BREAKING! President Trump Obliterates Jeff Sessions Humiliating Him In Tweet As Being Disgraceful

This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.
And then CNN, MSNBC, and Maxine Waters will start screaming " COVER UP...... IMPEACH TRUMP!!!!!"

Who cares? Those douche bags are always squawking about one ridiculous wad of idle speculation or another, doesn't mean it's an excuse for POTUS not behaving like a professional executive when it comes to how he deals with his subordinates.
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.
And then CNN, MSNBC, and Maxine Waters will start screaming " COVER UP...... IMPEACH TRUMP!!!!!"

Who cares? Those douche bags are always squawking about one ridiculous wad of idle speculation or another, doesn't mean it's an excuse for POTUS not behaving like a professional executive when it comes to how he deals with his subordinates.
why do you think the american people shouldn't know who isn't doing their job. it's refreshing.
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.

He can’t. Sessions is the guy who settled that $270 million Russian money laundering case for three cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt.

I’m sure you’re saying “what’s that got to do with anything”. Well the lawyer for this Russian criminal who got such a sweet deal, is the same Russian lawyer Junior met with at Trump Tower.

Coincidence? I think not.
You mean the Russian lawyer that Loretta Lynch granted a VISA to enter the country so she could specifically go to that meeting?
So she could specifically defend the Russian company in the lawsuit.
which lawsuit?
See post 27. Google it for more detail. It was a Russian money laundering scheme in Manhattan that was being prosecuted very early in Trump's admin. She was the attorney defending the Russian business. The attorney prosecuting was abruptly and for no apparent reason let go by Trump after he had been asked a few weeks earlier by Trump to stay.
As soon as he was out, Sessions ordered the case be settled for a ridiculously small amount. It got buried fast. That one really stunk to the high heaven, imo.
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.
And then CNN, MSNBC, and Maxine Waters will start screaming " COVER UP...... IMPEACH TRUMP!!!!!"

Who cares? Those douche bags are always squawking about one ridiculous wad of idle speculation or another, doesn't mean it's an excuse for POTUS not behaving like a professional executive when it comes to how he deals with his subordinates.
And when an executive is being fucked over by his subordinates in a criminal conspiracy that executive always looks bad no matter how he reacts.

But then again......that is the intention of this, isn't it.
How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.

He can’t. Sessions is the guy who settled that $270 million Russian money laundering case for three cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt.

I’m sure you’re saying “what’s that got to do with anything”. Well the lawyer for this Russian criminal who got such a sweet deal, is the same Russian lawyer Junior met with at Trump Tower.

Coincidence? I think not.
You mean the Russian lawyer that Loretta Lynch granted a VISA to enter the country so she could specifically go to that meeting?
So she could specifically defend the Russian company in the lawsuit.
which lawsuit?
See post 27. Google it for more detail. It was a Russian money laundering scheme in Manhattan that was being prosecuted very early in Trump's admin. She was the attorney defending the Russian business. The attorney prosecuting was abruptly and for no apparent reason let go by Trump after he had been asked a few weeks earlier by Trump to stay.
As soon as he was out, Sessions ordered the case be settled for a ridiculously small amount. It got buried fast. That one really stunk to the high heaven, imo.
google what? there isn't any link.
Potentially massive FISA abuse??????????????

Is that a white lie or one much darker?

"There are lies, damn lies and statistics" A quote attributed to Mark Twain; if so Mr. Clemens forgot White Lies and alternative facts (unless both were part of the damn lies he noted).
This is great news. Let's face it, Trump has realized Jeff Sessions is a cuck to the Deep State, namely Rod Rosenstein. Expect Sessions to step down after Trump just humiliated him.


Donald J. Trump
Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!
8:34 AM · Feb 28, 2018

He hires the best people.
Yes, for going after wetbacks and pot smokers.

But completely ignoring the threat of the Russian cyber war against your democracy.

He’s putting the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAbles.
He can’t. Sessions is the guy who settled that $270 million Russian money laundering case for three cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt.

I’m sure you’re saying “what’s that got to do with anything”. Well the lawyer for this Russian criminal who got such a sweet deal, is the same Russian lawyer Junior met with at Trump Tower.

Coincidence? I think not.
You mean the Russian lawyer that Loretta Lynch granted a VISA to enter the country so she could specifically go to that meeting?
So she could specifically defend the Russian company in the lawsuit.
which lawsuit?
See post 27. Google it for more detail. It was a Russian money laundering scheme in Manhattan that was being prosecuted very early in Trump's admin. She was the attorney defending the Russian business. The attorney prosecuting was abruptly and for no apparent reason let go by Trump after he had been asked a few weeks earlier by Trump to stay.
As soon as he was out, Sessions ordered the case be settled for a ridiculously small amount. It got buried fast. That one really stunk to the high heaven, imo.
google what? there isn't any link.

I posted three links asshat! Willful ignorance is all you have.
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.
And then CNN, MSNBC, and Maxine Waters will start screaming " COVER UP...... IMPEACH TRUMP!!!!!"

Who cares? Those douche bags are always squawking about one ridiculous wad of idle speculation or another, doesn't mean it's an excuse for POTUS not behaving like a professional executive when it comes to how he deals with his subordinates.
And when an executive is being fucked over by his subordinates in a criminal conspiracy that executive always looks bad no matter how he reacts.
Er...umm....It looks a lot worse when said executive airs his dirty laundry in public; asking for his resignation in private and allowing the subordinate to save face in public (e.g. "to spend more time with my family") is the tried and true way of minimizing the public relations damage. If said subordinate refuses to resign then and only then do you turn the public relations guns on him/her.

But then again......that is the intention of this, isn't it.
I dunno, I'm mystified as to what Trump's intentions are regarding the public denigration of his own subordinates. :dunno:
I thought Sessions would be different and good at the job. IMO, he is just another Eric Holder and the deep state


It’s never criminal activity, lying or incompetence by members of the Trump Administrstion. It’s the Deep State. *cue scary music*. Yeah, sure.

I could tell you that I’m not getting old. A vicious succubus attacks me every night and is sucking out my youth while I sleep. It would make as much sense as this ridiculous Deep State lie.
You mean the Russian lawyer that Loretta Lynch granted a VISA to enter the country so she could specifically go to that meeting?
So she could specifically defend the Russian company in the lawsuit.
which lawsuit?
See post 27. Google it for more detail. It was a Russian money laundering scheme in Manhattan that was being prosecuted very early in Trump's admin. She was the attorney defending the Russian business. The attorney prosecuting was abruptly and for no apparent reason let go by Trump after he had been asked a few weeks earlier by Trump to stay.
As soon as he was out, Sessions ordered the case be settled for a ridiculously small amount. It got buried fast. That one really stunk to the high heaven, imo.
google what? there isn't any link.

I posted three links asshat! Willful ignorance is all you have.
Sorry none there
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.

He can’t. Sessions is the guy who settled that $270 million Russian money laundering case for three cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt.

I’m sure you’re saying “what’s that got to do with anything”. Well the lawyer for this Russian criminal who got such a sweet deal, is the same Russian lawyer Junior met with at Trump Tower.

Coincidence? I think not.
You mean the Russian lawyer that Loretta Lynch granted a VISA to enter the country so she could specifically go to that meeting?
So she could specifically defend the Russian company in the lawsuit.
which lawsuit?
See post 27. Google it for more detail. It was a Russian money laundering scheme in Manhattan that was being prosecuted very early in Trump's admin. She was the attorney defending the Russian business. The attorney prosecuting was abruptly and for no apparent reason let go by Trump after he had been asked a few weeks earlier by Trump to stay.
As soon as he was out, Sessions ordered the case be settled for a ridiculously small amount. It got buried fast. That one really stunk to the high heaven, imo.
google what? there isn't any link.

I posted three links asshat! Willful ignorance is all you have.
Trump is the only one that looks bad. That is why even his supporters want him to stop tweeting.
Let's face it, Trump has realized Jeff Sessions is a cuck to the Deep State, namely Rod Rosenstein. Expect Sessions to step down after Trump just humiliated him.

God let's hope so.

It is now almost March of 2018, and all Sessions' DOJ has done is let Mueller loose on his "witch hunt" and covered up everything else it could....
Sessions' true record to date....

# of Dems indicted = ZERO
# of GOPs indicted = ZERO
# of government employees indicted = ZERO
# of government consultants/contractors indicted = ZERO

NOBODY in government is breaking the law according to Sessions, and the only people in politics Sessions' DOJ has indicted are from Mueller's bullshit.

But man, if you smoke pot, Jeff Sessions is coming after YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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