Breaking: Ooopsie again....Cohen pleading guilty to new charge

I see you watched Trump's presser on his way to the helicopter, since you've reposted it word for word.

The problem is that Trump lies all of the time, and he has previously told liles which say the exact opposite of the lies he told today. So you repeating Trumps' lies is even less effective than when Trump said them on the White House lawn in the first place.
No I haven't watched his "presser"...there is only one truth on any issue...not surprised if Trump and I have the same response to this....and will you tell me what Trump has lied libs all say he lies but can never point to a single one....
He was less than honest about Stormy...a private family issue...but other than that what has he lied to you about?...
he certainly has not told you you can keep your doctor or your health that is a lie that did real harm...find me one like that with Trump's name on it....
If this Mueller investigation isn't a witch hunt and not an investigation in search of a crime and not just a get Trump scheme...why does Mueller release this kind of information the day Trump goes to an important event?...this is the 3rd time in a row where Mueller normally quiet as a church mouse releases BS just before Trump leaves to meet with foreign leaders....what kind of crap is that? one will ever convince me that Mueller is a fair even handed prosecutor....he is scum....he is a swamper and a never Trumper and no one cares what he or anyone else says about this witch hunt.....Mueller has lost all credibility....

Mueller tried to get others to lie about Trump and they said go fuck yourself...Cohen is a coward and a liar and no judge in America would allow him in a court to testify against Trump due to his known lies of the recent past...he is not a credible witness and for Mueller and the media to treat him like he is says it all.....


Cohen is flailing about looking for anything to relieve his anxiety.
Because he is in trouble for lying to protect his unindicted co-conspirator, president babyman. How ironic that the classless, witless president now uses those very lies to characterize Cohen as a liar. But what is completely unsurprising is watching you trump cultists eat up Trump's verbal diahrrea like it's filet mignon.
Yawn..............Question him for hours ...............then find something he didn't remember from years ago quite him a liar............then charge him for perjury..........over BS or lack of memory from some email years ago he doesn't remember correctly..........

Nothing but a trap..............and..............drum roll please..

Why they should take the 5th Amendment from the get go and tell them to shove their questions up their asses.....

They nail you on BS............then say we are going to let you rot in prison..........unless you say what we want to here.

These people are idiots for not taking the 5th.................

Dems were smarter.........

So being a businessman while running for office and doing business abroad is some kind of a crime?...better tell that to half of the house and senate and most governors in America....because it will be news to them.....


Seasoned criminals like her just don't recall anything...........If you don't recall anything then you can't get caught in a perjury trap...........but of course her's wasn't a trap............she was let off the hook before she even testified.

Double Standards...........corrupt cops........corrupt gov't
Cohen is flailing about looking for anything to relieve his anxiety.
Because he is in trouble for lying to protect his unindicted co-conspirator, president babyman. How ironic that the classless, witless president now uses those very lies to characterize Cohen as a liar. But what is completely unsurprising is watching you trump cultists eat up Trump's verbal diahrrea like it's filet mignon.

You anti-Trumpers salivate over lies like dogs on a short leash out of reach of a bowl of Alpo.
Cohen is flailing about looking for anything to relieve his anxiety.
Because he is in trouble for lying to protect his unindicted co-conspirator, president babyman. How ironic that the classless, witless president now uses those very lies to characterize Cohen as a liar. But what is completely unsurprising is watching you trump cultists eat up Trump's verbal diahrrea like it's filet mignon.

You anti-Trumpers salivate over lies like dogs on a short leash out of reach of a bowl of Alpo.
And yet here you are, throwing an embarrassing little hissy, claiming someone is lying. Do you even read your own posts? You are embarrassing yourself.
Shit is hitting the fan and hard.

The Witch hunt is sure turning up a whole lot of witches, Duhnald!
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

    • Nov. 29, 2018
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws, made a surprise appearance in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning to plead guilty to a new criminal charge, the latest turn in the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump and his inner circle.

At the court hearing, Mr. Cohen admitted to making false statements to Congress about his efforts to pursue a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.

This is the beginning of the end of the trump Criminal Enterprise....
The funniest part of this is Mueller claiming all of his star witnesses are liars. We're supposed to believe they're telling him the truth. The same Mueller with multiple prosecutorial misconduct convictions, including suborning perjury from witnesses. Seems there may be some people filing complaints for that very reason soon.
Shit is hitting the fan and hard.

The Witch hunt is sure turning up a whole lot of witches, Duhnald!
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

    • Nov. 29, 2018
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws, made a surprise appearance in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning to plead guilty to a new criminal charge, the latest turn in the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump and his inner circle.

At the court hearing, Mr. Cohen admitted to making false statements to Congress about his efforts to pursue a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.
We got him this time #3,675,876! A lying lawyer pleads guilty to LYING I said in my thread I started TDS inflicted morons will still believe a lying Jew lawyer who is a CONVICTED LIAR....LOL...hilarious.

Better flip on the telly and learn the details.
Trump has now been named in court by name for the first time.
Put some diapers on, unless you can watch/listen from the bathroom.

I said months ago that Mueller is playing 3D Chess while trump is still learning how to play checkers....He is screwed...
So many things are coming into focus now. All those trips and phone calls to Russia, the boys, Cohen, all the Russian chatter. I can see it as plain as day, help make me president, help destroy HILLARY. I'll build a tower and you'll get the grandest piece of real estate in the building. Then I can work on those sanctions. He would lay all the groundwork while he was running when had the best bargaining chip he would EVER hold and even if he didn't win, he got the piece of real estate he had wanted for YEARS!

This is just breaking in BUZZFEED and I think their server may have crashed. Will put it up as soon as available.

Found the Buzzfeed link...........................

President Donald Trump’s company planned to give a $50 million penthouse at Trump Tower Moscow to Russian President Vladimir Putin as the company negotiated the luxury real estate development during the 2016 campaign, according to four people, one of them the originator of the plan.

Two US law enforcement officials told BuzzFeed News that Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer at the time, discussed the idea with a representative of Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s press secretary.

The Trump Tower Moscow plan is at the heart of a new plea agreement by Cohen, who led the negotiations to bring a gleaming, 100-story building to the Russian capital. Cohen acknowledged in court that he had lied to Congress about the plan in order to protect Trump and his presidential campaign.

The revelation that representatives of the Trump Organization planned to forge direct financial links with the leader of a hostile nation at the height of the campaign raises fresh questions about President Trump's relationship with the Kremlin. The plan never went anywhere because the tower deal ultimately fizzled, and it is not clear whether Trump knew of the intention to give away the penthouse. But Cohen said in court documents that he regularly briefed Trump and his family on the Moscow negotiations.

Where is this tower located, I’d like to see it. Oh it was never built. Dang that story fell flat.

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