Breaking News: White House Leakers Identified

I have some suggestions for Donald Trump.

1) To deal with leaks, he should form a group of operatives to stop the leaks. He can call them The Plumbers.

2) The Plumbers should hack or bug the DNC so Trump's Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) will know what the hippie bastards are up to.

3) Trump should hire Roger Stone to run CREEP.

4) Trump should also collate an enemies list of all the journalists he hates.

5) Trump should record conversations he has in the White House to refresh his memory of what he knew and when he knew it.

6) Trump should direct his Chief of Staff to call the FBI and get them to stop any investigations into the Trump campaign's hacking of the DNC.
Deep state is going down fast. Comey ain't there to protect them BUUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA
I have some suggestions for Donald Trump.

1) To deal with leaks, he should form a group of operatives to stop the leaks. He can call them The Plumbers.

2) The Plumbers should hack or bug the DNC so Trump's Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) will know what the hippie bastards are up to.

3) Trump should hire Roger Stone to run CREEP.

4) Trump should also collate an enemies list of all the journalists he hates.

5) Trump should record conversations he has in the White House to refresh his memory of what he knew and when he knew it.

6) Trump should direct his Chief of Staff to call the FBI and get them to stop any investigations into the Trump campaign's hacking of the DNC
Nah Trump will do what he does are fired! all of you. LOL
You do not know shit from shinola about truth or ethics.

You lie like a rug
But of course you can't prove him wrong...just calling him a liar is not an argument tard.

I have read other members successfully proving stevo wrong.

JonKoch is doing a really good job of kicking stevey's ass.

Yes, I am calling him a liar, yes I am calling you a liar.

The Orange Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief told two high ranking Russian Officials about Israeli Intelligence Assets.

The Orange Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief told Durate about two U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarines off the Korean Coast.

You of course choose to ignore this.

But being a Thumb sucking, Putin Worshiping ConJob that is what you do best.

You believe the lies.

You want the lies.

You need the lies.

Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
That's right President Trump is so stupid he actually believed that by firing Comey he would "obstruct" the FBI investigation.
After all it wasn't as if the ENTIRE WORLD was watching!!!!!!!!
You are so fucking dumb!!!!!
I'm sure President Trump thought he could fire Comey and therefore end the FBI investigation.
His big mistake was he didn't do it at one in the morning right????????
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!
It was inevitable that they would be caught sooner or later.

Trump's administration is like Hydra- cut off one leak and three more will spring forth.


That's a problem when you have a President and an Administration that is so toxic, you can't attract qualified people to fill the many vacancies or that believe in the President so instead you have infighting, disgust, and leaking.
Not only should they be fired, but they should be prosecuted under Espionage and Treason laws for disseminating classified information. So should Susan Rice and anyone that helped her.

These people need to go to jail and this kind of seditious behavior needs to be put down, and these people need to be made an example of.

Leakers are Patriots...

Why don't you want to know the President is giving highly classified information to our enemies...

Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
That's right President Trump is so stupid he actually believed that by firing Comey he would "obstruct" the FBI investigation.
After all it wasn't as if the ENTIRE WORLD was watching!!!!!!!!
You are so fucking dumb!!!!!
I'm sure President Trump thought he could fire Comey and therefore end the FBI investigation.
His big mistake was he didn't do it at one in the morning right????????
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!
Do you really not get it? By Trump firing Comey he was sending a message to everybody that he is Boss and he can do what he wants. People that stand up to him are likely going to lose their job. He is reported to have gone around asking for loyalty pledges and help pushing his agenda. This is wildly inappropriate in relation to an investigation into his campaign that seems to be snowballing out of his control.

You can keep downplaying it and yelling the "No evidence" line, but that doesn't hide the reality of the increasing clusterfuck this situation has become

Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
That's right President Trump is so stupid he actually believed that by firing Comey he would "obstruct" the FBI investigation.
After all it wasn't as if the ENTIRE WORLD was watching!!!!!!!!
You are so fucking dumb!!!!!
I'm sure President Trump thought he could fire Comey and therefore end the FBI investigation.
His big mistake was he didn't do it at one in the morning right????????
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!
Do you really not get it. By Trump firing Comey he was sending a message to everybody that he is Boss and he can do what he wants. People that stand up to him are likely going to lose their job. He is reported to have gone around asking for loyalty pledges and help pushing his agenda. This is wildly inappropriate in relation to an investigation into his campaign that seems to be snowballing out of his control.

You can keep downplaying it and yelling the "No evidence" line, but that doesn't hide the reality of the increasing clusterfuck this situation has become

What's funny is you believe this loyalty pledge bullshit. There is nothing real that says he did this, it is a made up claim from one person. Unsubstantiated, but in the minds (do you have those?) of the trump derangement syndrome sufferers, no claim should be checked, they are all ok in your warped little brains.

Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
That's right President Trump is so stupid he actually believed that by firing Comey he would "obstruct" the FBI investigation.
After all it wasn't as if the ENTIRE WORLD was watching!!!!!!!!
You are so fucking dumb!!!!!
I'm sure President Trump thought he could fire Comey and therefore end the FBI investigation.
His big mistake was he didn't do it at one in the morning right????????
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!
Do you really not get it. By Trump firing Comey he was sending a message to everybody that he is Boss and he can do what he wants. People that stand up to him are likely going to lose their job. He is reported to have gone around asking for loyalty pledges and help pushing his agenda. This is wildly inappropriate in relation to an investigation into his campaign that seems to be snowballing out of his control.

You can keep downplaying it and yelling the "No evidence" line, but that doesn't hide the reality of the increasing clusterfuck this situation has become

What's funny is you believe this loyalty pledge bullshit. There is nothing real that says he did this, it is a made up claim from one person. Unsubstantiated, but in the minds (do you have those?) of the trump derangement syndrome sufferers, no claim should be checked, they are all ok in your warped little brains.
I said that it was Reported and acknowledge that it is not substantiated and could be false. I can absolutely see Trump doing that from what I know about his personality. You can remove that from my statement if you'd like, the same point remains.
I have read other members successfully proving stevo wrong.

JonKoch is doing a really good job of kicking stevey's ass.

Yes, I am calling him a liar, yes I am calling you a liar.

The Orange Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief told two high ranking Russian Officials about Israeli Intelligence Assets.

The Orange Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief told Durate about two U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarines off the Korean Coast.

You of course choose to ignore this.

But being a Thumb sucking, Putin Worshiping ConJob that is what you do best.

You believe the lies.

You want the lies.

You need the lies.

Do you look like this?

Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
That's right President Trump is so stupid he actually believed that by firing Comey he would "obstruct" the FBI investigation.
After all it wasn't as if the ENTIRE WORLD was watching!!!!!!!!
You are so fucking dumb!!!!!
I'm sure President Trump thought he could fire Comey and therefore end the FBI investigation.
His big mistake was he didn't do it at one in the morning right????????
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!
Do you really not get it. By Trump firing Comey he was sending a message to everybody that he is Boss and he can do what he wants. People that stand up to him are likely going to lose their job. He is reported to have gone around asking for loyalty pledges and help pushing his agenda. This is wildly inappropriate in relation to an investigation into his campaign that seems to be snowballing out of his control.

You can keep downplaying it and yelling the "No evidence" line, but that doesn't hide the reality of the increasing clusterfuck this situation has become

What's funny is you believe this loyalty pledge bullshit. There is nothing real that says he did this, it is a made up claim from one person. Unsubstantiated, but in the minds (do you have those?) of the trump derangement syndrome sufferers, no claim should be checked, they are all ok in your warped little brains.

It is simple, who do you believe?

Comey who has a long history of honesty and integrity, you might disagree with him but he is straight.

Trump has the worse record in Politifact of any major political figure saying false statements 70% of the time.
Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
That's right President Trump is so stupid he actually believed that by firing Comey he would "obstruct" the FBI investigation.
After all it wasn't as if the ENTIRE WORLD was watching!!!!!!!!
You are so fucking dumb!!!!!
I'm sure President Trump thought he could fire Comey and therefore end the FBI investigation.
His big mistake was he didn't do it at one in the morning right????????
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!
Do you really not get it. By Trump firing Comey he was sending a message to everybody that he is Boss and he can do what he wants. People that stand up to him are likely going to lose their job. He is reported to have gone around asking for loyalty pledges and help pushing his agenda. This is wildly inappropriate in relation to an investigation into his campaign that seems to be snowballing out of his control.

You can keep downplaying it and yelling the "No evidence" line, but that doesn't hide the reality of the increasing clusterfuck this situation has become

What's funny is you believe this loyalty pledge bullshit. There is nothing real that says he did this, it is a made up claim from one person. Unsubstantiated, but in the minds (do you have those?) of the trump derangement syndrome sufferers, no claim should be checked, they are all ok in your warped little brains.

It is simple, who do you believe?

Comey who has a long history of honesty and integrity, you might disagree with him but he is straight.

Trump has the worse record in Politifact of any major political figure saying false statements 70% of the time.
It's pretty obvious who the more trustworthy man is.
Weird downplaying 60 killings "out side of embassies." is kinda an implication YOU were concerned with Embassy killings?

Now cupcake, besides biting at my ankles, why did you post a response to me in the first place???



Only in your made up world.

You are clearly on the left...which means I expect you have no integrity.

Your link, at the very least, misleading.

Just pointing out what the facts are.

That you want to imply something from that only confirms your left wing tendencies.

Your inability to refute FACTS is noted along with your ad hom cupcake

The George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million Emails - Newsweek

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia

George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million E-mails? -

Breaking: 22 Million White House Emails May Be Missing | HuffPost

Fact Check: Did George W. Bush use a private server, too .

CREW Lawsuit Reveals 83% of Bush-Era Emails Were Never Archived

CREW: Bush White House Ignored Warnings About Email - CREW

You Want a Real Email Scandal? Take a Look Back at the Bush

Report: Bush administration 'lost' 22 million emails | Colorado Springs .

Please show me where I challenged those FACTS ?

I am under no obligation to the refute them if I don't disagree with them.

I simply pointed out that your one link was misleading.

Can you get that straight in your tiny little mind.

Which link was misleading cupcake? The one where 60 people died under Dubya and the right wingers yawned?

While Garamendi spoke of "embassies and consulates," we found several U.S. diplomatic targets killed in the line of duty outside official compounds -- such as in convoys or their homes -- and we included them in our count. Once we cross-referenced the attacks in the article and those in the database, we narrowed down the total to 39 attacks or attempted attacks on U.S. embassies and embassy personnel.

Of these 39 attacks, 20 resulted in at least one fatality

....In the 20 incidents with at least one fatality, the total death toll was 87 -- quite a few more than the 60 Garamendi cited. If you only count those at embassies and consulates proper, the number of deaths drops to 66.
Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?


Dec. 15, 2001: Unidentified assailants gunned down a Nepalese security guard of the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Jan. 22, 2002: Two assailants attacked the American Center in Calcutta, India. Five policemen died, and 15 others were injured in the attack.

March 20, 2002: A car bomb exploded near the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru, killing nine people and injuring 32. The U.S. State Department reported no American casualties, injuries, or damage.

June 14, 2002: A suicide bombing in front of the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, left 12 dead and 51 injured.

Nov. 9, 2002: The security supervisor for the U.S. embassy in Nepal was shot dead at his house in Kathmandu. Maoist rebels claimed responsibility for the incident.

May 12, 2003: In a series of attacks, suicide bombers blew themselves up in a truck loaded with explosives in a complex that housed staff working for U.S. defense firm Vinnell in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (The contractors worked out of the U.S. embassy.) At least eight Americans were killed in the incident. Al-Qaida was suspected responsible for the incident. This was one of three attacks, involving at least nine suicide bombers and suspected to have involved 19 perpetrators overall.

July 30, 2004: Two people, including a suicide bomber, were killed and one person was injured as a suicide bomber set off an explosion at the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The Israeli Embassy and the Uzbekistan Prosecutor General’s Office in Tashkent were also attacked in related incidents.

Oct. 24, 2004: Edward Seitz, the assistant regional security officer at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, died in a mortar or possible rocket attack at Camp Victory near the Baghdad airport. An American soldier was also injured. He was believed to be the first U.S. diplomat killed following the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

Nov 25, 2004: Jim Mollen, the U.S. Embassy’s senior consultant to the Iraqi Ministers of Education and Higher Education, was killed just outside the Green Zone in Baghdad.

Dec. 7, 2004: Gunmen belonging to al-Qaida in the Arabian Penninsula stormed the U.S. Consulate in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, triggering a bloody four-hour siege that left nine dead. One American was slightly injured in the assault.

Jan. 29, 2005: Unknown attackers fired either a rocket or a mortar round at the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad. The strike killed two U.S. citizens and left four others injured.

Sept. 7, 2005: Four American contractors employed with a private security firm supporting the regional U.S. embassy office in Basra, Iraq, were killed when a roadside bomb exploded near their convoy. Three of the contractors died instantly, and the fourth died in a military hospital after the bombing.

March 2, 2006: An unidentified driver detonated a car bomb while driving past the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, killing a himself, a U.S. Consulate worker and at least three others.

Sept. 12, 2006: Islamic militants attacked the U.S. embassy in Damascus, Syria, with hand grenades, rifles, and a vehicle rigged with explosives. One guard and the four attackers died.

July 8, 2007: Two Iraqi U.S. Embassy workers were killed when the wife went to deliver a ransom for her husband who had been kidnapped in Baghdad. One of the couple's bodyguards was killed in the failed ransoming.

Jan. 14, 2008: A bomb hidden on a north Beirut highway hit a U.S. Embassy vehicle, killing at least three Lebanese bystanders. The car's Lebanese driver and an American at a nearby school were wounded.

March 18, 2008: Al-Qaida's wing in Yemen, Jund Al-Yemen Brigades, fired between three and five mortar rounds toward the U.S. embassy, but instead they hit a girls’ school nearby, killing a guard and a schoolgirl and injuring 19 others in Sanaa, Yemen.

July 9, 2008: Four unknown gunmen killed three Turkish police at the U.S. consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

Sept. 17, 2008: Suspected al-Qaida militants disguised as security forces detonated vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices, fired rocket propelled grenades, rockets and firearms on the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen. A suicide bomber also blew himself up at the embassy. Six Yemeni police, four civilians (including an American civilian), and six attackers were killed while six others were wounded in the attack.

Nov. 27, 2008: A Taliban suicide car bomber targeted the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing four civilians in addition to the suicide bomber and wounding 18 others. The embassy was hosting a Thanksgiving Day event as Americans and other foreigners were arriving at the venue at the time of the attack.

A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009 | PolitiFact

There you go again. Using those pesky facts.

You know how facts give RePuBliKans a headache.

Here are some useless facts that also have no relation to the conversation at hand....cupcake:

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1. People with higher incomes generally prefer their toilet paper to come over the roll, while those with lower incomes prefer it to go under.

Flickr: jtu / Creative Commons
In a 1989 book, Barry Sinrod and Mel Poretz revealed that 60% of people making more than $50,000 a year preferred the toilet paper to come over the roll, while 73% of those making under $20,000 preferred it to go under.

2. Women have been found to blink more often than men.
A study of spontaneous blinking patterns found women blink 19 times per minute, compared to 11 for men.

3. A jiffy is an actual unit of time, not just an expression.
In computer engineering, it is the length of one cycle of the computer's system clock (around 10 milliseconds). In chemistry and physics, a jiffy is the amount of time it takes light to travel a distance of one centimeter — about 33.3564 picoseconds.

4. The lint that collects in the bottom of your pockets has a name — gnurr.

Flickr: timf / Creative Commons
5. The founders of Hewlett-Packard flipped a coin to determine whose name would come first in the company.

Flickr: oyf / Creative Commons
6. Some animals, like the western spotted skunk, are able to delay their pregnancies for months.

Brian Kentosh / Via
In these cases, the embryos cease developing for a certain period of time before attaching to the uterine wall. Other animals with types of delayed pregnancies include otters and kangaroos.

7. Sigmund Freud once believed that cocaine could be used to help treat morphine addiction.

photopixel / Via
8. NASA had to rename the sizes of the apparatus used for male astronauts to pee, from small, medium, and large, to large, gigantic, and humongous, because no one was willing to pick their true size.
9. Flamingos get their color from the carotenoid pigments in the foods that they eat, like algae and shrimp.

Flickr: pedrosz / Creative Commons
Once their feathers shed, they quickly lose their color.

10. The line between the two numbers in a fraction is called the vinculum.

The vinculum can have more than one term over or under it — it signifies that the group of terms is to be operated upon as a single expression.

11. You can get a rough estimate of the temperature by counting the number of times a cricket chirps in 15 seconds, then adding 37.
(The temperature in Fahrenheit, that is.)

12. The U.S. pizza industry serves up to 100 acres of pizza every day.

Flickr: 59247791@N08 / Creative Commons
13. Scientists accidentally killed the world's oldest animal while trying to do research on it.

Flickr: baggis / Creative Commons
The quahog (not the one pictured above) was over 500 years old when it died.

14. If you type in 52.376552, 5.198303 on Google Maps, you can see what is allegedly two guys dragging a dead body into a lake.!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
Update: I mean, it's probably not actually that. But it kind of looks like it, no?

15. After each player has moved three times in a chess match, there are 121 million possible routes that the match could follow.

Flickr: slayer23 / Creative Commons
16. A standard 3x3 Rubik's Cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different possible configurations.

Flickr: dullhunk / Creative Commons
And, believe it or not, every single one can be solved in 20 moves or fewer.

17. The verb form of the word "run" has been calculated to have almost 650 different meanings.

Hanna-Barbera Productions / Via
According to Oxford English Dictionary editor John Simpson.

18. In the 14th century, French officials executed a pig in public who was charged with having eaten an infant.

Flickr: rajthesnapper / Creative Commons
19. A cubic inch of bone is about four times as strong as concrete.

Flickr: qubodup / Creative Commons
20. Camels have three eyelids to help protect themselves from sand blowing in their eyes.

Flickr: ncarey / Creative Commons
21. The world's oldest chewing gum dates back at least 5,000 years.

Flickr: greatist / Creative Commons
22. An ostrich's brain is approximately the same size as its eyeball.

Flickr: doug88888 / Creative Commons
23. The ideal height for you to drop your buttered toast from if you want it to land butter side up is eight feet.

Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
That's right President Trump is so stupid he actually believed that by firing Comey he would "obstruct" the FBI investigation.
After all it wasn't as if the ENTIRE WORLD was watching!!!!!!!!
You are so fucking dumb!!!!!
I'm sure President Trump thought he could fire Comey and therefore end the FBI investigation.
His big mistake was he didn't do it at one in the morning right????????
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!

Just have to wait and see what falls out of the shaken tree.
Do you really believe that there were no other attacks on Diplomatic mission during the Obama administration? Do you really? Do a google you will see there were. What makes Benghazi different? The lies and the sheer stupidity of allowing our ambassador in the country we just bombed the crap out of without proper protection. On top of that having him supply arms to the opposition sealed his fate. Then they lied.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: ‘You Have To Prioritize Things’
Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things' | HuffPost

November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel.

The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.
House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

But who gave the order for the rescue team who was ready to go to 'Stand Down'?


November 21, 2014

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

....Many of its findings echo those of six previous investigations by various congressional committees and a State Department panel.

The eighth Benghazi investigation is being carried out by a House Select Committee appointed in May.

House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories
Obama and Hillary let them die.
13 investigations led by republicans concluded youre a liar. Anyone who's had the misfortune to read your posts know you're a liar.
That's why you support the king of all liars Tramp. Birds of a feather.
More leaks dealing with national security:
White House aides have held meetings in the dark because they can't figure out how the lights work.
The orange clown is fond of watching television alone in his bathrobe.
Melania hates the clown's guts.
Oh wait. We saw that up close and personal on the recent trip.

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