BREAKING: Pope & Russian Orthodox Church Publicly Denounce Gay Marriage: Goodbye Hispanic Votes

Jere is part of the Jesuit plot that created the Pentecostal movement more than 100 years so that when the RC takes over the world, Jere and agents like her can show where all the anti-RC people are hiding.
Gay marriage isn't a politics, but obviously a spiritiual question. All who believe in God hate these "marriages"

Any god that "hates" is no god of mine. This is the reason I find it very difficult to believe in something that on one hand promotes love and peace, while at the same time condemning anyone who does not believe as supported by "The Church" to damnation.
God hates one thing, Auditor. God hates sin.
Get on board with God on that and you're on your way.

What is sin? A guy having sex with another guy is sin? Why? Because God said so? We all can understand why murder is sin, but is divorce sin? Really? You don't get along with your spouse so you divorce, and that's a terrible thing?
Yes. Because God said so. As for divorce? You can't unscramble an egg. If you got a divorce and have asked the LORD to forgive you - you are forgiven. You don't need a priest to confess your sins to. You go directly to God.

So if God said it is a sin to drink water, then we should not drink water? Here's my problem with the whole God hates gays thing. I know a lot of gays, and for the vast majority of them, I know they have always been gay. They didn't become gay because of their upbringing or anything else, so God made them gay, but God says it's a sin for them to be gay. God is fucked up in that case.

Correct. We need to obey God. God doesn't hate gays, auditor! Who ever told you that? I knew a guy who owned his own tile business and was gay. He was in a serious turmoil about some awful things that happened to him during his childhood. Too horrific to go into but he trusted me and confided that he wasn't "born gay" and he knew this. He was definitely wanting to reconcile himself to God and the last time I spoke with him he was going that way. Did God hate him while he was working out his own salvation? Absolutely not. Anyone who says God hates gays does not know the love of God.

God loves you. He loves your concern for gay people. He's not falling off of his throne because you have questions. To be clear - God does NOT hate gays. Anyone who tells you that is not a Christian - in my opinion. You know?
I am enjoying this little spat between Sil and Jeri. lol

View attachment 64720
I have nothing against Silhouette. I just think she is brainwashed and conditioned not to rebel against anything this communist pope says or does. To me? That is no different than the Muslim who fears questioning what he's been taught by his religion.

Don't kid yourself. Both of you are brainwashed but only in different ways. You brainwashed to smear Catholics and Sil is brainwashed to smear gays. You are like two peas in a horrible, horrible pod.
I love the Catholic people but Catholicism is a false religion. It's a cult. Just as Islam is.
You're equating speaking the truth with hate. There is no salvation in Catholicism.
You cannot be a Christian and remain in the Roman Catholic system. You have to come out.
Many people have been saved and left Catholicism. Many more will. I'm not in a pod with anyone.
Your own pope protects paedophile rapists - homosexual cardinals, bishops and priests. He's harboring one right now behind Vatican walls that should be in a secular prison right now. Tell him to stay out of our politics. He needs to stay out of America completely. He has no business here.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.

This is the Pope who told Catholics:
“Who am I to judge?” he stated, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will.”

I would also like to point out that Argentina- the home of Pope Francis- legalized same gender marriage 7 years ago.

Huge- huge issue for Latino voters......

He's got a wall around the Vatican that was built to keep Muslims out - then condemns the people of the US and their choice of candidate.

Wow- I walked right through that wall and never saw it.


Perhaps you are talking about the Medieval walls built under Paul III (1534–49), Pius IV (1559–65) and Urban VIII (1623–44). And who were those Pope's worrying about when they built those walls? Well his fellow Catholic rulers of course.....not "Muslims"


If you are going to attack the Pope- at least make a slight effort to use actual facts rather than the usual crap.
It's nice of the anti-Catholics to take off their masks and reveal their true selves here. I'm sure that will convince Catholic Hispanics to vote GOP.
Anti-catholicism is not the same as anti- Catholics. I love the Catholic people but Catholicism is a cult and there is no salvation in it.
I am enjoying this little spat between Sil and Jeri. lol

View attachment 64720
I have nothing against Silhouette. I just think she is brainwashed and conditioned not to rebel against anything this communist pope says or does. To me? That is no different than the Muslim who fears questioning what he's been taught by his religion.

Don't kid yourself. Both of you are brainwashed but only in different ways. You brainwashed to smear Catholics and Sil is brainwashed to smear gays. You are like two peas in a horrible, horrible pod.
I love the Catholic people but Catholicism is a false religion. It's a cult. Just as Islam is.
You're equating speaking the truth with hate. There is no salvation in Catholicism.
You cannot be a Christian and remain in the Roman Catholic system. You have to come out.
Many people have been saved and left Catholicism. Many more will. I'm not in a pod with anyone.

And Catholics feel the same way about you- Catholics in general think you are going to hell.
I am enjoying this little spat between Sil and Jeri. lol

View attachment 64720
I have nothing against Silhouette. I just think she is brainwashed and conditioned not to rebel against anything this communist pope says or does. To me? That is no different than the Muslim who fears questioning what he's been taught by his religion.

Don't kid yourself. Both of you are brainwashed but only in different ways. You brainwashed to smear Catholics and Sil is brainwashed to smear gays. You are like two peas in a horrible, horrible pod.
I love the Catholic people but Catholicism is a false religion. It's a cult. Just as Islam is.
You're equating speaking the truth with hate. There is no salvation in Catholicism.
You cannot be a Christian and remain in the Roman Catholic system. You have to come out.
Many people have been saved and left Catholicism. Many more will. I'm not in a pod with anyone.

Please know that I am not interested in your anti-Catholic nonsense. Save it for the snake handlers at the revival tent.
Your own pope protects paedophile rapists - homosexual cardinals, bishops and priests. He's harboring one right now behind Vatican walls that should be in a secular prison right now. Tell him to stay out of our politics. He needs to stay out of America completely. He has no business here.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.

This is the Pope who told Catholics:
“Who am I to judge?” he stated, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will.”

I would also like to point out that Argentina- the home of Pope Francis- legalized same gender marriage 7 years ago.

Huge- huge issue for Latino voters......

He's got a wall around the Vatican that was built to keep Muslims out - then condemns the people of the US and their choice of candidate.

Wow- I walked right through that wall and never saw it.


Perhaps you are talking about the Medieval walls built under Paul III (1534–49), Pius IV (1559–65) and Urban VIII (1623–44). And who were those Pope's worrying about when they built those walls? Well his fellow Catholic rulers of course.....not "Muslims"


If you are going to attack the Pope- at least make a slight effort to use actual facts rather than the usual crap.
Your mistaken - the wall was built to keep out Muslim invaders.
Your own pope protects paedophile rapists - homosexual cardinals, bishops and priests. He's harboring one right now behind Vatican walls that should be in a secular prison right now. Tell him to stay out of our politics. He needs to stay out of America completely. He has no business here.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.

This is the Pope who told Catholics:
“Who am I to judge?” he stated, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will.”

I would also like to point out that Argentina- the home of Pope Francis- legalized same gender marriage 7 years ago.

Huge- huge issue for Latino voters......
He's a criminal. An out and out criminal.

Oh please tell us why you think he is a 'criminal'- and 'out and out criminal'

Please do.
I am enjoying this little spat between Sil and Jeri. lol

View attachment 64720
I have nothing against Silhouette. I just think she is brainwashed and conditioned not to rebel against anything this communist pope says or does. To me? That is no different than the Muslim who fears questioning what he's been taught by his religion.

Don't kid yourself. Both of you are brainwashed but only in different ways. You brainwashed to smear Catholics and Sil is brainwashed to smear gays. You are like two peas in a horrible, horrible pod.
I love the Catholic people but Catholicism is a false religion. It's a cult. Just as Islam is.
You're equating speaking the truth with hate. There is no salvation in Catholicism.
You cannot be a Christian and remain in the Roman Catholic system. You have to come out.
Many people have been saved and left Catholicism. Many more will. I'm not in a pod with anyone.

And Catholics feel the same way about you- Catholics in general think you are going to hell.
I cannot concern myself with what they think. My only concern is what God thinks. God is not in Catholicism. It's a cult. End of discussion.
Obviously no one listens to the communist Pope of Rome. He should stay out of our politics and mind his own business. He's a mess.
But he and the Patriarch are totally correct.

Fagot marriage is an abomination and there is nothing conservative about supporting it.
Your own pope protects paedophile rapists - homosexual cardinals, bishops and priests. He's harboring one right now behind Vatican walls that should be in a secular prison right now. Tell him to stay out of our politics. He needs to stay out of America completely. He has no business here.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.

This is the Pope who told Catholics:
“Who am I to judge?” he stated, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will.”

I would also like to point out that Argentina- the home of Pope Francis- legalized same gender marriage 7 years ago.

Huge- huge issue for Latino voters......
He's a criminal. An out and out criminal.

Oh please tell us why you think he is a 'criminal'- and 'out and out criminal'

Please do.
child trafficking, child rape - two of his victims have come forward young women testifying about him raping them as children - he's a paedophile - the Vatican has prevented a proper trial from going forward. Dozens of witnesses involved. He's a criminal with blood on his hands. He has appointed paedophiles as his own Nuncio, closest assistants - his own female assistant knew what was going on. They found her dead body a few days ago. She was pregnant. They murdered a pregnant woman to keep his secrets safe. Disgusting, isn't?
Your own pope protects paedophile rapists - homosexual cardinals, bishops and priests. He's harboring one right now behind Vatican walls that should be in a secular prison right now. Tell him to stay out of our politics. He needs to stay out of America completely. He has no business here.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.

This is the Pope who told Catholics:
“Who am I to judge?” he stated, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will.”

I would also like to point out that Argentina- the home of Pope Francis- legalized same gender marriage 7 years ago.

Huge- huge issue for Latino voters......

He's got a wall around the Vatican that was built to keep Muslims out - then condemns the people of the US and their choice of candidate.

Wow- I walked right through that wall and never saw it.


Perhaps you are talking about the Medieval walls built under Paul III (1534–49), Pius IV (1559–65) and Urban VIII (1623–44). And who were those Pope's worrying about when they built those walls? Well his fellow Catholic rulers of course.....not "Muslims"


If you are going to attack the Pope- at least make a slight effort to use actual facts rather than the usual crap.
Your mistaken - the wall was built to keep out Muslim invaders.

Which Muslim invaders?

Note, unlike me, you cite nothing, you bring no evidence to your post- you just recite the usual anti-Catholic crap.

Why are so many evangelicals so determined to remain ignorant?

The last time Muslims were a threat to Rome was in 846. The majority of walls around the Vatican date from Paul III (1534–49), Pius IV (1559–65) and Urban VIII (1623–44)- a period of time when Pope's were busy fighting Christian rulers in Italy and beyond.
Obviously no one listens to the communist Pope of Rome. He should stay out of our politics and mind his own business. He's a mess.
But he and the Patriarch are totally correct.

Fagot marriage is an abomination and there is nothing conservative about supporting it.

And none of Trump's supporters care.

Just like they don't care about the abomination of him remarrying 3 times.
Gay marriage isn't a politics, but obviously a spiritiual question. All who believe in God hate these "marriages"

Any god that "hates" is no god of mine. This is the reason I find it very difficult to believe in something that on one hand promotes love and peace, while at the same time condemning anyone who does not believe as supported by "The Church" to damnation.
God hates one thing, Auditor. God hates sin.
Get on board with God on that and you're on your way.

What is sin? A guy having sex with another guy is sin? Why? Because God said so? We all can understand why murder is sin, but is divorce sin? Really? You don't get along with your spouse so you divorce, and that's a terrible thing?
Yes. Because God said so. As for divorce? You can't unscramble an egg. If you got a divorce and have asked the LORD to forgive you - you are forgiven. You don't need a priest to confess your sins to. You go directly to God.

So if God said it is a sin to drink water, then we should not drink water? Here's my problem with the whole God hates gays thing. I know a lot of gays, and for the vast majority of them, I know they have always been gay. They didn't become gay because of their upbringing or anything else, so God made them gay, but God says it's a sin for them to be gay. God is fucked up in that case.
Yes, if God says not to drink, you should not drink. And that is your problem, if you do not obey with God, it is you problem and your faggot friends. Do not try making this problem of others. It is better to have good relations with God, than with you, don't you think so?
Your own pope protects paedophile rapists - homosexual cardinals, bishops and priests. He's harboring one right now behind Vatican walls that should be in a secular prison right now. Tell him to stay out of our politics. He needs to stay out of America completely. He has no business here.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.

This is the Pope who told Catholics:
“Who am I to judge?” he stated, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will.”

I would also like to point out that Argentina- the home of Pope Francis- legalized same gender marriage 7 years ago.

Huge- huge issue for Latino voters......
He's a criminal. An out and out criminal.

Oh please tell us why you think he is a 'criminal'- and 'out and out criminal'

Please do.
child trafficking, child rape - two of his victims have come forward young women testifying about him raping them as children - he's a paedophile - the Vatican has prevented a proper trial from going forward. Dozens of witnesses involved. He's a criminal with blood on his hands. He has appointed paedophiles as his own Nuncio, closest assistants - his own female assistant knew what was going on. They found her dead body a few days ago.

Oh I didn't realize I was dealing with a true blue Anti-Catholic Konspiracy loon.

Keep Kalm and Konspiracy on.
He's not my Pope. He's the hispanic Pope. Think of him like Donald Trump..his followers will not see the the flaws of some of the men of that Church. They will instead focus on the Divine Glow of the Pope's garments...the Larger Principle that the Pope stands for will shine through any mud slung upon it; even from within.

This is the Pope who told Catholics:
“Who am I to judge?” he stated, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will.”

I would also like to point out that Argentina- the home of Pope Francis- legalized same gender marriage 7 years ago.

Huge- huge issue for Latino voters......
He's a criminal. An out and out criminal.

Oh please tell us why you think he is a 'criminal'- and 'out and out criminal'

Please do.
child trafficking, child rape - two of his victims have come forward young women testifying about him raping them as children - he's a paedophile - the Vatican has prevented a proper trial from going forward. Dozens of witnesses involved. He's a criminal with blood on his hands. He has appointed paedophiles as his own Nuncio, closest assistants - his own female assistant knew what was going on. They found her dead body a few days ago.

Oh I didn't realize I was dealing with a true blue Anti-Catholic Konspiracy loon.

Keep Kalm and Konspiracy on.
I didn't realize you were Catholic. To you? Anything that exposes the evil of Catholicism is going to be construed as a conspiracy. It comes with the territory.
Jere is part of the Jesuit plot that created the Pentecostal movement more than 100 years so that when the RC takes over the world, Jere and agents like her can show where all the anti-RC people are hiding.
but but they are everywhere!

Truth be known - they are, Guno. How many Jesuit universities are there in the USA and how many of our politicians received Jesuit educations. Look it up. Our biggest mistake was ever allowing a Catholic into our political system. Read the Washington in the lap of Rome. You're in for a surprise.

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