Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

Why would you have to "pay for" my children? WTF are you even talking about?

Tell you what, without legal recognition of my partnership, if something were to happen to me, you'd be paying for my children. They'd be wards of the state because my partner wouldn't be their legal parent. (which she wouldn't be in a number of states that don't allow 2nd parent adoption by same sex partners)

As for "paying"...thanks to the unConstitutional DOMA, I already pay considerably more than heterosexual couples.

Ending the Gay Health Care Tax

If you did not set up your family relationship correctly, it's no one's fault but yours. You could have set up a legal guardianship for your partner. If you didn't care enough to protect your children, why should anyone else? in addition to the $120 health care tax I pay every month, I should also have to pay thousands of dollars to a lawyer to set up a fraction of the legal protections you get with a $50 marriage license because I'm gay? Really? And the legal basis for your argument would be what?

You could do it yourself, it's not that complicated. People who make a choice to live their lives in an situation slightly outside of the normative parameters have to do the same thing. It's no different than a couple that lives together making the choice not to marry and finds out that the father of the children has never established legal parentage. If you wanted to have a two parent household, you could have married a person of the opposite sex. Just like everybody else. It's called equality.
If you did not set up your family relationship correctly, it's no one's fault but yours. You could have set up a legal guardianship for your partner. If you didn't care enough to protect your children, why should anyone else? in addition to the $120 health care tax I pay every month, I should also have to pay thousands of dollars to a lawyer to set up a fraction of the legal protections you get with a $50 marriage license because I'm gay? Really? And the legal basis for your argument would be what?

You could do it yourself, it's not that complicated. People who make a choice to live their lives in an situation slightly outside of the normative parameters have to do the same thing. It's no different than a couple that lives together making the choice not to marry and finds out that the father of the children has never established legal parentage. If you wanted to have a two parent household, you could have married a person of the opposite sex. Just like everybody else. It's called equality.

Your "argument" (for lack of a better word) fails in a legal sense. Did you know that it was argued that bans on interracial marriage were Constitutional because they applied equally to men and women? They argued that blacks could marry blacks and whites could marry whites so the ban wasn't unconstitutional. They lost and you will too.

Again I will ask what other fundamental rights you would see denied gays and lesbians simply because they are gay and lesbian. The right to vote? The right to own property? Which ones or is it just legal, civil marriage that you would deny us?

In order to deny us the legal protections associated with legal marriage, you must provide an overriding societal harm in allowing them. Nobody can which is why gay marriage bans are being struck down in Federal courts.
No.. limited government means getting government out of marriage and keeps family units under the same terms of legal contracts and power of attorney... Limited government does not mean getting the government involved in a case where a gay couple FEELS it is not being accepted by others

So who stops gays from getting married other than a government law?
You keep side stepping and dodging the fact that is is GOVERNMENT you want to define marriage with a law to ban gays from marrying.
How else do you stop gays from getting married?
I want less government but even if there was none of that involved who wants to get involved in the personal lives of others?
Gay marriage affect you? How?

Ehhhh.. wrong answer.. I do not want government to define marriage... I want individuals with the freedom to accept this couple or that couple as married or whatever all on their own... and only have government recognize family units for the purposes of taxation, legal contracts, legal power of attorney, inheritance, etc...

If a gay wants to go to this church or that institution or whatever else and wants to be deemed as marriage in whatever person's eyes.. so be it... but you do not force others to give up their freedom to see you differently because of your choice....

Again.. this whole movement is about forced recognition and acceptance... plain and simple....

Whether I recognize your union or Joe Schmoe accepts it or Jane Doe hates it or whatever should have nothing to do with law or government

What you don't seem to get Dave, is that it was a whole other special agenda which pushed for a Federal Defense of Marriage Acta [DOMA]. It is the religious right who wish to push their agenda down people's throats. Gay couples don't give a shit what your personal opinion is of them, they just want to live their lives with equal protection under the law as provided by the US Constitution for ALL citizens. This issue comes into the national spotlight only because of those who fight against that...
And whether being gay is a "choice" or not or whether it's "normal" or not is IRRELEVANT. This is a FREE country and ALL citizens have personal LIBERTY! in addition to the $120 health care tax I pay every month, I should also have to pay thousands of dollars to a lawyer to set up a fraction of the legal protections you get with a $50 marriage license because I'm gay? Really? And the legal basis for your argument would be what?

You could do it yourself, it's not that complicated. People who make a choice to live their lives in an situation slightly outside of the normative parameters have to do the same thing. It's no different than a couple that lives together making the choice not to marry and finds out that the father of the children has never established legal parentage. If you wanted to have a two parent household, you could have married a person of the opposite sex. Just like everybody else. It's called equality.

Your "argument" (for lack of a better word) fails in a legal sense. Did you know that it was argued that bans on interracial marriage were Constitutional because they applied equally to men and women? They argued that blacks could marry blacks and whites could marry whites so the ban wasn't unconstitutional. They lost and you will too.

Again I will ask what other fundamental rights you would see denied gays and lesbians simply because they are gay and lesbian. The right to vote? The right to own property? Which ones or is it just legal, civil marriage that you would deny us?

In order to deny us the legal protections associated with legal marriage, you must provide an overriding societal harm in allowing them. Nobody can which is why gay marriage bans are being struck down in Federal courts.

Skin color is not behavior.

As nearly as I can tell you have all the rights under the Constitution that everyone else has.

As you pointed out, prohibiting same sex marriage will be lost. The reason it will be lost is because the entire culture is moving towards degeneracy. Same sex marriage is a celebration of degeneracy and depravity. How could a society moving in that direction not uphold it at every opportunity? There are consequences to a wholly degenerate culture. I hope you enjoy them.
So who stops gays from getting married other than a government law?
You keep side stepping and dodging the fact that is is GOVERNMENT you want to define marriage with a law to ban gays from marrying.
How else do you stop gays from getting married?
I want less government but even if there was none of that involved who wants to get involved in the personal lives of others?
Gay marriage affect you? How?

Ehhhh.. wrong answer.. I do not want government to define marriage... I want individuals with the freedom to accept this couple or that couple as married or whatever all on their own... and only have government recognize family units for the purposes of taxation, legal contracts, legal power of attorney, inheritance, etc...

If a gay wants to go to this church or that institution or whatever else and wants to be deemed as marriage in whatever person's eyes.. so be it... but you do not force others to give up their freedom to see you differently because of your choice....

Again.. this whole movement is about forced recognition and acceptance... plain and simple....

Whether I recognize your union or Joe Schmoe accepts it or Jane Doe hates it or whatever should have nothing to do with law or government

What you don't seem to get Dave, is that it was a whole other special agenda which pushed for a Federal Defense of Marriage Acta [DOMA]. It is the religious right who wish to push their agenda down people's throats. Gay couples don't give a shit what your personal opinion is of them, they just want to live their lives with equal protection under the law as provided by the US Constitution for ALL citizens. This issue comes into the national spotlight only because of those who fight against that...

And what you don't get is I don't want any agenda pushed for recognition, treatment, or acceptance of marriage within government... government is not where marriage belongs... the governmental aspects that I have listed many times are ALL the government should be worried about or involved with...

If B.L. Zebub recognized your marriage and I.P. Freely does not, does not fucking matter...
Many heterosexual couples need some kind of help. In numerous cases multiple abortions has rendered the female infertile. IF someone wants a child of two loving individuals, that child will not come from two women or two men. It is simple biology. There are no accidental births from homosexual relationships. Two lesbians or two gay men will NOT have an unplanned pregnancy. There has to be the participation of one or more people.

This should not be that hard.

So only people that have an unplanned pregnancy are deserving of the fundamental right of marriage? :confused: What on earth is your point?

You're right though...we can't get pregnant "by accident". We have to plan it carefully. Most of us make sure that our relationship is stable and that we have the means to support our children when they're born. Many of us give loving homes to the "unplanned pregnancies" of you fucking hets...

Why aren't our families deserving of the same rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal civil marriage that heterosexual families enjoy?

Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

you're projecting again

Ehhhh.. wrong answer.. I do not want government to define marriage... I want individuals with the freedom to accept this couple or that couple as married or whatever all on their own... and only have government recognize family units for the purposes of taxation, legal contracts, legal power of attorney, inheritance, etc...

If a gay wants to go to this church or that institution or whatever else and wants to be deemed as marriage in whatever person's eyes.. so be it... but you do not force others to give up their freedom to see you differently because of your choice....

Again.. this whole movement is about forced recognition and acceptance... plain and simple....

Whether I recognize your union or Joe Schmoe accepts it or Jane Doe hates it or whatever should have nothing to do with law or government

What you don't seem to get Dave, is that it was a whole other special agenda which pushed for a Federal Defense of Marriage Acta [DOMA]. It is the religious right who wish to push their agenda down people's throats. Gay couples don't give a shit what your personal opinion is of them, they just want to live their lives with equal protection under the law as provided by the US Constitution for ALL citizens. This issue comes into the national spotlight only because of those who fight against that...

And what you don't get is I don't want any agenda pushed for recognition, treatment, or acceptance of marriage within government... government is not where marriage belongs... the governmental aspects that I have listed many times are ALL the government should be worried about or involved with...

If B.L. Zebub recognized your marriage and I.P. Freely does not, does not fucking matter...

I'm not saying it was your agenda, but you seem to want to disassociate from the reality that Civil Marriage laws exists. Gay couple don't have that luxury as their lives and families are directly effected by them...
Ehhhh.. wrong answer.. I do not want government to define marriage... I want individuals with the freedom to accept this couple or that couple as married or whatever all on their own... and only have government recognize family units for the purposes of taxation, legal contracts, legal power of attorney, inheritance, etc...

If a gay wants to go to this church or that institution or whatever else and wants to be deemed as marriage in whatever person's eyes.. so be it... but you do not force others to give up their freedom to see you differently because of your choice....

Again.. this whole movement is about forced recognition and acceptance... plain and simple....

Whether I recognize your union or Joe Schmoe accepts it or Jane Doe hates it or whatever should have nothing to do with law or government

What you don't seem to get Dave, is that it was a whole other special agenda which pushed for a Federal Defense of Marriage Acta [DOMA]. It is the religious right who wish to push their agenda down people's throats. Gay couples don't give a shit what your personal opinion is of them, they just want to live their lives with equal protection under the law as provided by the US Constitution for ALL citizens. This issue comes into the national spotlight only because of those who fight against that...

And what you don't get is I don't want any agenda pushed for recognition, treatment, or acceptance of marriage within government... government is not where marriage belongs... the governmental aspects that I have listed many times are ALL the government should be worried about or involved with...

If B.L. Zebub recognized your marriage and I.P. Freely does not, does not fucking matter...

Then you are telling us you do not want government to accept and recognize YOUR marriage.
Because you are telling us you do not want government to accept marriage of any kind.
How do we do that? No marriage licenses for anyone, ever?
Do away with that? You favor no rules or regs for any marriage?
That is what you are stating or do you even know that?
If you did not set up your family relationship correctly, it's no one's fault but yours. You could have set up a legal guardianship for your partner. If you didn't care enough to protect your children, why should anyone else? in addition to the $120 health care tax I pay every month, I should also have to pay thousands of dollars to a lawyer to set up a fraction of the legal protections you get with a $50 marriage license because I'm gay? Really? And the legal basis for your argument would be what?

You could do it yourself, it's not that complicated. People who make a choice to live their lives in an situation slightly outside of the normative parameters have to do the same thing. It's no different than a couple that lives together making the choice not to marry and finds out that the father of the children has never established legal parentage. If you wanted to have a two parent household, you could have married a person of the opposite sex. Just like everybody else. It's called equality.

that's the idea, dimwit. everyone should have the choice.

you wouldn't know equality if it sprouted wings and took a shit on your obviously empty head. :lol:
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You could do it yourself, it's not that complicated. People who make a choice to live their lives in an situation slightly outside of the normative parameters have to do the same thing. It's no different than a couple that lives together making the choice not to marry and finds out that the father of the children has never established legal parentage. If you wanted to have a two parent household, you could have married a person of the opposite sex. Just like everybody else. It's called equality.

Your "argument" (for lack of a better word) fails in a legal sense. Did you know that it was argued that bans on interracial marriage were Constitutional because they applied equally to men and women? They argued that blacks could marry blacks and whites could marry whites so the ban wasn't unconstitutional. They lost and you will too.

Again I will ask what other fundamental rights you would see denied gays and lesbians simply because they are gay and lesbian. The right to vote? The right to own property? Which ones or is it just legal, civil marriage that you would deny us?

In order to deny us the legal protections associated with legal marriage, you must provide an overriding societal harm in allowing them. Nobody can which is why gay marriage bans are being struck down in Federal courts.

Skin color is not behavior.

As nearly as I can tell you have all the rights under the Constitution that everyone else has.

As you pointed out, prohibiting same sex marriage will be lost. The reason it will be lost is because the entire culture is moving towards degeneracy. Same sex marriage is a celebration of degeneracy and depravity. How could a society moving in that direction not uphold it at every opportunity? There are consequences to a wholly degenerate culture. I hope you enjoy them.

Gay marriage is a celebration of love.
Gay folks fall in love with folk of the same sex.
Amazing that anyone would oppose that with their religous BS.
Gay marriage is no one's business other than the insecure and busy body Reality show pro wrasslin watching crowd.
Gay marriage important to you? Where does it rank in priority to the issues of the day?
Ahead of the wars, the debt, education, efficit, elections, crime, immigration?
How about we solve all of the 238 other important issues we have and in about 38 1/2 years we will decide if gay marriage is an issue.
You folks claimed allowing them to serve openly in the military would cost lives and disrupt the military.
Are you willing to admit you were dead wrong on that one?
I doubt it as your religous ideology has blinded you to know what is common sense and reason and what is not.
What you don't seem to get Dave, is that it was a whole other special agenda which pushed for a Federal Defense of Marriage Acta [DOMA]. It is the religious right who wish to push their agenda down people's throats. Gay couples don't give a shit what your personal opinion is of them, they just want to live their lives with equal protection under the law as provided by the US Constitution for ALL citizens. This issue comes into the national spotlight only because of those who fight against that...

And what you don't get is I don't want any agenda pushed for recognition, treatment, or acceptance of marriage within government... government is not where marriage belongs... the governmental aspects that I have listed many times are ALL the government should be worried about or involved with...

If B.L. Zebub recognized your marriage and I.P. Freely does not, does not fucking matter...

Then you are telling us you do not want government to accept and recognize YOUR marriage.
Because you are telling us you do not want government to accept marriage of any kind.
How do we do that? No marriage licenses for anyone, ever?
Do away with that? You favor no rules or regs for any marriage?
That is what you are stating or do you even know that?

Fine.. don't recognize my upcoming nuptials.. I don't give a fuck... Tax me the same as other family units, let me pass my inheritance on, let my wife make a medical call for me when I can't... and that's basically it... If I have to license to have the fed or the state have it in their records that I have a family unit, who gives a fuck?? Take down our info, and that is all... I don't need the government to fight a battle because employer X don't like that I'm married to a woman... I don't need the government protecting me because group Y does not see my marriage as valid because I am white and she is asian/hispanic... I don't need the government to go to bat for me because for some reason we need to rent a room in a house and the owners are gay and don't want a straight couple living with them....


Get government OUT of marriage... let people have the freedom to accept or not accept, recognize or not recognize, approve or not approve, etc, all on their own...
And what you don't get is I don't want any agenda pushed for recognition, treatment, or acceptance of marriage within government... government is not where marriage belongs... the governmental aspects that I have listed many times are ALL the government should be worried about or involved with...

If B.L. Zebub recognized your marriage and I.P. Freely does not, does not fucking matter...

Then you are telling us you do not want government to accept and recognize YOUR marriage.
Because you are telling us you do not want government to accept marriage of any kind.
How do we do that? No marriage licenses for anyone, ever?
Do away with that? You favor no rules or regs for any marriage?
That is what you are stating or do you even know that?

Fine.. don't recognize my upcoming nuptials.. I don't give a fuck... Tax me the same as other family units, let me pass my inheritance on, let my wife make a medical call for me when I can't... and that's basically it... If I have to license to have the fed or the state have it in their records that I have a family unit, who gives a fuck?? Take down our info, and that is all... I don't need the government to fight a battle because employer X don't like that I'm married to a woman... I don't need the government protecting me because group Y does not see my marriage as valid because I am white and she is asian/hispanic... I don't need the government to go to bat for me because for some reason we need to rent a room in a house and the owners are gay and don't want a straight couple living with them....


Get government OUT of marriage... let people have the freedom to accept or not accept, recognize or not recognize, approve or not approve, etc, all on their own...

When gay marriage is legal nationwide, people will still have the freedom to accept or not accept it. Same way people can not accept a marriage for any reason they deem fit.
And what you don't get is I don't want any agenda pushed for recognition, treatment, or acceptance of marriage within government... government is not where marriage belongs... the governmental aspects that I have listed many times are ALL the government should be worried about or involved with...

If B.L. Zebub recognized your marriage and I.P. Freely does not, does not fucking matter...

Then you are telling us you do not want government to accept and recognize YOUR marriage.
Because you are telling us you do not want government to accept marriage of any kind.
How do we do that? No marriage licenses for anyone, ever?
Do away with that? You favor no rules or regs for any marriage?
That is what you are stating or do you even know that?

Fine.. don't recognize my upcoming nuptials.. I don't give a fuck... Tax me the same as other family units, let me pass my inheritance on, let my wife make a medical call for me when I can't... and that's basically it... If I have to license to have the fed or the state have it in their records that I have a family unit, who gives a fuck?? Take down our info, and that is all... I don't need the government to fight a battle because employer X don't like that I'm married to a woman... I don't need the government protecting me because group Y does not see my marriage as valid because I am white and she is asian/hispanic... I don't need the government to go to bat for me because for some reason we need to rent a room in a house and the owners are gay and don't want a straight couple living with them....


Get government OUT of marriage... let people have the freedom to accept or not accept, recognize or not recognize, approve or not approve, etc, all on their own...

for somebody who doesn't give a fuck, you sure put a lot of energy into it
Then you are telling us you do not want government to accept and recognize YOUR marriage.
Because you are telling us you do not want government to accept marriage of any kind.
How do we do that? No marriage licenses for anyone, ever?
Do away with that? You favor no rules or regs for any marriage?
That is what you are stating or do you even know that?

Fine.. don't recognize my upcoming nuptials.. I don't give a fuck... Tax me the same as other family units, let me pass my inheritance on, let my wife make a medical call for me when I can't... and that's basically it... If I have to license to have the fed or the state have it in their records that I have a family unit, who gives a fuck?? Take down our info, and that is all... I don't need the government to fight a battle because employer X don't like that I'm married to a woman... I don't need the government protecting me because group Y does not see my marriage as valid because I am white and she is asian/hispanic... I don't need the government to go to bat for me because for some reason we need to rent a room in a house and the owners are gay and don't want a straight couple living with them....


Get government OUT of marriage... let people have the freedom to accept or not accept, recognize or not recognize, approve or not approve, etc, all on their own...

When gay marriage is legal nationwide, people will still have the freedom to accept or not accept it. Same way people can not accept a marriage for any reason they deem fit.

No... that is where you are COMPLETELY wrong.... with legality and involvement on so many aspects, government FORCES acceptance, recognition, etc.... And that is not the job of government...

Keep government only involved with the parts that government is supposed to be involved with.. legal contract, taxation, etc....
Then you are telling us you do not want government to accept and recognize YOUR marriage.
Because you are telling us you do not want government to accept marriage of any kind.
How do we do that? No marriage licenses for anyone, ever?
Do away with that? You favor no rules or regs for any marriage?
That is what you are stating or do you even know that?

Fine.. don't recognize my upcoming nuptials.. I don't give a fuck... Tax me the same as other family units, let me pass my inheritance on, let my wife make a medical call for me when I can't... and that's basically it... If I have to license to have the fed or the state have it in their records that I have a family unit, who gives a fuck?? Take down our info, and that is all... I don't need the government to fight a battle because employer X don't like that I'm married to a woman... I don't need the government protecting me because group Y does not see my marriage as valid because I am white and she is asian/hispanic... I don't need the government to go to bat for me because for some reason we need to rent a room in a house and the owners are gay and don't want a straight couple living with them....


Get government OUT of marriage... let people have the freedom to accept or not accept, recognize or not recognize, approve or not approve, etc, all on their own...

for somebody who doesn't give a fuck, you sure put a lot of energy into it

Takes a lot of energy to get rid of something the government has its hands on... also takes a lot of energy to explain things to wingers, activists, and extremists... not to mention far lefties ;)
Fine.. don't recognize my upcoming nuptials.. I don't give a fuck... Tax me the same as other family units, let me pass my inheritance on, let my wife make a medical call for me when I can't... and that's basically it... If I have to license to have the fed or the state have it in their records that I have a family unit, who gives a fuck?? Take down our info, and that is all... I don't need the government to fight a battle because employer X don't like that I'm married to a woman... I don't need the government protecting me because group Y does not see my marriage as valid because I am white and she is asian/hispanic... I don't need the government to go to bat for me because for some reason we need to rent a room in a house and the owners are gay and don't want a straight couple living with them....


Get government OUT of marriage... let people have the freedom to accept or not accept, recognize or not recognize, approve or not approve, etc, all on their own...

for somebody who doesn't give a fuck, you sure put a lot of energy into it

Takes a lot of energy to get rid of something the government has its hands on... also takes a lot of energy to explain things to wingers, activists, and extremists... not to mention far lefties ;)

i'm none of those things and i still don't understand what the fuck your point is
Fine.. don't recognize my upcoming nuptials.. I don't give a fuck... Tax me the same as other family units, let me pass my inheritance on, let my wife make a medical call for me when I can't... and that's basically it... If I have to license to have the fed or the state have it in their records that I have a family unit, who gives a fuck?? Take down our info, and that is all... I don't need the government to fight a battle because employer X don't like that I'm married to a woman... I don't need the government protecting me because group Y does not see my marriage as valid because I am white and she is asian/hispanic... I don't need the government to go to bat for me because for some reason we need to rent a room in a house and the owners are gay and don't want a straight couple living with them....


Get government OUT of marriage... let people have the freedom to accept or not accept, recognize or not recognize, approve or not approve, etc, all on their own...

When gay marriage is legal nationwide, people will still have the freedom to accept or not accept it. Same way people can not accept a marriage for any reason they deem fit.

No... that is where you are COMPLETELY wrong.... with legality and involvement on so many aspects, government FORCES acceptance, recognition, etc.... And that is not the job of government...

Keep government only involved with the parts that government is supposed to be involved with.. legal contract, taxation, etc....

I agree with you that getting gov't out of marriage is what's best.

As a side point, Jesus clearly and directly stated that remarriage was adultery and using your logic those who follow Jesus's teachings are forced to accept and recognize.

You may be against that as well, but how come in a mostly christian nation, and Jesus speaking clearly against remarriage and never a peep against gay marriage, why do we hear people speaking out against gay marriage more than remarriage at roughtly a 1873424782286299715 to 1 clip?
It does not matter to me who lives with who or what they do as they live in whatever circumstance they believe for themselves is best. That is not any part of my objections. It's being forced to twist what is an abnormality into a normality and change accordingly.

Remove the segretation of gay history from the schools. Restore the individual right to conduct their own business and affairs according to their conscience and judgment of behavior. Restore cohesiveness and honor to the military. Allow individuals to reject being forced to accept depravity as normal behavior and I don't care what gays and lesbians do.
You could do it yourself, it's not that complicated. People who make a choice to live their lives in an situation slightly outside of the normative parameters have to do the same thing. It's no different than a couple that lives together making the choice not to marry and finds out that the father of the children has never established legal parentage. If you wanted to have a two parent household, you could have married a person of the opposite sex. Just like everybody else. It's called equality.

Your "argument" (for lack of a better word) fails in a legal sense. Did you know that it was argued that bans on interracial marriage were Constitutional because they applied equally to men and women? They argued that blacks could marry blacks and whites could marry whites so the ban wasn't unconstitutional. They lost and you will too.

Again I will ask what other fundamental rights you would see denied gays and lesbians simply because they are gay and lesbian. The right to vote? The right to own property? Which ones or is it just legal, civil marriage that you would deny us?

In order to deny us the legal protections associated with legal marriage, you must provide an overriding societal harm in allowing them. Nobody can which is why gay marriage bans are being struck down in Federal courts.

Skin color is not behavior.

As nearly as I can tell you have all the rights under the Constitution that everyone else has.

As you pointed out, prohibiting same sex marriage will be lost. The reason it will be lost is because the entire culture is moving towards degeneracy. Same sex marriage is a celebration of degeneracy and depravity. How could a society moving in that direction not uphold it at every opportunity? There are consequences to a wholly degenerate culture. I hope you enjoy them.

Ignoring the whole "degenerate" thing as individuals are free to have their view of the morality of sexual activity.

But pointing out that you note that "race" is not a behavior, implying that "homosexuality" (or sexual orientation) is a behavior.

The laws making Same-sex Civil Marriage are not written as a function of "behavior" they are written as a function of gender.

Race = Biological

Gender = Biological

Biological = Biological​

The idea that miscegenation laws were unacceptable because they were based on biology while denying same-sex couples is acceptable because they are based on behavior doesn't float as the laws are not based on behavior, they are based on gender which is also biological.


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