Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

Some schools already mandate that non-believers be leaders in faith based groups. That Churches, Synagogues and Mosques have the freedom NOW to reject performing same sex marriages, that won't last long due to these same public accommodation laws. That's the point of having them. To change the belief upon which personal opinion is based into a belief of normalizing degeneracy.

No one gives a rats ass about what churches, synagogues and mosques allow. They are religious institutions and have no bearing on anything.

What the issue is if you can go to city hall and get a license. Something that is legal, binding, and recognized in the eyes of the law.

Gays already HAVE equal access to religious marriage. It's to the legal, secular, government provided marriage that we do not.

I know that..... but a religious marriage does not count for anything. It in essence, just like all heterosexual marriages.... means jack shit. Religious marriages are only a feel good thing for people.

The only thing that counts or MEANS anything, is a legal marriage.
None of this would have been consented to in the Founding days.
This is 2012, not 1776. The founding fathers would not consent to abolish slavery.

In order to form the union they had to agree not to interfere in each other INTERNAL AFFAIRS - nor was any authority given to fedgov. The ONLY reason it interferes is because fedgov has powerful domestic armies and we are being governed by a continuing criminal enterprise.

They didn't have enough faith in democracy to allow us to vote for Senators or the President.

There is NOTHING NEW under the sun, read the CATO Letters. The Founding Fathers new that majority rule would degenerate into a welfare/warfare state.

They made plenty of mistakes but they wisely gave us a legislature and an amendment process as a method of correcting them and modifying law to fit our fit our needs. The consent of the founding fathers is irrelevant.


The 17th Amendment changed the scheme - now we have two houses of representatives and the states have been placed out of the equation.


No one gives a rats ass about what churches, synagogues and mosques allow. They are religious institutions and have no bearing on anything.

What the issue is if you can go to city hall and get a license. Something that is legal, binding, and recognized in the eyes of the law.

Gays already HAVE equal access to religious marriage. It's to the legal, secular, government provided marriage that we do not.

I know that..... but a religious marriage does not count for anything. It in essence, just like all heterosexual marriages.... means jack shit. Religious marriages are only a feel good thing for people.

The only thing that counts or MEANS anything, is a legal marriage.

Oh, absolutely.

No one gives a rats ass about what churches, synagogues and mosques allow. They are religious institutions and have no bearing on anything.

What the issue is if you can go to city hall and get a license. Something that is legal, binding, and recognized in the eyes of the law.

Gays already HAVE equal access to religious marriage. It's to the legal, secular, government provided marriage that we do not.

father o'malley would disagree with you

Father O'Malley can turn down anyone for any reason. That's equal access.
Many heterosexual couples need some kind of help. In numerous cases multiple abortions has rendered the female infertile. IF someone wants a child of two loving individuals, that child will not come from two women or two men. It is simple biology. There are no accidental births from homosexual relationships. Two lesbians or two gay men will NOT have an unplanned pregnancy. There has to be the participation of one or more people.

This should not be that hard.

So only people that have an unplanned pregnancy are deserving of the fundamental right of marriage? :confused: What on earth is your point?

You're right though...we can't get pregnant "by accident". We have to plan it carefully. Most of us make sure that our relationship is stable and that we have the means to support our children when they're born. Many of us give loving homes to the "unplanned pregnancies" of you fucking hets...

Why aren't our families deserving of the same rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal civil marriage that heterosexual families enjoy?

Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

You, sir, are pond scum.
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I'll do that soon. :)
So only people that have an unplanned pregnancy are deserving of the fundamental right of marriage? :confused: What on earth is your point?

You're right though...we can't get pregnant "by accident". We have to plan it carefully. Most of us make sure that our relationship is stable and that we have the means to support our children when they're born. Many of us give loving homes to the "unplanned pregnancies" of you fucking hets...

Why aren't our families deserving of the same rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal civil marriage that heterosexual families enjoy?

Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

You, sir, are pond scum.


he deserves this:

So only people that have an unplanned pregnancy are deserving of the fundamental right of marriage? :confused: What on earth is your point?

You're right though...we can't get pregnant "by accident". We have to plan it carefully. Most of us make sure that our relationship is stable and that we have the means to support our children when they're born. Many of us give loving homes to the "unplanned pregnancies" of you fucking hets...

Why aren't our families deserving of the same rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal civil marriage that heterosexual families enjoy?

Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

You, sir, are pond scum.

"Fucking hets" Illustrates what the Militant in the Homosexual Movement are all about... :thup:

I'm glad my Gay Friends aren't Fucking Douchers like Bodey and Sea.


Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

You, sir, are pond scum.

"Fucking hets" Illustrates what the Militant in the Homosexual Movement are all about... :thup:

I'm glad my Gay Friends aren't Fucking Douchers like Bodey and Sea.



My fucking het friends (and parents and grandparents, etc.) don't call me degenerate.
Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

You, sir, are pond scum.

"Fucking hets" Illustrates what the Militant in the Homosexual Movement are all about... :thup:

I'm glad my Gay Friends aren't Fucking Douchers like Bodey and Sea.



imaginary friends usually aren't
"Fucking hets" Illustrates what the Militant in the Homosexual Movement are all about... :thup:

I'm glad my Gay Friends aren't Fucking Douchers like Bodey and Sea.



If bigotted gonads like yourself didn't give them a hard time there would be no militant gays in the first place. But because you can't see past your own prejudices and try and install your hateful views onto others - and try and force laws onto them- you get what you get.
Homosexuals still have "the right" to get married to each other by any church willing to perform the marriage. This "ban" doesn't change that in the slightest.

I don't believe that is true. In most states, if not all, you need a marriage license to get married, which is another encroachment of government that needs to be gotten rid of. We shouldn't need government permission to be married.

No it's not you crazy radical.

Just stop and think for a moment what are the modern implications of a marriage.

Think immigration. Think fraud.

What would happen if anyone could marry anyone with no government oversite?

How would immigration process all those "new citizens?"

That's just ONE aspect.

Snap out of your radical, make-believe, non-realistic, nonsensical, libertarian bubble!!

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I'll say two things:

1. This ruling is yet another example of right-wing "lies" and "fear-mongering" come to pass. The reason many people opposed to gay marriage also oppose civil unions is because they figured it wouldn't be seen as a compromise, it would be used to push the gay marriage agenda. Bullshit, they argued. Well, the narrow ruling argued that very premise. They said it was unconstitutional for a state to allow civil unions but withhold the title "marriage", and of course gay marriage supporters rejoice. But as I've said before, it's not fear-mongering if it's also the truth, and it's not a lie just because it hasn't happened yet.

2. The primary thing everyone needs to understand is that we don't define marriage as the union of a man and woman just because of hatred of gay people. There's nothing wrong with having a debate over gay marriage, and both sides making their case, and occasionally one side winning and one side losing. But it's wrong to just conclude, without any evidence, that the primary motivation for not wanting to alter marriage, and the primary reason marriage isn't now inclusive to gay couples, is due to bigotry and intolerance. We're not talking about some simple issue of morality here. This isn't slavery, this isn't gays being forced into ghettos, this isn't gays being forced to ride in the back of the bus.

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