Breaking. Oakland has ALSO filed a lawsuit against corrupt!!!

Hey McRocket it is comedy gold that people here are saying LA RAM is the one full of shit saying the Vegas stadium will not be ready in 2020.

Here is proof only an idiot would think the vegas stadium will be ready that year.again here is a recent pic of it under construction.the next football season after this year will just be a year and a couple of months away from now,does THIS stadium look like its making progress to be ready by then?:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301:


Lets now take a look at the Inglewood stadium that is right on track to be ready that same year. This article from 2018 says it was 40% ready back then

THIS one from jan 2019 says it is 60% ready,they look like THEY are making good progress,vegas is not.all the ingleowood stadium has lef to do is atach the roof,thats it.

dont you agree this stadium DOES look ready for 2020?

New video shows Rams' stadium in Inglewood is 60 percent done

this stadium DOES look rwady by 2020 to go.



There's a better picture of the Vegas one.

And remember we are talking about two completely different stadiums. LA is a 5 billion dollar stadium, Vegas is building a 1.8 billion dollar one.

I heard Vegas is determining when/if they will need to start a 3rd shift to open Aug 4th, but so far that isn't necessary.

Not sure if construction goes the same as the plant I started, but there the ground work and steel framing went PAINFULLY slow. Then poof, it was skinned and looked almost done in a month. It was amazing how we went from sticks to a real looking building.

damn straight it WILL be neccessary.LOL Dont fall for the media propaganda,it will never be ready by the regular season.:abgg2q.jpg:

Look at the inglewood stadium,they got the roof ready for attachment,this one doesnt have that ready.:abgg2q.jpg:

theres a REASON why sam farmer made this statememnt about it recently.LOL

Sam Farmer‏Verified account @LATimesfarmer Apr 27
Looks a little quiet on that Raiders construction site. Better step it up.:2up:

Farmer has NOT said that about the Ingelwood site cause IT is right on schedule.

The LA stadium is still scheduled to be ready for the 2019 season right? :04:

All the more reason to be confidant the vegas stadium will not be ready for the 2020 season because the media initially in 2016 when the Rams moved back to LA were also saying Inglewood would be ready for the 2019. season,how did that one turn out?:D I had my doubts back then as well thinking the media was being too optimistic with their 2019 prediction,so many things can go wrong in these projects causing a delay.:D

Sam Farmer is the most objective sportswrtier i know, he calls it like he sees it and like i said,he hasnt been saying that about Inglewood that they better step it up.there is a REASON for that.:abgg2q.jpg:

I was just giving you crap. It will be interesting to see if they make it.

As for the name, I don't ever think Modell really cared about the Browns name and logo which is why he didn't fight for it. Not really a fan favorite logo (outside Cleveland), where as the Raider one I think carries more "cool" factor throughout the US.

I don't really see any legal merits to their case. If Amazon moves from Seattle, I don't think they should have to change their name. Their lease expired, and they didn't want to stay, and not like the Raiders is solely an Oakland team. It's an anti-trust suit that free movement of an owner of his business can't move of his own will (kinda the opposite of an anti-trust case).

It seems their case is built on NFL teams giving favoritism to cities without NFL teams over current NFL cities. Or that other owners are enriching themselves by getting relocation money from the raiders. But that payment literally goes against the antitrust theory because the Raiders have to spend 370 million or whatever to leave. That's not an incentive from the league to move.

MAYBE it could be used as a method to pressure the Raiders to settle, knowing dirty laundry might be aired. But even then, I still don't see the Raiders giving up their name. It's tough to say the NFL pressured the Raiders to move, when for the Raiders to move, they had to pay the NFL 378 million to do so.

Dude you didnt stop giving me shit,you STILL are.:D

I dont know where you heard that about Modell and the NFL but thats entirely false,where did you hear that?

thats not accurate at all that Modell.Modell faught tooth and nail to bring the name and logo to baltimore only settling out of court in an out of court settlement with cleveland to leave the name and logo in cleveland once the city threatened a lawsuit against Modell and the NFL. I know someone who posts here that has lived in cleveland all his life and is a browns fan and he remembers that vividly that thats what happened. Plus i have called up sportswriters up in cleveland tha were around that day and they have told me the same thing,so when people start muttering that crap,i know they making stuff up out of their ass. Not saying YOU are,i think you have just been misinformed,but posters in general.

that again is WHY i am confidant the raiders name and logo will remain in oakland cause oakland has an even stronger case against the NFL than cleveland did. after both the rams and Oilers left LA and Houston back in 95,NFL relocation bylaws got much more strict and much ,ore tougher. That was why cleveland fought against modell and the NFL back then and won cause had it been in 95 when the rules were not in place yet,Modell WOULD have been able to easily leave cleveland AND take the name and colors like he wanted to.

Read post# 2 on this thread and watch the two videos i posted.

Breaking. Oakland has ALSO filed a lawsuit against corrupt!!!

It proves oakland has a VERY strong case against davis and the NFL.

three trolls posted funnys there because they knew they could not counter the evidence in it,they didnt even try as you can see knowing they were taken to school by me.:D

you cant just up and move an NFL franchise anymore at the drop of a dime,you got NFL relocation rules and bylaws in place now that you got to follow.the Rams THEY followed those NFL relocation bylaw rules.mark davis on the other hand did NOT and him and the NFL are in serious trouble whether you realise it or not.

anytime i point this out the vegas lovers always retreat going back to the 1980's talking about how al davis won a court case against the NFL and moved them to LA blah blah blah blah always IGNORING that NFL relocation bylaw rules were not in place back then like they are now.:abgg2q.jpg::rolleyes: those pro vegas people who always retreat to what AL davis did in the 80's lameass argument when he moved them to LA,everytime i just got to say- beam me up scotty,there is no intelliget life forms on this planet.:rolleyes:
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Well, I hope Oakland finds a way to keep the Raiders. Las Vegas does it need a team...Oakland does.
Well, I hope Oakland finds a way to keep the Raiders. Las Vegas does it need a team...Oakland does.

It was a tragedy that Vegas got an NHL team over other, more deserving markets.

Poaching the Raiders from their rightful home just compounds the problem.
Well, I hope Oakland finds a way to keep the Raiders. Las Vegas does it need a team...Oakland does.

It was a tragedy that Vegas got an NHL team over other, more deserving markets.

Poaching the Raiders from their rightful home just compounds the problem.

Yeah Vegas has a bunch of transplants.the raiders would have NO homefield advantage IF they moved there. That NHL team you mentioned,they have no home filed advantage,its always a neautral site there for their games. it would be no different with the raiders or whatever NFL team went there.
Well, I hope Oakland finds a way to keep the Raiders. Las Vegas does it need a team...Oakland does.

It was a tragedy that Vegas got an NHL team over other, more deserving markets.

Poaching the Raiders from their rightful home just compounds the problem.

Yeah Vegas has a bunch of transplants.the raiders would have NO homefield advantage IF they moved there. That NHL team you mentioned,they have no home filed advantage,its always a neautral site there for their games. it would be no different with the raiders or whatever NFL team went there.

Exactly. It would be what the Chargers are suffering (rightfully so) for the past two years except worse.

At least Los Angeles is a continually growing and cosmopolitan CITY. Vegas is the epitome of a hub for transplants and tourists and people who want to lose money.
Well, I hope Oakland finds a way to keep the Raiders. Las Vegas does it need a team...Oakland does.

It was a tragedy that Vegas got an NHL team over other, more deserving markets.

Poaching the Raiders from their rightful home just compounds the problem.

Yeah Vegas has a bunch of transplants.the raiders would have NO homefield advantage IF they moved there. That NHL team you mentioned,they have no home filed advantage,its always a neautral site there for their games. it would be no different with the raiders or whatever NFL team went there.

Exactly. It would be what the Chargers are suffering (rightfully so) for the past two years except worse.

At least Los Angeles is a continually growing and cosmopolitan CITY. Vegas is the epitome of a hub for transplants and tourists and people who want to lose money.

what amazes me is the ignorance of the posters who say Vegas is a great move for the Raiders because Oakland is a dump. What they ALWAYS leave out is vegas is an even BIGGER dump.:rolleyes:

While true,that in california you have a lot of homeless people on the streets,Vegas does as well and something else they leave out is ALL major cities have lower district parts of the city that look like a dump.Vegas being no exception.

They also in their ignorance always leave out out the upper class distrcit,how beautiful the expensive and classy neighborhoods,how nice they are. they always post the poor sections of the town in their attempts to convince people oakland is the biggest dump city in the country.These pics below dispel that myth in a heartbeat. Look at these pics,does this look like Brokeland to you? does this look like the ENTIRE city and their neighborhoods are a dump?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

Looks like a pretty BEAUTIFUL city to me.:abgg2q.jpg: these people that say oakland is a dump obviously have never visitied there before and just go by what they hear from the LAMESTREAM media. the biased media always makes oakland out to garbage and San franciso to be beautiiful.could not be any further from the truth.




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then there is vegas,what these ignorant fools always leave out in their bashing of oakland saying it is a dump is like i just said,vegas is an even BIGGER dump and here is the proof OUTSIDE the city of the false glamour of the hotels and casinos this is what the MJORITY of vegas REALLY looks like not to mention Vegas is the most poor city on the entire country with parents having to work TWO jobs just to keep their head above water and the worst school system in the country.

couldnt find any pics-i guess the net does not want americans to see what vegas REALLY looks like once you venture outside the glamour and glitz of the fancy hotels and casinos.:biggrin:

but this short four minute video speaks a THOUSAND words and backs up what i say that Vegas is an an even much WORSE dump that Oakland is.Oakland at least has a thriving economy where vegas is the worst economy in the whole country being the most poor city there is and the NFL wants to take the raiders out of oakland for THAT,this below?:rolleyes::rolleyes-41::cuckoo:

Man, NO WONDER the lamestream media never shows what Vegas REALLY looks like just right outside of the las vegas strip.Man that is some depressing stuff to look at there.

Like it i said so well in the very Beginning of this video -For a city with so much money,it's hard to believe how many people live in poverty just off the strip.:2up:
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Well, I hope Oakland finds a way to keep the Raiders. Las Vegas does it need a team...Oakland does.

It was a tragedy that Vegas got an NHL team over other, more deserving markets.

Poaching the Raiders from their rightful home just compounds the problem.

Yeah Vegas has a bunch of transplants.the raiders would have NO homefield advantage IF they moved there. That NHL team you mentioned,they have no home filed advantage,its always a neautral site there for their games. it would be no different with the raiders or whatever NFL team went there.

Exactly. It would be what the Chargers are suffering (rightfully so) for the past two years except worse.

At least Los Angeles is a continually growing and cosmopolitan CITY. Vegas is the epitome of a hub for transplants and tourists and people who want to lose money.

what amazes me is the ignorance of the posters who say Vegas is a great move for the Raiders because Oakland is a dump. What they ALWAYS leave out is vegas is an even BIGGER dump.:rolleyes:

While true,that in california you have a lot of homeless people on the streets,Vegas does as well and something else they leave out is ALL major cities have lower district parts of the city that look like a dump.Vegas being no exception.

They also in their ignorance always leave out out the upper class distrcit,how beautiful the expensive and classy neighborhoods,how nice they are. they always post the poor sections of the town in their attempts to convince people oakland is the biggest dump city in the country.These pics below dispel that myth in a heartbeat. Look at these pics,does this look like Brokeland to you? does this look like the ENTIRE city and their neighborhoods are a dump?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

Looks like a pretty BEAUTIFUL city to me.:abgg2q.jpg: these people that say oakland is a dump obviously have never visitied there before and just go by what they hear from the LAMESTREAM media. the biased media always makes oakland out to garbage and San franciso to be beautiiful.could not be any further from the truth.





Nice man! Yeah I think it's high time people stop with the slandering of cities and justify relocation on a ridiculous basis.

I mean c'mon....Detroit's sports legacy (minus maybe the Lions) just wouldn't fit if it were to leave to a more glamorous city. I've heard countless people suggest that maybe the Pistons or Tigers would be better suited to a more desirable city to attract free agents.

And that doesn't even factor in the Packers and Green Bay....
Funny,I havent seen these kind of negative articles printed in newspapers on the Rams stadium project also slated to open the same season the raiders alleged stadium is.:biggrin:


one official acknowledged a list of worries tied to the $1.8 billion project ...:haha:
poor crybaby NFL for once they did not get their way and could not stop oaklands lawsuit against them.:abgg2q.jpg:

Raiders, NFL ask judge to toss Oakland's lawsuit

Looks like the City of Oakland has the Raiders/NFL scared.


it gets even more comical,mark davis and the NFL are REALLY running scared and getting desperate now.they are trying AGAIN to try and get the lawsuit dimismissed ONCE again.:abgg2q.jpg: check out and listen to this short 8 minute is obvious they are getting desperate and running scared now because they KNOW they dont have a chance in hell in court and will lose their asses:21: and that is because st louis won their case and they know that oakland has an even stronger case which scares the hell out of the NFL because THEIR lawsuit is to keep the team name in oakland. they Also REMEMBER to avoid going to court and losing lots of money to the city of cleveland,that to avoid that,Modell and the NFL settled out of court by leaving the team name in clevleand and avoided going to going to court and the NFL remembers that and they know OAKLAND has an even stronger case than cleveland did which is why they are running scared now desperately trying to get the city of oakland to chance their mind and drop the lawsuit AGAIN.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

this is BEYOND hysterical,:haha:

first the vegas stadium encounter THIS delay back in the middle of june

(Last Updated On: June 16, 2019)

Las Vegas – The Oakland Raiders Las Vegas Stadium has a new problem on top of sponsorship issues and stadium hotel tax revenue problems: an issue that caused the removal of one of the roof truss segments – 26 in all and 130,000 lbs, each – that are being installed ahead of a self-imposed July 31st deadline had to be removed on June 12th, and to this day, June 15th, it has still not been replaced.

This is a major development setback for the new NFL Stadium, and is related to another Las Vegas Stadium construction process that’s also now pushed back: the installation of 850-foot long cables that are to fix the 26 roof trusses in place and support the translucent ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) roof.

On top of that, Las Vegas Monsoon 2019 is said to be coming, today, Saturday. If it does, that expected flash flood will add up to yet another rain-delay this year to push back the Las Vegas Stadium construction schedule, meaning a stoppage in the process to fix the roof truss problem, which is a delay in itself.

and now this is the LATEST delay to come up that just came up a few days ago

it couldn't POSSIBLY by anymore comical than this:muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha: :haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

RAIDERS STADIUM UPDATE: Over 1/3 of the Trusses were Built with Parts Upside Down
RAIDERS STADIUM UPDATE: Over 1/3 of the Trusses were Built with Parts Upside Down

i cant believe people around here SERIOUSLY think this stadium is going to be ready for the raiders to play in next season in vegas.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
this is BEYOND hysterical,:haha:

first the vegas stadium encounter THIS delay back in the middle of june

(Last Updated On: June 16, 2019)

Las Vegas – The Oakland Raiders Las Vegas Stadium has a new problem on top of sponsorship issues and stadium hotel tax revenue problems: an issue that caused the removal of one of the roof truss segments – 26 in all and 130,000 lbs, each – that are being installed ahead of a self-imposed July 31st deadline had to be removed on June 12th, and to this day, June 15th, it has still not been replaced.

This is a major development setback for the new NFL Stadium, and is related to another Las Vegas Stadium construction process that’s also now pushed back: the installation of 850-foot long cables that are to fix the 26 roof trusses in place and support the translucent ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) roof.

On top of that, Las Vegas Monsoon 2019 is said to be coming, today, Saturday. If it does, that expected flash flood will add up to yet another rain-delay this year to push back the Las Vegas Stadium construction schedule, meaning a stoppage in the process to fix the roof truss problem, which is a delay in itself.

and now this is the LATEST delay to come up that just came up a few days ago

it couldn't POSSIBLY by anymore comical than this:muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha: :haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

RAIDERS STADIUM UPDATE: Over 1/3 of the Trusses were Built with Parts Upside Down
RAIDERS STADIUM UPDATE: Over 1/3 of the Trusses were Built with Parts Upside Down

i cant believe people around here SERIOUSLY think this stadium is going to be ready for the raiders to play in next season in vegas.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Holy shiiiieet, karma on the come-up to screw the Raiders. I love every minute of this.

Watch the corrupt NFL still double down on this. They want the NFL in Vegas at all costs- a travesty of sports justice.
this is BEYOND hysterical,:haha:

first the vegas stadium encounter THIS delay back in the middle of june

(Last Updated On: June 16, 2019)

Las Vegas – The Oakland Raiders Las Vegas Stadium has a new problem on top of sponsorship issues and stadium hotel tax revenue problems: an issue that caused the removal of one of the roof truss segments – 26 in all and 130,000 lbs, each – that are being installed ahead of a self-imposed July 31st deadline had to be removed on June 12th, and to this day, June 15th, it has still not been replaced.

This is a major development setback for the new NFL Stadium, and is related to another Las Vegas Stadium construction process that’s also now pushed back: the installation of 850-foot long cables that are to fix the 26 roof trusses in place and support the translucent ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) roof.

On top of that, Las Vegas Monsoon 2019 is said to be coming, today, Saturday. If it does, that expected flash flood will add up to yet another rain-delay this year to push back the Las Vegas Stadium construction schedule, meaning a stoppage in the process to fix the roof truss problem, which is a delay in itself.

and now this is the LATEST delay to come up that just came up a few days ago

it couldn't POSSIBLY by anymore comical than this:muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha: :haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

RAIDERS STADIUM UPDATE: Over 1/3 of the Trusses were Built with Parts Upside Down
RAIDERS STADIUM UPDATE: Over 1/3 of the Trusses were Built with Parts Upside Down

i cant believe people around here SERIOUSLY think this stadium is going to be ready for the raiders to play in next season in vegas.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Holy shiiiieet, karma on the come-up to screw the Raiders. I love every minute of this.

Watch the corrupt NFL still double down on this. They want the NFL in Vegas at all costs- a travesty of sports justice.
Al Davis was s thorn in the side of the NFL. He was one of the movers and shakers that combined the old AFL and NFL together and formed the new league with Super Bowls as its signature game. He did what he wanted though. Like a rogue owner. Went from Oakland to L.A. back to Oakland and now his son is going to Vegas. The Oakland fans are incredible. They deserve better. But that stadium they play in is the worst in the league. Has been for decades. To bad building new stadiums has become insane in amenities and price where the game is secondary.
Okay I AM conceding that the Raiders could very go to Vegas HOWEVER I am saying ti WONT be in 2020.everybody that thinks that has clearly not been paying attention to whats REALLY going on in the construction of the stadium in vegas and unaware of the facts that they are three months behind in schedule. The Raiders assuming Oakland somehow loses their lawsuit in court they have filed which i now think could very well happen because the judge looks like he is corrupt and been bought off by the NFL.

assuming thats the case and the Raiders go to vegas. that will just prove the NFL is a corrupt cartel because if you read this link below,they would CLEARLY be breaking the law. the actions on both the raiders and the NFL are CRIMINAL,that CANNOT be debated. nobody here knows the lenghts of corruption the NFL has gone to to put the raiders in vegas,you wont either if you dont read the link.


A comprehensive exposé on the City of Oakland vs NFL antitrust lawsuit revealing a vast, illegal conspiracy to remove the Raiders from Oakland. Link below
If the Vegas stadium is not done on time the Raiders could play in the college football stadium in Vegas for one year, or they could play in London for one year.

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