BREAKING: Pope & Russian Orthodox Church Publicly Denounce Gay Marriage: Goodbye Hispanic Votes

Truth be known - they are, Guno. How many Jesuit universities are there in the USA and how many of our politicians received Jesuit educations. Look it up. Our biggest mistake was ever allowing a Catholic into our political system. Read the Washington in the lap of Rome. You're in for a surprise.
Our biggest mistake was ever allowing a Catholic into our political system.

Thankfully we don't live in a christian fundamentalist theocracy
Our nation was never designed to be a theocracy. It's a Republic, Guno.
yes made up of Catholics, Jews , Christian fundamentalists, Muslims and unbelievers, no religious test required
Whatever it is made up of - at the end of the day - America is a Republic. Not a Democracy.

but you said Catholics should have been excluded from our political life. As a Jew we saw where that thinking goes when you try to exclude a group of people
Carlin was a legend. One of the more brilliant voices of last century.
lol, true, but he was not a theologian, thats for sure.

No, but he raises some thought provoking points nonetheless. His ability to tap into the absurdity of some aspects of society through a blend of anger and humor is what made him a legend.
Truth be known - they are, Guno. How many Jesuit universities are there in the USA and how many of our politicians received Jesuit educations. Look it up. Our biggest mistake was ever allowing a Catholic into our political system. Read the Washington in the lap of Rome. You're in for a surprise.
Our biggest mistake was ever allowing a Catholic into our political system.

Thankfully we don't live in a christian fundamentalist theocracy
Our nation was never designed to be a theocracy. It's a Republic, Guno.
yes made up of Catholics, Jews , Christian fundamentalists, Muslims and unbelievers, no religious test required
Whatever it is made up of - at the end of the day - America is a Republic. Not a Democracy.

but you said Catholics should have been excluded from our political life. As a Jew we saw where that thinking goes when you try to exclude a group of people
Excluded from holding political office - I apologize. I should have been more clear about that. As a Jew you should recognize the danger of Rome getting involved in American politics and Israeli politics. He needs to mind his own business and stop pretending he speaks for the Christian world. He does not. Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity.
Can anybody explain why the Pope's stance about marriage between a man and a woman will impact Hispanic votes? Is it alleged that most Hispanics are homosexual?
The pope isn't going to influence anything. The media has done their level best to advertise him and the people are not buying it.
Can anybody explain why the Pope's stance about marriage between a man and a woman will impact Hispanic votes? Is it alleged that most Hispanics are homosexual?
nothing has changed, the catholic church was already against homosexuality and like most people and groups people are not one issue voters
Can anybody explain why the Pope's stance about marriage between a man and a woman will impact Hispanic votes? Is it alleged that most Hispanics are homosexual?

Barely, if at all, will the Pope's views concerning gay marriage impact the Hispanic vote. This is just Sil pretending that gay marriage is the most important issue we've faced since The Civil War. lol
Carlin was a legend. One of the more brilliant voices of last century.
lol, true, but he was not a theologian, thats for sure.

No, but he raises some thought provoking points nonetheless. His ability to tap into the absurdity of some aspects of society through a blend of anger and humor is what made him a legend.

We as people are too quick and find it to easy to accept cognitive dissonance as just part of life.

This produces absurdity of epic proportions.

But a lot of times it is absurdity due to poor analysis and a lack of knowledge.

I have heard both Christians and atheists say some pretty absurd things, but it was every time due to a lack of reflection on what they believe in and what they actually know about a topic.
This is the Pope who told Catholics:
“Who am I to judge?” he stated, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will.”

I would also like to point out that Argentina- the home of Pope Francis- legalized same gender marriage 7 years ago.

Huge- huge issue for Latino voters......
He's a criminal. An out and out criminal.

Oh please tell us why you think he is a 'criminal'- and 'out and out criminal'

Please do.
child trafficking, child rape - two of his victims have come forward young women testifying about him raping them as children - he's a paedophile - the Vatican has prevented a proper trial from going forward. Dozens of witnesses involved. He's a criminal with blood on his hands. He has appointed paedophiles as his own Nuncio, closest assistants - his own female assistant knew what was going on. They found her dead body a few days ago.

Oh I didn't realize I was dealing with a true blue Anti-Catholic Konspiracy loon.

Keep Kalm and Konspiracy on.
I didn't realize you were Catholic. To you? Anything that exposes the evil of Catholicism is going to be construed as a conspiracy. It comes with the territory.

LOL- I am no Catholic- I find the Catholic fairy tales as unlikely as your fairy tales.

But I can smell the BS of the usual anti-religious bigotry that you are spewing.
Truth be known - they are, Guno. How many Jesuit universities are there in the USA and how many of our politicians received Jesuit educations. Look it up. Our biggest mistake was ever allowing a Catholic into our political system. Read the Washington in the lap of Rome. You're in for a surprise.

Jeremiah- such a true American that he wants to exclude one religion from participating in our political system.

What a bigot.
Obviously no one listens to the communist Pope of Rome. He should stay out of our politics and mind his own business. He's a mess.
But he and the Patriarch are totally correct.

Fagot marriage is an abomination and there is nothing conservative about supporting it.

And none of Trump's supporters care.

Just like they don't care about the abomination of him remarrying 3 times.
That is the world we live in.

Should we all just stop voting and go live in a desert commune?

You should do what I do- laugh at how hilarious the GOP race is- that Trump- the least conservative GOP candidate in years- is the leading GOP candidate- and his followers don't care.
Obviously no one listens to the communist Pope of Rome. He should stay out of our politics and mind his own business. He's a mess.

i guess the only clergy who you like are the psychotics who think gays should be stoned to death?

i think THEY and you should stay out of politics.

but i won't get that either.
Truth be known - they are, Guno. How many Jesuit universities are there in the USA and how many of our politicians received Jesuit educations. Look it up. Our biggest mistake was ever allowing a Catholic into our political system. Read the Washington in the lap of Rome. You're in for a surprise.

Jeremiah- such a true American that he wants to exclude one religion from participating in our political system.

What a bigot.

it's a wackjob
Your own pope protects paedophile rapists - homosexual cardinals, bishops and priests. He's harboring one right now behind Vatican walls that should be in a secular prison right now. Tell him to stay out of our politics. He needs to stay out of America completely. He has no business here.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.
He's Italian. Not Hispanic.
Your own pope protects paedophile rapists - homosexual cardinals, bishops and priests. He's harboring one right now behind Vatican walls that should be in a secular prison right now. Tell him to stay out of our politics. He needs to stay out of America completely. He has no business here.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.
He's Italian. Not Hispanic.

He is Argentinian, born in Latin America to Italian immigrant parents.

He may not be Hispanic- that is a loose definition- but he isn't Italian.
You should do what I do- laugh at how hilarious the GOP race is- that Trump- the least conservative GOP candidate in years- is the leading GOP candidate- and his followers don't care.
Well let's test your theory. Bring up gay marriage and Trump thinking it's "beautiful" hurt his numbers immediately in SC, but maybe it won't anymore? Those ads BTW in SC were last-minute, roughly put together.

There should be nothing to fear, right?
February 12, 2016.......Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church issued a joint statement on Friday denouncing same-sex marriage and expressing their “regret” that opposite-sex marriage is “being banished from the public conscience.”.....The two leaders issued the statement after a historic meeting in Cuba, marking the first time leaders from the Catholic and Orthodox churches have met in nearly 1,000 years. Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Attack Gay Marriage in Joint Statement - VIDEO - Towleroad

I predicted last year or so that the Pope would come to the US and hold a vigil to protect traditional marriage. That happened last year. But the media blacked out/talked over/ panned away from his vigil in Philly where he showed film clips of traditional marrieds and his stance against non-traditional (gay) 'marriage'..

So the Pope instead of dancing around the topic, just joined for the first time in over a 1,000 years, the Russian Orthodox Church to make a public statement about it:

********* Joint declaration of Pope Francis, Patriarch Kirill
It is with joy that we have met like brothers in the Christian faith who encounter one another "to speak face to face" from heart to heart, to discuss the mutual relations between the Churches, the crucial problems of our faithful, and the outlook for the progress of human civilization....

...The powerful religious potential of Latin America, its centuries–old Christian tradition, grounded in the personal experience of millions of people, are the pledge of a great future for this region.

By meeting far from the longstanding disputes of the "Old World" we experience with a particular sense of urgency the need for the shared labor of Catholics and Orthodox, who are called, with gentleness and respect, to give an explanation to the world of the hope in us...

..In a world which yearns not only for our words but also for tangible gestures, may this meeting be a sign of hope for all people of goodwill....

...we are concerned about the situation in many countries in which Christians are increasingly confronted by restrictions to religious freedom, to the right to witness to one’s convictions and to live in conformity with them. In particular, we observe that the transformation of some countries into secularized societies, estranged from all reference to God and to His truth, constitutes a grave threat to religious freedom. It is a source of concern for us that there is a current curtailment of the rights of Christians, if not their outright discrimination, when certain political forces, guided by an often very aggressive secularist ideology, seek to relegate them to the margins of public life....

...The family is the natural center of human life and society. We are concerned about the crisis in the family in many countries. Orthodox and Catholics share the same conception of the family, and are called to witness that it is a path of holiness, testifying to the faithfulness of the spouses in their mutual interaction, to their openness to the procreation and rearing of their children, to solidarity between the generations and to respect for the weakest....

...The family is based on marriage, an act of freely given and faithful love between a man and a woman. It is love that seals their union and teaches them to accept one another as a gift. Marriage is a school of love and faithfulness. We regret that other forms of cohabitation have been placed on the same level as this union, while the concept, consecrated in the biblical tradition, of paternity and maternity as the distinct vocation of man and woman in marriage is being banished from the public conscience. "

Now if I were a candidate like Hillary or Sanders or Trump who are either outright or covertly supportive of or consider gay marriage "beautiful", I'd start to work feverishly on a PR-spin to my Catholic Hispanic base. Put it in overdrive maybe?

You know about Hillary's "evolution" on gay marriage, she's deep in that saddle... but were you aware of Trump's friend George Takai's revelations about Trump's stance on it?

Gay Marriage Ads Took Pounds of Flesh From Trump: 1st Time His Lead Shrank Almost By Half

Hardly a denouncement.

Go finger your ass, homophobe.
You should do what I do- laugh at how hilarious the GOP race is- that Trump- the least conservative GOP candidate in years- is the leading GOP candidate- and his followers don't care.
Well let's test your theory. Bring up gay marriage and Trump thinking it's "beautiful"

Okay- 'gay marriage" and Trump thinking the marriages he attended were beautiful.

None of Trump's supporters care.
You should do what I do- laugh at how hilarious the GOP race is- that Trump- the least conservative GOP candidate in years- is the leading GOP candidate- and his followers don't care.
Welll, no, I think that they most certainly do care. What they dont care about is politicians giving rehearsed speeches in front of mirrors with the coaching of paid lobbyists money. They dont care for Wonk Word Salads that bore them to tears and insult them by talking over their heads, as if they did all this research on their won, lolol..

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