Breaking: Pence Lawyers Up

I'm sure Pence has retained a good "Christian" lawyer.

WHY -- would Pence need a lawyer? What's his criminal liabilities here? And of course, if youre being called to a McCarthy Hearing -- you "lawyer up".. All this is gonna end like the ORIGINAL McCarthy hearings..

They all need lawyers and there's gonna be a stampede.

It's not as though trump won't throw every one of them under the bus. The New York lawyer who trump put on display has gotten almost everything wrong (something like 50 mistakes and lies in that first statement) but the biggest thing he got wrong was telling WH staff they didn't need legal representation.

So, who will make the first deal in Oder to stay out of prison? Flynn?

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Gee, why would Pence feel the need to hire personal outside counsel?
You're completely stumped why an innocent person would need legal counsel? Really?

Please respond, "If he didn't do anything wrong, he doesn't have anything to worry about."


Duh, yeah sparky, I get it. Same with pleading the 5th.
I don't think you do get it, dipshit, or you wouldn't have made the insinuations you did in your OP.
I'm sure Pence has retained a good "Christian" lawyer.

WHY -- would Pence need a lawyer? What's his criminal liabilities here? And of course, if youre being called to a McCarthy Hearing -- you "lawyer up".. All this is gonna end like the ORIGINAL McCarthy hearings..

Because chief is a fucking liar who is spreading misinformation to distract ppl from reality.

How can you not see that?

I know TPMemo and the WashPo are fucking liars --- but the Chief? Really?
I'm sure Pence has retained a good "Christian" lawyer.

WHY -- would Pence need a lawyer? What's his criminal liabilities here? And of course, if youre being called to a McCarthy Hearing -- you "lawyer up".. All this is gonna end like the ORIGINAL McCarthy hearings..

Because chief is a fucking liar who is spreading misinformation to distract ppl from reality.

How can you not see that?

Hey, Pence's office said it. Read the OP.

You didn't answer the question.. You never do.. WHY -- does he need to lawyer up? Hint -- it's because there's a witchhunt going on trying to GET people to accidentally slightly, innocently perjure themselves...
I'm sure Pence has retained a good "Christian" lawyer.

WHY -- would Pence need a lawyer? What's his criminal liabilities here? And of course, if youre being called to a McCarthy Hearing -- you "lawyer up".. All this is gonna end like the ORIGINAL McCarthy hearings..

They all need lawyers and there's gonna be a stampede.

It's not as though trump won't throw every one of them under the bus. The New York lawyer who trump put on display has gotten almost everything wrong (something like 50 mistakes and lies in that first statement) but the biggest thing he got wrong was telling WH staff they didn't need legal representation.

So, who will make the first deal in Oder to stay out of prison? Flynn?

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Flynn will never publicly testify. He's knows some stuff and he'll spill it if he's forced to.. Trust me on this.. You NEVER grill an ex-spook unless you got them THOROUGHLY guilty..
I've always thought that Pence has some degree of legal exposure. His dumb act ain't cuttin' it.

Knowing the propensity for Democrats to lie, they better lawyer ip. Mueller has stocked his committee with democrat donors who have investments to protect.
Rachel Maddow just reported that 69 people were indicted in the Watergate scandal.

She also reported that 14 people were indicted in the Iran-Contra scandal.
Trump and the White House have long maintained there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians and more recently denied that the president in any way tried to obstruct justice.

As Trump’s No. 2 and as head of the transition team, Pence has increasingly found himself drawn into the widening Russia investigation. Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, [SUPPOSEDLY] misled Pence about his contacts with Russian officials — Pence then repeated the incorrect claims publicly. The vice president was [SUPPOSEDLY] kept in the dark for nearly two weeks about Flynn’s false statements before [SUPPOSEDLY] learning the truth in a Post report.

:rolleyes: :eusa_liar:

Vice President Pence has hired outside legal counsel to help with both congressional committee inquiries and the special counsel investigation into possible collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia.

The vice president’s office said Thursday that Pence has retained Richard Cullen, a Richmond-based lawyer and chairman of McGuireWoods who previously served as a U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.

Pence’s decision comes less than a month after Trump hired his own private attorney, Marc E. Kasowitz, to help navigate the investigations related to the Russia probe, and a day after The Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is widening his investigation to examine whether the president attempted to obstruct justice.

“I can confirm that the Vice President has retained Richard Cullen of McGuireWoods to assist him in responding to inquiries by the special counsel,” said Jarrod Agen, a Pence spokesman, in an emailed statement.

Kasowitz has told some White House personnel that they do not need to hire their own lawyers, according to one person familiar with some of the legal discussions that have occurred inside the White House. But Pence’s move to hire an outside attorney could set off a scramble among other West Wing aides — many of whom are already bracing for subpoenas — to do the same...

Pence hires outside counsel to deal with Russia probe inquiries
MSNBC is reporting that Pence has lawyered-up by retaining personal outside counsel. More details below:

Vice President Mike Pence’s office on Thursday confirmed that Pence has retained outside counsel to guide him through the congressional and federal investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“I can confirm that the Vice President has retained Richard Cullen of McGuire Woods to assist him in responding to inquiries by the special counsel,” Pence’s communications director Jarrod Agen told the Washington Post by email.

Agen said Pence “looks forward to a swift conclusion of this matter.”

The White House did not immediately respond to TPM’s request for comment.

The Washington Post reported, citing an unnamed aide, that it took several weeks for Pence to hire Cullen and several candidates were interviewed for the job.

More: Pence Hires Outside Counsel To Guide Him Through Russia Investigations
He should. Any time a prosecutor with unlimited power and resources targets you for destruction, you need sound legal representation, especially if you're innocent.
Just in from Jim Acosta at CNN:
"Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo has been contacted by FBI in Russia probe and has hired his own attorney, a source confirms."
Just in from Jim Acosta at CNN:
"Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo has been contacted by FBI in Russia probe and has hired his own attorney, a source confirms."

Thank you! I also heard that Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen (can't rape your spouse), has also hired a personal attorney. Holy shit...
MSNBC is reporting that Pence has lawyered-up by retaining personal outside counsel. More details below:

Vice President Mike Pence’s office on Thursday confirmed that Pence has retained outside counsel to guide him through the congressional and federal investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“I can confirm that the Vice President has retained Richard Cullen of McGuire Woods to assist him in responding to inquiries by the special counsel,” Pence’s communications director Jarrod Agen told the Washington Post by email.

Agen said Pence “looks forward to a swift conclusion of this matter.”

The White House did not immediately respond to TPM’s request for comment.

The Washington Post reported, citing an unnamed aide, that it took several weeks for Pence to hire Cullen and several candidates were interviewed for the job.

More: Pence Hires Outside Counsel To Guide Him Through Russia Investigations
I'm curious and this is an honest question...did Hillary ever lawyer-up? If so, who was her private lawyer?

She's ALWAYS had a team of personal lawyers. Since they left Arkansas.

Her Legal Team were the ones that oversaw the "Wiping of the Servers".. Don't you remember them pawing over 10s of thousands of emails for MONTHS before the FBI came in took possession??

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