BREAKING: One of the Witnesses at the Trump Bedminster meeting testified they had no memory of Trump displaying Classified Documents to interviewers

"One of the witnesses at the Trump Bedminster meeting testified they had no memory of Trump displaying documents to interviewers."

Key word: One.

And we have the audio of Trump displaying the document, idiot.

We have the flunkies on tape laughing as he showed them the document.


How do you display something on audio?
(Via CBS) – The Defense Department memo on Iran — at the heart of the now-public audio recording that captured a July 2021 meeting with former President Donald Trump — is not part of the 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information charged in special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of the former president, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to CBS News.

[…] The document and recording are described in the indictment Smith’s team secured against Trump earlier this month, recounted as an alleged meeting with “a writer, a publisher, and two members of” Trump’s staff, “none of whom possessed a security clearance.” But according to a source familiar with the matter, Trump was not charged with unlawfully holding onto the Iran-related document discussed in the recording.

[…] Multiple sources familiar with the investigation previously told CBS News that defense attorneys were not certain the Iran memo in question was ever recovered and returned to the government. (read more)
Read the indictment, it seems highly likely that based on the evidence uncovered, Trump is continuing to hide a lot of classified documents from the government.
"He said". And how does some rando hack know this?

He's lying.

Have you read the indictment? Nope. That's why you keep falling for these hoaxes.

TRUMP IS ON TAPE, moron. He admits on the tape the document he is showing them is classified.

Trump hung himself.
The purpose of the indictment is to spell out what they hope to prove in court.
It's not always factual.
Especially when you have a prosecutor like Jake Smith who has a reputation for charge stacking and having his convictions overturned because of prosecutorial misconduct.
This so-called audio recording might be grounds to have the case thrown out because it's fake.
Never mind all of the other reasons they have to get it thrown out.
  • Search warrant was too broad and improperly obtained
  • Leaks to the press
  • Constitutional issues that render the entire case moot


Any evidence that this writer is a TRump loyal supporter? Or are you just pulling that out your ass?
You think that they’d be inviting people to write memoirs about them that aren’t supporters?
This is astonishing. The Special Counsel has just had their narrative obliterated. This is grounds for Judge Eileen Cannon to dismiss the case.

Anything for The Savior. :)

They got the audio recording. It isn't fake.

Yet the Biden tapes are fake......too funny
Ok, you've pulled that nonsense out your ass
Oh okay. You're right. Meadows picked Trump's political enemy to write his memoir where he glowingly praises everything Trump touhed.

Jesus, man. Use your brain.

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