Breaking: North Charleston cop about to go free!!!

Slager's audio transmission said "He got my taser".

Scott took the taser. He was under arrest...just resisitng...and not cuffed. He had cocaine and alcohol in his system.

The Supreme Court has ruled that cops CAN use deadly force if...during an arrest...they are threatened with a weapon. Graham v. Connor. Slager's most...teach 1 + 1 force. 1 over what the suspect has. Taser + 1 = gun.

He's going free folks. Go ahead and get some popcorn for the riot.

He radioed that Scott had "taken his taser" after Scott was already dead - right about the same time he placed the taser next to Scott's body.
Let's clear up a few fucking FACTS!
Scot was following his training to 'secure the scene' when he picked up the Taser the SCOTT HAD SHOT SLAGER WITH AS PROVEN IN THE VIDEO!!!!. The Taser was still capable of being used as a stun-gun. You think the Taser should sit on the ground where anyone could have picked it up? Wake up!
Scoot walked back the Scotts body and dropped the Taser beside him.
FACT! There was another PO standing beside Scott's body........remember? This officer also knew proper police procedure.
"Whatever you do don't tell anyone I tried to plant the Taser beside the body OK? We cops have to stick together right pal?" Ya fucking right. A PO is going to put his career, possibly his freedom on the line by agreeing to be part of evidence tamping?
Maybe in the movies but not in real life.

Yeah libs believe that Hollywood shit. They think Training Day is realistic for 99% of all police.

Ask ANYONE who was actually a cop....will their department or mayor throw a lowly street cop under the bus to avoid lawsuits or bad press? IN LESS THAN A NANOSECOND!!!!
Slager's audio transmission said "He got my taser".

Scott took the taser. He was under arrest...just resisitng...and not cuffed. He had cocaine and alcohol in his system.

The Supreme Court has ruled that cops CAN use deadly force if...during an arrest...they are threatened with a weapon. Graham v. Connor. Slager's most...teach 1 + 1 force. 1 over what the suspect has. Taser + 1 = gun.

He's going free folks. Go ahead and get some popcorn for the riot.

He radioed that Scott had "taken his taser" after Scott was already dead - right about the same time he placed the taser next to Scott's body.
Let's clear up a few fucking FACTS!
Scot was following his training to 'secure the scene' when he picked up the Taser the SCOTT HAD SHOT SLAGER WITH AS PROVEN IN THE VIDEO!!!!. The Taser was still capable of being used as a stun-gun. You think the Taser should sit on the ground where anyone could have picked it up? Wake up!
Scoot walked back the Scotts body and dropped the Taser beside him.
FACT! There was another PO standing beside Scott's body........remember? This officer also knew proper police procedure.
"Whatever you do don't tell anyone I tried to plant the Taser beside the body OK? We cops have to stick together right pal?" Ya fucking right. A PO is going to put his career, possibly his freedom on the line by agreeing to be part of evidence tamping?
Maybe in the movies but not in real life.

Yeah libs believe that Hollywood shit. They think Training Day is realistic for 99% of all police.

Ask ANYONE who was actually a cop....will their department or mayor throw a lowly street cop under the bus to avoid lawsuits or bad press? IN LESS THAN A NANOSECOND!!!!
Seen it happen.
IA: "We know you are 100% innocent. The lawyers can prove you are. The SP has no interest in your case. But the optics aren't good. You always wanted to work in Alaska. All that hunting and fishing. There is an opening if you want it in Skagway."
"Presuming this is demonstratively plausible..." does not me that -I- presume they are correct for anything other than the sake of argument.
Just like "this is demonstratively plausible..."
You're the one making the argument - why would you base your argument on a presumption that you don't actually believe?
I'm sorry that you don't like the fact that you believe something that is not true, but "Presuming this is demonstratively plausible..." is not me saying that -I- believe is demonstrably plausible.
Your inability to comprehend this is your problem.
Your inability to coherently make your point (which, if I'm understanding it, is that if Slager's lawyer makes a good case, he'll get off) without revealing your bias in what you believe should "rightfully" happen is, as they say, not my problem.
I'm sorry that you don't like the fact that you chose to believe something that is not true - but there's nothing I can do about it.
Another "meaningful response"?
No, you're the poopy-headed poopy head!
As I said: there's nothing I can do about your decision to believe something that is not true.
I can also do nothing about your obsessive desire to engage in meaningless pedantry.
There is but one remaining question: Is the attempted use of a taser a threat of serious bodily injury or death? Reasonable people may disagree on this issue but my personal opinion is that the it is not. My research has shown that the use of a taser poses no threat of death or serious bodily injury to a person in normally good health.
Incapacitation of a police officer allows a criminal immediate access to the officer's firearm.
This places the officer in a clear, present and immediate danger.
Thus, threatening a police officer with a taser gives the officer the right to use deadly force.
If someone has reached the point why they are threatening a cop with anything that can be used as a weapon, including fists/hands the PO has the legal right to take any steps necessary to prevent the attack.
I know of a case where a negro gang banger thug just released from prison sucker punched a cop then took the cop's gun and shot the cop dead then took the extra clips from the officer's belt and then went on a killing spree.
The fucking thug didn't have the courage to shoot himself so the cops ended up doing the job for him.
There is but one remaining question: Is the attempted use of a taser a threat of serious bodily injury or death? Reasonable people may disagree on this issue but my personal opinion is that the it is not. My research has shown that the use of a taser poses no threat of death or serious bodily injury to a person in normally good health.
Incapacitation of a police officer allows a criminal immediate access to the officer's firearm.
This places the officer in a clear, present and immediate danger.
Thus, threatening a police officer with a taser gives the officer the right to use deadly force.

EXACTLY right. Which is why most PDs...and I think military police also...teach 1 + 1 in force. And a taser or knife or bat...cops dont fight bare handed or with an equal weapon. They use a gun. SCOTUS has ruled that's make the arrest.

Could Slager have waited for backup? Yes.
Was he legally obligated to? No.
Can he use a gun to capture a fleeing felon who tried to use a taser on him...and whom he believed still had it? Yes. And he did.

It was dumb.
It was not illegal.

He's going free.

"I heard what his lawyer said, that's enough for me. He's clearly innocent, no need for a trial"

You lefties believed Mike Browns lawyer. Why not this one?

Must deflect! Must deflect! Must deflect!

Haha...deflect? Hardly. Just a footnote.

But Scott's DNA is on the taser. He had it. And 1 + 1 vs taser is a gun. SCOTUS allows it. His academy teaches it.

Or it was dropped next to his body after he was shot like the videos shows. All that DNA pouring out of the multiple gun shot wounds.

No fingerprints makes the revised account of slager's remarkably implausible
Nope dummy.
The DNA was not from blood. It was from sweat.

Says who?

The Taser didn't creep over to the the dead thug's hand and rub itself in it.

Who says that the DNA was from his hand? And if its from his hand, why are there no fingerprints from Scott on the taser?

Best not to think about that, eh?

Oh, and why didn't Slager's attorney argue today in Slager's bond hearing that Scott tried twice to use the taser against Slager? Did Slager's story change for a 4th time?
You lefties believed Mike Browns lawyer. Why not this one?

Must deflect! Must deflect! Must deflect!

Haha...deflect? Hardly. Just a footnote.

But Scott's DNA is on the taser. He had it. And 1 + 1 vs taser is a gun. SCOTUS allows it. His academy teaches it.

Or it was dropped next to his body after he was shot like the videos shows. All that DNA pouring out of the multiple gun shot wounds.

No fingerprints makes the revised account of slager's remarkably implausible
Nope dummy.
The DNA was not from blood. It was from sweat.

Says who?

The Taser didn't creep over to the the dead thug's hand and rub itself in it.

Who says that the DNA was from his hand? And if its from his hand, why are there no fingerprints from Scott on the taser?

Best not to think about that, eh?

Oh, and why didn't Slager's attorney argue today in Slager's bond hearing that Scott tried twice to use the taser against Slager? Did Slager's story change for a 4th time?

You have NO CLUE how fingerprints you? You DO know that if they took Slager's Glock....they wouldn't have gotten a single fingerprint off of it...right?
You lefties believed Mike Browns lawyer. Why not this one?

Must deflect! Must deflect! Must deflect!

Haha...deflect? Hardly. Just a footnote.

But Scott's DNA is on the taser. He had it. And 1 + 1 vs taser is a gun. SCOTUS allows it. His academy teaches it.

Or it was dropped next to his body after he was shot like the videos shows. All that DNA pouring out of the multiple gun shot wounds.

No fingerprints makes the revised account of slager's remarkably implausible
Nope dummy.
The DNA was not from blood. It was from sweat.

Says who?

The Taser didn't creep over to the the dead thug's hand and rub itself in it.

Who says that the DNA was from his hand? And if its from his hand, why are there no fingerprints from Scott on the taser?

Best not to think about that, eh?

Oh, and why didn't Slager's attorney argue today in Slager's bond hearing that Scott tried twice to use the taser against Slager? Did Slager's story change for a 4th time?
You're one more dumb-ass post away from getting PIed. I can't be bothered with your drivel.
As I already posted Scotts DNA was found on the Taser. It wasn't blood. It was sweat.
There were partial prints on the Taser put NONE.......even Slagers could be identified b/c of smudging.
So stop with your childlessness.
Soon this farce will be over and you can go climb into your bunk in mommy's basement and wait for the chance to re emerge like the 'butterfly' you are and make a fool of yourself again.
Still wearing your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' t shirt?
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Slager's audio transmission said "He got my taser".

Scott took the taser. He was under arrest...just resisitng...and not cuffed. He had cocaine and alcohol in his system.

The Supreme Court has ruled that cops CAN use deadly force if...during an arrest...they are threatened with a weapon. Graham v. Connor. Slager's most...teach 1 + 1 force. 1 over what the suspect has. Taser + 1 = gun.

He's going free folks. Go ahead and get some popcorn for the riot.

He radioed that Scott had "taken his taser" after Scott was already dead - right about the same time he placed the taser next to Scott's body.
Let's clear up a few fucking FACTS!
Scot was following his training to 'secure the scene' when he picked up the Taser the SCOTT HAD SHOT SLAGER WITH AS PROVEN IN THE VIDEO!!!!.

That's not a 'fact'. That's not even alleged by anyone. You're just making this shit up as you go along.

Both cartridges of the taser had already been fired: at Scott. It was impossible for Scott to shoot Slager, even if he had the taser. Scott didn't have the taser. The taser was at the foot of officer Slager.

Scott was running from Slager without any taser. Slager shot him 8 times, shooting Scott everywhere from the ear to through his heart.

There were no taser barbs in Slager. There were no injuries consistent with Slager having had a taser used against him. Slager never says that the taser was used against him in any of the dispatch recordings, any incident report, any police report, or any report from any other officer responding on the scene.

So much for your 'fact'.

The Taser was still capable of being used as a stun-gun. You think the Taser should sit on the ground where anyone could have picked it up? Wake up!

Not while the taser is at the officer's feet and the suspect is running away from him at a distance of 20 feet.


Your narrative is physically impossible under the circumstances of the shooting.

You're one more dumb-ass post away from getting PIed. I can't be bothered with your drivel.

Translation: You can't actually back any of your claims with evidence. So you're going to refuse to discuss it.

So much for your 'facts'.

As I already posted Scotts DNA was found on the Taser. It wasn't blood. It was sweat.

Says who? You keep making a claim. But you can't actually back it up with anything. You do realize that you typing a claim doesn't actually make it true, right?

There were partial prints on the Taser put NONE.......even Slagers could be identified b/c of smudging.

Says who? You keep offering us these very specific claims. But when asked who the hell you are quoting, you throw little tantrums and refuse to discuss it.

Tantrums aren't evidence. What source are you quoting?
Must deflect! Must deflect! Must deflect!

Haha...deflect? Hardly. Just a footnote.

But Scott's DNA is on the taser. He had it. And 1 + 1 vs taser is a gun. SCOTUS allows it. His academy teaches it.

Or it was dropped next to his body after he was shot like the videos shows. All that DNA pouring out of the multiple gun shot wounds.

No fingerprints makes the revised account of slager's remarkably implausible
Nope dummy.
The DNA was not from blood. It was from sweat.

Says who?

The Taser didn't creep over to the the dead thug's hand and rub itself in it.

Who says that the DNA was from his hand? And if its from his hand, why are there no fingerprints from Scott on the taser?

Best not to think about that, eh?

Oh, and why didn't Slager's attorney argue today in Slager's bond hearing that Scott tried twice to use the taser against Slager? Did Slager's story change for a 4th time?

You have NO CLUE how fingerprints you? You DO know that if they took Slager's Glock....they wouldn't have gotten a single fingerprint off of it...right?

And what is your evidence for this?
Slager's audio transmission said "He got my taser".

Scott took the taser. He was under arrest...just resisitng...and not cuffed. He had cocaine and alcohol in his system.

The Supreme Court has ruled that cops CAN use deadly force if...during an arrest...they are threatened with a weapon. Graham v. Connor. Slager's most...teach 1 + 1 force. 1 over what the suspect has. Taser + 1 = gun.

He's going free folks. Go ahead and get some popcorn for the riot.

He radioed that Scott had "taken his taser" after Scott was already dead - right about the same time he placed the taser next to Scott's body.
Let's clear up a few fucking FACTS!
Scot was following his training to 'secure the scene' when he picked up the Taser the SCOTT HAD SHOT SLAGER WITH AS PROVEN IN THE VIDEO!!!!.

That's not a 'fact'. That's not even alleged by anyone. You're just making this shit up as you go along.

Both cartridges of the taser had already been fired: at Scott. It was impossible for Scott to shoot Slager, even if he had the taser. Scott didn't have the taser. The taser was at the foot of officer Slager.

Scott was running from Slager without any taser. Slager shot him 8 times, shooting Scott everywhere from the ear to through his heart.

There were no taser barbs in Slager. There were no injuries consistent with Slager having had a taser used against him. Slager never says that the taser was used against him in any of the dispatch recordings, any incident report, any police report, or any report from any other officer responding on the scene.

So much for your 'fact'.

The Taser was still capable of being used as a stun-gun. You think the Taser should sit on the ground where anyone could have picked it up? Wake up!

Not while the taser is at the officer's feet and the suspect is running away from him at a distance of 20 feet.


Your narrative is physically impossible under the circumstances of the shooting.


EXCEPT...that's not the taser at his feet. HERE is video of the taser....flying behind Slager had both hands on his gun (so....who threw it????)

Oh, and I'm curious why Slager's attorney *didn't* argue in Slager's bond hearing that Scott tried to use the taser against Slager twice.

Did Slager's account change again?
Oh, and I'm curious why Slager's attorney *didn't* argue in Slager's bond hearing that Scott tried to use the taser against Slager twice.

Did Slager's account change again?

Had nothing to do with his bond. And it's a bad tactic....he could've been cross examined by prosecutor...which would give her a glimpse of the defense so she could prep for it.

Facts that will free Slager:
*Update* Game Changer OR Paradigm Shift ? - Walter Scott Shooting: Enhanced Video Shows Officer Slager With Taser Darts...
Slager's audio transmission said "He got my taser".

Scott took the taser. He was under arrest...just resisitng...and not cuffed. He had cocaine and alcohol in his system.

The Supreme Court has ruled that cops CAN use deadly force if...during an arrest...they are threatened with a weapon. Graham v. Connor. Slager's most...teach 1 + 1 force. 1 over what the suspect has. Taser + 1 = gun.

He's going free folks. Go ahead and get some popcorn for the riot.

He radioed that Scott had "taken his taser" after Scott was already dead - right about the same time he placed the taser next to Scott's body.
Let's clear up a few fucking FACTS!
Scot was following his training to 'secure the scene' when he picked up the Taser the SCOTT HAD SHOT SLAGER WITH AS PROVEN IN THE VIDEO!!!!.

That's not a 'fact'. That's not even alleged by anyone. You're just making this shit up as you go along.

Both cartridges of the taser had already been fired: at Scott. It was impossible for Scott to shoot Slager, even if he had the taser. Scott didn't have the taser. The taser was at the foot of officer Slager.

Scott was running from Slager without any taser. Slager shot him 8 times, shooting Scott everywhere from the ear to through his heart.

There were no taser barbs in Slager. There were no injuries consistent with Slager having had a taser used against him. Slager never says that the taser was used against him in any of the dispatch recordings, any incident report, any police report, or any report from any other officer responding on the scene.

So much for your 'fact'.

The Taser was still capable of being used as a stun-gun. You think the Taser should sit on the ground where anyone could have picked it up? Wake up!

Not while the taser is at the officer's feet and the suspect is running away from him at a distance of 20 feet.


Your narrative is physically impossible under the circumstances of the shooting.


EXCEPT...that's not the taser at his feet. HERE is video of the taser....flying behind Slager had both hands on his gun (so....who threw it????)

You do realize that in your video the 'it' is already on the ground before Slager even draws his fire arm, right?
Slager's audio transmission said "He got my taser".

Scott took the taser. He was under arrest...just resisitng...and not cuffed. He had cocaine and alcohol in his system.

The Supreme Court has ruled that cops CAN use deadly force if...during an arrest...they are threatened with a weapon. Graham v. Connor. Slager's most...teach 1 + 1 force. 1 over what the suspect has. Taser + 1 = gun.

He's going free folks. Go ahead and get some popcorn for the riot.

He radioed that Scott had "taken his taser" after Scott was already dead - right about the same time he placed the taser next to Scott's body.
Let's clear up a few fucking FACTS!
Scot was following his training to 'secure the scene' when he picked up the Taser the SCOTT HAD SHOT SLAGER WITH AS PROVEN IN THE VIDEO!!!!.

That's not a 'fact'. That's not even alleged by anyone. You're just making this shit up as you go along.

Both cartridges of the taser had already been fired: at Scott. It was impossible for Scott to shoot Slager, even if he had the taser. Scott didn't have the taser. The taser was at the foot of officer Slager.

Scott was running from Slager without any taser. Slager shot him 8 times, shooting Scott everywhere from the ear to through his heart.

There were no taser barbs in Slager. There were no injuries consistent with Slager having had a taser used against him. Slager never says that the taser was used against him in any of the dispatch recordings, any incident report, any police report, or any report from any other officer responding on the scene.

So much for your 'fact'.

The Taser was still capable of being used as a stun-gun. You think the Taser should sit on the ground where anyone could have picked it up? Wake up!

Not while the taser is at the officer's feet and the suspect is running away from him at a distance of 20 feet.


Your narrative is physically impossible under the circumstances of the shooting.


EXCEPT...that's not the taser at his feet. HERE is video of the taser....flying behind Slager had both hands on his gun (so....who threw it????)

You do realize that in your video the 'it' is already on the ground before Slager even draws his fire arm, right?

Flying backwards as Slager draws his gun. Who threw it?

Just read here:

*Update* Game Changer OR Paradigm Shift ? - Walter Scott Shooting: Enhanced Video Shows Officer Slager With Taser Darts...
Oh, and I'm curious why Slager's attorney *didn't* argue in Slager's bond hearing that Scott tried to use the taser against Slager twice.

Did Slager's account change again?

Had nothing to do with his bond. And it's a bad tactic....he could've been cross examined by prosecutor...which would give her a glimpse of the defense so she could prep for it.

Facts that will free Slager:
*Update* Game Changer OR Paradigm Shift ? - Walter Scott Shooting: Enhanced Video Shows Officer Slager With Taser Darts...

Why would the suspect trying to use the taser against Slager twice have no relevance to the bond hearing? It would be immediately relevant. Amazingly relevant.

Yet Savage made absolutely no mention of it. Just like Slager made no mention of it in any incident report, any dispatch recording, any police report. Nor did any responding officer.

Just how many versions of this story does Slager's team plan on presenting? We're on.....the 4th version now? Or is it just a rehash of the 2nd?
He radioed that Scott had "taken his taser" after Scott was already dead - right about the same time he placed the taser next to Scott's body.
Let's clear up a few fucking FACTS!
Scot was following his training to 'secure the scene' when he picked up the Taser the SCOTT HAD SHOT SLAGER WITH AS PROVEN IN THE VIDEO!!!!.

That's not a 'fact'. That's not even alleged by anyone. You're just making this shit up as you go along.

Both cartridges of the taser had already been fired: at Scott. It was impossible for Scott to shoot Slager, even if he had the taser. Scott didn't have the taser. The taser was at the foot of officer Slager.

Scott was running from Slager without any taser. Slager shot him 8 times, shooting Scott everywhere from the ear to through his heart.

There were no taser barbs in Slager. There were no injuries consistent with Slager having had a taser used against him. Slager never says that the taser was used against him in any of the dispatch recordings, any incident report, any police report, or any report from any other officer responding on the scene.

So much for your 'fact'.

The Taser was still capable of being used as a stun-gun. You think the Taser should sit on the ground where anyone could have picked it up? Wake up!

Not while the taser is at the officer's feet and the suspect is running away from him at a distance of 20 feet.


Your narrative is physically impossible under the circumstances of the shooting.


EXCEPT...that's not the taser at his feet. HERE is video of the taser....flying behind Slager had both hands on his gun (so....who threw it????)

You do realize that in your video the 'it' is already on the ground before Slager even draws his fire arm, right?

Flying backwards as Slager draws his gun. Who threw it?

It was already on the ground BEFORE Slager threw his gun. Watch the slow mo. They even put a little red marker around the 'it', while it bounces on the ground.......before Slager's gun is drawn.

So much for your claim that 'both slager's hands were on his weapon'. Did you even watch the video?

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