BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

yeah she was doing her job

what's your excuse?
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.

yeah she was doing her job

what's your excuse?
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

Oh? Where's her FISA warrant?

And where is the Authorization to "Unmask"?

And where is The Authorization to "Declassify?"

The list of felonies committed grow longer each day.
yeah she was doing her job

what's your excuse?
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.


Obama Knew
Valerie Jarret Knew
Susan Rice Knew
Hillary Clinton Knew
Dr. Jean Camp Knew

All of them knew they were committing felonies, and were doing it under the cover of "Incidental Surveillance".
Nothing is Incidental over 18 Months of Surveillance, Releasing a candidates tax returns, and transcripts of his conversations with Government Officials of Mexico, Thailand, & Australia, as well as unmasking other members of his team, and releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's LEGAL call with a Russian Ambassador.

But Obama probably read about all of this in The NEWS, right?


yeah she was doing her job

what's your excuse?
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.


Obama Knew
Valerie Jarret Knew
Susan Rice Knew
Hillary Clinton Knew

All of them knew they were committing felonies, and were doing it under the cover of "Incidental Surveillance".
Nothing is Incidental over 18 Months of Surveillance, Releasing a candidates tax returns, and transcripts of his conversations with Government Officials of Mexico, Thailand, & Australia, as well as unmasking other members of his team, and releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's LEGAL call with a Russian Ambassador.

But Obama probably read about all of this in The NEWS, right?



Indeed. After all of that spying and conversation tracking, the only thing these Corrupt Dems came up with is that Trump said "Pussy".
Jesus Christ, the Trumpanzees have added another layer of foil to their heads.

Wow. Amazing how their credulity returns when Trump says he'll revolutionize healthcare or build a wall in a river.
All of the people I named have been proven to have perjured themselves. How about you bring up their testimony and prove they did not perjure themselves.

And while you are at it, how about your produce the tapes Nixon erased, and The 33,000 Emails Clinton deleted despite a federal court order against her doing that very thing.

It's still Schitzo.

To an Irrational Mind such as yours, all Rational Thought appears to be Irrational.

Let's be honest here..............

The Left has had a break with reality ever since The Election.

You are not only in denial still about the election, but you are in denial about the Criminal Nature of The Clintons, Obama, and the Chicago Political Machine.

You are still in denial about The Fact, The DNC played you for Chumps and pulled your strings like a Marionette.

Dance little monkey, dance!


The denial is yours, friend.
It's Trump that's on the hot seat.

You couldn't be more wrong.

You could try, but you wouldn't succeed.

Soooo...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.
You couldn't be more wrong.

I could.
I could simply take up your position.

The only position you have ever taken is on your knees in front of Obama.
yeah she was doing her job

what's your excuse?
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.


Obama Knew
Valerie Jarret Knew
Susan Rice Knew
Hillary Clinton Knew

All of them knew they were committing felonies, and were doing it under the cover of "Incidental Surveillance".
Nothing is Incidental over 18 Months of Surveillance, Releasing a candidates tax returns, and transcripts of his conversations with Government Officials of Mexico, Thailand, & Australia, as well as unmasking other members of his team, and releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's LEGAL call with a Russian Ambassador.

But Obama probably read about all of this in The NEWS, right?



Indeed. After all of that spying and conversation tracking, the only thing these Corrupt Dems came up with is that Trump said "Pussy".

Uh, there was no spying, and STILL it's clear Trump and all of his underlings had improper contacts with Russia, Trump has not divested himself of financial dealings, and he's violated the constitution by accepting foreign emoluments.

So.....the opposite of what you said.
All of the people I named have been proven to have perjured themselves. How about you bring up their testimony and prove they did not perjure themselves.

And while you are at it, how about your produce the tapes Nixon erased, and The 33,000 Emails Clinton deleted despite a federal court order against her doing that very thing.

It's still Schitzo.

To an Irrational Mind such as yours, all Rational Thought appears to be Irrational.

Let's be honest here..............

The Left has had a break with reality ever since The Election.

You are not only in denial still about the election, but you are in denial about the Criminal Nature of The Clintons, Obama, and the Chicago Political Machine.

You are still in denial about The Fact, The DNC played you for Chumps and pulled your strings like a Marionette.

Dance little monkey, dance!


The denial is yours, friend.
It's Trump that's on the hot seat.

You couldn't be more wrong.

You could try, but you wouldn't succeed.

Soooo...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.
You couldn't be more wrong.

I could.
I could simply take up your position.

Is this wrong or right? was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying by Obamunists.
yeah she was doing her job

what's your excuse?
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.


Obama Knew
Valerie Jarret Knew
Susan Rice Knew
Hillary Clinton Knew

All of them knew they were committing felonies, and were doing it under the cover of "Incidental Surveillance".
Nothing is Incidental over 18 Months of Surveillance, Releasing a candidates tax returns, and transcripts of his conversations with Government Officials of Mexico, Thailand, & Australia, as well as unmasking other members of his team, and releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's LEGAL call with a Russian Ambassador.

But Obama probably read about all of this in The NEWS, right?



Indeed. After all of that spying and conversation tracking, the only thing these Corrupt Dems came up with is that Trump said "Pussy".

Well not exactly. They also found out Russian Mean Girls were saying mean things about Hillary Clinton on USMB, Facebook, and Twitter.
Last edited:
It's still Schitzo.

To an Irrational Mind such as yours, all Rational Thought appears to be Irrational.

Let's be honest here..............

The Left has had a break with reality ever since The Election.

You are not only in denial still about the election, but you are in denial about the Criminal Nature of The Clintons, Obama, and the Chicago Political Machine.

You are still in denial about The Fact, The DNC played you for Chumps and pulled your strings like a Marionette.

Dance little monkey, dance!


The denial is yours, friend.
It's Trump that's on the hot seat.

You couldn't be more wrong.

You could try, but you wouldn't succeed.

Soooo...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.
You couldn't be more wrong.

I could.
I could simply take up your position.

Is this wrong or right? was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying by Obamunists.

Sorry, but your cheeto-in-chief has STILL not been vindicated for his nonsensical tweet about "wiretapping", and virtually every Republican agrees with this.
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.


Obama Knew
Valerie Jarret Knew
Susan Rice Knew
Hillary Clinton Knew

All of them knew they were committing felonies, and were doing it under the cover of "Incidental Surveillance".
Nothing is Incidental over 18 Months of Surveillance, Releasing a candidates tax returns, and transcripts of his conversations with Government Officials of Mexico, Thailand, & Australia, as well as unmasking other members of his team, and releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's LEGAL call with a Russian Ambassador.

But Obama probably read about all of this in The NEWS, right?



Indeed. After all of that spying and conversation tracking, the only thing these Corrupt Dems came up with is that Trump said "Pussy".

Uh, there was no spying, and STILL it's clear Trump and all of his underlings had improper contacts with Russia, Trump has not divested himself of financial dealings, and he's violated the constitution by accepting foreign emoluments.

So.....the opposite of what you said.

Uh. There was spying. Susan Rice ordered that private U.S. citizens be unmasked and their conversation logged. You can play all the semantic games you like, but the SPYING-SURVEILLANCE is WORSE THAN WATERGATE.
she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.


Obama Knew
Valerie Jarret Knew
Susan Rice Knew
Hillary Clinton Knew

All of them knew they were committing felonies, and were doing it under the cover of "Incidental Surveillance".
Nothing is Incidental over 18 Months of Surveillance, Releasing a candidates tax returns, and transcripts of his conversations with Government Officials of Mexico, Thailand, & Australia, as well as unmasking other members of his team, and releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's LEGAL call with a Russian Ambassador.

But Obama probably read about all of this in The NEWS, right?



Indeed. After all of that spying and conversation tracking, the only thing these Corrupt Dems came up with is that Trump said "Pussy".

Uh, there was no spying, and STILL it's clear Trump and all of his underlings had improper contacts with Russia, Trump has not divested himself of financial dealings, and he's violated the constitution by accepting foreign emoluments.

So.....the opposite of what you said.

Uh. There was spying. Susan Rice ordered that private U.S. citizens be unmasked and their conversation logged. You can play all the semantic games you like, but the SPYING-SURVEILLANCE is WORSE THAN WATERGATE.


The Intelligence Devin Nunes Brought to the White House Came From the White House

And the "unmasking" through incidental collection is not even in the same ballpark as Trump's "wiretap" claim, you clueless idiot.

Did Susan Rice Do Anything Wrong By Asking to 'Unmask' Trump Officials?

Rice has not commented on the report. It would likely be legal for Rice to request the unmasking—“The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything,” Lake notes.


As Lake notes, nothing he—or anyone else—has uncovered lends credence to President Trump’s outlandish and unsupported claim that Obama ordered surveillance of him at Trump Tower prior to the election. Nor does the new story suggest any illegal behavior on Rice’s part. As with each step in the story, this one offers only a small sliver of information. Many experts seem to think the Bloomberg View story does not imply anything improper or unusual. Others withheld judgment, saying there’s simply not enough information to judge.
The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.


Obama Knew
Valerie Jarret Knew
Susan Rice Knew
Hillary Clinton Knew

All of them knew they were committing felonies, and were doing it under the cover of "Incidental Surveillance".
Nothing is Incidental over 18 Months of Surveillance, Releasing a candidates tax returns, and transcripts of his conversations with Government Officials of Mexico, Thailand, & Australia, as well as unmasking other members of his team, and releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's LEGAL call with a Russian Ambassador.

But Obama probably read about all of this in The NEWS, right?



Indeed. After all of that spying and conversation tracking, the only thing these Corrupt Dems came up with is that Trump said "Pussy".

Uh, there was no spying, and STILL it's clear Trump and all of his underlings had improper contacts with Russia, Trump has not divested himself of financial dealings, and he's violated the constitution by accepting foreign emoluments.

So.....the opposite of what you said.

Uh. There was spying. Susan Rice ordered that private U.S. citizens be unmasked and their conversation logged. You can play all the semantic games you like, but the SPYING-SURVEILLANCE is WORSE THAN WATERGATE.


The Intelligence Devin Nunes Brought to the White House Came From the White House

A call is not documentation. Try keeping up.
Trump throw's out the wildest shit without proof then demands that everyone muses on what if it did happen and what it would mean.

Instead of searching for his red herrings and asking what they mean if it's real how about the news refuses to cover any of it until Trump acts to prove the allegations?
Speaking of wild shit, sounds like you got a red herring up your butt.
Is this wrong or right? was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying by Obamunists.
It is wrong. It was incidental collection, since the target was from a FISA warrant. And the Trump associates were cauight talking to people under FISA surveilance. And the NatSecAdv needed to know who the bad guys were talking to, which is why their names were unmasked.
Obama Knew
Valerie Jarret Knew
Susan Rice Knew
Hillary Clinton Knew

All of them knew they were committing felonies, and were doing it under the cover of "Incidental Surveillance".
Nothing is Incidental over 18 Months of Surveillance, Releasing a candidates tax returns, and transcripts of his conversations with Government Officials of Mexico, Thailand, & Australia, as well as unmasking other members of his team, and releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's LEGAL call with a Russian Ambassador.

But Obama probably read about all of this in The NEWS, right?



Indeed. After all of that spying and conversation tracking, the only thing these Corrupt Dems came up with is that Trump said "Pussy".

Uh, there was no spying, and STILL it's clear Trump and all of his underlings had improper contacts with Russia, Trump has not divested himself of financial dealings, and he's violated the constitution by accepting foreign emoluments.

So.....the opposite of what you said.

Uh. There was spying. Susan Rice ordered that private U.S. citizens be unmasked and their conversation logged. You can play all the semantic games you like, but the SPYING-SURVEILLANCE is WORSE THAN WATERGATE.


The Intelligence Devin Nunes Brought to the White House Came From the White House

A call is not documentation. Try keeping up.

No, how about you keep up? There was no spying on the Trump team. Period.

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