Breaking: O'Keefe Releases Third Video Verifying Hillary's Direct Involvement Rigging The Election

It's over for Hillary. She's busted as organizer Robert Creamer rats her out.


The bigger story is how covert agents were line tapping and following Hillary's campaign people around to restaurants, their home and other everyday places they frequented; using pen cameras and such.

Of course people use whatever they can to win elections. What about the people following her people around? What level did they stoop to to get the dirt? Wire tapping? I hope they had a warrant to do so... If not, it was a violation of the people's constitutional rights: ie illegal.
NOOooooooo.....Not O'Keefe

Literally DOZENS of people believe his videos
Hillary ordered the ducks, too bad she didn't get help to Benghazi as quickly as she got her ducks
It's over for Hillary. She's busted as organizer Robert Creamer rats her out.


The bigger story is how covert agents were line tapping and following Hillary's campaign people around to restaurants, their home and other everyday places they frequented; using pen cameras and such.

Of course people use whatever they can to win elections. What about the people following her people around? What level did they stoop to to get the dirt? Wire tapping? I hope they had a warrant to do so... If not, it was a violation of the people's constitutional rights: ie illegal.

What level did they stoop to? Unmitigated patriotism!
This thread has proven one thing: Stevie McRacist is a fucking loser who should save the world some oxygen
As I have said many times, this is the election that will determine whether USA will become a banana-republic or not.

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