BREAKING : Obama Just Released document supporting Syrian Invasion

That was supposed to count as evidence? I'm persuaded, LOL.

Nope, a pretext.

Liberals are not going to criticize their black Prez.

Conservatives , love spilling blood and Tomahawk missiles.

So who in these US of A is going to oppose the CIC?


Just saw John Kerry's remarks on the situation.

Holy crap. Those words could have been spoken by Dubya.

What the fuck is it with American politicians and Presidents? Why are they so fucking anxious to blow shit up and make things worse? Is it the water in the Oval Office?

Bombs away, here we go. Sheesh.


Just saw John Kerry's remarks on the situation.

Holy crap. Those words could have been spoken by Dubya.

What the fuck is it with American politicians and Presidents? Why are they so fucking anxious to blow shit up and make things worse? Is it the water in the Oval Office?

Bombs away, here we go. Sheesh.


The War Party - the Military Industrial Complex - owns both .

Obama is Kenyan for Bush.

nearly-80-percent-want-congressional-approval-on-syria?lite"]NBC [/URL]poll: Nearly 80 percent want congressional approval on Syria
By Mark Murray, Senior Political Editor, NBC News.

Funny how the same morons who claim a) the public is stupid b) congress is shit, and deserving of its 14% approval rate

are now extolling how "smart" the public is, and why it is a good idea to wait for congress to approve before taking action. Just pathetic, inconsistent morons.
nearly-80-percent-want-congressional-approval-on-syria?lite"]NBC [/URL]poll: Nearly 80 percent want congressional approval on Syria
By Mark Murray, Senior Political Editor, NBC News.

Funny how the same morons who claim a) the public is stupid b) congress is shit, and deserving of its 14% approval rate

are now extolling how "smart" the public is, and why it is a good idea to wait for congress to approve before taking action. Just pathetic, inconsistent morons.

I will accept any means which will deter the Scumbag in Chief from getting us in another expensive unwinnable war, just so that he can impress his Israeli and Saudi Arabian constituencies.

Hey dipshit. The Obama Administration has made it crystal clear they are not planning an invasion. But I guess you are too dense to understand even crystal clear explanations.

You are manufacturing BULLSHIT out of whole cloth.

Excuse me Mr Dingle Berry:

Are the Tomahawk Missiles designed to avoid hitting anything in the Syrian Territory?

in·va·sion (n-vzhn)
1. The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
2. A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease.
3. An intrusion or encroachment.


You've been real obvious the past few days that you mean an actual invasion. A war. Boots on the ground. Your posts the past few days have provided all the context.

You are manufacturing bullshit and you are busted. Obama is not planning an invasion. You are a liar.
Hey dipshit. The Obama Administration has made it crystal clear they are not planning an invasion. But I guess you are too dense to understand even crystal clear explanations.

You are manufacturing BULLSHIT out of whole cloth.

Excuse me Mr Dingle Berry:

Are the Tomahawk Missiles designed to avoid hitting anything in the Syrian Territory?

in·va·sion (n-vzhn)
1. The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
2. A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease.
3. An intrusion or encroachment.


You've been real obvious the past few days that you mean an actual invasion. A war. Boots on the ground. Your posts the past few days have provided all the context.

You are manufacturing bullshit and you are busted. Obama is not planning an invasion. You are a liar.

Maybe not but whatever you want to call his actions they will hurt Assad which in turn helps the "rebels". Why are we supporting the rebels ?
Hey dipshit. The Obama Administration has made it crystal clear they are not planning an invasion. But I guess you are too dense to understand even crystal clear explanations.

You are manufacturing BULLSHIT out of whole cloth.

Excuse me Mr Dingle Berry:

Are the Tomahawk Missiles designed to avoid hitting anything in the Syrian Territory?

in·va·sion (n-vzhn)
1. The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
2. A large-scale onset of something injurious or harmful, such as a disease.
3. An intrusion or encroachment.


You've been real obvious the past few days that you mean an actual invasion. A war. Boots on the ground. Your posts the past few days have provided all the context.

You are manufacturing bullshit and you are busted. Obama is not planning an invasion. You are a liar.

Gee, .5000

You sound like someone who would allow the Scumbag in Chief stain their garment.

Related to Monica?

Mebbe that was the document that Obama was basing this little charade on, but this is what came out of the White House Strategy session for dealing wit Syria. First gut feelin' 'Holy Shit!' Next gut feelin "Oh noes!"

'Valerie, does rock cover paper?"

Do you think the White House orders its supply of KY Jelly in the fifty five gallon drum size like they do over at the NYT? Fourteen rounds of spades the night bin Laden got popped, you say? Hell! With all the competence and transparency this Administration has put on display Osama was probably up there in the Lincoln bedroom dealin hands with both Obama and Reggie while they were setting up the photo op in the Situation Room.

Tweet Of The Day (Updated With Response From Pat Sajak) | Weasel Zippers
I will accept any means which will deter the Scumbag in Chief from getting us in another expensive unwinnable war, just so that he can impress his Israeli and Saudi Arabian constituencies.


I can see why I had you on ignore a year ago when I was last here, and still see the value of keeping a clueless idiot like you on it.

What the fuck does Israel care one way of the other about assad? It helps israel is syria is in turmoil, so why would they want one side to win?

If you are going to make comments, try to apply your full one ounce of brainpower so that they make sense.
I will accept any means which will deter the Scumbag in Chief from getting us in another expensive unwinnable war, just so that he can impress his Israeli and Saudi Arabian constituencies.


I can see why I had you on ignore a year ago when I was last here, and still see the value of keeping a clueless idiot like you on it.

What the fuck does Israel care one way of the other about assad? It helps israel is syria is in turmoil, so why would they want one side to win?

If you are going to make comments, try to apply your full one ounce of brainpower so that they make sense.

Put me back on ignore, fast:

"This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:"


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Now we are going to provide military action in support of the Al-qaeda rebels, the same group we are supposedly at war with. The same Al Qaeda headed by binladen when we killed him? Does this sound like "Aid And Comfort To The Enemy"? Does the Constitution legally allow our politicians to commit Treason?
Now we are going to provide military action in support of the Al-qaeda rebels, the same group we are supposedly at war with. The same Al Qaeda headed by binladen when we killed him? Does this sound like "Aid And Comfort To The Enemy"? Does the Constitution legally allow our politicians to commit Treason?

[ame=]Nixon - When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal - YouTube[/ame]

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