Breaking: Obama Sends 1,400 Manufacturing Jobs & Sensitive Technology to Brazil -

Does the president really decide who gets this contract or is it officials in the US Air Force?

I mean maybe he did I have no idea, but there are thousands of government and military contracts awarded so it is a bit of a stretch to assume one man has the micromanaging ability to make a decision on all of them.

The WH can issue an order demanding contracts stay here in the USA. What did Bush/Cheney do to keep the French and others out of Iraq contracts after they refused to support the invasion but wanted rebuilding contracts?
As soon as the 2008 presidential election was over, Obama started selecting his cabinet and forgot the change and hope which was all b.s. anyway.
His commerce secretary? A free trader. And not one liberal has he appointed except maybe Van Jones and he cut him loose pretty quick in the game. Since then he's completed trade deals began by bush. Sure I voted for him because I think republicans are even worse but it seems like the march to the complete deindustrialization of America is right on target. Sounds like conspiracy? Well if theres a plan for America and both parties work toward that end, it is a realistic conspiracy.

My opinion anyway and maybe it got off topic but I don't think so. Anyone think I'm wrong?

You appear to be very confused. Obama ran against the neocon agenda not the free market agenda. Obama had to honor trade deals begun under Bush. Contract law.

You confuse progressive and liberal ad if they are the same thing.

There is NO plan. :laugh2: If there were there would not be such mayhem, or...:eek:
I covered not believing Obama in my first sentence so how am I hypocritical? After Clinton pushed Nafta and other trade deals during his two terms, after he first criticized these trade policies that hurt American workers during his 1992 debates, I started to become aware that in some things at least, there's not a big difference between the two parties.

If that were so Unions would not have fought so hard and spent so much money. Your conspiracy shit falls apart under the light of day

Oh wait! The Unions are in on it too!
When I was an Airline Mechanic I worked on Embraer EMB-120's.

An Embraer rep visited for a few weeks and discussed with us various aspects of the plane and it's "idiosyncrasies". I remember the Rep saying that when you look at any EMB 120 you can tell what day of the week a rivet was driven by how straight they were.

Mondays rivets were all in a straight line because most people were focused on the job. But by Friday the lines were getting wavy and more rivets had to be drilled out and re-done because they were more interested in their weekend plans.

Sure enough, when we looked at any plane in our inventory we could see what he was talking about, the inconsistencies of Brazilian manufacturing.

Now, my wife has Brazilian relatives and they're wonderful people but facts is facts. In fact it's kinda odd to see Asian people speaking Portugese but that's another story!

But I'm certain, American people can do just as good a job as the Brazilians do in manufacturing planes.
Not for people who get out of the house more often than you do

your poor wife
Not for people who get out of the house more often than you do

your poor wife
No I'd say most people who get out of the house regularly would find Asians speaking Portuguese to be odd. I'm not sure if you are trying to appear more worldly than you probably are or are just being an asshole (probably a bit of both) but I've had same experience encountering Chinese in Guatemala and Panama speaking Spanish, it is indeed odd.
just amazing.
links in article at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, February 28, 2013, 12:09 PM

Hawker Beechcraft Headquarters in Witchita, Kansas.

Yesterday, after a conflict-fraught deliberation process, the Obama Administration awarded the Light Air Support (LAS) contract to Brazilian-based Embraer over Beechcraft; a Wichita Kansas based company with a long history of supplying the U.S. military with aircraft. Had Beechcraft been granted the contract, the company expected to add or sustain 1,400 jobs in the U.S. The Embraer plane, on the other hand, will be primarily built in Brazil, with only about 50 assembly jobs in the U.S.

After a long-drawn-out contracting process that has been marred in controversy and questionable conduct by government officials, the Pentagon and the Obama Administration have again decided to put taxpayers at risk and ship jobs overseas by allowing a foreign company to produce important components of our national security.

“On Thursday February 27th, Department of Defense (DOD) officials awarded the Light Air Support (LAS) contract to the Brazilian aircraft maker, Embraer. Interestingly and without explanation, the cost of the contract to taxpayers somehow ballooned from $355 million to $427.5 million, a 20 percent increase. With sequestration and billions of dollars in defense cuts set to take place, taxpayers should be outraged at this cost increase.

“By awarding the contract to the Brazilians, the Administration has once again failed to give Beechcraft, the American-made aircraft manufacturer vying for the contract, the full and fair consideration that was required during the procurement process…

all of it here
- See more at: The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

and yet,Reagan did the same thing and yet you idolize the bastard.:cuckoo: Man our corrupt school system is failing.

Total Idiots: Majority of Americans Want Reagan Back | Grant J. Kidney, at War with the Establishment!

you really need to pick up this book and get educated on the REAL Ronald Reagan. Jack Mehoff's review of The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan ...

Ha ha,i see the truth hurts stephanie since she has no comment of that she was wrong about reagan gere.:lol::D
what you fail to see is the hypocrisy of your own, that is what this is about - not whether it is what the others do or not. Did Obama espouse during his campaigning about keeping jobs at home?
Obama Tells U.S. Businesses To Bring Jobs 'Back Home'

and yet you guys give him a free pass just as usual.

I covered not believing Obama in my first sentence so how am I hypocritical? After Clinton pushed Nafta and other trade deals during his two terms, after he first criticized these trade policies that hurt American workers during his 1992 debates, I started to become aware that in some things at least, there's not a big difference between the two parties. I have a link below showing those debates. Clinton comes in around 6 minutes into the debate telling opposition to these policies and how they hurt workers, much like Obama does today.
I don't see any hypocrisy on my own part. I usually tell people that call Obama a socialist or progressive to look at his appointments. I did that in the post you replied to. I sometimes think we have one party with two factions.
Democrats have historically been for worker protection, equal rights for women and lgbt and equal pay for equal work They're better on environmental and pollution control, safety standards, education, nutrition programs for poor children, unemployment for workers. and the list goes on. Republicans are for the very wealthy and corporations period. They're against everything I just listed. They're basically scumbags and certainly are not pro life like they pretend. They'd have thousands of poor children starve rather than take a tax loophole away from a multi billionaire. Now I'm talking about the politicians, not the republican voter mind you.

[ame=]1992 Presidential Debate with George HW Bush, Bill Clinton & Ross Perot - YouTube[/ame]

that was supposed to be directed to rdean and Borillar. Sorry about that.:redface:

I said in my post that I thought government contracts should be awarded to American contractors as a matter of national interest. Where is the "free pass" or hypocrisy in that statement?
Breaking: Obama Sends 1,400 Manufacturing Jobs & Sensitive Technology to Brazil?
Somehow I'm convinced, this is all Bush's fault. :D
Does the president really decide who gets this contract or is it officials in the US Air Force?

I mean maybe he did I have no idea, but there are thousands of government and military contracts awarded so it is a bit of a stretch to assume one man has the micromanaging ability to make a decision on all of them.

The WH can issue an order demanding contracts stay here in the USA. What did Bush/Cheney do to keep the French and others out of Iraq contracts after they refused to support the invasion but wanted rebuilding contracts?

Iraq contracts? Wow... That's a stretch. I'd hardly compare French businesses profiting in Iraq, with U.S. defense contracts going to Brazil, but carry on.

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