Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Why am I not surprised that you missed the point. Nobody but Milk seemed to give a shit about the young man. He wasn't some innocent that Milk took advantage of, he was a street hustler. Do you even care why he was homeless and a hustler to begin with? No, because it doesn't fit your stupid narrative.

I think I went into great detail about how and why I care about young Jack McKinley, suicidal, homeless and turning tricks to stay alive at 16,..taken in by Harvey Milk acting as his "father" while simultaneously sodomizing him...adding to the mountain of mental issues Jack had instead of helping alleviate them as a father figure should.

You are also going into how much you 'care' about the plight of young homeless teens Seawytch. Thanks for sharing again.

The most likely scenario? His anti gay parents threw him out. That's how most homeless gay teens end up there.

Milk wasn't raping McKinley. They had a relationship. At best, statutory rape. McKinley stayed with Milk long after he came of age so just drop the pathetic act.
The most likely scenario? His anti gay parents threw him out. That's how most homeless gay teens end up there.

Milk wasn't raping McKinley. They had a relationship. At best, statutory rape. McKinley stayed with Milk long after he came of age so just drop the pathetic act.

Quite an about-face there Seawytch. Just a couple of posts back you were advocating that he was a "hustler" who didn't deserve anyone to give a "shit about" enough to prosecute Harvey Milk for statutory rape.

Let's look into Jack McKinley's and other Milk-victims' lives while we are both speculating:

Sexual Abuse? Or Discovering an Identity?

Reading Shilts’ biography, I’m amazed at how obtuse he is in his portrayal of Milk’s induction into homosexuality.

Not only does Shilts casually describe Milk’s childhood sexual abuse, he also writes about the abuse suffered by several of Milk’s sexual partners – but he never calls it sexual abuse. Instead, he describes these boys as “discovering” their homosexuality
– through adult sexual encounters.

Sadly, Milk and his many partners could be poster boys for an analysis produced by authors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that shows the widespread degree to which men who have sex with men were abused as children.

Shilts also conveniently ignores the fallout that can follow when adult sexuality is imposed on children. Milk and his partners live tumultuous, painful lives, rife with anonymous sex, public sex, bathhouses, prostitution, drugs, depression, alcohol abuse, suicide attempts and multiple partners. The pain and confusion of childhood sexual abuse festers on as their lives unfold

Where the Boys Are

Milk is not the only one who was wrongly sexualized – er, had a “sexual awakening” – at an early age. Shilts writes about Joe Campbell, one of Milk’s early relationships, “wending his way toward the gay subculture in 1945 amid the tattered seats of the Southland Theater on Chicago’s south side.” Campbell was only nine years old, selling himself to grown men for a quarter...

... Rodwell, an early member of gay activist groups, gets arrested for public cruising for sex, and the relationship with Milk started to fall apart as “Harvey Milk shifted his attentions to other young men.” In what was to become a sad pattern for several of Milk’s partners, Rodwell tried to kill himself.

Teach Your Children Well

Milk was 33 when he got together with his next partner – 16-year old Jack McKinley. At one point, Milk tried to “open an investment account as a guardian for a younger man who [he tells the broker] was his ward” – McKinley. The investment broker looks at Milk and says, “What you’re really talking about is opening an account for the boy you’ve got living with you. Right?”

Call me crazy, but I think the law typically frowns upon “guardians” sleeping with their underage “wards.”

McKinley struggled with depression and turned to drugs, alcohol and “sexual promiscuity.” He threatened suicide numerous times and was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as manic-depressive. He attempted to hang himself, but Milk arrived in time to cut him down from the rafters. Another time, he threw himself in front of an oncoming taxi; it’s a sad story of hurt and insecurity.

Milk’s business transferred him from New York to Dallas in 1967. Milk was now 37, and McKinley moved back to Greenwich Village....

...Campbell, Rodwell, McKinley, Turner, Smith….the list grows as Milk continued to help “troubled young gay men.” If you’re paying attention, you’ll note that Harvey’s partners stayed the same age while he grew older.

Shilts describes Milk as having “a fondness for helping the young gay refugees who were pouring into the neighborhood.”...

...Perhaps this is why the recent biopic with Sean Penn, Milk, skipped over the first forty years of Milk’s life. Keeping up with the ever-growing list of young men that Milk gets involved with is confusing in a book – and probably even more confusing in a movie. So the movie telescopes Milk’s dozen or so relationships into a couple. The film ignores his sexually-addicted forays into bathhouses and public parks, and it doesn’t attempt to deal with his childhood sexual abuse.... The Life and Times of Harvey Milk | CitizenLink

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place
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The most likely scenario? His anti gay parents threw him out. That's how most homeless gay teens end up there.

Milk wasn't raping McKinley. They had a relationship. At best, statutory rape. McKinley stayed with Milk long after he came of age so just drop the pathetic act.

Quite an about-face there Seawytch. Just a couple of posts back you were advocating that he was a "hustler" who didn't deserve anyone to give a "shit about" enough to prosecute Harvey Milk for statutory rape.

No, you just didn't understand what I was saying. Nobody but Milk gave a shit about the young man. There was nobody to file statutory rape charges.

Now you can continue your obsession with a dead man that has no bearing on marriage equality but you'll be talking to yourself.
No, you just didn't understand what I was saying. Nobody but Milk gave a shit about the young man. There was nobody to file statutory rape charges.

Now you can continue your obsession with a dead man that has no bearing on marriage equality but you'll be talking to yourself.

I care about the minor boy Jack McKinley. Apparently you don't. There's the difference.
Why am I not surprised that you missed the point. Nobody but Milk seemed to give a shit about the young man. He wasn't some innocent that Milk took advantage of, he was a street hustler. Do you even care why he was homeless and a hustler to begin with? No, because it doesn't fit your stupid narrative.

I think I went into great detail about how and why I care about young Jack McKinley, suicidal, homeless and turning tricks to stay alive at 16,..taken in by Harvey Milk acting as his "father" while simultaneously sodomizing him...adding to the mountain of mental issues Jack had instead of helping alleviate them as a father figure should.

You are also going into how much you 'care' about the plight of young homeless teens Seawytch. Thanks for sharing again.

The most likely scenario? His anti gay parents threw him out. That's how most homeless gay teens end up there.

Milk wasn't raping McKinley. They had a relationship. At best, statutory rape. McKinley stayed with Milk long after he came of age so just drop the pathetic act.

His "father" beat him brutally, that's why he ran away, and that's why it was necessary for Milk to pose as a guardian to help him in a legal matter. The truth means nothing to Sil, less than nothing.
No, you just didn't understand what I was saying. Nobody but Milk gave a shit about the young man. There was nobody to file statutory rape charges.

Now you can continue your obsession with a dead man that has no bearing on marriage equality but you'll be talking to yourself.

I care about the minor boy Jack McKinley. Apparently you don't. There's the difference.

No you don't. You don't really care that 40% of homeless youth are gay and lesbian. You only care about McKinley as a means to attack, not as a gay homeless teen who had to turn to hustling to survive.
No, you just didn't understand what I was saying. Nobody but Milk gave a shit about the young man. There was nobody to file statutory rape charges.

Now you can continue your obsession with a dead man that has no bearing on marriage equality but you'll be talking to yourself.

I care about the minor boy Jack McKinley. Apparently you don't. There's the difference.

No you don't. You don't really care that 40% of homeless youth are gay and lesbian. You only care about McKinley as a means to attack, not as a gay homeless teen who had to turn to hustling to survive.
Ok, these things yall have established, but did Milk take advantage of these things in which have been found out about the boy ? Wasn't that Sil's point ?
I care about the minor boy Jack McKinley. Apparently you don't. There's the difference.

No you don't. You don't really care that 40% of homeless youth are gay and lesbian. You only care about McKinley as a means to attack, not as a gay homeless teen who had to turn to hustling to survive.
Ok, these things yall have established, but did Milk take advantage of these things in which have been found out about the boy ? Wasn't that Sil's point ?

No, that wasn't Sil's point. Sil's point is gays shouldn't get equal rights because....Harvey Milk!

Sil doesn't give two shits that 40% of homeless youth are gay kids kicked out of their homes or have run away because of abuse. He only cares that Milk took the young man in off the streets and gave him a home, not that he was there in the first place.

Sure, Milk probably should have bought him from his parents like Ted Nugent did...but McKinley's parents weren't anywhere to be found.
When he hooked up with Harvey Milk (who, for the record, I would class as a grade A creep), McKinley was the same age my grandmother was when she was MARRIED!
No you don't. You don't really care that 40% of homeless youth are gay and lesbian. You only care about McKinley as a means to attack, not as a gay homeless teen who had to turn to hustling to survive.
Ok, these things yall have established, but did Milk take advantage of these things in which have been found out about the boy ? Wasn't that Sil's point ?

No, that wasn't Sil's point. Sil's point is gays shouldn't get equal rights because....Harvey Milk!

Sil doesn't give two shits that 40% of homeless youth are gay kids kicked out of their homes or have run away because of abuse. He only cares that Milk took the young man in off the streets and gave him a home, not that he was there in the first place.

Sure, Milk probably should have bought him from his parents like Ted Nugent did...but McKinley's parents weren't anywhere to be found.
Ok, but you have said yourself that Milk should have been brought up on charges of statutory rape, so it is established by you that Milk was a huge problem, now on to Sil's other point where she is livid about the uplifting of such a character as Milk, (even some making a day for him in California education), and so her main concerns is about a group seeking marriage privileges, yet they won't denounce him after he was deemed an icon in the groups eyes as according to her. What say you about her concerns of this, and especially after she has brought you to where you are right now in the education of this person who has been lifted up in this way, and yet isn't being denounced after all that is now known about him ?
When he hooked up with Harvey Milk (who, for the record, I would class as a grade A creep), McKinley was the same age my grandmother was when she was MARRIED!
Ok, so he is a grade a creep, so should he be lifted up by the nation as he has been lifted up or should he be banished as Penn State banishes those who do such things or hid such things ?
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Ok, these things yall have established, but did Milk take advantage of these things in which have been found out about the boy ? Wasn't that Sil's point ?

No, that wasn't Sil's point. Sil's point is gays shouldn't get equal rights because....Harvey Milk!

Sil doesn't give two shits that 40% of homeless youth are gay kids kicked out of their homes or have run away because of abuse. He only cares that Milk took the young man in off the streets and gave him a home, not that he was there in the first place.

Sure, Milk probably should have bought him from his parents like Ted Nugent did...but McKinley's parents weren't anywhere to be found.
Ok, but you have said yourself that Milk should have been brought up on charges of statutory rape, so it is established by you that Milk was a huge problem, now on to Sil's other point where she is livid about the uplifting of such a character as Milk, (even some making a day for him in California education), and so her main concerns is about a group seeking marriage privileges, yet they won't denounce him after he was deemed an icon in the groups eyes as according to her. What say you about her concerns of this, and especially after she has brought you to where you are right now in the education of this person who has been lifted up in this way, and yet isn't being denounced after all that is now known about him ?

No, I didn't acknowledge that it was a "huge" problem. I said that by law he should have been charged with statutory rape..because that's all it was. He wasn't molesting a child or raping anyone.

Harvey Milk is recognized for his contributions, separate from what he did in his private life just like many of the people already mentioned. Jesus fucking Christ on a raft, the man is dead, let it go. He has no bearing on the discussions here except in Sil's twisted mind. He has no influence and nothing to do with marriage equality.
Now this...this has to do with Marriage Equality. Kentucky just became a state I am legally married in. Fucking awesome! Kentucky is really going to town with the Affordable Care Act too. I never thought I'd be adding Kentucky to my list of potential retirement spots, but it's a purdy state and they can't discriminate against me anymore. Fucking awesome!!!

Federal Judge: Kentucky Must Recognize Same-Sex Marriages From Other States

Other than those discussed above, the Court cannot conceive of any reasons for enacting the laws challenged here. Even if one were to conclude that Kentucky’s laws do not show animus, they cannot withstand traditional rational basis review.:clap2:
His "father" beat him brutally, that's why he ran away, and that's why it was necessary for Milk to pose as a guardian to help him in a legal matter. The truth means nothing to Sil, less than nothing.

So, one of Milk's teen victims, this one a minor, ran from a man who beat him to the streets and as such Seawytch sees him as a "hustler" on drugs who nobody but Harvey Milk should or would or did give a shit about. And so, because Milk took him in to sodomize as a minor, given his sexual orientation towards "young waifs with substance abuse problems", Milk is the hero and did not add to McKinley's young troubled life?

What I'm seeing between the lines here is justification of sexual predation on troubled youth. Sorry, it's just hard to see it any other way.

Noted are the apologies for his behavior by the faithful who have elevated him to iconic status. I think what he did to teen runaways with mental and substance abuse issues [by his preference], one after the other and the elevation of his "sexual preference" by LGBTers as iconic of their movement is going to at least create a tiny ripple when discussing of people who apologize for his behavior in the present day should have access to adoptable orphans...
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No, that wasn't Sil's point. Sil's point is gays shouldn't get equal rights because....Harvey Milk!

Sil doesn't give two shits that 40% of homeless youth are gay kids kicked out of their homes or have run away because of abuse. He only cares that Milk took the young man in off the streets and gave him a home, not that he was there in the first place.

Sure, Milk probably should have bought him from his parents like Ted Nugent did...but McKinley's parents weren't anywhere to be found.
Ok, but you have said yourself that Milk should have been brought up on charges of statutory rape, so it is established by you that Milk was a huge problem, now on to Sil's other point where she is livid about the uplifting of such a character as Milk, (even some making a day for him in California education), and so her main concerns is about a group seeking marriage privileges, yet they won't denounce him after he was deemed an icon in the groups eyes as according to her. What say you about her concerns of this, and especially after she has brought you to where you are right now in the education of this person who has been lifted up in this way, and yet isn't being denounced after all that is now known about him ?

No, I didn't acknowledge that it was a "huge" problem. I said that by law he should have been charged with statutory rape..because that's all it was. He wasn't molesting a child or raping anyone.

Harvey Milk is recognized for his contributions, separate from what he did in his private life just like many of the people already mentioned. Jesus fucking Christ on a raft, the man is dead, let it go. He has no bearing on the discussions here except in Sil's twisted mind. He has no influence and nothing to do with marriage equality.

Actually, a valid point was made and you COMPLETELY ignored it, no worse you justified it with "well he did a bad thing, but he did a lot of good to so we honor those things"

Joe Paterno did FAR more good for the world than Harvey Milk ever thought about doing, but ALL of that was cancelled out by his failure to make sure a creep was stopped from harming kids, did Penn State say "well he did a lot of good, so we honor that" or did they take his statue down and remove all references to him from campus?
Ok, but you have said yourself that Milk should have been brought up on charges of statutory rape, so it is established by you that Milk was a huge problem, now on to Sil's other point where she is livid about the uplifting of such a character as Milk, (even some making a day for him in California education), and so her main concerns is about a group seeking marriage privileges, yet they won't denounce him after he was deemed an icon in the groups eyes as according to her. What say you about her concerns of this, and especially after she has brought you to where you are right now in the education of this person who has been lifted up in this way, and yet isn't being denounced after all that is now known about him ?

No, I didn't acknowledge that it was a "huge" problem. I said that by law he should have been charged with statutory rape..because that's all it was. He wasn't molesting a child or raping anyone.

Harvey Milk is recognized for his contributions, separate from what he did in his private life just like many of the people already mentioned. Jesus fucking Christ on a raft, the man is dead, let it go. He has no bearing on the discussions here except in Sil's twisted mind. He has no influence and nothing to do with marriage equality.

Actually, a valid point was made and you COMPLETELY ignored it, no worse you justified it with "well he did a bad thing, but he did a lot of good to so we honor those things"

Joe Paterno did FAR more good for the world than Harvey Milk ever thought about doing, but ALL of that was cancelled out by his failure to make sure a creep was stopped from harming kids, did Penn State say "well he did a lot of good, so we honor that" or did they take his statue down and remove all references to him from campus?

....or did they gather 60+ groups together to commission a US Postage stamp of Joe Paterno with an emblem of Penn State in the upper right hand corner?

"Hi, my name is Harvey Milk. I liked to sodomize young teen homeless boys who were mentally ill and on drugs. That way, like Seawytch said, nobody would give a shit about them when I broke the law at their expense. We pedophlies know which kids to focus on: the ones without guardians and completely vulnerable to our advances. And I did all this while holding a public office! Now the faithful apologize for me and make laws requiring little kids in school to celebrate that I was open about my sexual orientation while holding a public office. This is the type of complete abandonment of protection of children that we pedophiles only dream about but never fantasized would ever come true!"

Like I said, it took over 60 LGBT groups in Mexico, Canada and the US tireless work to commission this stamp of their messiah:

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Ok, but you have said yourself that Milk should have been brought up on charges of statutory rape, so it is established by you that Milk was a huge problem, now on to Sil's other point where she is livid about the uplifting of such a character as Milk, (even some making a day for him in California education), and so her main concerns is about a group seeking marriage privileges, yet they won't denounce him after he was deemed an icon in the groups eyes as according to her. What say you about her concerns of this, and especially after she has brought you to where you are right now in the education of this person who has been lifted up in this way, and yet isn't being denounced after all that is now known about him ?

No, I didn't acknowledge that it was a "huge" problem. I said that by law he should have been charged with statutory rape..because that's all it was. He wasn't molesting a child or raping anyone.

Harvey Milk is recognized for his contributions, separate from what he did in his private life just like many of the people already mentioned. Jesus fucking Christ on a raft, the man is dead, let it go. He has no bearing on the discussions here except in Sil's twisted mind. He has no influence and nothing to do with marriage equality.

Actually, a valid point was made and you COMPLETELY ignored it, no worse you justified it with "well he did a bad thing, but he did a lot of good to so we honor those things"

Joe Paterno did FAR more good for the world than Harvey Milk ever thought about doing, but ALL of that was cancelled out by his failure to make sure a creep was stopped from harming kids, did Penn State say "well he did a lot of good, so we honor that" or did they take his statue down and remove all references to him from campus?

Apples and not even fruit comparison. That doesn't even earn an "E" for effort.
Now this...this has to do with Marriage Equality. Kentucky just became a state I am legally married in. Fucking awesome! Kentucky is really going to town with the Affordable Care Act too. I never thought I'd be adding Kentucky to my list of potential retirement spots, but it's a purdy state and they can't discriminate against me anymore. Fucking awesome!!!

Federal Judge: Kentucky Must Recognize Same-Sex Marriages From Other States

Other than those discussed above, the Court cannot conceive of any reasons for enacting the laws challenged here. Even if one were to conclude that Kentucky’s laws do not show animus, they cannot withstand traditional rational basis review.:clap2:
A FEDERAL JUDGE ORDERS IT EH ? What would people do without the feds becoming their mouth piece, and the feds doing this out of total fear of political/party retrobution these days ?
No, I didn't acknowledge that it was a "huge" problem. I said that by law he should have been charged with statutory rape..because that's all it was. He wasn't molesting a child or raping anyone.

Harvey Milk is recognized for his contributions, separate from what he did in his private life just like many of the people already mentioned. Jesus fucking Christ on a raft, the man is dead, let it go. He has no bearing on the discussions here except in Sil's twisted mind. He has no influence and nothing to do with marriage equality.

Actually, a valid point was made and you COMPLETELY ignored it, no worse you justified it with "well he did a bad thing, but he did a lot of good to so we honor those things"

Joe Paterno did FAR more good for the world than Harvey Milk ever thought about doing, but ALL of that was cancelled out by his failure to make sure a creep was stopped from harming kids, did Penn State say "well he did a lot of good, so we honor that" or did they take his statue down and remove all references to him from campus?

Apples and not even fruit comparison. That doesn't even earn an "E" for effort.

actually , it is a dead on comparison you're simply too dishonest to acknowledge it.
A FEDERAL JUDGE ORDERS IT EH ? What would people do without the feds becoming their mouth piece, and the feds doing this out of total fear of political/party retrobution these days ?

Actually, the church of LGBT is going to run into a very difficult run with that one. In DOMA/Windsor, the Court spelled out quite clearly that the decision about gay marriages was to be the "unquestioned authority" of each state via the broadest weigh-in possible, via "consensus" as they said. And they said so retroactive to the founding of the country, and I quote, "in the way the Framers of the Constitution intended". That is Court-speak for laymen that says "do not question this finding, for it is constitutional and now the law of the land".

The rogue officials in California, who are both fully versed in legal interpretations of judgments, knew full well this was the case and went ahead and defied that spirit of the law by ordering court clerks to defy their oaths of office and issue illegal "marriage licenses" to people who like to pretend to reproduce with other people of the same gender.

The only way a state does not have this constitutional right to a wide consensus on gay marriage is if the 14th applies to the church of LGBT, but not say, polygamists, who would surely come on their heels in a nanosecond before the ink is even dry on a Decision granting an override via the 14th..

Yet in Windsor, the Court brought up Loving v Virginia, the mainstay of the church's hopes of forcing what they do as "marriage" upon the governed. And even after bringing up Loving, found anyway that so-called "gay marriage" is within the exclusive boundaries of each state via wide consensus and NOT judicial activism/tyranny. In essence, therefore, the Court has already subjected gay marriage to the 14th and found it lacking. It instead compared gay marriage to oddball marriages such as close blood relations or 13 year olds marrying in New Hampshire.

ie: the prognosis for rogue officials claiming they weren't in flagrant contempt of the US Supreme Court because they thought the 14th applied to guarantee gay marriage in their state in spite of the duly-enacted and so recently constitutionally-protected right to consensus on gay marriage, is very poor indeed. Instead it is as it appears: sedition of the People's right to govern themselves. And as they say, heads will roll...

Most recent and flagrant of all the contempts of Court and sedition is AG Eric Holder flipping the middle finger to Windsor and declaring essentially martial law on approving gay marriage across the 50 states in spite of what those states do or do not want. I find it very interesting that gays declared "victory!" when it was found the fed could not lay claim to defining gay marriage as legal or not in DOMA/Windsor. And then they nearly instantly turn around through their puppet Eric Holder and claim that now all of a sudden, the fed has 'unquestioned authority' to define gay marriage as legal, at its whim...

You see a lot of this hypocrisy going on in a fascist movement. Study your history books for it is happening directly in front of your eyes today:

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