BREAKING: One of the Witnesses at the Trump Bedminster meeting testified they had no memory of Trump displaying Classified Documents to interviewers

You're the one pulling this claim out of your ass based on on your hate for Trump. Get back to us when you have anything other than your emotions.
I see you’ve abandoned the use of logic.

It’s a shame, but not surprising.
Trump’s tape has perfect memory.
Course the tape doesn't tell the whole story.
The people pushing this crapola on the public wanted to direct us to an assumption.
You have to come to a conclusion that Trump had some TS document in his hand when in fact he was showing newspaper clippings. It could have been the newspaper, clippings from the newspaper article, or zerox copies of the clippings, which is more likely.

Then there's the fact that the prosecution redacts the hell out of everything they produce as evidence (hiding key details) for national security reasons.
They're intentionally hiding the truth so they can shape the evidence, or doctor the evidence.
It wasn’t 1800 boxes full of classified documents.

Im not buying a word of that. Lets just assume for arguments sake that Biden only took 10 documents. If you dont care about HIS documents, then why should i care about Trumps? Trump at least was the president who can declassify. Biden stole records out of a SCIF as a Senator.
Im not buying a word of that. Lets just assune for arguments sake that Biden only took 10 documents. If you dont care about HIS documents, then why should i care about Trumps? Trump at least was the president who can declassify. Biden stole records out of a SCIF.
So what are you buying? I haven’t seen any sources of what you claim.

Biden had a small number of documents that could have easily been misplaced during his work of government. They were returned to the government without difficulty. If Trump had done the same thing, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You should care because Trump thinks he doesn’t have to follow the law like the rest of us.
So what are you buying? I haven’t seen any sources of what you claim.

Biden had a small number of documents that could have easily been misplaced during his work of government. They were returned to the government without difficulty. If Trump had done the same thing, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You should care because Trump thinks he doesn’t have to follow the law like the rest of us.
How did Biden get those documents "that he easilly misplaced"?

An agent checks the document out of the archives. He signs his name when he takes it. He is responsible for that document and watches the document the entire time it is out of the archives. He takes it to a locked SCIF where he literally watches Biden read the document, then he is supposed to immediately take it back to the archives where he signs his name once again.

How in the holy fuck did Biden take that document home? How did he do this MANY TIMES?
How did Biden get those documents "that he easilly misplaced"?

An agent checks the document out of the archives. He signs his name when he takes it. He is responsible for that document and watches the document the entire time it is out of the archives. He takes it to a locked SCIF where he literally watches Biden read the document, then he is supposed to immediately take it back to the archives where he signs his name once again.

How in the holy fuck did Biden take that document home? How did he do this MANY TIMES?
Sorry, but where did you acquire such intimate knowledge of how a Senator engages with classified documents?
Sorry, but where did you acquire such intimate knowledge of how a Senator engages with classified documents?
This protocol is easy to look up. Ive heard several people with security clearance explain it the exact same way. What the fuck makes you think they DONT keep a close eye on and track secrets documents?
This protocol is easy to look up. Ive heard several people with security clearance explain it the exact same way. What the fuck makes you think they DONT keep a close eye on and track secrets documents?
Show me the protocol for Senators.

Clearly they don't keep a close eye on secret documents because Trump carted off hundreds of them.

The archives has gotten tons of calls from people finding classified documents in their private papers

Sorry, but where did you acquire such intimate knowledge of how a Senator engages with classified documents?
Here you go...

Roemer described the airtight security measures officials took when, as a member of the House, he asked for information about an intelligence operation the United States was engaged in at that time. He couldn’t even take a pen and paper into the SCIF, he said.

“When I was seated, somebody came into the room from the oversight agency from the program. The information they had was handcuffed in a silver briefcase. They had a security person,” he recalled. “I sat down in the room for three or four hours. I could not write anything down. This person sat with me the entire time. As soon as I was done, they sped off back to the government agency, taking the documents with them.”

So what are you buying? I haven’t seen any sources of what you claim.

Biden had a small number of documents that could have easily been misplaced during his work of government. They were returned to the government without difficulty. If Trump had done the same thing, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You should care because Trump thinks he doesn’t have to follow the law like the rest of us.
That's weird.
Biden had hundreds of boxes of documents. They spent weeks going thru all of his shit and kept finding classified documents on numerous occasion in several locations.
They found government documents at his office in the University of Delaware, at his vacation property in a garage next to his Corvette, and in several other locations. The fact that he had no right to these documents when he took them seems to have escaped you as well because he was a Senator when he took them.
Yet for some reason they cooperated with each other and claim this exonerated Biden.
The fact remains that the NARA refused to work with Trump when he was preparing to leave office.
They made false assumptions of his intentions because politically that had an axe to grind with him.
This is just Russian Collusion all over again.
The NARA refused to do their jobs and they literally created this situation in the first place.
Show me the protocol for Senators.

Clearly they don't keep a close eye on secret documents because Trump carted off hundreds of them.

The archives has gotten tons of calls from people finding classified documents in their private papers

Taking documents from the White House is completely different. The documents there arent accompanied by an agent and dont require a SCIF. The White House itself is a SCIF. Thats why all presidents are able to take documents home. Its easy as fuck.
The claim that the paltry number of documents (31 isn't that many) has any bearing on the validity of the case.
The Special Council leaked photos of dozens of boxes of "Documents" to the press giving the impression that all of those boxes were filled with TS documents, when in fact, 31 documents barely fills one folder.
The pictures were an attempt to taint the jury pool.

For all we know the FBI stacked those boxes in those locations to make them appear like they were there when they arrived with the warrant. It's highly unlikely that a clean freak like Trump would want those boxes where they claimed they were found.

BTW, NARA was going thru those boxes on more than one occasion, and failed to take possession of the documents in question. They only told Trump to "put another lock on them". Who cares that Trump had every right to them in the first place according to Article II of the Constitution and the Presidential Records Act of 2018.


The pictures of all those boxes stacked in bathrooms and on ballroom stages and in closets toppled and sprawled on floor,

Are PICTURES TAKEN BY TRUMP STAFF AT MARA LAGO BEFORE the search and seizure warrant by the FBI in August.
Show me the protocol for Senators.

Clearly they don't keep a close eye on secret documents because Trump carted off hundreds of them.

The archives has gotten tons of calls from people finding classified documents in their private papers

The president is the only person that decides which documents in his possession are classified.
Nobody else can overrule him.
If he wants to classify a receipt from dinner at Olive Garden, that's up to him.
Here you go...

Roemer described the airtight security measures officials took when, as a member of the House, he asked for information about an intelligence operation the United States was engaged in at that time. He couldn’t even take a pen and paper into the SCIF, he said.

“When I was seated, somebody came into the room from the oversight agency from the program. The information they had was handcuffed in a silver briefcase. They had a security person,” he recalled. “I sat down in the room for three or four hours. I could not write anything down. This person sat with me the entire time. As soon as I was done, they sped off back to the government agency, taking the documents with them.”

That's nice and I have no doubt there are circumstances that require such stringent security measures with very sensitive information.

What makes you think that's how they treat every classified document?
"My research indicates..."


Does the dipshit have access to the classified documents listed in the indictment which were found in Trump's possession?


He's a bloviating liar.

Just like The Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King he is trying to defend!

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