation of wealth, they need Marriage to secure legitimacy. But, being illegitimate, nothing they DO will ever produce legitimacy, until they turn from the illegitimacy, that defines them, which is their deviant BEHAVIOR.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: WOO HOO!! NATURE WINS ANOTHER ONE! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
You can't fight Mother Nature​
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There is no such thing as &#8216;gay marriage,&#8217; and there is no &#8216;movement.&#8217;

There is only marriage, where both opposite- and same-sex couples are eligible to enter into those marriage contracts.

Given the fact that same-sex couples are eligible to access marriage law exactly as it exists now &#8211; unaltered and unchanged &#8211; to deny them that access is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

This is neither opinion nor speculation, but it is indeed a fact of Constitutional law, as appropriately determined by the Federal courts.
Incorrect. Gay marriage exists in some states now. Marriage is redefined in those states to incluse (only) two same sex people, although I have no idea why it's limited to two and can't get an answer. Also the equal protection clause is about individual rights, not hetero, gay, threesome, group relationships.

Friend, the assault on Marriage is designed to destroy the institution, in finality.

Please understand that the Left has been attacking marriage for decades.

They forced no-fault divorce, they undermined the role of the father, etc. All this does is to finally dissolve from the conscience of the culture the idea of FAMILY!

Now to see how this will work, you need look no farther than the ghettos where the children who's fathers and mothers, having bought into collectivism, having abandoned their personal, right sustaining responsibilities and being for generations now, wholly dependent upon the State for their subsistence, are pulled into STREET GANGS as a means of acquiring the innate desire for the security and the bond of family.

Now, what happens when Street gangs become a problem?

Meaning: "WHO DO YA CALL?"

Go ahead, take a stab at it: You call ___________________.
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Now, IF those who we elect to defend our interests, were NOT operating against our interests, were not covertly advocating on behalf of the proponents of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle, THEY could have shut down the specious drivel of the Ideological Left a LOOooong time ago. Just as I have done, here, in this discussion, today.

Understand what evidence you've to draw from on this thread.

You have a member of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality tacitly ADMIT that when "SCIENCE!" declares children capable of consenting to sexual relations with an adult, she will support that 'cause', and it shouldn't be underplayed that she also has no problem with the sexual abuse of animals, once someone over at "SCIENCE!" deems that 'ok'.

You have seen post after post, where the proponents of the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality have rejected ANY sense of morality, with their only concern and complete focus being on what is "LEGAL". With no regard for any other consideration.

This from a group whose political association and affirmation are decidedly upon the Left. We know from our study of the Left, that the Ideology rests upon the addled, foolish notions of Relativism.

Which explains in stunning consistency, the reason for the Homo-Advocacy to eschew any sense of morality.

Relativism rejects objectivity.

Objectivity is ESSENTIAL to the concept: Truth, Trust, Morality and Justice.

Meaning that the people advocating or otherwise promoting debauchery and hedonism have no affiliation with truth. They simply do not have any use for it, because their cause is more important than what happens to be true at a given moment.

As a result, prudence suggest that they are unworthy of trust and given that, we can be sure that these people are immoral and their cause, unjust.




And THAT folks, is how THAT, is done.
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I would ask that if you are going to participate in an adult discussion, that you try to comport yourself within the scope of what is expected from an adult.

That is to be of sober mind and to impart sound reasoning, to the extent that is possible.

If you truly are incapable of such, as the above response would indicate, please refrain from expressing yourself.

Marriage is the joining of one male human being and one female human being. The institution is designed to a human analogue to the natural biological design, wherein, two individuals of the distinct genders dedicate their respective lives to one another, becoming one entity, through the joining of coitus, which promotes the biological imperative to procreate in sound, stable, fulfilling families.

This is not possible for homosexuals, except where homosexuals turn from their abnormal desires, rising above their malady and join with another of the distinct gender.

Meaning that where two homosexuals go to a courthouse and fill out an application and are accepted to play house, that is all they are doing, they are no more participating in Marriage, than they are falling toward Mars. What they are doing is deluding themselves and, in the process, undermining the viability of their culture.

That's your opinion or religious view. I happen to be legally married and we just filed our first joint Federal tax return. WOW, what a difference!

Huh. Look at that, the Relativist offers up the LEGAL qualifier, noting, NOT the LIFELONG BOND of two individuals who have FULLY COMMITTED TO ONE ANOTHER, but the TAX FILING, as representing her primary concerns for her would-be "marriage", and, in so doing establishing "That", as a fact of the incontrovertible variety.

And in a delightfully sweet, ironic twist, one which is FURTHER validated through her inability to contest such being limited to the attempt to distract from such, through feckless and fallacious appeals.

For all intents and purposes, she and her most special friend are bound through simple incorporation, basically a modification of an LLC. But instead of actually using the path of incorporation, the Homo-lobby advocating the normalization of sexual abnormality, DESPERATELY needed to take the pretense of "Marriage" path. The thing is that HAD they opted to incorporate, instead of demanding Marriage, they could load up the car and drive, or fly or sail, anywhere in the world, where their 'union' would be recognized. Because a corporation is a legally binding contract. As it stands now, the moment our contributor and her 'significant other' cross their state line, they're right back to being little more than roomies.

So, we should WHY would the Homo-movement reject a secular and throughly binding, perfectly suited instrument, over something for which they are THOROUGHLY UNQUALIFIED FOR?

They DESPERATELY NEED the legitimacy inherent in "Marriage" which is unobtainable as a practicing homosexual. The proof of which is demonstrated in the desperation itself.

Much as many homosexuals are obsessed with the accumulation of wealth, they need Marriage to secure legitimacy. But, being illegitimate, nothing they DO will ever produce legitimacy, until they turn from the illegitimacy, that defines them, which is their deviant BEHAVIOR.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: WOO HOO!! NATURE WINS ANOTHER ONE! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
You can't fight Mother Nature​

Wow...who knew a simple marriage license could so unhinge some people.

We've been "bonded" for 18 years now. We're well on our way to "lifelong". Finally our relationship is treated equally under the law. What a great time to be alive!

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