Breaking News: World Markets: GOP Antics Endangerring Economic Recovery

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Breaking News: World Markets: GOP Antics Endangerring Economic Recovery

Watching the markets respond to GOP gamesmanship over Obamacare. Threat of US government shutdown has the world markets catching a cold. Damn Tea Party Whackos!

That is what these whackos want. A total global economic meltdown, then they believe that their Randian utopia will emerge. These people are the worst kind of ideologue.
Then Reid should pass the bill and obama should sign it. There will be no government shut down. If obamacare means that much to them, shut it down.
Then Reid should pass the bill and obama should sign it. There will be no government shut down. If obamacare means that much to them, shut it down.

The last time Reed passed a bill and Obama signed it, you pissed your bed and shit your pants during fits of hysteria.

The Wingnuts are killing off what is left of the GOP brand. :(
it is that fucking, Commiecrat Reid and his goon squad who are the ones failing to compromise.., fucking assholes :up:

Harry Reid flatly refused to compromise or negotiate, revealing his traitorous ways once more :up:
Then Reid should pass the bill and obama should sign it. There will be no government shut down. If obamacare means that much to them, shut it down.

The last time Reed passed a bill and Obama signed it, you pissed your bed and shit your pants during fits of hysteria.

The Wingnuts are killing off what is left of the GOP brand. :(

people like Katzndogz are so partisan its scary. They put party before country. Sad :(

***edit- add that retard Wildman to that.
Then Reid should pass the bill and obama should sign it. There will be no government shut down. If obamacare means that much to them, shut it down.

Reid and the Senate have already passed the bill. The House added politicaly controversial riders to it and are demanding that if those politic agendas included in the bill they passed and sent back to the Senate aren't approved they will shut down the government. What part of extortion don't you understand? Do you think the vast majority of Americans will not understand extortion? Do you think the people will not be in favour of a simple up or down vote for funding the gov't? Reid is not going to be blamed for this. Nor is Obama. Nor are the Dem's.
Then Reid should pass the bill and obama should sign it. There will be no government shut down. If obamacare means that much to them, shut it down.

Reid and the Senate have already passed the bill. The House added politicaly controversial riders to it and are demanding that if those politic agendas included in the bill they passed and sent back to the Senate aren't approved they will shut down the government. What part of extortion don't you understand? Do you think the vast majority of Americans will not understand extortion? Do you think the people will not be in favour of a simple up or down vote for funding the gov't? Reid is not going to be blamed for this. Nor is Obama. Nor are the Dem's.

yep, Repubs added the poison pills ensuring their bills death & consequently the shutdown. Can someone explain that to Katzndogz? :tinfoil:
Breaking News: World Markets: GOP Antics Endangerring Economic Recovery

Watching the markets respond to GOP gamesmanship over Obamacare. Threat of US government shutdown has the world markets catching a cold. Damn Tea Party Whackos!


LOL "endangerring economic recovery". That's cute. There is no economic recovery going on. The economy is still in the toilet after 5 years of Hussein rule.

The left cried that sequestion would destroy the didn't.

Keep on screaming the MSNBC hysteria message. Maybe somebody someday will fall for it. :lol:
Repubs are the economic extortionists here. We (Progressives :afro: ) don't negotiate w/ econ terrists. :eusa_hand:

It's pretty difficult to negotiate with yourselves, isn't it? Unless you're schizophrenic, of course.

All of you Obama terrorist monkeys are deaf, dumb, and blind, just like the old monkey toy.
Then Reid should pass the bill and obama should sign it. There will be no government shut down. If obamacare means that much to them, shut it down.

The last time Reed passed a bill and Obama signed it, you pissed your bed and shit your pants during fits of hysteria.

The Wingnuts are killing off what is left of the GOP brand. :(

people like Katzndogz are so partisan its scary. They put party before country. Sad :(

***edit- add that retard Wildman to that.

And the moron Dot Com.

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