Breaking News: White House Leakers Identified

Not only should they be fired, but they should be prosecuted under Espionage and Treason laws for disseminating classified information. So should Susan Rice and anyone that helped her.

These people need to go to jail and this kind of seditious behavior needs to be put down, and these people need to be made an example of.

Leakers are Patriots...

Why don't you want to know the President is giving highly classified information to our enemies...

der GroppenFuhrer, the Lying Cheeto Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief told Russian Officials in the Oval Office about Israeli Assets.

der GroppenFuhrer, the Lying Cheeto Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief told Durete about Two U.S. Navy Subs operating off the Korean Coast.

Not patriotic all, more like treasonous.
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Not only should they be fired, but they should be prosecuted under Espionage and Treason laws for disseminating classified information. So should Susan Rice and anyone that helped her.

These people need to go to jail and this kind of seditious behavior needs to be put down, and these people need to be made an example of.

Leakers are Patriots...

Why don't you want to know the President is giving highly classified information to our enemies...

duplicate post.
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Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
In other words, he reiterated the same nothing that he's been spewing all along.

Brennan is an Obama appointed hack and known liar. Nothing he says can be believed.

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Not only should they be fired, but they should be prosecuted under Espionage and Treason laws for disseminating classified information. So should Susan Rice and anyone that helped her.

These people need to go to jail and this kind of seditious behavior needs to be put down, and these people need to be made an example of.
Susan Rice leaked NOTHING. Right wingers are simply LIARS.
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

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I would prefer to see that Lying Fascist Ass Hole perp walked out of the White House.
Obama already left.

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I would prefer to see that Lying Fascist Ass Hole perp walked out of the White House.
Obama already left.

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Your Liar in Chief is making the US a laughing stock. No one wants to share intelligence with the Orange Clown.
Federal Appeals Court lets stand lower court ruling on travel.

Appeals court rules against Trump travel ban.

der GroppenFuhrer damned by his own language
Soooooo what's your point? As I predicted it will be settled in the supreme court.

My Point is that the Muslim Ban is Unconstitutional based on the Establishment Clause of The First Amendment.

"Congress Shall Make No Law Respecting An Establishment of Religion or The Free Exercise Thereof...."

Through out his campaign the Lying Fascist Draft Dodger -In-Chief said he would ban Muslims.

The Right To Freedom of Religion is a Constitutionally Protected Right. No person or persons can be denied their Rights solely on how they choose to worship their version of their god.

I would prefer to see that Lying Fascist Ass Hole perp walked out of the White House.
Obama already left.a
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Did Mr. Obama share Israeli Intelligence with Russian Officials.

Did Mr. Obama tell foreign head of state the location of U.S. Submarines.

Don't think so.

The Lying, Cheeto-Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief did that.
Not only should they be fired, but they should be prosecuted under Espionage and Treason laws for disseminating classified information. So should Susan Rice and anyone that helped her.

These people need to go to jail and this kind of seditious behavior needs to be put down, and these people need to be made an example of.
Susan Rice leaked NOTHING. Right wingers are simply LIARS.
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

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An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

I would prefer to see that Lying Fascist Ass Hole perp walked out of the White House.
Obama already left.a
Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

Did Mr. Obama share Israeli Intelligence with Russian Officials.

Did Mr. Obama tell foreign head of state the location of U.S. Submarines.

Don't think so.

The Lying, Cheeto-Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief did that.
Trump didn't reveal classified info on our sub locations, you anti-American fool. Everybody knew our subs were patrolling in that area, especially after being seen docked in a South Korean port last month.

USS Michigan docked in Busan, South Korea
Steve like to use BrainFart as a source, hardly reliable. Right up with Faux Snooze in being honest.

Steve lies when uses such sources and he knows it.

I would prefer to see that Lying Fascist Ass Hole perp walked out of the White House.
Obama already left.a
Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

Did Mr. Obama share Israeli Intelligence with Russian Officials.

Did Mr. Obama tell foreign head of state the location of U.S. Submarines.

Don't think so.

The Lying, Cheeto-Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief did that.
Trump didn't reveal classified info on our sub locations, you anti-American fool. Everybody knew our subs were patrolling in that area, especially after being seen docked in a South Korean port last month.

USS Michigan docked in Busan, South Korea

Another Day, Another Lie By Steve.

The Transcript of the conversation between Duterte and the Lying Fascist Draft Dodger-In Chief says that that the prezgropper did.

Just like the betrayal of Israeli Intelligence Assets to Russia.

Keep Lying Stevie Boy, it is after all the only thing left for you to do.
My Point is that the Muslim Ban is Unconstitutional based on the Establishment Clause of The First Amendment
Sorry but it's not unconstitutional until the supreme court says it is, and if it is then Obama broke the constitution when he had the very same ban in place.
Not only should they be fired, but they should be prosecuted under Espionage and Treason laws for disseminating classified information. So should Susan Rice and anyone that helped her.

These people need to go to jail and this kind of seditious behavior needs to be put down, and these people need to be made an example of.
Susan Rice leaked NOTHING. Right wingers are simply LIARS.
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

Then how did the names become public information?

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