Breaking News: White House Leakers Identified

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Susan Rice leaked NOTHING. Right wingers are simply LIARS.
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

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An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

Then how did the names become public information?
Bonehead is still in the dark.
Your traitor president is coming home to this guy. He's scared shitless. He's " lawyering up."

In other words, you can't explain it. Obviously, Susan Rice had to pass on the information to others. When she did that she became a criminal.
Tramp's own people are leaking information. They're tired of his lies, deceptions and incompetence. Most of the leaks have been verified.
Sucks to be you.
View attachment 128890
Susan Rice leaked NOTHING. Right wingers are simply LIARS.
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

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An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

Then how did the names become public information?
Bonehead is still in the dark.
Your traitor president is coming home to this guy. He's scared shitless. He's " lawyering up."

In other words, you can't explain it. Obviously, Susan Rice had to pass on the information to others. When she did that she became a criminal.
right now only criminals around are trump kushner and the rest of the garbage
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It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

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An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

Then how did the names become public information?
Bonehead is still in the dark.
Your traitor president is coming home to this guy. He's scared shitless. He's " lawyering up."

In other words, you can't explain it. Obviously, Susan Rice had to pass on the information to others. When she did that she became a criminal.
Laffen at you. The bullseye is the pussy grabber... no one else.
Keep dreaming.
Meaningless babble.
Good question. It's been months and nothing has been presented in the trumpster case. NOTHING. Says they have nothing.

"......CIA director John Brennan bluntly told lawmakers that during the 2016 election, he reviewed intelligence that showed “contacts and interactions” between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign. By the summer of 2016, Brennan said, he was “convinced” that Russia was engaged in an “aggressive” and “multifaceted” effort to interfere in our election — and as a result, he believed “there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation” by the FBI.

With this testimony, Brennan just made it a whole lot harder — politically, at least — for the GOP to continue in its efforts to protect Trump, even as scrutiny of his campaign intensifies on the part of the FBI, and now, special counsel Robert Mueller. Yet if Tuesday’s hearing is any guide, congressional Republicans are still intent on shielding Trump by undermining the investigation in the mind of the public.

And so, again and again, Republican members of the committee, particularly South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy, tried to get Brennan to say that no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russian meddling in the election exists. But Brennan repeatedly refused to render a judgment on whether there was collusion. Instead, he only repeated his refrain that, because the CIA is not a law enforcement agency, he turned over its intelligence gathering about contacts between the Trump camp and Russians to the FBI, so that the FBI could conduct its investigation into whether there was collusion."

Opinion | Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump

Looks like it's all with the FBI. No wonder Grabby is trying to obstruct the FBI's investigation.
In other words, he reiterated the same nothing that he's been spewing all along.

Brennan is an Obama appointed hack and known liar. Nothing he says can be believed.

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That's the stupidest thing I've heard since the last stupid thing you've said.
Brennan is an extremely well respected man. His reputation proves it.
You see everything thru a D& R lens.
You are a blowhard and about as bright as a small appliance bulb.
Brennan admitted he told the biggest lie ever told to a Congressional committee. Furthermore, he once voted for a communist. That pretty much makes him a communist.

This guy is scum. Only gullible morons believe a thing he says.
No one believes a thing you say. You support the biggest liar in American political history. That makes you a liar too. Birds of a feather.

Total fucking bullshit, of course.
View attachment 128890
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

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An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

Then how did the names become public information?
Bonehead is still in the dark.
Your traitor president is coming home to this guy. He's scared shitless. He's " lawyering up."

In other words, you can't explain it. Obviously, Susan Rice had to pass on the information to others. When she did that she became a criminal.
right now only criminals around are trump kushner and the rest of the garbage
Nuh Uhn! Obama's the criminal!

That's the kind of juvenile idiocy you post.
View attachment 128890
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

Then how did the names become public information?
Bonehead is still in the dark.
Your traitor president is coming home to this guy. He's scared shitless. He's " lawyering up."

In other words, you can't explain it. Obviously, Susan Rice had to pass on the information to others. When she did that she became a criminal.
Tramp's own people are leaking information. They're tired of his lies, deceptions and incompetence. Most of the leaks have been verified.
Sucks to be you.

Wrong. the leakers are all Obama dead enders, and they are all going to prison.
View attachment 128890
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

Then how did the names become public information?
Bonehead is still in the dark.
Your traitor president is coming home to this guy. He's scared shitless. He's " lawyering up."

In other words, you can't explain it. Obviously, Susan Rice had to pass on the information to others. When she did that she became a criminal.
right now only criminals around are trump kushner and the rest of the garbage

Wrong, asshole.
So when is trump being fired?

I would prefer to see that Lying Fascist Ass Hole perp walked out of the White House.
Obama already left.a
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Did Mr. Obama share Israeli Intelligence with Russian Officials.

Did Mr. Obama tell foreign head of state the location of U.S. Submarines.

Don't think so.

The Lying, Cheeto-Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief did that.
Trump didn't reveal classified info on our sub locations, you anti-American fool. Everybody knew our subs were patrolling in that area, especially after being seen docked in a South Korean port last month.

USS Michigan docked in Busan, South Korea
Trump tells Duterte of two U.S. nuclear subs in Korean waters: NYT

Funny you use a conspiracy theory site. Lmao
Nope, I'm a truth teller! Everyone was made aware we have subs in that area as far back as April. Trump stated this in an interview:

“We are sending an armada. Very powerful,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. “We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That, I can tell you.”

Notice 'submarines' is plural? Yes, I thought you did. Trump didn't leak anything classified to the Philipino.
Trump stated this in an interview:

“We are sending an armada. Very powerful,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. “We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That, I can tell you.”

Notice 'submarines' is plural? Yes, I thought you did. Trump didn't leak anything classified to the Philipino.

Trump gave away the position of half the SSGN ohio-class fleet.
View attachment 128890
It's pretty obvious she leaked the names she unmasked.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

An empty opinion that is no way, shape and/or form supported the facts or based on any evidence presented.

Then how did the names become public information?
Bonehead is still in the dark.
Your traitor president is coming home to this guy. He's scared shitless. He's " lawyering up."

In other words, you can't explain it. Obviously, Susan Rice had to pass on the information to others. When she did that she became a criminal.
Tramp's own people are leaking information. They're tired of his lies, deceptions and incompetence. Most of the leaks have been verified.
Sucks to be you.
Since you know who is leaking, why don't you inform the FBI so that person can be arrested and spend a long time in a federal penitentiary?
Trump stated this in an interview:

“We are sending an armada. Very powerful,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. “We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That, I can tell you.”

Notice 'submarines' is plural? Yes, I thought you did. Trump didn't leak anything classified to the Philipino.

Trump gave away the position of half the SSGN ohio-class fleet.
He did no such thing.
Trump calls for investigation of U.S. leaks in Manchester bombing probe

Leaks from the ongoing probe — including the publication of crime-scene photos in the New York Times and the naming of the suspected bomber by U.S. broadcasters — have provoked ire from British officials.

In response to the disclosures, British police investigating the Manchester attack took the highly unusual step of withholding information from U.S. agencies, which they say are responsible for the leaks. But by late Thursday evening, police said they had resumed intelligence sharing following “fresh assurances.”

Trump leaks continue, and you can't blame it on Obama.
Trump stated this in an interview:

“We are sending an armada. Very powerful,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. “We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That, I can tell you.”

Notice 'submarines' is plural? Yes, I thought you did. Trump didn't leak anything classified to the Philipino.

Trump gave away the position of half the SSGN ohio-class fleet.

No, he didn't you twit. No one "knows" exactly where they are other than the Captain of the Boat. They could be "around" Korea while being three hundred miles away from the peninsula.
Trump stated this in an interview:

“We are sending an armada. Very powerful,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. “We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That, I can tell you.”

Notice 'submarines' is plural? Yes, I thought you did. Trump didn't leak anything classified to the Philipino.

Trump gave away the position of half the SSGN ohio-class fleet.

No, he didn't you twit. No one "knows" exactly where they are other than the Captain of the Boat. They could be "around" Korea while being three hundred miles away from the peninsula.
Why Westy can't you at least admit the Dump is a blabbermouth It would help make your posts more believable
der GroppenFuhrer, the Lying Orange Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief Told Duterete about U.S. Submarines.

1. Trump tells Duterte of two U.S. nuclear subs in Korean waters: NYT.

2. Trump tells Duterte highly classified information, which gets immediately leaked to the press.

3. Trump told Philippines' Duterte the US Navy had 2 'nuclear submarines' near North Korea.

4. President Trump talked subs and drug war with Philippines' Duterte .


6. Defense officials are horrified that Trump told Duterte the locations of America's nuclear submarines.

Stevie is lying.

Stevie is a liar.

Stevie lies.

Stevie knows he is a liar.

Stevie lies like a rug he is liar.

Stevie is a lying liar who lies.

Six Sources, each with the same story. Now, none are from Storm Front, FreePers, Breitbart or Fox.....but they tell the same story.

The Lying Orange Faced Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief told a foreign head of state the location of U.S. Nuclear Submarines. That is about as classified as it get.

The foreign head of state has been trying to cozy up to the People Republic of (Communist) China. der GroppenFuhrer told this foreign head of state the location of U.S. Nuclear Submarines.

Facts is as they facts and the fact is that the prezgropper is a National Security Risk and cannot be trusted with highly classified intelligence.
Kushner under FBI investigation

Kushner is now, "A Person of Interest" in the F.B.I. investigation into Russian Collusion in the Presidential Election. Now to explain to the denser Cons here, that does not mean that Kushner broke the law. It does mean that Kushner has information the F.B.I. wants to hear.

Kushner, in his capacity as a member of the GroppenFuhrer's Transition met with high ranking Russian Officials. Meetings that Kushner failed to list when he applied for the Security Clearance. BTW, Kushner was required to list those meetings with High Ranking Russian Officials.

Kushner is not the only member of 45's inner circle who has concealed meetings with Russian Officials.

Flynn lied about his meetings with Russians and failed to obtain the required permission from the Secretary of Army before taking money from foreign governments.

There is a pattern of deliberately lying about meeting with Russians and taking money from Russians on the part der GroppenFuhrer's staff.
Trump stated this in an interview:

“We are sending an armada. Very powerful,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. “We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That, I can tell you.”

Notice 'submarines' is plural? Yes, I thought you did. Trump didn't leak anything classified to the Philipino.

Trump gave away the position of half the SSGN ohio-class fleet.

No, he didn't you twit. No one "knows" exactly where they are other than the Captain of the Boat. They could be "around" Korea while being three hundred miles away from the peninsula.
Why Westy can't you at least admit the Dump is a blabbermouth It would help make your posts more believable

I have stated quite publicly that trump is a buffoon. I also am willing to acknowledge when he does something right, just as much as i am happy to point out when he does something wrong. You progressives aren't. You are all as hyper partisan as they come, which means you're unreasonable. Unreasonable people are known to do incredibly vile things. Not all mind you, but every vile deed that I know of that has been done, was done by an unreasonable person.

Just sayin...

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