BREAKING: President Biden said the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is at its highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

Hey where's all the liberals in this thread to defend their Corrupt Basement President now?

On top of shipwrecking the economy, spiking gas prices, opening the border--he's now going to get us into a nuclear war with his stupid, demented mouth.

Happy, folks? Yes?
Most of the democrats posters are fake.

The globalist running the democrats don't live in America and want to see it burn.

President Biden said the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is at its highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis​

Well Gee, that was way back when we had Russian nukes breathing right off our coastline! Is that what the hapless fuckwit is saying now? I hope the jackhole remembered to point out that there would have been no need for any of this and most of the lives and structures of Ukraine saved and 70 billion dollars still in our banks and an ecological disaster averted had that pompous idiot buffoon made the slightest effort to keep his nose out of other people's business or at least made even a tiny effort to diffuse the situation diplomatically first instead of charging in like a bull on Day One trying to show he was the BMOC of the planet by throwing banks, sanctions, threats and property seizures all over the place like someone died and left him ruler of the planet!
Biden bears as much responsibility for this situation as anyone.

He's the guy who refused for many months to send lethal aid prior to the war beginning, even in February 2022 holding up that approved aid.

And Joe is the guy who said a little incursion wasn't a big deal.

Biden's been setting up this latest attempt at regime change in Russia for years:

"Biden shakes hands with Ukrainian fascist leader, Oleh Yaroslavovych Tyahnybok, in Kiev, Ukraine, April 22, 2014..."

"Washington’s role in the 2013-2014 Maidan Revolution, however, is the clearest example of American interference.

"Trying to play the two blocs off against each other, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych negotiated with both the European Union and with Russia on trade deals at the same time.

"In the end, he chose the superior Russian offer.

"Instead of accepting defeat, however, the West immediately began organizing a coup, funding and supporting street protests across the country.

"Senior U.S. officials like Senator John McCain and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland flew to Ukraine to lead the demonstrations, the latter even famously handing out cookies to protestors in Independence Square in Kiev.

"Yanukovych was eventually overthrown in February 2014."

MintPress Study: NY Times, Washington Post Driving U.S. to War with Russia Over Ukraine -
June 2021:

December 2021:

February 2022:

But officials on the National Security Council ended up putting the proposal on hold after Russia announced it would draw down troops stationed near Ukraine and in the lead-up to President Joe Biden’s high-stakes summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
American aid to Ukraine has drawn intense scrutiny in the past. In 2019, Trump moved to block the delivery of lethal aid to Ukraine as part of an effort to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation connected to Biden’s son. Zelensky made no such announcement, and the hold-up triggered the first impeachment of Trump. At the time, congressional Democrats were vociferous about the importance of the U.S. providing support to the war-weary country.

The Pentagon has approved two aid packages to Ukraine this year alone, totaling $275 million. The first, in March, added two more armed Mark VI patrol boats to the Ukrainian fleet, part of a larger, $600 million deal for 16 of the boats signed in 2020.
Biden bears as much responsibility for this situation as anyone.

He's the guy who refused for many months to send lethal aid prior to the war beginning, even in February 2022 holding up that approved aid.

And Joe is the guy who said a little incursion wasn't a big deal.

Doesn't even register with these guys who is in office during this. And they claimed nonstop for four years that they were scared of Trump having the nuclear codes.
Biden bears as much responsibility for this situation as anyone.

He's the guy who refused for many months to send lethal aid prior to the war beginning, even in February 2022 holding up that approved aid.

And Joe is the guy who said a little incursion wasn't a big deal.

He sounds like he is giving a play-by-play of a foregone conclusion!!
He sounds like he is giving a play-by-play of a foregone conclusion!!
Most of the democrats in this era don't even live in America. They are outside hoping they get to see America burn.

Democrats rather face nuclear armageddon then a red wave.

When shortages and rationing begin, Democrats goto the back of the line.
American aid to Ukraine has drawn intense scrutiny in the past. In 2019, Trump moved to block the delivery of lethal aid to Ukraine as part of an effort to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation connected to Biden’s son. Zelensky made no such announcement, and the hold-up triggered the first impeachment of Trump. At the time, congressional Democrats were vociferous about the importance of the U.S. providing support to the war-weary country.

The Pentagon has approved two aid packages to Ukraine this year alone, totaling $275 million. The first, in March, added two more armed Mark VI patrol boats to the Ukrainian fleet, part of a larger, $600 million deal for 16 of the boats signed in 2020.
You love Zelensky. He is promoted as little goody two shoes. He is evil and corrupted. Putin is not a good guy. But he is a man who believes in his nation. And not the real evil of the Globalists. You had no problems an example of Trudeau in Cananda destroying the lives of a Trucker strike. None at all. Evil is what it is.
All these MAGA idiots are mad that Biden is standing up to Putin.

Biden has made it clear that using tactical nukes is not an option for Putin. Let Putin's FSB & general calculate out the probable outcomes if they use tactical nukes - it will not go well for Russia. They know that the U.S. and NATO is about 40 years ahead of Russia in every military technology. They can assume the same for nuclear warfare technology.

Putin is running out of options. He's desperate. If he were smart (which he is not), he'd order a complete withdrawal of Russia from Ukraine. He'd only have to worry about surviving the political backlash in Russia. He could always say that they killed both Ukrainian Nazis, so the Special Military Operation to deNazify Ukraine was a success!
All these MAGA idiots are mad that Biden is standing up to Putin.

Biden has made it clear that using tactical nukes is not an option for Putin. Let Putin's FSB & general calculate out the probable outcomes if they use tactical nukes - it will not go well for Russia. They know that the U.S. and NATO is about 40 years ahead of Russia in every military technology. They can assume the same for nuclear warfare technology.

Putin is running out of options. He's desperate. If he were smart (which he is not), he'd order a complete withdrawal of Russia from Ukraine. He'd only have to worry about surviving the political backlash in Russia. He could always say that they killed both Ukrainian Nazis, so the Special Military Operation to deNazify Ukraine was a success!

Joey is too willing to take us all to hell for what in reality is a fake heavenly cause.
I told you before the black-eyed Sippy Cup is Satanic.
Hey where's all the liberals in this thread to defend their Corrupt Basement President now?

On top of shipwrecking the economy, spiking gas prices, opening the border--he's now going to get us into a nuclear war with his stupid, demented mouth.

Happy, folks? Yes?

There is no defending Jo Bai Xing...That's why there's so much attacking the former president.
American aid to Ukraine has drawn intense scrutiny in the past. In 2019, Trump moved to block the delivery of lethal aid to Ukraine as part of an effort to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation connected to Biden’s son. Zelensky made no such announcement, and the hold-up triggered the first impeachment of Trump. At the time, congressional Democrats were vociferous about the importance of the U.S. providing support to the war-weary country.

The Pentagon has approved two aid packages to Ukraine this year alone, totaling $275 million. The first, in March, added two more armed Mark VI patrol boats to the Ukrainian fleet, part of a larger, $600 million deal for 16 of the boats signed in 2020.
That part in bold we know is propaganda....we have seen the transcript of the call....

White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons​

Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then put it on pause as the Biden-Putin summit approached.

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