Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

I don't know what people would do if they couldn't default to the race card on the tough issues, otherwise when the going gets tough they try and poison the well like they so desperately do in this way, but people see through this tactic now.

You know when people were kids, and their moms and dads tried to raise them and teach them (if they did), well if some of those people in this forum could go back and do once again what is being done by them today, then there again wouldn't be anyone taught anything or to have learned anything, because the excuses would have been endless back then just like they are today. It's just sad how they try and justify bad for being somehow good, and they are trying so desperately now to do this, and yet it is being seen so easily when they do.

This is what we have now, grown ups who did these same things to their parents as kids, and now they want to try it on the nation as well, but hopefully the nation wakes up from this stupor soon before it is to late.

Nobody is "defaulting to the race card". Also, nobody is comparing race to sexual orientation (despite they're both being innate traits). What is compared and comparable is the discrimination (and the protesters).

Those that stand against marriage equality are going to be viewed by history the exact same way those that opposed black civil rights are viewed. This is not in dispute.
You sure about that, or are you just "Hopeful" about that ?

I'm 100% certain about that.

Yes, legacy. You may not like it, but gay equality is the Civil Rights movement of today. How is opposition to civil rights viewed by history?
This isnt anything near the civil rights movement.
Gore Vidal, a gay writer, said he couldn't care less about gay marriage.
A Professor Altman, I believe a prominent gay activist from Australia, called gay-marriage "self-indulgent crap" that diverted attention away from more important issues.
There is no single civil rights movements.
Wow..two gay folks aren't interested in being married. Guess we gotta scrap the whole thing now. :lol:

You are pinning your hopes on the thoughts of one or two Federal judges. I think Gore Vidal and the professor have thought more about the issue and have more intelligent views. Gore Vidal had studied a lot of American history for his novels and his non-fiction dealt with political issues.

Gay-"marriage" is an emotional crusade not a civil rights movement.
This isnt anything near the civil rights movement.
Gore Vidal, a gay writer, said he couldn't care less about gay marriage.
A Professor Altman, I believe a prominent gay activist from Australia, called gay-marriage "self-indulgent crap" that diverted attention away from more important issues.
There is no single civil rights movements.
Wow..two gay folks aren't interested in being married. Guess we gotta scrap the whole thing now. :lol:

You are pinning your hopes on the thoughts of one or two Federal judges. I think Gore Vidal and the professor have thought more about the issue and have more intelligent views. Gore Vidal had studied a lot of American history for his novels and his non-fiction dealt with political issues.

Gay-"marriage" is an emotional crusade not a civil rights movement.

I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.
There is no single civil rights movements.
Wow..two gay folks aren't interested in being married. Guess we gotta scrap the whole thing now. :lol:

You are pinning your hopes on the thoughts of one or two Federal judges. I think Gore Vidal and the professor have thought more about the issue and have more intelligent views. Gore Vidal had studied a lot of American history for his novels and his non-fiction dealt with political issues.

Gay-"marriage" is an emotional crusade not a civil rights movement.

I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.

Where would your emotional crusade be if you couldn't compare it to interracial marriage?....the emotional pull, even on supposedly even-tempered thinking judges is huge...... but one is tearing gay couples apart and throwing them in jail for living together.....
I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.

Except that your premise is flawed.

Race is not behaviors. LGBT are behaviors. More than that, they have all the trappings of a cult movement.

And that cult is dangerous to trust around children [see my signature and this thread: ]

Marriage in Utah allows a special pass for the married to access adoptable orphans. Therein lies the problem.
You are pinning your hopes on the thoughts of one or two Federal judges. I think Gore Vidal and the professor have thought more about the issue and have more intelligent views. Gore Vidal had studied a lot of American history for his novels and his non-fiction dealt with political issues.

Gay-"marriage" is an emotional crusade not a civil rights movement.

I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.

Where would your emotional crusade be if you couldn't compare it to interracial marriage?....the emotional pull, even on supposedly even-tempered thinking judges is huge...... but one is tearing gay couples apart and throwing them in jail for living together.....

...Anymore. Usually. Technically, some states still outlaw cohabitation if not married. Haven't heard anyone being charged under such laws, but I know they're still 'on the books.' And until just a decade or two ago, people were being arrested for homosexual acts as with sodomy laws still in effect. Now they're only 'deviate sexual intercourse' definitions applied to statutory rape and rape offenses. Though they usually wind up constituting an 'aggravated' charge which makes it a more serious crime. So there's still prejudice in law against sodomy (which in legal terms is considered oral or anal sexual acts.) ...So yes Virginia you can be arrested for a bj in many states to this day gay or not.

"Fourteen states still have laws on the books that criminalize anal sex between two consenting adults, including Utah, North Carolina, Montana, and Texas.

Despite the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Lawrence v. Texas in 2003, which struck down such "sodomy" or "deviate sexual conduct" laws, several states did not remove the laws from their codes. Meanwhile, lawmakers such as Kristin Hansen in Montana have attempted to protect the laws even though they cannot be constitutionally enforced."
Sodomy Still Outlawed in 14 States |
- 2011 article.
I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.

Except that your premise is flawed.

Race is not behaviors. LGBT are behaviors. More than that, they have all the trappings of a cult movement.

And that cult is dangerous to trust around children [see my signature and this thread: ]

Marriage in Utah allows a special pass for the married to access adoptable orphans. Therein lies the problem.

I'll conceed the LGBT community at functions are often sexually overt so there's some legitimacy to the statement they're dangerous around children.
Nobody is "defaulting to the race card". Also, nobody is comparing race to sexual orientation (despite they're both being innate traits). What is compared and comparable is the discrimination (and the protesters).

Those that stand against marriage equality are going to be viewed by history the exact same way those that opposed black civil rights are viewed. This is not in dispute.
You sure about that, or are you just "Hopeful" about that ?

I'm 100% certain about that.


I disagree, where is your Rosa Parks?
I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.

Except that your premise is flawed.

Race is not behaviors. LGBT are behaviors. More than that, they have all the trappings of a cult movement.

And that cult is dangerous to trust around children [see my signature and this thread: ]

Marriage in Utah allows a special pass for the married to access adoptable orphans. Therein lies the problem.

Wanting to marry someone of another race is a "behavior".
You are pinning your hopes on the thoughts of one or two Federal judges. I think Gore Vidal and the professor have thought more about the issue and have more intelligent views. Gore Vidal had studied a lot of American history for his novels and his non-fiction dealt with political issues.

Gay-"marriage" is an emotional crusade not a civil rights movement.

I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.

Where would your emotional crusade be if you couldn't compare it to interracial marriage?....the emotional pull, even on supposedly even-tempered thinking judges is huge...... but one is tearing gay couples apart and throwing them in jail for living together.....

I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.

Except that your premise is flawed.

Race is not behaviors. LGBT are behaviors. More than that, they have all the trappings of a cult movement.

And that cult is dangerous to trust around children [see my signature and this thread: ]

Marriage in Utah allows a special pass for the married to access adoptable orphans. Therein lies the problem.

I'll conceed the LGBT community at functions are often sexually overt so there's some legitimacy to the statement they're dangerous around children.

And that "danger" would be what exactly?

So far, nobody here has been more "sexually overt" than the haters like Warbler.
I disagree, where is your Rosa Parks?

Their "Rosa Parks" is named "Harvey Milk"...he liked to double over troubled orphaned teen boys on drugs to sodomize while officiating as their father, while holding office as an openly gay man.

Wanting to marry someone of another race is a "behavior".

Yes, it's called "heterosexuality" and each state is allowed to set standards for either homo or hetero marriage or both, according to their 'unquestioned authority' retroactive to the founding of the country. [DOMA/Windsor]. The issue of banning marriage because of the race of people the heterosexual behavior was to be practiced with was the issue. The race was the issue, not the behavior. The behavior was and is normal reproductive behavior. LGBT is not.

Moreover, gay sex cult behavior carries with it an epidemic that is killing our countrymen in two ways. 1. Outright by being virulent vectors for HIV [gay men are notoriously promiscuous...see statistics on their having been molested as boys for details on their hypersexuality] and 2. By heroics to keep those with full blown AIDS alive because simple bacterias we all normally can fight off are being turned into superbacterias that we all cannot fight off thanks to the overuse of antibiotics in heroic medicine for AIDS patients.

This cult is going to be very very expensive over time. Add to that the increasing numbers of boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV in recent years [odd, an increase for a "born that way" demographic..?] And add in that each HIV patient becomes quickly indigent and treating them from start to horrible death costs on average over half a $million of the taxpayers' money, the superbugs being harbored and incubated in their dying bodies as heroics cannot stave off the ultimate end..and we've got ourselves a cult that my kill every one of us off in the end. Not to mention their messiah being a child molestor venerated for his sexuality.

There are so many problems with this cult that it is hard to know where to start. It is expensive and dangerous. Perhaps the most expensive and dangerous threat to national security of any cult this country has ever had to deal with. Jonestown was a isolated tragedy. The church of LGBT is spreading like wildfire with unchecked aggression, blackmail and hubris.

Fun fact. Harvey Milk was an avid supporter, adovocate and apologist for Jim Jones of the Jonestown cult.
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Is this site safe, because it appears that some weird things are happening when trying to use the site now ? I will ask the technician on site this question also. Carry on.
Is this site safe, because it appears that some weird things are happening when trying to use the site now ? I will ask the technician on site this question also. Carry on.

Yes, it's safe. Run an antivirus on your computer. Other people are using it just fine.
I disagree, where is your Rosa Parks?

Their "Rosa Parks" is named "Harvey Milk"...he liked to double over troubled orphaned teen boys on drugs to sodomize while officiating as their father, while holding office as an openly gay man.

Wanting to marry someone of another race is a "behavior".

Yes, it's called "heterosexuality" and each state is allowed to set standards for either homo or hetero marriage or both, according to their 'unquestioned authority' retroactive to the founding of the country. [DOMA/Windsor]. The issue of banning marriage because of the race of people the heterosexual behavior was to be practiced with was the issue. The race was the issue, not the behavior. The behavior was and is normal reproductive behavior. LGBT is not.

Moreover, gay sex cult behavior carries with it an epidemic that is killing our countrymen in two ways. 1. Outright by being virulent vectors for HIV [gay men are notoriously promiscuous...see statistics on their having been molested as boys for details on their hypersexuality] and 2. By heroics to keep those with full blown AIDS alive because simple bacterias we all normally can fight off are being turned into superbacterias that we all cannot fight off thanks to the overuse of antibiotics in heroic medicine for AIDS patients.

This cult is going to be very very expensive over time. Add to that the increasing numbers of boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV in recent years [odd, an increase for a "born that way" demographic..?] And add in that each HIV patient becomes quickly indigent and treating them from start to horrible death costs on average over half a $million of the taxpayers' money, the superbugs being harbored and incubated in their dying bodies as heroics cannot stave off the ultimate end..and we've got ourselves a cult that my kill every one of us off in the end. Not to mention their messiah being a child molestor venerated for his sexuality.

There are so many problems with this cult that it is hard to know where to start. It is expensive and dangerous. Perhaps the most expensive and dangerous threat to national security of any cult this country has ever had to deal with. Jonestown was a isolated tragedy. The church of LGBT is spreading like wildfire with unchecked aggression, blackmail and hubris.

Fun fact. Harvey Milk was an avid supporter, adovocate and apologist for Jim Jones of the Jonestown cult.

No, our Rosa Parks are the gays and transsexuals that fought back at Stonewall. Our Rosa Parks is Edith Windsor.
I'll bet someone made that same claim back when interracial marriage was under discussion.

Except that your premise is flawed.

Race is not behaviors. LGBT are behaviors. More than that, they have all the trappings of a cult movement.

And that cult is dangerous to trust around children [see my signature and this thread: ]

Marriage in Utah allows a special pass for the married to access adoptable orphans. Therein lies the problem.

Your fail is that marriage allows heteros and homos to access adoptable children.

The cult of hetero-fascism, indeed, is dangerous to trust around children.
I disagree, where is your Rosa Parks?

Their "Rosa Parks" is named "Harvey Milk"...he liked to double over troubled orphaned teen boys on drugs to sodomize while officiating as their father, while holding office as an openly gay man.

Wanting to marry someone of another race is a "behavior".

Yes, it's called "heterosexuality" and each state is allowed to set standards for either homo or hetero marriage or both, according to their 'unquestioned authority' retroactive to the founding of the country. [DOMA/Windsor]. The issue of banning marriage because of the race of people the heterosexual behavior was to be practiced with was the issue. The race was the issue, not the behavior. The behavior was and is normal reproductive behavior. LGBT is not.

Moreover, gay sex cult behavior carries with it an epidemic that is killing our countrymen in two ways. 1. Outright by being virulent vectors for HIV [gay men are notoriously promiscuous...see statistics on their having been molested as boys for details on their hypersexuality] and 2. By heroics to keep those with full blown AIDS alive because simple bacterias we all normally can fight off are being turned into superbacterias that we all cannot fight off thanks to the overuse of antibiotics in heroic medicine for AIDS patients.

This cult is going to be very very expensive over time. Add to that the increasing numbers of boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV in recent years [odd, an increase for a "born that way" demographic..?] And add in that each HIV patient becomes quickly indigent and treating them from start to horrible death costs on average over half a $million of the taxpayers' money, the superbugs being harbored and incubated in their dying bodies as heroics cannot stave off the ultimate end..and we've got ourselves a cult that my kill every one of us off in the end. Not to mention their messiah being a child molestor venerated for his sexuality.

There are so many problems with this cult that it is hard to know where to start. It is expensive and dangerous. Perhaps the most expensive and dangerous threat to national security of any cult this country has ever had to deal with. Jonestown was a isolated tragedy. The church of LGBT is spreading like wildfire with unchecked aggression, blackmail and hubris.

Fun fact. Harvey Milk was an avid supporter, adovocate and apologist for Jim Jones of the Jonestown cult.

No, our Rosa Parks are the gays and transsexuals that fought back at Stonewall. Our Rosa Parks is Edith Windsor.
Did Edith get a stamp with the rainbow colors, no Harvey did because he represented power in the eyes of the LGBT right ? I mean wasn't he an official of some sort, so otherwise where there is government or government officials, there is power right ?
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Their "Rosa Parks" is named "Harvey Milk"...he liked to double over troubled orphaned teen boys on drugs to sodomize while officiating as their father, while holding office as an openly gay man.

Yes, it's called "heterosexuality" and each state is allowed to set standards for either homo or hetero marriage or both, according to their 'unquestioned authority' retroactive to the founding of the country. [DOMA/Windsor]. The issue of banning marriage because of the race of people the heterosexual behavior was to be practiced with was the issue. The race was the issue, not the behavior. The behavior was and is normal reproductive behavior. LGBT is not.

Moreover, gay sex cult behavior carries with it an epidemic that is killing our countrymen in two ways. 1. Outright by being virulent vectors for HIV [gay men are notoriously promiscuous...see statistics on their having been molested as boys for details on their hypersexuality] and 2. By heroics to keep those with full blown AIDS alive because simple bacterias we all normally can fight off are being turned into superbacterias that we all cannot fight off thanks to the overuse of antibiotics in heroic medicine for AIDS patients.

This cult is going to be very very expensive over time. Add to that the increasing numbers of boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV in recent years [odd, an increase for a "born that way" demographic..?] And add in that each HIV patient becomes quickly indigent and treating them from start to horrible death costs on average over half a $million of the taxpayers' money, the superbugs being harbored and incubated in their dying bodies as heroics cannot stave off the ultimate end..and we've got ourselves a cult that my kill every one of us off in the end. Not to mention their messiah being a child molestor venerated for his sexuality.

There are so many problems with this cult that it is hard to know where to start. It is expensive and dangerous. Perhaps the most expensive and dangerous threat to national security of any cult this country has ever had to deal with. Jonestown was a isolated tragedy. The church of LGBT is spreading like wildfire with unchecked aggression, blackmail and hubris.

Fun fact. Harvey Milk was an avid supporter, adovocate and apologist for Jim Jones of the Jonestown cult.

No, our Rosa Parks are the gays and transsexuals that fought back at Stonewall. Our Rosa Parks is Edith Windsor.
Did Edith get a stamp with the rainbow colors, no Harvey did because he represented power in the eyes of the LGBT right ? I mean wasn't he an official of some sort, so otherwise where there is government or government offcials, there is power right ?

He got a stamp as the first openly gay politician elected to public office, period. It's too early for Edith...give it time.
No, our Rosa Parks are the gays and transsexuals that fought back at Stonewall. Our Rosa Parks is Edith Windsor.
Did Edith get a stamp with the rainbow colors, no Harvey did because he represented power in the eyes of the LGBT right ? I mean wasn't he an official of some sort, so otherwise where there is government or government offcials, there is power right ?

He got a stamp as the first openly gay politician elected to public office, period. It's too early for Edith...give it time.
When did he receive his commemorative stamp, was it long after the people knew what kind of cat he was, yet it mattered not, and if so then what was all the attachment to him about ? Was it because he had power as an official to help make change for others like him, so let's hold him up at all cost because he showed that he could hold office and power in which was very enticing to those who sought to use that in order to help further their cause ? Otherwise why the attachment to Harvey Milk, was it because he was someone who gained power in the government ?
Did Edith get a stamp with the rainbow colors, no Harvey did because he represented power in the eyes of the LGBT right ? I mean wasn't he an official of some sort, so otherwise where there is government or government offcials, there is power right ?

He got a stamp as the first openly gay politician elected to public office, period. It's too early for Edith...give it time.
When did he receive his commemorative stamp, was it long after the people knew what kind of cat he was, yet it mattered not, and if so then what was all the attachment to him about ? Was it because he had power as an official to help make change for others like him, so let's hold him up at all cost because he showed that he could hold office and power in which was very enticing to those who sought to use that in order to help further their cause ? Otherwise why the attachment to Harvey Milk, was it because he was someone who gained power in the government ?

Edgar Allen Poe got a stamp long after we knew "what kind of cat he was". That's not what they were commemorated for.

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