BREAKING: Obama furloughs ICE agents in Murietta


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
» Source: Obama Gives Murrieta Area ICE Agents Stand Down Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mexican Flag-Wearing La Raza Militants Arrive in Murrieta Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

number of ICE agents in the Murrieta/LA area paid temporary leave, a move that will exacerbate the mass influx of illegal immigrants into the region.

Liberty News’ Eric Odom, who is currently on the scene in the flashpoint town of Murrieta, says an ICE employee who lives in Orange County told him, “the Obama administration has furloughed Murrieta/LA area ICE agents full time until further notice,” but that the agents would continue to receive full pay.

“One would think any ICE agents still being paid full time would be deployed to actually assist the U.S. in its fight against Obama’s foreign invasion of the interior United States. Especially in light of the controversially fight between the federal government and the citizens of Murrieta,” writes Odom, noting that the move weakens American security without even saving any money.

EXCLUSIVE ? BREAKING: Source Says Murrieta Area ICE Agents Furloughed Full Time Until Further Notice |
Either Impeach him now or be absorbed into the North American Union. Poor Illegal Aliens, they're gonna' get screwed too!
An unnamed source who works for the ICE agency and lives in Orange County says the Obama administration has furloughed Murrieta/LA area ICE agents full time until further notice.
That's called a "Stand Down Order".

The President is committing Treason.
Either Impeach him now or be absorbed into the North American Union. Poor Illegal Aliens, they're gonna' get screwed too!

I know, they don't realize that they are just measly pawns being pushed forward here.

In case things don't work out for American citizens (our revolution fails or whatever), I would advise becoming semi-fluent in spanish. Being able to have a decent length conversation in spanish makes them like you a LOT, they even want you to meet their daughters/nieces. I'm dating an El Salvadorean right now actually.

Consider learning Spanish a survival mechanism if shit goes south.
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It is an "unnamed source" and completely unconfirmed. You should wait before wetting your pants.
It is an "unnamed source" and completely unconfirmed. You should wait before wetting your pants.
So when it's confirmed will you "wet your pants"? No. You're shaming tactic doesn't work anymore Mr. Alinsky.
hahahaha! Yesterday the twit posting the OP was crying that Ice was working now he's crying that they aren't.

You read shit like this on the internet (from the article) and know the OP is almost brain dead.
actually assist the U.S. in its fight against Obama’s foreign invasion of the interior United States
He might be getting ready to stop trying to force illegals into Murietta. The La Raza brown shirts are coming and their method of fighting is actual fighting. This will escalate very quickly into a full blown riot. Mechistas always tear down the American flag first thing and raise the Mexican flag. The people of Murietta are in no mood for such nonsense.

The only way to deal with it is to stop trying to dump illegals there.
It is an "unnamed source" and completely unconfirmed. You should wait before wetting your pants.

You could say the same of many unnamed sources in CNN/MSNBC and HUffington post.

Yes. And you don't see me running here copying and pasting and wetting my pants over any of their unconfirmed/unsubstantiated bullshit, either.

Tu quoque fallacy FAIL.
It is an "unnamed source" and completely unconfirmed. You should wait before wetting your pants.
So when it's confirmed will you "wet your pants"? No. You're shaming tactic doesn't work anymore Mr. Alinsky.

When it is confirmed?

Get back to me when it is. And don't forget to quote the reasons for the furlough IF it is confirmed.
An unnamed source who works for the ICE agency and lives in Orange County says the Obama administration has furloughed Murrieta/LA area ICE agents full time until further notice.
That's called a "Stand Down Order".

The President is committing Treason.

Aye! The President is openly defying his Article IV duty to defend the United States.

Article IV, Section 4: Duty of Federal Government;
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Furthermore, he is MAKING WAR on the United States!

Article III, Section 3: Treason;
reason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.
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It is an "unnamed source" and completely unconfirmed. You should wait before wetting your pants.
So when it's confirmed will you "wet your pants"? No. You're shaming tactic doesn't work anymore Mr. Alinsky.
When it is confirmed?
Get back to me when it is. And don't forget to quote the reasons for the furlough IF it is confirmed.
The article said they were furloughed yet they were still being paid. That's not a Furlough, it's a paid vacation on a mass scale.

It's also a Stand Down Order. THAT'S what important to understand here.

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