BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?

"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon

How PC sees herself.

How the board sees her.
I don't understand, it just sounds like people doing their job to investigate possible wrong doings. :dunno:

If there is enough stuff going on that you feel you need to investigate, then you investigate. If you find something going down then you do something about it and you call it a day because it was part of your job. If you don't find something, then fine too... but people shouldn't complain about it because guess what? You were just doing your job.

I take it a lot of the people that are all up in arms about this stuff has never done an investigation in their life.

That what it seems like to me. If Trump does it in 2020 that would be fine with me. If Bush had done it to Obama fine with me. But the rw news get's the masses stirred up and can't control their woodies it's all true and every dem is a spy and guilty. Thank God we have some Republican's in congress that doesn't believe all this shit. But the alt right will call them RINO's.
Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?

"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon

How PC sees herself.
View attachment 120162

How the board sees her.
View attachment 120163
Thanks, bro. That was funny.
They overhear a conversation between an American & these Russians in which a discussion of using Russian hackers to help Trump win the Presidency.

You people are disgusting maggots & should all be shot for treason.
Back it up, maggot breath.
Access on the intelligence on foreigners where Trump people were incidentally caught, and their unmasking was pertinent to understanding the surveilance of the foreigners....

it is ALL LEGAL and above board.

Who is the NSC guy that leaked this Story on Rice....will he be arrested for leaking it?

Somebody leaked a story on Rice.

She has done nothing illegal......right ?
The same Trump staffer who gave Nunes the Intel also went public with this information on Rice.
It's coming from the Trump admin. They're trying to obfuscate and drive the narrative in a direction other than their investigation.
BINGO! It's what they do best, obfuscate...especially when something big is going to come down against Trump....
God you're an idiot!
You'll be claiming "something big is going to come down against Trump" three years from now. HAAA HAAAA
Having any luck selling the BIG MIKE and Trayvon Martin hoodies you are hiding under your bed?
Bloomberg and the NYTs have been sitting on this explosive revelation for weeks.
Eli Lake at Bloomberg and Maggie Haberman at the NYTs are Obama asslickers and will NEVER write ANYTHING that in ANY WAY would expose the truth about the totally corrupt Obama administration.
Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?

"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon

How PC sees herself.
View attachment 120162

How the board sees her.
View attachment 120163

Pretty close on the first one....

Now....that second one, is it based on the same notes you used to send around in kindergarten, 'Everyone hates you'?

Seems you really haven't advanced much since those early days....but, that's what is expected of a reliable Democrat voter.
Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?

"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon

How PC sees herself.
View attachment 120162

How the board sees her.
View attachment 120163
Thanks, bro. That was funny.


I hurt you feelings when I used the phrase "rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime" for some other entity..... believed it was reserved for you????

Soooo Sorrrrrry.
Whenever democrats need someone to go on television and tell really big lies they pick Susan Rice.
When we have our next terrorist attack on our soil, we now KNOW what Trump's National Security Council was doing to help keep us safe...researching anything intelligence communities had on trump and Trumpsters in the Russian investigation.... :rolleyes:

Is it LEGAL for Trump and Trumpsters trying to find any classified information the govt has on them when the government has them under an official (Criminal) Investigation?

And what crimes have allegedly been committed?

You have to actually name a crime, to actually have a criminal investigation.

But Fishing Expeditions to no where apparently have been going on since July, and perhaps as far back as 18 months ago.

Keep telling yourself that Obama is not an uglier version of Tricky Dick Nixon.

Keep telling yourself that Comey who handled Millions of Dollars of Donations for the Clinton Foundation while working for HSBC did not try to shield the following people working for The Obama Regime, even though they committed perjury and other felonies.


& of Course, The Chief Perjurer Himself, Comey.

And then the big Kahuna....arguably the biggest liar to ever sit in The White House and take the unprecedented and illegal action of a Sitting President engaging in Espionage against an Incoming President:

Obama Bin Lying
Obama Bin Spying
Obama Bin Crying

And BTW, Valerie "Vagina" Jarret is Phucked too, because she knew.

Honorable Mention goes to Dr. Jean Camp (Professional Hacker and Cyber Security Expert & Clinton Campaign Advisor)
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When we have our next terrorist attack on our soil, we now KNOW what Trump's National Security Council was doing to help keep us safe...researching anything intelligence communities had on trump and Trumpsters in the Russian investigation.... :rolleyes:

Is it LEGAL for Trump and Trumpsters trying to find any classified information the govt has on them when the government has them under an official (Criminal) Investigation?

And what crimes have allegedly been committed?

You have to actually name a crime, to actually have a criminal investigation.

But Fishing Expeditions to no where apparently have been going on since July, and perhaps as far back as 18 months ago.

Keep telling yourself that Obama is not an uglier version of Tricky Dick Nixon.

Keep telling yourself that Comey who handled Millions of Dollars of Donations the Clinton Foundation a HSBC did not try to shield the following people working for The Obama Regime, even though they committed perjury and other felonies.


& of Course, The Chief Perjurer Himself, Comey.

And then the big Kahuna....arguably the biggest liar to ever sit in The White House and take the unprecedented and illegal action of a Sitting President engaging in Espionage against an Incoming President:

Obama Bin Lying
Obama Bin Spying
Obama Bin Crying

And BTW, Valerie "Vagina" Jarret is Phucked too, because she knew.

Do you think before you post?

You started by scolding another poster for not proving crimes and accusing them of a fishing expedition.

You then go on to flip the script and do the exact same thing.
You set and violated your own standard in a single post.

Schitzo much?
Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?

"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon

How PC sees herself.
View attachment 120162

How the board sees her.
View attachment 120163

Pretty close on the first one....

Now....that second one, is it based on the same notes you used to send around in kindergarten, 'Everyone hates you'?

Seems you really haven't advanced much since those early days....but, that's what is expected of a reliable Democrat voter.
Thanks for confirming Hutch Starskey's post was spot on. :thup:

Hell, that's what makes it so damn funny. :badgrin:
When we have our next terrorist attack on our soil, we now KNOW what Trump's National Security Council was doing to help keep us safe...researching anything intelligence communities had on trump and Trumpsters in the Russian investigation.... :rolleyes:

Is it LEGAL for Trump and Trumpsters trying to find any classified information the govt has on them when the government has them under an official (Criminal) Investigation?

And what crimes have allegedly been committed?

You have to actually name a crime, to actually have a criminal investigation.

But Fishing Expeditions to no where apparently have been going on since July, and perhaps as far back as 18 months ago.

Keep telling yourself that Obama is not an uglier version of Tricky Dick Nixon.

Keep telling yourself that Comey who handled Millions of Dollars of Donations the Clinton Foundation a HSBC did not try to shield the following people working for The Obama Regime, even though they committed perjury and other felonies.


& of Course, The Chief Perjurer Himself, Comey.

And then the big Kahuna....arguably the biggest liar to ever sit in The White House and take the unprecedented and illegal action of a Sitting President engaging in Espionage against an Incoming President:

Obama Bin Lying
Obama Bin Spying
Obama Bin Crying

And BTW, Valerie "Vagina" Jarret is Phucked too, because she knew.

Do you think before you post?

You started by scolding another poster for not proving crimes and accusing them of a fishing expedition.

You then go on to flip the script and do the exact same thing.
You set and violated your own standard in a single post.

Schitzo much?

All of the people I named have been proven to have perjured themselves. How about you bring up their testimony and prove they did not perjure themselves.

And while you are at it, how about your produce the tapes Nixon erased, and The 33,000 Emails Clinton deleted despite a federal court order against her doing that very thing.

You and your party invested your entire future in a lying narrative about the election, and you just couldn't stand pat with 'Fake News'! Nope, you had to try to make FAKE NEWS, REAL NEWS, by committing Felony Espionage, Felony Hacking on President Trump and his staff. And since you were trying to subvert the election process and affect the outcome of an election, and continued to do so after the election is over, your party committed Felony Treason, and Felony Sedition.

Now you are phucked, because the transcripts show that there were no crimes, and therefore no justification for surveillance.

You should have been satisfied with Peddling Lies, and hoping a bunch of suckers bought it, instead of trying to set up and frame The Trump Presidency, and his staff.

Now you are caught red handed with your fingers in Clinton's Festering Vagina!

This is why your MINIONS have changed their story from "IT NEVER HAPPENED" to "IT WAS INCIDENTAL".

Kinda like Comey covered for Clinton with a FAKE JUSTIFICATION of "No Intent" though she & Comey KNEW she was Committing & had Committed Multiple Felonies.

There was nothing "INCIDENTAL" about Surveilling a Rival Political Candidate for Over a Year.
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