Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

When Rome was the Roman Empire, there was no Italy so there weren't any Italians. If you want slaughter intellectual or otherwise, call a Sicilian an Italian!

Italians become Italians mostly when they leave Italy. In Europe they are Romans, Milanese, Sicilians, Tuscans, etc. The city-state never quite ended.

So, no one lived in Italy? Because that is was an Italian is.

Some do you remember to breathe....seriously.
Gays and lesbians have always had the right to marry. That they choose not to marry is not a general concern.

Here are four of the arguments they used:

1) First, judges claimed that marriage belonged under the control of the states rather than the federal government.

2) Second, they began to define and label all interracial relationships (even longstanding, deeply committed ones) as illicit sex rather than marriage.

3) Third, they insisted that interracial marriage was contrary to God's will, and

4) Fourth, they declared, over and over again, that interracial marriage was somehow "unnatural."

On this fourth point--the supposed "unnaturality" of interracial marriage--judges formed a virtual chorus. Here, for example, is the declaration that the Supreme Court of Virginia used to invalidate a marriage between a black man and a white woman in 1878:

The purity of public morals," the court declared, "the moral and physical development of both races….require that they should be kept distinct and separate… that connections and alliances so unnatural that God and nature seem to forbid them, should be prohibited by positive law, and be subject to no evasion.

The fifth, and final, argument judges would use to justify miscegenation law was undoubtedly the most important; it used these claims that interracial marriage was unnatural and immoral to find a way around the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the laws." How did judges do this? They insisted that because miscegenation laws punished both the black and white partners to an interracial marriage, they affected blacks and whites "equally." This argument, which is usually called the equal application claim, was hammered out in state supreme courts in the late 1870s, endorsed by the United States Supreme Court in 1882, and would be repeated by judges for the next 85 years.
And when the Virginia lawyers made that last point to the Supreme Court justices in Loving v. Virginia arguments, they laughed out loud.
It does not matter to me who lives with who or what they do as they live in whatever circumstance they believe for themselves is best. That is not any part of my objections. It's being forced to twist what is an abnormality into a normality and change accordingly.

Remove the segretation of gay history from the schools. Restore the individual right to conduct their own business and affairs according to their conscience and judgment of behavior. Restore cohesiveness and honor to the military. Allow individuals to reject being forced to accept depravity as normal behavior and I don't care what gays and lesbians do.

Are you saying the military does not have cohesiveness?

Are you saying the military has no Honor?

Who are you to make such statements?

I called him/her out on this earlier, got nuthin but crickets.
If an individual referred to a Roman as an "Italian" in a paper they would be intellectually slaughtered.

Cause we all know Romans aren't really from Italy......they're from Shangra-la.

i know that if i were living in a country and it's name changed or the government changed i would instantly be transformed into a different person. and all my ancestors wouldn't be my ancestors anymore.


I know, huh.
It does not matter to me who lives with who or what they do as they live in whatever circumstance they believe for themselves is best. That is not any part of my objections. It's being forced to twist what is an abnormality into a normality and change accordingly.

Remove the segretation of gay history from the schools. Restore the individual right to conduct their own business and affairs according to their conscience and judgment of behavior. Restore cohesiveness and honor to the military. Allow individuals to reject being forced to accept depravity as normal behavior and I don't care what gays and lesbians do.

Are you saying the military does not have cohesiveness?

Are you saying the military has no Honor?

Who are you to make such statements?

I called him/her out on this earlier, got nuthin but crickets.

Maybe we should not care what a proven nut case says, but I do not like anyone insinuating that our military is without Honor.
Some schools already mandate that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups.

You use "some schools" in the plural. Could you provide some links to justify the "some schools".

I believe you might be referring to the Vanderbuilt controversy, you realise that Vanderbuilt University (a single school) is a PRIVATE SCHOOL (LINK)

That Churches, Synagogues and Mosques have the freedom NOW to reject performing same sex marriages, that won't last long due to these same public accommodation laws. That's the point of having them. To change the belief upon which personal opinion is based into a belief of normalizing degeneracy.

Yes Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques have that the freedom know to determine who they will perform a marriage ceremony for.

Can you provide a link showing where any Church, Synagogue, or Mosque or a member of their clergy was forced by the government for:

A. Refusing to perform an interracial marriage against the dogma of that Church,

B. Refusing to perform an interfaith marriage against the dogma of that Church,

C. Refusing to perform a marriage when one (or both) of the participants were divorced against the dogma of that Church,

D. And since Same-sex Civil Marriage has been a reality for 7-years, refusing to perform a same-sex marriage against the dogma of that Church.

Are you saying the military does not have cohesiveness?

Are you saying the military has no Honor?

Who are you to make such statements?

I called him/her out on this earlier, got nuthin but crickets.

Maybe we should not care what a proven nut case says, but I do not like anyone insinuating that our military is without Honor.

They say love conquers all, for others hate conquers all.
Some schools already mandate that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups. That Churches, Synagogues and Mosques have the freedom NOW to reject performing same sex marriages, that won't last long due to these same public accommodation laws. That's the point of having them. To change the belief upon which personal opinion is based into a belief of normalizing degeneracy.

None of this would have been consented to in the Founding days.
This is 2012, not 1776. The founding fathers would not consent to abolish slavery. They didn't have enough faith in democracy to allow us to vote for Senators or the President. They made plenty of mistakes but they wisely gave us a legislature and an amendment process as a method of correcting them and modifying law to fit our fit our needs. The consent of the founding fathers is irrelevant.
Some schools already mandate that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups. That Churches, Synagogues and Mosques have the freedom NOW to reject performing same sex marriages, that won't last long due to these same public accommodation laws. That's the point of having them. To change the belief upon which personal opinion is based into a belief of normalizing degeneracy.


Yep, no school that I'm aware of has enacted a policy to "mandate that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups".

The only issue that I'm aware of is Vanderbuilt University (which is a private school and can set their own rules) and even then they have not "mandated that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups".

""The university does not seek to limit anyone's freedom to practice his or her religion. We do, however, require all Vanderbilt-registered student organizations to observe our nondiscrimination policy," Zeppos stated. "That means membership in registered student organizations is open to everyone and that everyone, if desired, has the opportunity to seek leadership positions." (LINK)​

So the truth is actually that all groups on campus must be open to all students, and that all students have the opportunity to seek leadership positions. It does not mandate that they be placed in those positions. Extra curricular activity groups that receive funding from the school hold elections to determine who the student officers of the group will be. They are elected, not appointed.

If California goes back to allowing gay marriage it will mean that 25% of the population will have gay marriage available. A domino affect is already starting as states realize that the world as we know it does not end just because gays are permitted to marry.

It is now between the courts and the states to see how quickly same sex marriage becomes the law of the land. It is only a matter of time




If you take the populations of California, New York and Massachusetts you have a sizable chunk of the population

And in that, 3-5% of that 25%?...

And what?


Many heterosexual couples need some kind of help. In numerous cases multiple abortions has rendered the female infertile. IF someone wants a child of two loving individuals, that child will not come from two women or two men. It is simple biology. There are no accidental births from homosexual relationships. Two lesbians or two gay men will NOT have an unplanned pregnancy. There has to be the participation of one or more people.

This should not be that hard.

So only people that have an unplanned pregnancy are deserving of the fundamental right of marriage? :confused: What on earth is your point?

You're right though...we can't get pregnant "by accident". We have to plan it carefully. Most of us make sure that our relationship is stable and that we have the means to support our children when they're born. Many of us give loving homes to the "unplanned pregnancies" of you fucking hets...

Why aren't our families deserving of the same rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal civil marriage that heterosexual families enjoy?

Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

I cant even begin to tell you how many heterosexual marriages are depraved and degenerate. I cant even begin to tell you how many heterosexual marriages who produce dysfunctional adults becasue of the environments they were brought up in.

I tell ya, you got some pretty strange ideas about what goes on in a "normal" marriage.
Some schools already mandate that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups. That Churches, Synagogues and Mosques have the freedom NOW to reject performing same sex marriages, that won't last long due to these same public accommodation laws. That's the point of having them. To change the belief upon which personal opinion is based into a belief of normalizing degeneracy.

No one gives a rats ass about what churches, synagogues and mosques allow. They are religious institutions and have no bearing on anything.

What the issue is if you can go to city hall and get a license. Something that is legal, binding, and recognized in the eyes of the law.
Some schools already mandate that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups. That Churches, Synagogues and Mosques have the freedom NOW to reject performing same sex marriages, that won't last long due to these same public accommodation laws. That's the point of having them. To change the belief upon which personal opinion is based into a belief of normalizing degeneracy.

No one gives a rats ass about what churches, synagogues and mosques allow. They are religious institutions and have no bearing on anything.

What the issue is if you can go to city hall and get a license. Something that is legal, binding, and recognized in the eyes of the law.

Gays already HAVE equal access to religious marriage. It's to the legal, secular, government provided marriage that we do not.
Some schools already mandate that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups. That Churches, Synagogues and Mosques have the freedom NOW to reject performing same sex marriages, that won't last long due to these same public accommodation laws. That's the point of having them. To change the belief upon which personal opinion is based into a belief of normalizing degeneracy.

No one gives a rats ass about what churches, synagogues and mosques allow. They are religious institutions and have no bearing on anything.

What the issue is if you can go to city hall and get a license. Something that is legal, binding, and recognized in the eyes of the law.

Gays already HAVE equal access to religious marriage. It's to the legal, secular, government provided marriage that we do not.

father o'malley would disagree with you

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