Breaking: Republicans just handed Democrats the Midterms.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.

Wishful thinking.

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Lets see first world instuitions that make us a first world nation or being tired of victimhood, bitching and weird things.

I think people will stand up for the nws, cdc, epa, ssi, medicade first. I do wish the democrats would stop the other.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News
Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.

Keep DREAMING. THINK ObamaCare...You're fucking desparate.:eusa_hand:
Does anyone ever read the articles they link?

The 219-205 vote on the budget outline takes a mostly symbolic swipe at the government's chronic deficits. Follow-up legislation to actually implement the cuts isn't in the offing.

Democrats countered with a plan that would leave Obama's health care plan and rapidly growing health programs like Medicare intact, relying on $1.5 trillion in tax hikes over the coming decade to bring deficits down to sustainable but still-large levels in the $600 billion range.
One of the most surprising things I've had to come to terms with is how Progressives are unabashed, pathological liars.

Once you understand that, it's a breeze to debate them
I'm a senior...I not a demoquack..cut my SS..I could give a fuck.

I've said it since I began collecting SS. If cuts are made across the board - and the Welfare Queens and the lazy ass bums get kicked off their benefits, then yeah, I'll take a cut as well.

Doesn't bother me in the least. It's called "patriotism".
Well, if the people aren't worried about passing on this debt to their children and grandchildren, then I guess you might be right

and as we see liberals don't give a damn about our country or the people in it, they care for only what they can use for politics
B. Insane just sent another one of his budgets to Congress, and Guess What....

Another Obama joke shop budget got shot down again.
This one went down to defeat 413– 2.

That's a marked improvement from Obama's previous efforts, which have, in the past, gotten exactly zero votes.
And thus another Obama benchmark fails.

"Although very little of [the budget] is expected to become law - or even be seriously considered via legislation on Capitol Hill - the president's budget still serves as a benchmark for congressional Democrats," says Politico.
There was a time in life when the serious journalist would examine both the hypocrisy and the irony of a budget that mustered only two votes, yet served as a benchmark for an upcoming campaign.
But in the world that we live in now, where stupidity is passed off as strategy, failure is passed off as result, and race and gender are passed off as saintliness, journalists can't be bothered to be critical.
Because, we all know how well Obama-- and the Democrats-- do with those benchmarks.

Stimulus, Obamacare, the Green Loan program, Obama’s electric car initiative to put 1 million cars on the road by the time his term is up-- just a whole bunch of benchmarks come and gone.
“What difference does it make at this point?” isn’t just an exclamation point for the Benghazi debacle. It's a slogan for the worst administration ever.
At least it will make the title for Obama's memoirs easier: Dreams from My Father II, How I Spent My Eight Year Presidential Vacation Dreaming and Doing Nothing.

But of course we can't just blame the media and the Democrats.
We can blame the weather too. And rich white men. And the 1%. And guns.
Don't ever forget the guns.

"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos,” wrote H.L. Menken, a serious journalist. “Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable."
This is a country noticeably lacking in dangerous men right now. And women. And blacks. And Hispanics. And the unemployed.
And that lack of danger is a danger in itself.
Just as inflation can seem peaceable and tame right before exploding, so can a populace.

Increasingly, I'm hearing from otherwise cautious and rational people that they believe that this country cannot continue half slave and half free; that a house divided against itself cannot stand.....

More.....Another Benchmark Fail in Obama Revolution - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

NOW, if the Republicans would only get their heads on straight and concentrate on the seniors with the $700 BILLION cuts that B. InsaneCare has taken away from them, I could see millions running from the poser in the WH, and the next poser for 2016!
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Between obamacare, the brewing civil war in Nevada and the big IRS money grab, democrats have less of a prayer than they had a week ago.
Between obamacare, the brewing civil war in Nevada and the big IRS money grab, democrats have less of a prayer than they had a week ago.

Yep. I swear by all that is Holy - I truly believe that the IRS is going insane. Fortunately, my kin paid every nickel they "owed" in taxes or they would be coming after me...

I don't think this will hold up for one second. Coming after folks because their RELATIVES DIED while owing taxes!?!?!?!?!

I'm telling you = bad things are awaiting this country in the not so distant future. Jesus - even England didn't try to pull THIS SHIT off...... :lol:
obama gave the IRS too much power then turned a blind eye to whatever they did.

Liberals think that the government can just kill everyone and utopia will be born. Look at Syria, Bosnia, Egypt. It's not so easy is it. obama is not going to carpet bomb Las Vegas.

The US is giving support. Maybe Americans can get foreign support. Maybe Russia will help.
Ayn Rand collected every nickel of SS. Didn't turn down or give back a dime. Whenever there is a natural disaster in places like Louisiana, Republicans are the first to beg for Federal help. Red States have always been the biggest takers, and you will NEVER see a Republican senior give back their SS or Medicare benefits. Never, ever, ever, never.

How 'bout them Walmart Walton's? Their employees draw huge benefits from government because they can't survive on poverty wages. This is our biggest employer, whose profit margins are sustained by ol' uncle sucker. And let's not even mention how unpatriotic Walmart is, getting over 20% of their products made in communist China (see sweatshop labor costs). Post-Reagan capitalism is the story of how our noble John Galts got in bed with freedom-hating nations for the cheap labor. And these are the biggest funders of the Republican Party. What a racket.

And let's not even talk about the economy - which is run by state protected monopolies, the ones which have erected a lobbying empire around our political organs. John Galt not only came out of hiding; he now owns government. In the Russia of Ayn Rand's youth, Stalin steals the family pharmacy. Now, big pharma owns government. The roles have reversed, but talk radio still convinces a group of uneducated idiots that it's still the 30s.

Hey Republicans: do you understand the patent system? This is where the nanny state intervenes in the economy to protect the investments of the wealthy. Or... what about the Pentagon budget pays for the protection Exxon's oil fields in Iraq? Republicans never complain about this raping of the taxpayer. Or what about the satellite system, created by big government and handed to the private sector. Business has always been deeply parasitic on the state, not only in terms of patent enforcement and military protection of overseas supply chains or the advanced industrial infrastructure provided by Government, but also the legal system and the whole corrupt mess of subsidies and bailouts. The State is a dynamic advocate for the narrow accumulation of capital. Everybody knows this, save the folks who listen to noise machine (Limbaugh/Fox/etc.,). We have become an aristocracy where birth counts more than merit.

Of course, the corporate owners of government don't admit they own government. They claim to be victims. And they get these poor loser schlubs - people making less than 100K - to vote for the party of billionaires. They do this by dividing Americans against each other through a toxic culture war. They convince the stupid that their country has been stolen, but they never admit that they are the ones who stole it. God help us.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


Only ignorant people think a budget resolution is the budget. It is nothing more than a starting place for negotiations. The way it's supposed to work is the house passes their proposed budget and the senate passes theirs, then they go to conference to work out the differences. But considering prince harry has only passed one budget in 5 years I figure we will wind up the mulatto messiahs term with continuing resolutions.
Between obamacare, the brewing civil war in Nevada and the big IRS money grab, democrats have less of a prayer than they had a week ago.

Yep. I swear by all that is Holy - I truly believe that the IRS is going insane. Fortunately, my kin paid every nickel they "owed" in taxes or they would be coming after me...

I don't think this will hold up for one second. Coming after folks because their RELATIVES DIED while owing taxes!?!?!?!?!

I'm telling you = bad things are awaiting this country in the not so distant future. Jesus - even England didn't try to pull THIS SHIT off...... :lol:
This is WHY the Founders favoured taxing Commerce rather than directly property/income of citizens. They Knew what would happen, and WE witness it. It has become a tool of Government TYRANNY.
I'm a senior...I not a demoquack..cut my SS..I could give a fuck.
SS was insolvent YEARS ago. I won't ever see it.

Nor will my I have not spent a penny of it...they can piss it away as they please...hopefully they will not...
I am a VET that has YET to use promised Benefits...the whole institution is such a fucking mess...I don't even bother.

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