BREAKING! President Trump Obliterates Jeff Sessions Humiliating Him In Tweet As Being Disgraceful

Potentially massive FISA abuse??????????????

Is that a white lie or one much darker?
I dunno. There are allegations that the FBI misused the FISA process and court. I tend to doubt that, or at least that the FBI did anyone unusual in getting a warrant, which it always seems to get, so the abuse is probably not unique to Trump, but rather a fact of life we live with, and hopefully the court does not allow the FBI to just spy on Mom Dick and Harry for selling cigs to teenagers.

But the funny thing about the Oranguton's outburst is the IG is the entity that reviews what the FBI does. That's the IG's job, and he is an indep guy. The reason why Mueller is investigating is Trump prevented the FBI from doing its job in investigating private individuals and for govts for campaign abuses. So, the Oranguton's cries about the IG are at best misplaced.

It's a separate question as to whether the FBI is adequately investigating charges against dems... but the dems didn't fire the FBI director to shut down an investigation.
except that the senate is looking at pulling the application. we will see eh? assume, makes an ass out of you and you!
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.

He can’t. Sessions is the guy who settled that $270 million Russian money laundering case for three cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt.

I’m sure you’re saying “what’s that got to do with anything”. Well the lawyer for this Russian criminal who got such a sweet deal, is the same Russian lawyer Junior met with at Trump Tower.

Coincidence? I think not.
You mean the Russian lawyer that Loretta Lynch granted a VISA to enter the country so she could specifically go to that meeting?
This is great news. Let's face it, Trump has realized Jeff Sessions is a cuck to the Deep State, namely Rod Rosenstein. Expect Sessions to step down after Trump just humiliated him.


Donald J. Trump
Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!
8:34 AM · Feb 28, 2018
The only person Trump humiliates with his tweets is himself, if he were that self aware, that is. :laugh2:
you will never get it. your posts complaining of his tweets is redundant.
Potentially massive FISA abuse??????????????

Is that a white lie or one much darker?
I dunno. There are allegations that the FBI misused the FISA process and court. I tend to doubt that, or at least that the FBI did anyone unusual in getting a warrant, which it always seems to get, so the abuse is probably not unique to Trump, but rather a fact of life we live with, and hopefully the court does not allow the FBI to just spy on Mom Dick and Harry for selling cigs to teenagers.

But the funny thing about the Oranguton's outburst is the IG is the entity that reviews what the FBI does. That's the IG's job, and he is an indep guy. The reason why Mueller is investigating is Trump prevented the FBI from doing its job in investigating private individuals and for govts for campaign abuses. So, the Oranguton's cries about the IG are at best misplaced.

It's a separate question as to whether the FBI is adequately investigating charges against dems... but the dems didn't fire the FBI director to shut down an investigation.
except that the senate is looking at pulling the application. we will see eh? assume, makes an ass out of you and you!
How can the senate pull a DOJ IG investigation? And fuck you asshat.
Potentially massive FISA abuse??????????????

Is that a white lie or one much darker?
I dunno. There are allegations that the FBI misused the FISA process and court. I tend to doubt that, or at least that the FBI did anyone unusual in getting a warrant, which it always seems to get, so the abuse is probably not unique to Trump, but rather a fact of life we live with, and hopefully the court does not allow the FBI to just spy on Mom Dick and Harry for selling cigs to teenagers.

But the funny thing about the Oranguton's outburst is the IG is the entity that reviews what the FBI does. That's the IG's job, and he is an indep guy. The reason why Mueller is investigating is Trump prevented the FBI from doing its job in investigating private individuals and for govts for campaign abuses. So, the Oranguton's cries about the IG are at best misplaced.

It's a separate question as to whether the FBI is adequately investigating charges against dems... but the dems didn't fire the FBI director to shut down an investigation.
except that the senate is looking at pulling the application. we will see eh? assume, makes an ass out of you and you!
How can the senate pull a DOJ IG investigation? And fuck you asshat.
watch them.
Potentially massive FISA abuse??????????????

Is that a white lie or one much darker?
I dunno. There are allegations that the FBI misused the FISA process and court. I tend to doubt that, or at least that the FBI did anyone unusual in getting a warrant, which it always seems to get, so the abuse is probably not unique to Trump, but rather a fact of life we live with, and hopefully the court does not allow the FBI to just spy on Mom Dick and Harry for selling cigs to teenagers.

But the funny thing about the Oranguton's outburst is the IG is the entity that reviews what the FBI does. That's the IG's job, and he is an indep guy. The reason why Mueller is investigating is Trump prevented the FBI from doing its job in investigating private individuals and for govts for campaign abuses. So, the Oranguton's cries about the IG are at best misplaced.

It's a separate question as to whether the FBI is adequately investigating charges against dems... but the dems didn't fire the FBI director to shut down an investigation.
except that the senate is looking at pulling the application. we will see eh? assume, makes an ass out of you and you!
How can the senate pull a DOJ IG investigation? And fuck you asshat.
watch them.
So clear, so concice .. sheer fucking genius.
This is great news. Let's face it, Trump has realized Jeff Sessions is a cuck to the Deep State, namely Rod Rosenstein. Expect Sessions to step down after Trump just humiliated him.


Donald J. Trump
Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!
8:34 AM · Feb 28, 2018

He hires the best people.
This is great news. Let's face it, Trump has realized Jeff Sessions is a cuck to the Deep State, namely Rod Rosenstein. Expect Sessions to step down after Trump just humiliated him.


Donald J. Trump
Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!
8:34 AM · Feb 28, 2018

He hires the best people.
Yes, for going after wetbacks and pot smokers.
Said it before, I will say it again. The future of this republic depends on getting term limits for senators and representatives.

Once a senator or rep has been in office for over 10 years, they are way too corrupted. Blackmail rules washington and that is how the establishment runs.

Sessions was a senator for 20 years. Enough said.

The corruption can be controlled, but term limits is too draconian in my opinion. In many jobs, the learning curve requires time and mentors, as well as policies and a code of ethics.

Until money and conflicts of interests can be reduced, human nature suggests corruption will continue unabated, no matter how many changes in personnel occur.

It has been suggested that a member of the H. or Rep. spends half of their time soliciting donations for their next reelection. Dark money impacts our electoral process, and the efforts to suppress the vote, as well as allow unlimited and anonymous money to support or attack a candidate has poisoned our elections.
We have term limits for presidents, so why not congress? agree there is a learning curve, maybe some thing like 2 or 3 terms max. new blood, Mc turtle 40 years & look at the problems his state has, & how little he has done for our country.
So far, all Sessions has accomplished has been to cost Republicans a slam dunk Senate seat.
This is great news. Let's face it, Trump has realized Jeff Sessions is a cuck to the Deep State, namely Rod Rosenstein. Expect Sessions to step down after Trump just humiliated him.


Donald J. Trump
Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!
8:34 AM · Feb 28, 2018
Trump is losing his shit. Must be the pressure--Mueller like a deer fly, buzzing closer and closer to his head, even Flynn turning on him by downgrading Jared's security clearance. Poor guy.
hey old woman, post something mueller has found. I bet you got crickets. but you keep posting nonsense.
Hey jc, let's wait for the final report. Trump wouldn't be continually tweeting about it if it wasn't taking up major space in his head.
But that's just my opinion.
This is great news. Let's face it, Trump has realized Jeff Sessions is a cuck to the Deep State, namely Rod Rosenstein. Expect Sessions to step down after Trump just humiliated him.


Donald J. Trump
Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!
8:34 AM · Feb 28, 2018

He hires the best people.
Yes, for going after wetbacks and pot smokers.

I'm not so sure he's doing much with pot smokers. He certainly isn't doing much to protect Trump.
Why is it that every time Trump turns on somebody who HE appointed is it everybody's fault but his own? If you're the one common denominator maybe it's you.
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.

He can’t. Sessions is the guy who settled that $270 million Russian money laundering case for three cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt.

I’m sure you’re saying “what’s that got to do with anything”. Well the lawyer for this Russian criminal who got such a sweet deal, is the same Russian lawyer Junior met with at Trump Tower.

Coincidence? I think not.
You mean the Russian lawyer that Loretta Lynch granted a VISA to enter the country so she could specifically go to that meeting?
So she could specifically defend the Russian company in the lawsuit.
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.

He can’t. Sessions is the guy who settled that $270 million Russian money laundering case for three cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt.

I’m sure you’re saying “what’s that got to do with anything”. Well the lawyer for this Russian criminal who got such a sweet deal, is the same Russian lawyer Junior met with at Trump Tower.

Coincidence? I think not.
You mean the Russian lawyer that Loretta Lynch granted a VISA to enter the country so she could specifically go to that meeting?
So she could specifically defend the Russian company in the lawsuit.
which lawsuit?
This is great news.

How is it "great news" that a POTUS is publicly attacking one of his own cabinet members? After all Trump is the dickhead that nominated him, what does it say about Trumps judgment and managerial acumen?

If he wants to get rid of Sessions, just ask for his resignation in private like a professional executive.
And then CNN, MSNBC, and Maxine Waters will start screaming " COVER UP...... IMPEACH TRUMP!!!!!"

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