Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

Very good...

Now, look for the amendment that starts......... Congress shall pass no laws...

Like Amendments XI-XXVII???

Yeah read the end of those amendments...

Wow......I mean just wow

Someone who claims to carry a Constitution in his back pocket does not recognize what follows "Congress shall pass no laws"

I guess carrying it on your ass is the correct place

good all are in favor of overturning ObamaCare.
Very good...

Now, look for the amendment that starts......... Congress shall pass no laws...

Like Amendments XI-XXVII???

Yeah read the end of those amendments...

Wow......I mean just wow

Someone who claims to carry a Constitution in his back pocket does not recognize what follows "Congress shall pass no laws"

I guess carrying it on your ass is the correct place

In which place is that part of law???

Oh yeah...
can't wait to see abortion overturned...

I would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned, if that is what you mean. Just out of moral principle, I would like it relegated to the dustbin of history.

But, unfortunately, the abortion rate would not change one bit if it were.

I have a gigantic evidence bomb to support that assertion if you want to see it. In fact, I have been thinking about starting an abortion topic lately. :)

However, the two biggest reasons to get Obama the hell out of office this year are so that ObamaCare can be repealed before it becomes embedded, and to prevent him from appointing Supreme Court justices.
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Are you saying that anyone who sues because they didn't get what they want will win? Or does there have to be some constitutional merit to their suit?

Or maybe you are saying that Americans should not be allowed an appeals process?

If you're going to hold a referendum then either respect the result or don't have it in the first place. It's a waste of time and money and it turns people off to the democratic process.

Even if the referendum is to vote away the civil rights of a minority? You really want that to be the standard? And when YOU someday become part of a minority a referendum is going after? Will you be okay with your rights being voted away by a majority?

My rights are voted away by the "majority" every time there's an election. You have a point?
Once marriage becomes a civil right we have more to worry about than same sex marriage.

Marriage is at best a qualified privilege.
If you're going to hold a referendum then either respect the result or don't have it in the first place. It's a waste of time and money and it turns people off to the democratic process.

Even if the referendum is to vote away the civil rights of a minority? You really want that to be the standard? And when YOU someday become part of a minority a referendum is going after? Will you be okay with your rights being voted away by a majority?

My rights are voted away by the "majority" every time there's an election. You have a point?

I submit you haven't a clue what rights are.
If you're going to hold a referendum then either respect the result or don't have it in the first place. It's a waste of time and money and it turns people off to the democratic process.

Even if the referendum is to vote away the civil rights of a minority? You really want that to be the standard? And when YOU someday become part of a minority a referendum is going after? Will you be okay with your rights being voted away by a majority?

My rights are voted away by the "majority" every time there's an election. You have a point?

they love majority rules when it's in their favor.
First of all, there was never a "ban" on homosexual marriages in California. All prop 8 did was say the State would not recognize same sex marriages anymore, although it made exceptions for some that have already occurred. A state not recognizing a gay marriage does not constitute a "ban".

Typical that liberals ruling the courts would rule against the will of the people, claiming that it is "unconstituional" even though there is nothing in the US Constitution pertaining to marriages.

If you extend privileges and tax breaks and legal standing to one group of people, you must extend it to all. You cannot deny it to someone just because you don't like them. And that IS in the Constitution.

Homosexuals still have "the right" to get married to each other by any church willing to perform the marriage. This "ban" doesn't change that in the slightest.

Oh, so if two women marry each other, they can then file a married tax return, right? And all the inheritiance laws and legal standing given to married people on the state and federal levels apply to them, right? RIGHT!?!?



Really, you have to extend tax breaks to all? You're fucking joking right? Tell that to the upper 5% of this country that pays an insane amount of tax compared to half the people in this country don't have to pay any federal income tax at all.

Income brackets aside, what about single people? Why shouldn't single people get the same tax breaks as married? So you see, people are already being discriminated against in our Federal tax laws. So don't expect me to defend them.

If you want to discuss how the tax code encourages degenerate behavior, just consider that someone claiming "Head of Household" status receives 1 1/2 times the personal exemption that either Single or Married (either filing status) taxpayers receive. Go figure!
Hey.........if 2 people want to live together in an arrangement that results in tax breaks, as well as property and privledge to access each other in the hospital, why not?

Yeshua said "Love God above all else, and love one another like you love God".

Gender wasn't specified.
Once marriage becomes a civil right we have more to worry about than same sex marriage.

Marriage is at best a qualified privilege.

It is not marriage that is a civil right. It is the equal treatment under the law which is a right. If, BY LAW, you give cash and prizes to some people who get married, you cannot deny, BY LAW, other people who get married from the same cash and prizes, unless (since some slippery slope people need the obvious stated out loud) such a marriage is harmful.

If the government stopped giving out cash and prizes to married people, we would not even be having this discussion.

But THE PEOPLE have been accepting cash and prizes from THE STATE for a very long time now. They have put those cash and prizes into THE LAW.

Therefore, THE STATE cannot "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of THE LAWS."
Hey.........if 2 people want to live together in an arrangement that results in tax breaks, as well as property and privledge to access each other in the hospital, why not?

Yeshua said "Love God above all else, and love one another like you love God".

Gender wasn't specified.

Man shall not lay in bed with another man.
I am just shocked over how many people support a court overturning the will of the people through a legitimate vote.


we are so screwed in this country.

I am just shocked that Americans think they should have the right to vote on other peoples rights
Hey.........if 2 people want to live together in an arrangement that results in tax breaks, as well as property and privledge to access each other in the hospital, why not?

Yeshua said "Love God above all else, and love one another like you love God".

Gender wasn't specified.

Man shall not lay in bed with another man.

Can you give me a quote of Yeshua actually saying that, from the Bible?

I bet you can't....................
I am just shocked over how many people support a court overturning the will of the people through a legitimate vote.


we are so screwed in this country.

I am just shocked that Americans think they should have the right to vote on other peoples rights

Its a state right...

If you have a problem with the state then move to a state you agree with..
Neither is procreation, or guns, or the right to have a job....but these ARE understood rights. Are you saying that something MUST be in the Constitution before it is even considered a right?

Firearms are most assuredly IN the Constitution. Or did you miss the 2nd Amendment?

Arms are....but show me the word "gun(s)" in the Constitution. Is it right next to the words "separation of church and state"?

Where's my freakin' crossbow! ...Got it...carry on.
Once marriage becomes a civil right we have more to worry about than same sex marriage.

Marriage is at best a qualified privilege.

And if that privilege is applied equally there is nothing wrong
Once marriage becomes a civil right we have more to worry about than same sex marriage.

Marriage is at best a qualified privilege.

It is not marriage that is a civil right. It is the equal treatment under the law which is a right. If, BY LAW, you give cash and prizes to some people who get married, you cannot deny, BY LAW, other people who get married from the same cash and prizes, unless (since some slippery slope people need the obvious stated out loud) such a marriage is harmful.

If the government stopped giving out cash and prizes to married people, we would not even be having this discussion.

But THE PEOPLE have been accepting cash and prizes from THE STATE for a very long time now. They have put those cash and prizes into THE LAW.

Therefore, THE STATE cannot "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of THE LAWS."

It's still a qualified privilege. You have just created an entire class of persons not entitled to cash and prizes. Those who are single. Out of those who are single, there are those who want cash and prizes but don't have anyone to marry. They are, through no fault of their own, discriminated against. Then you have someone who is deeply, sincerely and passionately in love, but the object of that affection doesn't return those feelings. Now you have someone denied marriage to the one they love, and denied cash and prizes.

How will you create a civil right to make these people equal?
I am just shocked over how many people support a court overturning the will of the people through a legitimate vote.


we are so screwed in this country.

I am just shocked that Americans think they should have the right to vote on other peoples rights

Its a state right...

If you have a problem with the state then move to a state you agree with..

Actually, this should be a federal decision, as most taxes that people pay (and get tax breaks for spouses) are FEDERAL TAXES. State tax only counts for about 4 percent of a person's income, while federal taxes are withheld at 28 percent. should also be a federal law as well.
Hey.........if 2 people want to live together in an arrangement that results in tax breaks, as well as property and privledge to access each other in the hospital, why not?

Yeshua said "Love God above all else, and love one another like you love God".

Gender wasn't specified.

Man shall not lay in bed with another man.

Three verses back from that one: Do not have sexual relations with a woman during her period of menstrual impurity.

A few chapters back: But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you.

(God hates shellfish eaters.)

One chapter ahead: You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard.

(God hates people who get haircuts and who shave)

Genesis: Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother's wife, he wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also.

(God hates birth control.)
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