BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials want to hide behind where the surveillance took place?.

It's called reality. Trump claimed Obama wiretaped his phones in Trump Tower. Which as has come out, is completely false. There were no court ordered, or non-court ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower. The orange clown, got that completey wrong.

"It's called reality."'s called lying.
That kind of domestic intelligence MISUSED to spy on political opposition by the Executive Branch will NEVER get "declassified and released"..

Because it doesn't exist. Or it exists so much Trump can't show you unless it's in 120 characters
yeah she was doing her job

what's your excuse?
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

Oh? Where's her FISA warrant?
For what?
Take notes, MutatedGene:

There are only two reasons for unmasking of a US citizen's name:

1. Is there a need to know the name of the citizen to understand the contest of the monitored intell.

2. If the citizen is involved in illegal activity.

It is illegal for the intell, maked or other wise, to be passes to journalists or made known.

As the spying by the Obamunists had nothing to do with the Russian investigation, there is no reason for either the spying or the unmasking....outside of this:
"Which proves that the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for nakedly POLITICAL reasons having nothing to do with anything other than Democrats being nothing but rancid, rotten, toxic piles of demonized slime.

.... we need to start putting Obama officials by the hundreds in jail until we get to the bottom of this fascist weaponization of intelligence organizations that we depend upon not to take us down the road to Stalinism."
Confirmed: Fascist, Felonious Obama Administration Spied On Private American Citizens And Used US Intelligence Services As Political Weapon

Soooo....during a presidential campaign, the Obama administration was spying on the people around Donald Trump.

Isn't what the Obamunists did exactly what the Democrats were so incensed about in Watergate????

What a superbly objective and professionally written piece of journalism titled "Fascist felonious Obama administration".

What, nothing from the National Enquirer?


When you can't dispute the facts, try to dispute the source of the message.

You learned that in indoctrination, government school?

Yeah, and I guarantee you didn't read the Atlantic article I posted which clearly stated Rice did nothing wrong.

Then why are you Obamunists sweating?

We're sweating? LOL!

Not at all. Trump has an approval rating in the toilet, his allegation against Obama has been proven to be a lie, a judge is letting an incitement of violence lawsuit against him move forward, he's under FBI investigation, and he hasn't been able to pass anything other than an executive order (and not even that when the courts get involved) for his agenda.

His administration is fast becoming the greatest failure of the modern era. Sweating?

Pretty sure you're thinking of your albino hero...


If you Obamunists aren't sweating.....why did Susan Rice have to lie about the surveillance???

If what she did was within the legitimate purview of her job, how do you explain this?

"Last month when she was asked on the "PBS NewsHour" about reports that Trump transition officials, including Trump himself, were swept up in incidental intelligence collection, Rice said: "I know nothing about this," adding, "I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today."
Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Unless, of course, you're simply not smart enough to recognize what getting caught will mean.
Jesus Christ, the Trumpanzees have added another layer of foil to their heads.

Wow. Amazing how their credulity returns when Trump says he'll revolutionize healthcare or build a wall in a river.

I had been thinking, if you wait to the dry season you could put some sort of wall down most of the middle of the river. That will slow them down.
yeah she was doing her job

what's your excuse?
If Committing Felony Espionage was her job, she wasn't very good at it, or we wouldn't be finding out about it.

she didn't commit a felony desperado

the righties are freaking out, little wonder lol

The leaking of the identities IS A FELONY. Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/ The fact that they monitored communications between U.S. citizens that had nothing to do with "Russia" is a dead giveaway. Connect that to Obama opening up to floodgate of raw data to 16 agencies, and the leaks were set in motion.

Obama and his staff clearly conspired to set that up/

Clearly, you couldn't know that.
It's still Schitzo.

To an Irrational Mind such as yours, all Rational Thought appears to be Irrational.

Let's be honest here..............

The Left has had a break with reality ever since The Election.

You are not only in denial still about the election, but you are in denial about the Criminal Nature of The Clintons, Obama, and the Chicago Political Machine.

You are still in denial about The Fact, The DNC played you for Chumps and pulled your strings like a Marionette.

Dance little monkey, dance!


The denial is yours, friend.
It's Trump that's on the hot seat.

You couldn't be more wrong.

You could try, but you wouldn't succeed.

Soooo...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.
You couldn't be more wrong.

I could.
I could simply take up your position.

The only position you have ever taken is on your knees in front of Obama.

Such angst you have. Some might think you're nervous over something.
Does she realize she has committed a felony and is now risking jail time?

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One."...

The National Security Council's senior director for intelligence, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was conducting the review, according to two U.S. officials who spoke with Bloomberg View on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.

The intelligence reports were summaries of monitored conversations -- primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials. One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.​
More proof of how easily duped the Trumpettes really are.

Let's review.

Our intelligence Agencies are spying on the Russians.

They overhear a conversation between an American & these Russians in which a discussion of using Russian hackers to help Trump win the Presidency.

Upon learning of this, the NSA (Rice) is concerned & wants to learn who is doing this.

Whiners & dumbfucks think that is a crime or plot. Whiners don't giv a shit that their orange buddy won because the Russians helped him.

They don't care that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.

'Just like the writer of thois thrreasd, rthey only care that Trumpo won & they don't give a shit about this country.

You people are disgusting maggots & should all be shot for treason. has already been reported that things she looked at had nothing to do with the Russians.....and even if she looked at it legally, the crime was unmasking the American Citizen..that is a felony...

She was the national Security adivsor to obama...this goes right into the Oval Office......It would be a good time to be a D.C. lawyer.....
No it is not illegal with good cause.
That kind of domestic intelligence MISUSED to spy on political opposition by the Executive Branch will NEVER get "declassified and released"..

Because it doesn't exist. Or it exists so much Trump can't show you unless it's in 120 characters

Of course it exists. It was continuously leaked during the campaign and transition. Every leftist rag reported it daily. From transcripts of Flynn's conversations to info on other "associates" of the election team.
Does she realize she has committed a felony and is now risking jail time?

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One."...

The National Security Council's senior director for intelligence, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was conducting the review, according to two U.S. officials who spoke with Bloomberg View on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.

The intelligence reports were summaries of monitored conversations -- primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials. One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.​
More proof of how easily duped the Trumpettes really are.

Let's review.

Our intelligence Agencies are spying on the Russians.

They overhear a conversation between an American & these Russians in which a discussion of using Russian hackers to help Trump win the Presidency.

Upon learning of this, the NSA (Rice) is concerned & wants to learn who is doing this.

Whiners & dumbfucks think that is a crime or plot. Whiners don't giv a shit that their orange buddy won because the Russians helped him.

They don't care that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.

'Just like the writer of thois thrreasd, rthey only care that Trumpo won & they don't give a shit about this country.

You people are disgusting maggots & should all be shot for treason. has already been reported that things she looked at had nothing to do with the Russians.....and even if she looked at it legally, the crime was unmasking the American Citizen..that is a felony...

She was the national Security adivsor to obama...this goes right into the Oval Office......It would be a good time to be a D.C. lawyer.....
No it is not illegal with good cause.

Unmaksing the Americans involved is a felony.....and we need to wait and see how she exlpains what she did....since this had nothing to do with Russia....she really needs a lawyer.....
It's still Schitzo.

To an Irrational Mind such as yours, all Rational Thought appears to be Irrational.

Let's be honest here..............

The Left has had a break with reality ever since The Election.

You are not only in denial still about the election, but you are in denial about the Criminal Nature of The Clintons, Obama, and the Chicago Political Machine.

You are still in denial about The Fact, The DNC played you for Chumps and pulled your strings like a Marionette.

Dance little monkey, dance!


The denial is yours, friend.
It's Trump that's on the hot seat.

You couldn't be more wrong.

You could try, but you wouldn't succeed.

Soooo...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.
You couldn't be more wrong.

I could.
I could simply take up your position.

Is this wrong or right? was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying by Obamunists.

The incidental collection came from the Intel agency doing the collection. Rice was simply reviewing the associated reports from that agency. She had no way of knowing the identity until they were unmasked.
"and that means Trump and his merry band of non-Russian patriots are innocent! ~ Joe Wingunt

lol too funny

btw, there is no 'spreadsheet' can't wait to see what Nunes will shits out!
That kind of domestic intelligence MISUSED to spy on political opposition by the Executive Branch will NEVER get "declassified and released"..

Because it doesn't exist. Or it exists so much Trump can't show you unless it's in 120 characters

Of course it exists. It was continuously leaked during the campaign and transition. Every leftist rag reported it daily. From transcripts of Flynn's conversations to info on other "associates" of the election team.

If it exists then Trump would release it. Or it exists so much that he's hiding his proof.
WE now have evidence that there was both legal and illegal surveillance by the Obama administration.

For over a year there was illegal surveillance that had noting to do with Russia.. Since July of last year the legal incidental surveillance was also done.

Rice demanded the unmasking of Trump and his associates. She then had the transcripts of conversations sent out to senior Obama staff and included John Podesta and Farkas in the Clinton campaign because they retained their security clearances.

Rice did not have a warrant to do what she did. So all of what she did was illegal, Reverse targeting Trump and his team.

It was clearly political espionage using US government intelligence assets.

This makes Watergate look like kids play.
billy billy billy

Riddle me this,

IF Rice asked for certain foreign intelligence that had listed US PERSON #1 in it, and she needed to know who this US person #1 is and she requested from the intelligence agency head to UNMASK who this US PERSON #1 is,

HOW in the world did she KNOW she was REQUESTING the UNMASKING of a Trump employee when the whole reason for unmasking is because the US PERSON'S Identity was MASKED.

So when she requested the unmasking of the identities of the US PERSON #1 or #2 or #3 etc. she did NOT know they were Trump employees.

As the deputy National Security Adviser, she didn't need to ask for the "unmasking" - because she receives the initial intelligence report BEFORE it is redacted. In fact, her position can authorize the masking. So, she knew the names all along.

Where she messed up is when she ordered the names to be unmasked (within her authority, but done without adequate justification), and then released those names to 17 intelligence agencies who did NOT have authority to see them.

Sorry - but this lady is going down.

In fact, I'm guessing she is the one that Obama will throw under the bus in order to protect the rest of his administration. We should see a news release from obama in about 10 days that expresses shock and dismay that Ms Rice would step so far outside her authority, claim that he had no knowledge whatsoever of what she's done, and is pleased that the investigation was able to uncover the culprit.

She won't be prosecuted - this whole thing will blow over - and we'll go right back to the government spying on the citizens. Whatever makes you think the government is going to give up that kind of power????
I seriously doubt she'll be a scapegoat or that she will 'go down' for anything... As national security advisor, there are many reasons unannounced or rather unknown to us that she can have or claim....

This was all leaked to the press by Trump, starting in a very weird and convoluted and clandestine way by Senator Nunes and the President's men in the White House doing this spying of their own in to records that may involve the legal investigation in to the Trump campaign's involvement with the Russian interference going on by the FBI....
You, of course, have proof of this, right?
The denial is yours, friend.
It's Trump that's on the hot seat.

You couldn't be more wrong.

You could try, but you wouldn't succeed.

Soooo...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.
You couldn't be more wrong.

I could.
I could simply take up your position.

Is this wrong or right? was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying by Obamunists.

Sorry, but your cheeto-in-chief has STILL not been vindicated for his nonsensical tweet about "wiretapping", and virtually every Republican agrees with this.

Christie: No evidence Trump was spied on

It's good of you to have crawled over for a bout of education....and I'm here to provide it!

Not as simple as you are, but simple enough to provide the proof:

1. "The FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected by John Solomon and Sara Carter

The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Get that???

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."

2. sur·veil

past tense: surveilled; past participle: surveilled
keep (a person or place) under surveillance.
as in "he deployed FBI agents to surveil the offices of those companies"

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.

3. . Nunes has said he has seen proof that the Obama White House surveilled the incoming administration—on subjects that had nothing to do with Russia—and that it further unmasked (identified by name) transition officials. This goes far beyond a mere scandal. It’s a potential crime.

4. We’ve known since early February that a call by former national security adviser Mike Flynn to the Russian ambassador was monitored by U.S. intelligence. There’s nothing improper in tapping foreign officials. But it was improper that Mr. Flynn’s name was revealed and leaked to the press, along with the substance of his conversation. The media nonetheless excused all this by claiming one piece of Mr. Flynn’s conversation... was relevant to the continuing investigation into Trump-Russia ties.

... Nunes’s own intelligence sources informed him that documents showed further collection of information about, and unmasking of, Trump transition officials.

Here are the relevant details:

First, there were dozens of documents with information about Trump officials.
Second, the information these documents contained was not related to Russia.
Third, ... they were written in ways that made clear which Trump officials were being discussed.
Fourth, in at least one instance, a Trump official other than Mr. Flynn was outright unmasked.
Finally, these documents were circulated at the highest levels of government.

To sum up, Team Obama was spying broadly on the incoming administration." What Devin Nunes Knows

Game, Set, Match.
Game, Set, Match.

Nope. She was busted for releasing information she inadvertently picked up while doing her job, for the express purpose of shifting an election and obstructing the president from performing his duties.

Treason, in other words.
They overhear a conversation between an American & these Russians in which a discussion of using Russian hackers to help Trump win the Presidency.

You people are disgusting maggots & should all be shot for treason.
Back it up, maggot breath.
We will see. What were the Trump people talking about with the Russians?

We know Trump hired two Russian hacks & put them in his campaign & one in his White House security advisor.

We know Trump rents out space in Trump Tower to Russian mobsters.

We know Trump lied about his people talking & meeting with the Russians.

We know Trump praised Putin.

We know Trump said it was OK for Putin to murder his enemies because evidently we do it all the time.

We know Trump & Tillerson have millions invested in that Russia oil deal that Obama stopped with his sanctions.

We know Trump's wife was a communist.
To an Irrational Mind such as yours, all Rational Thought appears to be Irrational.

Let's be honest here..............

The Left has had a break with reality ever since The Election.

You are not only in denial still about the election, but you are in denial about the Criminal Nature of The Clintons, Obama, and the Chicago Political Machine.

You are still in denial about The Fact, The DNC played you for Chumps and pulled your strings like a Marionette.

Dance little monkey, dance!


The denial is yours, friend.
It's Trump that's on the hot seat.

You couldn't be more wrong.

You could try, but you wouldn't succeed.

Soooo...was it the Russians who were 'hacking' the election? evidence for that, but now we find that it was Susan Rice and the Obamunists who we learn have violated the civil rights of Americans, in ways that never happened before Obama.

Yet, no Democrat or Democrat supporter seems upset about it. In fact, just a week ago, Susan Rice went on tv and lied about any knowledge about it. This, alone, reveals that the Obama team knew how corrupt they were and tried to hide it.

Actually, she and the rest of them organized the surveillance for over a year, before Trump even had the nomination.

AND....none of the surveillance was related in any way into the investigation into Russia, the only excuse offered for the surveillance: once more we find that, to know what the Left is doing, watch what they blame the other side for. was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying.
You couldn't be more wrong.

I could.
I could simply take up your position.

Is this wrong or right? was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying by Obamunists.

The incidental collection came from the Intel agency doing the collection. Rice was simply reviewing the associated reports from that agency. She had no way of knowing the identity until they were unmasked.

That is absolutely, categorically, 100% false. The National Security Adviser received unredacted intelligence (that's WHY there is a National Security Adviser!!!). Quit trying to dream up a scenario that will justify her heinous actions.

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