BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

WE now have evidence that there was both legal and illegal surveillance by the Obama administration.

For over a year there was illegal surveillance that had noting to do with Russia.. Since July of last year the legal incidental surveillance was also done.

Rice demanded the unmasking of Trump and his associates. She then had the transcripts of conversations sent out to senior Obama staff and included John Podesta and Farkas in the Clinton campaign because they retained their security clearances.

Rice did not have a warrant to do what she did. So all of what she did was illegal, Reverse targeting Trump and his team.

It was clearly political espionage using US government intelligence assets.

This makes Watergate look like kids play.
billy billy billy

Riddle me this,

IF Rice asked for certain foreign intelligence that had listed US PERSON #1 in it, and she needed to know who this US person #1 is and she requested from the intelligence agency head to UNMASK who this US PERSON #1 is,

HOW in the world did she KNOW she was REQUESTING the UNMASKING of a Trump employee when the whole reason for unmasking is because the US PERSON'S Identity was MASKED.

So when she requested the unmasking of the identities of the US PERSON #1 or #2 or #3 etc. she did NOT know they were Trump employees.

That'll make their heads spin. Too complicated for them to read and comprehend.
Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?
WE now have evidence that there was both legal and illegal surveillance by the Obama administration.

For over a year there was illegal surveillance that had noting to do with Russia.. Since July of last year the legal incidental surveillance was also done.

Rice demanded the unmasking of Trump and his associates. She then had the transcripts of conversations sent out to senior Obama staff and included John Podesta and Farkas in the Clinton campaign because they retained their security clearances.

Rice did not have a warrant to do what she did. So all of what she did was illegal, Reverse targeting Trump and his team.

It was clearly political espionage using US government intelligence assets.

This makes Watergate look like kids play.
billy billy billy

Riddle me this,

IF Rice asked for certain foreign intelligence that had listed US PERSON #1 in it, and she needed to know who this US person #1 is and she requested from the intelligence agency head to UNMASK who this US PERSON #1 is,

HOW in the world did she KNOW she was REQUESTING the UNMASKING of a Trump employee when the whole reason for unmasking is because the US PERSON'S Identity was MASKED.

So when she requested the unmasking of the identities of the US PERSON #1 or #2 or #3 etc. she did NOT know they were Trump employees.

As the deputy National Security Adviser, she didn't need to ask for the "unmasking" - because she receives the initial intelligence report BEFORE it is redacted. In fact, her position can authorize the masking. So, she knew the names all along.

Where she messed up is when she ordered the names to be unmasked (within her authority, but done without adequate justification), and then released those names to 17 intelligence agencies who did NOT have authority to see them.

Sorry - but this lady is going down.

In fact, I'm guessing she is the one that Obama will throw under the bus in order to protect the rest of his administration. We should see a news release from obama in about 10 days that expresses shock and dismay that Ms Rice would step so far outside her authority, claim that he had no knowledge whatsoever of what she's done, and is pleased that the investigation was able to uncover the culprit.

She won't be prosecuted - this whole thing will blow over - and we'll go right back to the government spying on the citizens. Whatever makes you think the government is going to give up that kind of power????

Typical rightie, no evidence she saw any of those transcripts with U.S. citizens unmasked before she requested the NSA unmask them; but don't let that stop you from making the claim anyway. :eusa_doh:

And for what should she be prosecuted? For doing her job? A function of her job was to review transcripts from intercepted communications when they might contain threats to national security. That includes unmasking names of incidentally intercepted U.S. citizens depending on the contents of the foreigners captured in the intercept.
Thank you for admitting that Rice broke no law, theBawk.

Trump said Obama 'wire tapped' him.

No has proven anything of the sort.

However, the Trump operatives were legally surveiled, and where they broke the law, they will be convicted and punished.

Comey already testified that the leaking of Flynn's name was a felony. That makes political hack and known liar(remember the lies about Benghazi?), Rice, the top suspect.
The body language expert notices the blinking by the filthy, corrupt POS Susan Rice. Frequent blinky means someone is lying. Folks, who blinks the most of anyone basically on Earth...ever. Correct, Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, the transgender on MSNBC that everyone laughs about.

The Alt Right conturds are desperately trying to turn attention away from the Great Orange Criminal himself.

And laughingly failing trying to do it.

You've yet to point which law he has broken.

Running around repeating "collusion" and "influencing an election" aren't proof of anything.
That is up to the DA not you.

Yes, the agencies are investigating "collusion" and "influencing an election."

Yep, it scares you, as well it should.

It's not up to the "DA" to press any charges against a sitting President. Only Congress can do it through impeachment.

Good luck.

Also, the FBI isn't recommending any charges against Flynn either, since he did nothing illegal, and he in fact is only a victim of the Obama admin leaking his name by misuse of FISA wiretaps.
Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?
Kissinger is the current national security advisor to Trump? Who knew other than you whacky righties?
The body language expert notices the blinking by the filthy, corrupt POS Susan Rice. Frequent blinky means someone is lying. Folks, who blinks the most of anyone basically on Earth...ever. Correct, Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, the transgender on MSNBC that everyone laughs about.

Oh, nooos, a Susan Rice hater thinks Rice is guilty because she blinks. Lock her up!

Access on the intelligence on foreigners where Trump people were incidentally caught, and their unmasking was pertinent to understanding the surveilance of the foreigners....

it is ALL LEGAL and above board.

Who is the NSC guy that leaked this Story on Rice....will he be arrested for leaking it?

Somebody leaked a story on Rice.

She has done nothing illegal......right ?
The same Trump staffer who gave Nunes the Intel also went public with this information on Rice.
It's coming from the Trump admin. They're trying to obfuscate and drive the narrative in a direction other than their investigation.
BINGO! It's what they do best, obfuscate...especially when something big is going to come down against Trump....
Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?

Of course that's not what I'm saying. It apparent that I meant the current president.
It's the job of the NSA to advise the president on intelligence and security matters. That requires them to read and understand intelligence reports.

She was a national security advisor. This was part of her job.

Spying on candidates for the opposition party? Sounds like election fixing, Not An American. If this is confirmed, I would want to see Rice prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

You fascists are Not Our Americans, and really fucked up with your witch hunt. Looks like it's you who got caught.

Members of a transition team were investigated. People who are coming into the white house need to be investigated. Bush's security advisor most likely did the same with members of Obama's transition team.

So you're falling back on the old "well, Bush did it too!!!" excuse, Nia? Without a shred of proof? Sure sign that you're losing this argument!
The fact that Rice lied when she stated she knew nothing about the unmaskings makes it rather obvious that SHE knew she did something improper!
The Alt Right conturds are desperately trying to turn attention away from the Great Orange Criminal himself.

And laughingly failing trying to do it.

You've yet to point which law he has broken.

Running around repeating "collusion" and "influencing an election" aren't proof of anything.
That is up to the DA not you.

Yes, the agencies are investigating "collusion" and "influencing an election."

Yep, it scares you, as well it should.

It's not up to the "DA" to press any charges against a sitting President. Only Congress can do it through impeachment.

Good luck.

Also, the FBI isn't recommending any charges against Flynn either, since he did nothing illegal, and he in fact is only a victim of the Obama admin leaking his name by misuse of FISA wiretaps.
A sitting President is subject to the law. When the charges are included as part of an impeachment indictment or an Amendment XXV process, the President can be removed because of the, and they then can be used in federal court against him.

Your post-truth world is not real, kiddo.

Old Style is bitching about Bush deflections while ignoring the Obama deflections.

Rice committed no crime, Old Style, your post-truth deflection is noted.
WE now have evidence that there was both legal and illegal surveillance by the Obama administration.

For over a year there was illegal surveillance that had noting to do with Russia.. Since July of last year the legal incidental surveillance was also done.

Rice demanded the unmasking of Trump and his associates. She then had the transcripts of conversations sent out to senior Obama staff and included John Podesta and Farkas in the Clinton campaign because they retained their security clearances.

Rice did not have a warrant to do what she did. So all of what she did was illegal, Reverse targeting Trump and his team.

It was clearly political espionage using US government intelligence assets.

This makes Watergate look like kids play.

You moron, Rice didn't need a warrant. And where's your proof that Farkas retained her security clearance?
Still refusing to accept Grassley's letter are we?
Does she realize she has committed a felony and is now risking jail time?

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One."...

The National Security Council's senior director for intelligence, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was conducting the review, according to two U.S. officials who spoke with Bloomberg View on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.

The intelligence reports were summaries of monitored conversations -- primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials. One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.​
More proof of how easily duped the Trumpettes really are.

Let's review.

Our intelligence Agencies are spying on the Russians.

They overhear a conversation between an American & these Russians in which a discussion of using Russian hackers to help Trump win the Presidency.

Upon learning of this, the NSA (Rice) is concerned & wants to learn who is doing this.

Whiners & dumbfucks think that is a crime or plot. Whiners don't giv a shit that their orange buddy won because the Russians helped him.

They don't care that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.

'Just like the writer of thois thrreasd, rthey only care that Trumpo won & they don't give a shit about this country.

You people are disgusting maggots & should all be shot for treason.
The fact that Rice lied when she stated she knew nothing about the unmaskings makes it rather obvious that SHE knew she did something improper!
So that is what telling a lie means? Funny chit considering all the lies Donald Trump tells. My God, that man must be guiltier than shit. Especially when he said no one in his campaign had contact with the Russians.
Any president's National Security Adviser has every right to remain up to date on intelligence matters.

You're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Are you telling us that Henry Kissinger is receiving intelligence briefings? Really? How desperate are you?

"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon
WE now have evidence that there was both legal and illegal surveillance by the Obama administration.

For over a year there was illegal surveillance that had noting to do with Russia.. Since July of last year the legal incidental surveillance was also done.

Rice demanded the unmasking of Trump and his associates. She then had the transcripts of conversations sent out to senior Obama staff and included John Podesta and Farkas in the Clinton campaign because they retained their security clearances.

Rice did not have a warrant to do what she did. So all of what she did was illegal, Reverse targeting Trump and his team.

It was clearly political espionage using US government intelligence assets.

This makes Watergate look like kids play.

You moron, Rice didn't need a warrant. And where's your proof that Farkas retained her security clearance?
Still refusing to accept Grassley's letter are we?
Thanks for not answering my questions. Your avoidance of them answered for you and nothing in that letter addressed them either.

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