Breaking News Update: New Enhanced Video Reveals Walter Scott Shot Officer Slager With His Taser

Who's got any link to where Slager said he was tazed? I've only seen reports saying that there was a struggle over the taser and that Slager ran back and planted the taser next to Scott's dead body.

Except he never touched the taser...It's "hands up don't shoot" all over again. The media lies. is the same as your evidence...the dfference...I am not reaching and grasping to justify a negro being mudered by a cop like you and your ilk.

Here is the evidence.

From the AFTE Journal...

In the post incident analysis, it may necessary to determine the time that the individual was exposed to the discharge. Although the cycle duration is recorded within the TASER unit, the data does not necessarily equate to energy delivered to the subject. The ECD output will take the path of least resistance to complete a circuit between the positive and negative poles. Occasionally, the electrical path will short circuit across the wires, and not through the intended subject. The area through the wire becomes damaged/burned as a result of the passing current. Microscopic examination of the burned wire can determine the site of the wire to wire arc, and the duration of the short circuit can be approximated. Discharge cycles of 1, 5, 10, and 20 seconds in duration were evaluated to determine the size of the wires’ burned area. This technique can prove useful to help verify and reconstruct the circumstances surrounding an incident.
This is where you admit you were wrong.

Let's take advantage, you and I, of this teachable moment. You should learn that your opinion is not fact and that you are indeed fallible.

You shouldn't also learn not to allow your emotion to blind you to possibilities that contradict your position.

That's what you should do, but what I suspect you will do is get angry and start name calling instead...that's usually par for the course.
LOL...THAT IS NOT EVIDENCE and proves NOTHING! And answer my original queston about when and where the cop claimed he was tased.

You racists will create any nonsense to justify your hate. How fucking pathetic. Your emotions are getting the better of you. You should try to either hide your hate or be a man and embrace i

All I've come up with is the Officer claiming that there was a struggle for the taser.

Not "he fucking tazed me". is the same as your evidence...the dfference...I am not reaching and grasping to justify a negro being mudered by a cop like you and your ilk.

Here is the evidence.

From the AFTE Journal...

In the post incident analysis, it may necessary to determine the time that the individual was exposed to the discharge. Although the cycle duration is recorded within the TASER unit, the data does not necessarily equate to energy delivered to the subject. The ECD output will take the path of least resistance to complete a circuit between the positive and negative poles. Occasionally, the electrical path will short circuit across the wires, and not through the intended subject. The area through the wire becomes damaged/burned as a result of the passing current. Microscopic examination of the burned wire can determine the site of the wire to wire arc, and the duration of the short circuit can be approximated. Discharge cycles of 1, 5, 10, and 20 seconds in duration were evaluated to determine the size of the wires’ burned area. This technique can prove useful to help verify and reconstruct the circumstances surrounding an incident.
This is where you admit you were wrong.

Let's take advantage, you and I, of this teachable moment. You should learn that your opinion is not fact and that you are indeed fallible.

You shouldn't also learn not to allow your emotion to blind you to possibilities that contradict your position.

That's what you should do, but what I suspect you will do is get angry and start name calling instead...that's usually par for the course.
LOL...THAT IS NOT EVIDENCE and proves NOTHING! And answer my original queston about when and where the cop claimed he was tased.

You racists will create any nonsense to justify your hate. How fucking pathetic. Your emotions are getting the better of you. You should try to either hide your hate or be a man and embrace i

All I've come up with is the Officer claiming that there was a struggle for the taser.

Not "he fucking tazed me". are dealing wth racist...they have gone from creating this lie, to blaming the media for not covering it the way they want (ALL OF THE MEDIA and they have went after the witness and accused hm of editing the video.

Racists try real hard...some people can see right through them... know it is difficult n USMB as it is a hate site and the lies and hate is encouraged...but any rational person can see the idiocy. And lies!
I only want the truth. The info given out in the beginning did not include that Slager was tazed.

Think about it. If the officer had been tazed he wouldn't be sitting in a cell right now.

Certainly not charged with first degree.

ETA: we would be going down the grand jury path would we not people?
I only want the truth. The info given out in the beginning did not include that Slager was tazed.

Think about it. If the officer had been tazed he wouldn't be sitting in a cell right now.

Certainly not charged with first degree.
And in the report...the officer never claimed he was tased. is the same as your evidence...the dfference...I am not reaching and grasping to justify a negro being mudered by a cop like you and your ilk.

Here is the evidence.

From the AFTE Journal...

In the post incident analysis, it may necessary to determine the time that the individual was exposed to the discharge. Although the cycle duration is recorded within the TASER unit, the data does not necessarily equate to energy delivered to the subject. The ECD output will take the path of least resistance to complete a circuit between the positive and negative poles. Occasionally, the electrical path will short circuit across the wires, and not through the intended subject. The area through the wire becomes damaged/burned as a result of the passing current. Microscopic examination of the burned wire can determine the site of the wire to wire arc, and the duration of the short circuit can be approximated. Discharge cycles of 1, 5, 10, and 20 seconds in duration were evaluated to determine the size of the wires’ burned area. This technique can prove useful to help verify and reconstruct the circumstances surrounding an incident.
This is where you admit you were wrong.

Let's take advantage, you and I, of this teachable moment. You should learn that your opinion is not fact and that you are indeed fallible.

You shouldn't also learn not to allow your emotion to blind you to possibilities that contradict your position.

That's what you should do, but what I suspect you will do is get angry and start name calling instead...that's usually par for the course.
LOL...THAT IS NOT EVIDENCE and proves NOTHING! And answer my original queston about when and where the cop claimed he was tased.

You racists will create any nonsense to justify your hate. How fucking pathetic. Your emotions are getting the better of you. You should try to either hide your hate or be a man and embrace i

All I've come up with is the Officer claiming that there was a struggle for the taser.

Not "he fucking tazed me". are dealing wth racist...they have gone from creating this lie, to blaming the media for not covering it the way they want (ALL OF THE MEDIA and they have went after the witness and accused hm of editing the video.

Racists try real hard...some people can see right through them... know it is difficult n USMB as it is a hate site and the lies and hate is encouraged...but any rational person can see the idiocy. And lies!
and yet he cant point to any such racism....except maybe his own penchant to try to label others what he is
That's what you should do, but what I suspect you will do is get angry and start name calling instead...that's usually par for the course.
You racists will create any nonsense to justify your hate. How fucking pathetic. Your emotions are getting the better of you. You should try to either hide your hate or be a man and embrace i

Did I call it or what.
Did you call what. You started it with your arrogant hate nonsense.

Pussy. Go kill a mighht make you feel better.

That you are blinded by emotion and are unable to have a discussion without getting angry and calling names.

Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. Good grief. I have treated you with nothing but respect, never gotten angry, never called you a single name. But you are unable to show me the same respect.
Who's got any link to where Slager said he was tazed? I've only seen reports saying that there was a struggle over the taser and that Slager ran back and planted the taser next to Scott's dead body.
Racists like the OP invent their own reality so that colored people are always in the wrong.
That's what you should do, but what I suspect you will do is get angry and start name calling instead...that's usually par for the course.
You racists will create any nonsense to justify your hate. How fucking pathetic. Your emotions are getting the better of you. You should try to either hide your hate or be a man and embrace i

Did I call it or what.
Did you call what. You started it with your arrogant hate nonsense.

Pussy. Go kill a mighht make you feel better.

That you are blinded by emotion and are unable to have a discussion without getting angry and calling names.

Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. Good grief. I have treated you with nothing but respect, never gotten angry, never called you a single name. But you are unable to show me the same respect.
BS you USMB sanctioned racist. You recall all of your is your are emotional. Fuck you...pussy.l Man up and embrace your hate. Bitch.
Post a link to officer slagers report........not the officer on scene documenting the scene but officer involved....I havent seen one
I saw it on CNN...and I am not wasting my time doing a google search for a racist who s manufacturing bullshit to justify the murder of a nigg3r. You should try WATCHING the news instead of getting all of your information from a hate site.
Does anyone think cops would arrest another cop before said cop wrote his report? Do you really think they would have arrested him if the video didn't CONTRADICT what Slager wrote in his report? Racists will try anything to justify the murder of a negro.
Yep, we get it, everyone who doesn't agree with you is a racist.

There is no dissent allowed. No alternate theories. Either you agree 100% with you, or you are a racist.

You are the only one exhibiting bigotry in this thread.

But, you are entitled to your opinion.

So, instead of debunking alternate theories, you just stick to playing that race card and calling everyone that disagrees with you what ever names strikes your fancy.

I will, conversely, continue to treat you with respect.

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