BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

As reported in a separate thread, Bloomberg News broke the news that Susan Rice requested to learn the identity of people communicating with Russian agents, and these people turned out to be Trump associates. Not reported in said separate thread is this:
The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Here is the name of the shitty thread for reference: BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

So they were spying on the Trump team thinking they could justify it with a technicality.

they were investigating/spying on foreign spies/agents/operatives....

Trump's team's involvement with them can only be unmasked if their identities are important and pertinent to the surveillance investigation.

IF there are Trump people that are unmasked for key people, it is because somehow they are INVOLVED in the foreign investigation.

Let's not forget that the Trump team had been under investigation for several months by the time of the transition and these actions by Rice. It was also at the same time the Obama admin was preserving intelligence regarding that investigation. I have no doubt that they went out of their way to ensure it was done properly given the nature of the incoming obfuscator in chief

Well, Hell ... if YOU have no doubt, why are we even discussing this??

I have no doubt because they are smarter than the lot of you. They know dopes will come out of the woodwork claiming anything and everything. They avoided your traps before they were ever set.
So Trump makes the allegation, he has the power to prove it, but won't prove it because...? It's so true? Lmao.

Ok, I can see you believe Trump and whatever he claims. You don't need proof.
Nope. She was busted for releasing information she inadvertently picked up while doing her job, for the express purpose of shifting an election and obstructing the president from performing his duties.

Treason, in other words.

no she wasn't, that's just another routine lie, whose name did she release???

y'all clutching at every straw, and there will be plenty more as Trump nears conviction

"Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova."

Read more:

diGenova??? you're a fool........

Toensing And diGenova Both Identify As Republicans. [, accessed 4/30/13;, accessed 4/30/13]

Toensing Served As Reagan Deputy Assistant Attorney General. Toensing served as deputy assistant attorney general in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department during the Reagan administration and was Sen. Barry Goldwater's chief counsel. [, accessed 4/30/13]

Toensing And diGenova Both Served As Advisers To Romney In 2008. The two previously supported and advised the campaign of Fred Thompson. [American Presidency Project, accessed 4/30/13]

Toensing Has Donated More Than $30,000 To GOP Candidates And Causes. According to Federal Election Commission data, Toensing has donated more than $30,000 to Republican causes, including $1,000 to Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign. Toensing contributed a total of $1,150 to Democratic candidates. [, accessed 4/30/13; Media Matters, 7/13/10], accessed 4/30/13; Media Matters,7/13/10]

diGenova Has Donated At Least $18,000 To GOP Candidates And Causes. Overwhelmingly Contributed To Republican Causes. According to Federal Election Commission data, diGenova has donated at least $18,000 to Republican candidates or organizations that support Republican campaigns. diGenova also donated at least $450 to Democratic and Independent candidates. [, accessed 4/30/13]
WE now have evidence that there was both legal and illegal surveillance by the Obama administration.

For over a year there was illegal surveillance that had noting to do with Russia.. Since July of last year the legal incidental surveillance was also done.

Rice demanded the unmasking of Trump and his associates. She then had the transcripts of conversations sent out to senior Obama staff and included John Podesta and Farkas in the Clinton campaign because they retained their security clearances.

Rice did not have a warrant to do what she did. So all of what she did was illegal, Reverse targeting Trump and his team.

It was clearly political espionage using US government intelligence assets.

This makes Watergate look like kids play.
billy billy billy

Riddle me this,

IF Rice asked for certain foreign intelligence that had listed US PERSON #1 in it, and she needed to know who this US person #1 is and she requested from the intelligence agency head to UNMASK who this US PERSON #1 is,

HOW in the world did she KNOW she was REQUESTING the UNMASKING of a Trump employee when the whole reason for unmasking is because the US PERSON'S Identity was MASKED.

So when she requested the unmasking of the identities of the US PERSON #1 or #2 or #3 etc. she did NOT know they were Trump employees.

As the deputy National Security Adviser, she didn't need to ask for the "unmasking" - because she receives the initial intelligence report BEFORE it is redacted. In fact, her position can authorize the masking. So, she knew the names all along.

Where she messed up is when she ordered the names to be unmasked (within her authority, but done without adequate justification), and then released those names to 17 intelligence agencies who did NOT have authority to see them.

Sorry - but this lady is going down.

In fact, I'm guessing she is the one that Obama will throw under the bus in order to protect the rest of his administration. We should see a news release from obama in about 10 days that expresses shock and dismay that Ms Rice would step so far outside her authority, claim that he had no knowledge whatsoever of what she's done, and is pleased that the investigation was able to uncover the culprit.

She won't be prosecuted - this whole thing will blow over - and we'll go right back to the government spying on the citizens. Whatever makes you think the government is going to give up that kind of power????

Where she messed up is when she ordered the names to be unmasked (within her authority, but done without adequate justification), and then released those names to 17 intelligence agencies who did NOT have authority to see them.

Who says?

I say .... and I bring 30 years of experience in that line of business with me.

You say she "released" them to 17 agencies who didn't have authority?

Those were reports from those very agencies, fool.

See how the your logic falls apart???

That information was collected by a single agency - most probably, NSA - was collated, and sent to the national security adviser for review. At that point in time, they (in this case, she) would have to review the data to determine 1) its significance, 2) its disposition, and 3) whether the names should be masked.

It is NOT automatically disseminated to other agencies - that has to be a conscious decision (I'm pretty sure the Coast Guard Intelligence Service didn't collect that data)

In fact, I would suggest the possibility exists that the "decision" for greater sharing of intelligence data made by Obama in December 2016 was a belated attempt to camouflage their previous actions, but we'll never know for sure.
As the deputy National Security Adviser, she didn't need to ask for the "unmasking" - because she receives the initial intelligence report BEFORE it is redacted. In fact, her position can authorize the masking. So, she knew the names all along..

You do know that's not true, and its not even close to the truth. The NSA is the classifying agency, and they redact the names of americans before sending it out to anybody. Once somebody receives it, and reads the FISA warrant collected transcript, such as the NSA, they can ask the classifying agency, in this case the NSA for an un-redacted copy. And if they approve the unmasking, then an unmasked copy is sent out.
I could.
I could simply take up your position.

Is this wrong or right? was not 'incidental collection of intelligence' was purely political spying by Obamunists.

The incidental collection came from the Intel agency doing the collection. Rice was simply reviewing the associated reports from that agency. She had no way of knowing the identity until they were unmasked.

That is absolutely, categorically, 100% false. The National Security Adviser received unredacted intelligence (that's WHY there is a National Security Adviser!!!). Quit trying to dream up a scenario that will justify her heinous actions.

Well then, kindly tell us professor, why in the world did she need to request that they be unmasked?

She is directing her minions to release the final report (to 17 agencies - are you fucking kidding me?) with the names unmasked. There is a definitive procedure, and a paper trail, of that request. There isn't a bureaucrat in the intelligence business that would unmask those names, or release those names to other agencies, without authorization from above.
There isn't a bureaucrat in the intelligence business that would unmask those names, or release those names to other agencies, without authorization from above.

So the FBI has to check with the WH to get those reports?
That is absolutely, categorically, 100% false. The National Security Adviser received unredacted intelligence (that's WHY there is a National Security Adviser!!!). Quit trying to dream up a scenario that will justify her heinous actions.

Not even the president receives unredacted intelligence, unless it's requested.

It was legal for her to request to "unmask" the Americans who were "incidentally" recorded. It was illegal to release their names publicly through leaks.
Absolutely true ---- it is also illegal to release unmasked names to other intelligence agencies that don't need it in the course of a particular investigation.
billy billy billy

Riddle me this,

IF Rice asked for certain foreign intelligence that had listed US PERSON #1 in it, and she needed to know who this US person #1 is and she requested from the intelligence agency head to UNMASK who this US PERSON #1 is,

HOW in the world did she KNOW she was REQUESTING the UNMASKING of a Trump employee when the whole reason for unmasking is because the US PERSON'S Identity was MASKED.

So when she requested the unmasking of the identities of the US PERSON #1 or #2 or #3 etc. she did NOT know they were Trump employees.

As the deputy National Security Adviser, she didn't need to ask for the "unmasking" - because she receives the initial intelligence report BEFORE it is redacted. In fact, her position can authorize the masking. So, she knew the names all along.

Where she messed up is when she ordered the names to be unmasked (within her authority, but done without adequate justification), and then released those names to 17 intelligence agencies who did NOT have authority to see them.

Sorry - but this lady is going down.

In fact, I'm guessing she is the one that Obama will throw under the bus in order to protect the rest of his administration. We should see a news release from obama in about 10 days that expresses shock and dismay that Ms Rice would step so far outside her authority, claim that he had no knowledge whatsoever of what she's done, and is pleased that the investigation was able to uncover the culprit.

She won't be prosecuted - this whole thing will blow over - and we'll go right back to the government spying on the citizens. Whatever makes you think the government is going to give up that kind of power????

Where she messed up is when she ordered the names to be unmasked (within her authority, but done without adequate justification), and then released those names to 17 intelligence agencies who did NOT have authority to see them.

Who says?

I say .... and I bring 30 years of experience in that line of business with me.

You say she "released" them to 17 agencies who didn't have authority?

Those were reports from those very agencies, fool.

See how the your logic falls apart???

That information was collected by a single agency - most probably, NSA - was collated, and sent to the national security adviser for review. At that point in time, they (in this case, she) would have to review the data to determine 1) its significance, 2) its disposition, and 3) whether the names should be masked.

It is NOT automatically disseminated to other agencies - that has to be a conscious decision (I'm pretty sure the Coast Guard Intelligence Service didn't collect that data)

In fact, I would suggest the possibility exists that the "decision" for greater sharing of intelligence data made by Obama in December 2016 was a belated attempt to camouflage their previous actions, but we'll never know for sure.

See how the your logic falls apart???

Not at all.
I was going to say the same about you. You are using supposition to fill gaps in your logic.

You don't know a damned thing about the process. If you did, you would know that this was entirely routine.
There isn't a bureaucrat in the intelligence business that would unmask those names, or release those names to other agencies, without authorization from above.

You have it backwards. Nobody above can authorize the intelligence agencies to unmask those names. Read up on how government classification works, I think you can find it in Ronald Reagans executive order 12333
Absolutely true ---- it is also illegal to release unmasked names to other intelligence agencies that don't need it in the course of a particular investigation.

It's not illegal, It's just against protocol.
WE now have evidence that there was both legal and illegal surveillance by the Obama administration.

For over a year there was illegal surveillance that had noting to do with Russia.. Since July of last year the legal incidental surveillance was also done.

Rice demanded the unmasking of Trump and his associates. She then had the transcripts of conversations sent out to senior Obama staff and included John Podesta and Farkas in the Clinton campaign because they retained their security clearances.

Rice did not have a warrant to do what she did. So all of what she did was illegal, Reverse targeting Trump and his team.

It was clearly political espionage using US government intelligence assets.

This makes Watergate look like kids play.
billy billy billy

Riddle me this,

IF Rice asked for certain foreign intelligence that had listed US PERSON #1 in it, and she needed to know who this US person #1 is and she requested from the intelligence agency head to UNMASK who this US PERSON #1 is,

HOW in the world did she KNOW she was REQUESTING the UNMASKING of a Trump employee when the whole reason for unmasking is because the US PERSON'S Identity was MASKED.

So when she requested the unmasking of the identities of the US PERSON #1 or #2 or #3 etc. she did NOT know they were Trump employees.

As the deputy National Security Adviser, she didn't need to ask for the "unmasking" - because she receives the initial intelligence report BEFORE it is redacted. In fact, her position can authorize the masking. So, she knew the names all along.

Where she messed up is when she ordered the names to be unmasked (within her authority, but done without adequate justification), and then released those names to 17 intelligence agencies who did NOT have authority to see them.

Sorry - but this lady is going down.

In fact, I'm guessing she is the one that Obama will throw under the bus in order to protect the rest of his administration. We should see a news release from obama in about 10 days that expresses shock and dismay that Ms Rice would step so far outside her authority, claim that he had no knowledge whatsoever of what she's done, and is pleased that the investigation was able to uncover the culprit.

She won't be prosecuted - this whole thing will blow over - and we'll go right back to the government spying on the citizens. Whatever makes you think the government is going to give up that kind of power????

Where she messed up is when she ordered the names to be unmasked (within her authority, but done without adequate justification), and then released those names to 17 intelligence agencies who did NOT have authority to see them.

Who says?

I say .... and I bring 30 years of experience in that line of business with me.

You say she "released" them to 17 agencies who didn't have authority?

Those were reports from those very agencies, fool.

"How the information was disseminated beyond Rice will also be a potential focus of congressional oversight, since lawmakers may want to know if it was briefed to Obama or shared with members of her larger circle of advisers, like deputy Ben Rhodes."
White House logs indicate Susan Rice consumed unmasked intel on Trump associates

Susan Rice had the names of every Trump official unmasked and sent to all those heads of intell agencies that the snake had added to the loop....and even non-members of said community, such as Ben Rhodes.

Rhodes was the slime who boasted of how he created a journalist's 'echo chamber' to market the administration's foreign policy."

Here is a clear link to the leaks for intell to the media.
As the deputy National Security Adviser, she didn't need to ask for the "unmasking" - because she receives the initial intelligence report BEFORE it is redacted. In fact, her position can authorize the masking. So, she knew the names all along..

You do know that's not true, and its not even close to the truth. The NSA is the classifying agency, and they redact the names of americans before sending it out to anybody. Once somebody receives it, and reads the FISA warrant collected transcript, such as the NSA, they can ask the classifying agency, in this case the NSA for an un-redacted copy. And if they approve the unmasking, then an unmasked copy is sent out.

Sorry --- you're not even close. While NSA classifies the document, it is un-redacted until reviewed (a redacted informational copy can be sent to other agencies, but only upon official request, and with proper justification). NSA does NOT redact names prior to release to the national security adviser. For "incidental collection". there is NO FISA warrant against that individual.
Absolutely true ---- it is also illegal to release unmasked names to other intelligence agencies that don't need it in the course of a particular investigation.

It's not illegal, It's just against protocol.

No, as a matter of fact, the release of classified information to unauthorized personnel, regardless of their security clearance, is illegal. Thus, the "need to know": requirement.

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