BREAKING: President orders temp ban on refugees from mideast country, calls for extreme vetting


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
BREAKING: President orders temporary ban on refugees from mideast country, calls for extreme vetting, acknowledges major logjam in visas even for those who helped America against terrorists. Even though no terrorist from the country in question ever killed a noncombatant American citizen on US soil. Ever.

The President is even having people pulled off planes they had already boarded, and cancelling visas for those who had already received govt permission to come to the U.S.

The date: 2011.
The President: Barack Obama.
The country being enjoined: Iraq.

Do you recall hundreds of thousands of crybaby Democrats protesting against this Executive Order? Do you remember them calling Obama "cruel", "heartless", naming him "Hitler", etc.?

Neither do I. Because they never did. When Obama did these things, they were just fine with it.

But now that Trump is doing pretty much the same things, suddenly the squalling crybabies are outraged.


Democrats don't actually care about inconvenience or unfairness to the Mideast people being blocked or detained. They only whine and protest because they see a chance to destroy Republicans, which has been their only goal all along.


Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011

The only news report that we could find that referred to a six-month ban was a 2013 ABC News article that included this line: “As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News — even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets.”

The “Kentucky case” refers to two Iraqis in Kentucky who in May 2011 were arrested and faced federal terrorism charges after officials discovered from an informant that Waad Ramadan Alwan, before he had been granted asylum in the United States, had constructed improvised roadside bombs in Iraq. The FBI, after examining fragments from thousands of bomb parts, found Alwan’s fingerprints on a cordless phone that had been wired to detonate an improvised bomb in 2005.

The arrests caused an uproar in Congress, and the Obama administration pledged to reexamine the records of 58,000 Iraqis who had been settled in the United States. The administration also imposed new, more extensive background checks on Iraqi refugees. Media reports at the time focused on how the new screening procedures had delayed visa approvals, even as the United States was preparing to end its involvement in the Iraq War.

“The enhanced screening procedures have caused a logjam in regular visa admissions from Iraq, even for those who risked their lives to aid American troops and who now fear reprisals as the Obama administration winds down the U.S. military presence,” the Baltimore Sun reported.


The new rules were stringent, the Economist reported, and resulted in some turmoil.

“Immigration authorities soon began rechecking all Iraqi refugees in America, reportedly comparing fingerprints and other records with military and intelligence documents in dusty archives. About 1,000 soon-to-be immigrants in Iraq were told that they would not be allowed to board flights already booked. Some were removed from planes. Thousands more Iraqi applicants had to restart the immigration process, because their security clearances expired when the program stalled."
The tards are obediently parroting their favorite lying propaganda outlets again.
Why no protesting at airports!?!?! Oh my, selective outrage, again.
BREAKING: President orders temporary ban on refugees from mideast country, calls for extreme vetting, acknowledges major logjam in visas even for those who helped America against terrorists. Even though no terrorist from the country in question ever killed a noncombatant American citizen on US soil. Ever.

The President is even having people pulled off planes they had already boarded, and cancelling visas for those who had already received govt permission to come to the U.S.

The date: 2011.
The President: Barack Obama.
The country being enjoined: Iraq.

Do you recall hundreds of thousands of crybaby Democrats protesting against this Executive Order? Do you remember them calling Obama "cruel", "heartless", naming him "Hitler", etc.?

Neither do I. Because they never did. When Obama did these things, they were just fine with it.

But now that Trump is doing pretty much the same things, suddenly the squalling crybabies are outraged.


Democrats don't actually care about inconvenience or unfairness to the Mideast people being blocked or detained. They only whine and protest because they see a chance to destroy Republicans, which has been their only goal all along.


Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011

The only news report that we could find that referred to a six-month ban was a 2013 ABC News article that included this line: “As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News — even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets.”

The “Kentucky case” refers to two Iraqis in Kentucky who in May 2011 were arrested and faced federal terrorism charges after officials discovered from an informant that Waad Ramadan Alwan, before he had been granted asylum in the United States, had constructed improvised roadside bombs in Iraq. The FBI, after examining fragments from thousands of bomb parts, found Alwan’s fingerprints on a cordless phone that had been wired to detonate an improvised bomb in 2005.

The arrests caused an uproar in Congress, and the Obama administration pledged to reexamine the records of 58,000 Iraqis who had been settled in the United States. The administration also imposed new, more extensive background checks on Iraqi refugees. Media reports at the time focused on how the new screening procedures had delayed visa approvals, even as the United States was preparing to end its involvement in the Iraq War.

“The enhanced screening procedures have caused a logjam in regular visa admissions from Iraq, even for those who risked their lives to aid American troops and who now fear reprisals as the Obama administration winds down the U.S. military presence,” the Baltimore Sun reported.


The new rules were stringent, the Economist reported, and resulted in some turmoil.

“Immigration authorities soon began rechecking all Iraqi refugees in America, reportedly comparing fingerprints and other records with military and intelligence documents in dusty archives. About 1,000 soon-to-be immigrants in Iraq were told that they would not be allowed to board flights already booked. Some were removed from planes. Thousands more Iraqi applicants had to restart the immigration process, because their security clearances expired when the program stalled."
Doing just what he promised. And in case you missed WHY, here ya go:
Why no protesting at airports!?!?!

Because there was no ban.

Oh my, selective outrage, again.

Nope. Just retardation on the part of you rubes. Your propaganda outlets depend on your incredibly short memories. That's why I call you goldfish and parrots. You quickly forget shit, and then obediently mimic made up stories because you are just that gullible and stupid.
That was completely different...can't you see!

That President had a (D) after his name.

They only protest the action when the President has an (R).
Trump banned immigration dumbass
A difference without importance.

* Trump's order caused people already on planes with their visas in hand, to be pulled off. Liberal crybabies are "outraged", so much that they are thinking up new names to call him.
* Obama's order caused people already on planes with their visas in hand, to be pulled off. No protests or objection from liberals, it was fine with them.

* Trump's order affected six or seven Muslim-majority countries, that were having major problems with terrorism. Liberal crybabies are "outraged", and are trying to pretend it's an "anti-Muslim ban", even though thirty-plus other Muslim-majority countries are unaffected.
* Obama's order affected one Muslim-majority country, that was killing American troops plus thousands of their own population. No protests or objection from liberals, it was fine with them.

As I pointed out in the OP, obviously Democrats don't actually care about inconvenience or unfairness to the Mideast people being blocked or detained. They only whine and protest because they see a chance to destroy Republicans, which has been their only goal all along.
Trump banned immigration dumbass
A difference without importance.

* Trump's order caused people already on planes with their visas in hand, to be pulled off. Liberal crybabies are "outraged", so much that they are thinking up new names to call him.
* Obama's order caused people already on planes with their visas in hand, to be pulled off. No protests or objection from liberals, it was fine with them.

* Trump's order affected six or seven Muslim-majority countries, that were having major problems with terrorism. Liberal crybabies are "outraged", and are trying to pretend it's an "anti-Muslim ban", even though thirty-plus other Muslim-majority countries are unaffected.
* Obama's order affected one Muslim-majority country, that was killing American troops plus thousands of their own population. No protests or objection from liberals, it was fine with them.

As I pointed out in the OP, obviously Democrats don't actually care about inconvenience or unfairness to the Mideast people being blocked or detained. They only whine and protest because they see a chance to destroy Republicans, which has been their only goal all along.
See post #3 you ignorant fuck
He did no such thing. Anyone who comes from a country not infested with terrorists and violent extreme Islamists is still just as welcome as before to attempt to immigrate via the legal process for doing so.
^ Off-topic trolling
TRANSLATION: He caught me lying, and there isn't a thing I can do to cover up or explain myself. So I'll try to pretend that somehow it wasn't on the topic of the thread, even though it was exactly as much on topic as my lie was. And hopefully somebody somewhere will think I'm right.
Trump banned immigration dumbass
He did no such thing. Anyone who comes from a country not infested with terrorists and violent extreme Islamists is still just as welcome as before to attempt to immigrate via the legal process for doing so.
^ Off-topic trolling
TRANSLATION: He caught me lying, and there isn't a thing I can do to cover up or explain myself. So I'll try to pretend that somehow it wasn't on the topic of the thread, even though it was exactly as much on topic as my lie was. And hopefully somebody somewhere will think I'm right.
He said Trump did not ban any immigrating, and then admitted that people not from the banned countries are still free to immigrate. Very weak.
Trump banned immigration dumbass
A difference without importance.

* Trump's order caused people already on planes with their visas in hand, to be pulled off. Liberal crybabies are "outraged", so much that they are thinking up new names to call him.
* Obama's order caused people already on planes with their visas in hand, to be pulled off. No protests or objection from liberals, it was fine with them.

* Trump's order affected six or seven Muslim-majority countries, that were having major problems with terrorism. Liberal crybabies are "outraged", and are trying to pretend it's an "anti-Muslim ban", even though thirty-plus other Muslim-majority countries are unaffected.
* Obama's order affected one Muslim-majority country, that was killing American troops plus thousands of their own population. No protests or objection from liberals, it was fine with them.

As I pointed out in the OP, obviously Democrats don't actually care about inconvenience or unfairness to the Mideast people being blocked or detained. They only whine and protest because they see a chance to destroy Republicans, which has been their only goal all along.
Trump banned immigration dumbass
A difference without importance.

* Trump's order caused people already on planes with their visas in hand, to be pulled off. Liberal crybabies are "outraged", so much that they are thinking up new names to call him.
* Obama's order caused people already on planes with their visas in hand, to be pulled off. No protests or objection from liberals, it was fine with them.

* Trump's order affected six or seven Muslim-majority countries, that were having major problems with terrorism. Liberal crybabies are "outraged", and are trying to pretend it's an "anti-Muslim ban", even though thirty-plus other Muslim-majority countries are unaffected.
* Obama's order affected one Muslim-majority country, that was killing American troops plus thousands of their own population. No protests or objection from liberals, it was fine with them.

As I pointed out in the OP, obviously Democrats don't actually care about inconvenience or unfairness to the Mideast people being blocked or detained. They only whine and protest because they see a chance to destroy Republicans, which has been their only goal all along.
See post #3 you ignorant fuck
No, your classification of ban does not make Trumps a ban.
. It is a temporary suspension. Nothing more.

From Obama's suspension-
the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets. One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before his refugee application could be processed, because of the immigration delays, two U.S. officials said.

From Trumps executive order-
c) To temporarily reduce investigative burdens on relevant agencies during the review period described in subsection (a) of this section, to ensure the proper review and maximum utilization of available resources for the screening of foreign nationals, and to ensure that adequate standards are established to prevent infiltration by foreign terrorists or criminals, pursuant to section 212(f) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1182(f), I hereby proclaim that the immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens from countries referred to in section 217(a)(12) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1187(a)(12), would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and I hereby suspend entry into the United States, as immigrants and nonimmigrants, of such persons for 90 days from the date of this order (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas)...

(g) Notwithstanding a suspension pursuant to subsection (c) of this section or pursuant to a Presidential proclamation described in subsection (e) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may, on a case-by-case basis, and when in the national interest, issue visas or other immigration benefits to nationals of countries for which visas and benefits are otherwise blocked.

Why no protesting at airports!?!?!

Because there was no ban.

Oh my, selective outrage, again.

Nope. Just retardation on the part of you rubes. Your propaganda outlets depend on your incredibly short memories. That's why I call you goldfish and parrots. You quickly forget shit, and then obediently mimic made up stories because you are just that gullible and stupid.
He banned nothing. He suspended for 90 days, half the time Iraqi refugees were suspended by Obama in 2011, which was 6 months.
Trump banned immigration dumbass
He did no such thing. Anyone who comes from a country not infested with terrorists and violent extreme Islamists is still just as welcome as before to attempt to immigrate via the legal process for doing so.
^ Off-topic trolling
TRANSLATION: He caught me lying, and there isn't a thing I can do to cover up or explain myself. So I'll try to pretend that somehow it wasn't on the topic of the thread, even though it was exactly as much on topic as my lie was. And hopefully somebody somewhere will think I'm right.
He said Trump did not ban any immigrating, and then admitted that people not from the banned countries are still free to immigrate. Very weak.
He banned nothing. He suspended for 90 days, half the time Iraqi refugees were suspended by Obama in 2011, which was 6 months.
Trump banned immigration dumbass
He did no such thing. Anyone who comes from a country not infested with terrorists and violent extreme Islamists is still just as welcome as before to attempt to immigrate via the legal process for doing so.
^ Off-topic trolling
TRANSLATION: He caught me lying, and there isn't a thing I can do to cover up or explain myself. So I'll try to pretend that somehow it wasn't on the topic of the thread, even though it was exactly as much on topic as my lie was. And hopefully somebody somewhere will think I'm right.
He said Trump did not ban any immigrating, and then admitted that people not from the banned countries are still free to immigrate. Very weak.
Post #3

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