Breaking: Republicans just handed Democrats the Midterms.

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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


The slope skulls shot themselves in the foot again :lol:
Between obamacare, the brewing civil war in Nevada and the big IRS money grab, democrats have less of a prayer than they had a week ago.

Yep. I swear by all that is Holy - I truly believe that the IRS is going insane. Fortunately, my kin paid every nickel they "owed" in taxes or they would be coming after me...

I don't think this will hold up for one second. Coming after folks because their RELATIVES DIED while owing taxes!?!?!?!?!

I'm telling you = bad things are awaiting this country in the not so distant future. Jesus - even England didn't try to pull THIS SHIT off...... :lol:

They can only come after the estate of the dead person, not their relatives. If there is no estate the IRS is SOL.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News
Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


The slope skulls shot themselves in the foot again :lol:
'Slope Skulls' Gracie? Looked in a mirror lately Guano?
Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president. You almost gotta laugh at pathetic attempts by the pathetic left to blame republicans.
Between obamacare, the brewing civil war in Nevada and the big IRS money grab, democrats have less of a prayer than they had a week ago.

Yep. I swear by all that is Holy - I truly believe that the IRS is going insane. Fortunately, my kin paid every nickel they "owed" in taxes or they would be coming after me...

I don't think this will hold up for one second. Coming after folks because their RELATIVES DIED while owing taxes!?!?!?!?!

I'm telling you = bad things are awaiting this country in the not so distant future. Jesus - even England didn't try to pull THIS SHIT off...... :lol:
This is WHY the Founders favoured taxing Commerce rather than directly property/income of citizens. They Knew what would happen, and WE witness it. It has become a tool of Government TYRANNY.

As I recall, the "federal government" had two jobs and two jobs ONLY. (1) Collecting Tariffs (from foreign trade and import fees) and (2) Defending the borders of the United States.

That was it. PERIOD. The States were to control everything else within THEIR borders.

Today? The GOVERNMENT is the fastest growing concern in the United States. 18 different Police and Security agencies. 7 Covert agencies. The IRS has one of the most sophisticated security forces on this PLANET. On and on and on....more worthless departments and sub departments and sub sub departments with thousands of "big wigs" that do nothing but collect fat paychecks and huge pensions than any other government on the planet.

In fact, I'm not certain, but I believe that the United States GOVERNMENT is the largest employer within the US. IT IS INSANE.

For years, I have been in favor of FIRING every employee of the damned IRS and replacing them all with a flat tax.

Now, they are exceeding their reach by claiming that the RELATIVES of those who have passed owing taxes are now RESPONSIBLE for those taxes. INCREDIBLE.

It is beyond time for the IRS to be dismantled, and their employees fired.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


And older working Americans as well, many of whom lost employment as a consequence of the December 2007 recession, through no fault of their own. Millions of such working Americans lost their retirement savings to pay the mortgage and keep food on the table. Most are back to work now, they saved their homes and avoided bankruptcy, but they have too few working years left to recoup their exhausted savings – they’ll need their Social Security retirement and Medicare/Medicaid, the same Social Security retirement and Medicare/Medicaid republicans seek to destroy.

Clearly republicans expect these older working Americans to work into their 80s or 90s and drop dead on the job.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


And older working Americans as well, many of whom lost employment as a consequence of the December 2007 recession, through no fault of their own. Millions of such working Americans lost their retirement savings to pay the mortgage and keep food on the table. Most are back to work now, they saved their homes and avoided bankruptcy, but they have too few working years left to recoup their exhausted savings – they’ll need their Social Security retirement and Medicare/Medicaid, the same Social Security retirement and Medicare/Medicaid republicans seek to destroy.

Clearly republicans expect these older working Americans to work into their 80s or 90s and drop dead on the job.

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks and what's worse, you know it. You want to know what is WRONG with this country? People like YOU. You and your lawyer friends who have subverted and subjected this country to your crap for the last 50 years.

I constantly hear that "We are a nation of laws" and I say BULLSHIT. We are a nation of slaves beaten over the head with the goddamned law. You don't use a gun or a bayonet to subjucate us. Oh no. There isn't a man or woman enough among you to do that. Nope. You beat us into submission with your legalese and then tell us that it's OK - after all we are a "nation of laws". There is no JUSTICE in this country any longer - unless you're rich.

Thank you asshole.
Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president. You almost gotta laugh at pathetic attempts by the pathetic left to blame republicans.
ANYTHING to remain in power over their sheep.

Mindless Pub obstruction has stalled the recovery since 2/4/2010, dingbat. At least now no more phony crises could well mean this could be the year...
SS was insolvent YEARS ago. I won't ever see it.

Nor will my I have not spent a penny of it...they can piss it away as they please...hopefully they will not...
I am a VET that has YET to use promised Benefits...the whole institution is such a fucking mess...I don't even bother.

You guys are nuts, and perfect chumps of the greedy rich. AARP calls SS being in trouble the #1 myth. It's FINE. Jeebus what morons...
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News
Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.

Keep DREAMING. THINK ObamaCare...You're fucking desparate.:eusa_hand:



I called it last time when the Supreme Court ruled that ObamaCare was Constitutional. That was basically the end of the election.

The Democrats can still blow it here. But this is to big a gift.

It's really low hanging fruit.
You can book mark this if you want.

House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


Only ignorant people think a budget resolution is the budget. It is nothing more than a starting place for negotiations. The way it's supposed to work is the house passes their proposed budget and the senate passes theirs, then they go to conference to work out the differences. But considering prince harry has only passed one budget in 5 years I figure we will wind up the mulatto messiahs term with continuing resolutions.

You're not seeing the politics.

I mean I hope Republicans are thinking just like you..right down to the racism.

You can book mark this if you want.

House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


The slope skulls shot themselves in the foot again :lol:

Basically, yeah.

Democrats really got to hammer on this though.

Ryan's been clawing at Medicare everytime he releases one of these "budgets".

They have got to say that in no uncertain terms that Republicans are looking to take their medicare away.
Yep. I swear by all that is Holy - I truly believe that the IRS is going insane. Fortunately, my kin paid every nickel they "owed" in taxes or they would be coming after me...

I don't think this will hold up for one second. Coming after folks because their RELATIVES DIED while owing taxes!?!?!?!?!

I'm telling you = bad things are awaiting this country in the not so distant future. Jesus - even England didn't try to pull THIS SHIT off...... :lol:
This is WHY the Founders favoured taxing Commerce rather than directly property/income of citizens. They Knew what would happen, and WE witness it. It has become a tool of Government TYRANNY.

As I recall, the "federal government" had two jobs and two jobs ONLY. (1) Collecting Tariffs (from foreign trade and import fees) and (2) Defending the borders of the United States.
That was it. PERIOD. The States were to control everything else within THEIR borders.

Today? The GOVERNMENT is the fastest growing concern in the United States. 18 different Police and Security agencies. 7 Covert agencies. The IRS has one of the most sophisticated security forces on this PLANET. On and on and on....more worthless departments and sub departments and sub sub departments with thousands of "big wigs" that do nothing but collect fat paychecks and huge pensions than any other government on the planet.

In fact, I'm not certain, but I believe that the United States GOVERNMENT is the largest employer within the US. IT IS INSANE.

For years, I have been in favor of FIRING every employee of the damned IRS and replacing them all with a flat tax.

Now, they are exceeding their reach by claiming that the RELATIVES of those who have passed owing taxes are now RESPONSIBLE for those taxes. INCREDIBLE.

It is beyond time for the IRS to be dismantled, and their employees fired.

You "recall" wrong.

The preamble of the Constitution and the first clause of section 8 assigns the Federal government much more responsibility then just to defend borders and collect "tariffs".

Where the heck do you guys come up with this stuff..really?
Does anyone ever read the articles they link?

The 219-205 vote on the budget outline takes a mostly symbolic swipe at the government's chronic deficits. Follow-up legislation to actually implement the cuts isn't in the offing.

Democrats countered with a plan that would leave Obama's health care plan and rapidly growing health programs like Medicare intact, relying on $1.5 trillion in tax hikes over the coming decade to bring deficits down to sustainable but still-large levels in the $600 billion range.

I read it fine.

I linked it and pulled out the relevant part.

Did you read that?
Yawn- Swallow the election is going to be about Obamacare this election and the election in 2016. Democrats are going to lose seats in the house and republicans have a very good chance at taking control of the senate. Democrats already know what's coming. Budget issues are talked about all year long.

And a sad little fact for you, most democrats don't vote in midterm elections, whereas republicans will be voting in mass because of Obamacare.
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Yawn- Swallow the election is going to be about Obamacare this election and the election in 2016. Democrats are going to lose seats in the house and republicans have a very good chance at taking control of the senate. Democrats already know what's coming. Budget issues are talked about all year long.

Going gay again, Mr. oblowyo. sale.

And Democrats aren't losing the Senate.

The Tea Party will see to that.

But thanks to this? The House is in play! :D
This is WHY the Founders favoured taxing Commerce rather than directly property/income of citizens. They Knew what would happen, and WE witness it. It has become a tool of Government TYRANNY.

As I recall, the "federal government" had two jobs and two jobs ONLY. (1) Collecting Tariffs (from foreign trade and import fees) and (2) Defending the borders of the United States.
That was it. PERIOD. The States were to control everything else within THEIR borders.

Today? The GOVERNMENT is the fastest growing concern in the United States. 18 different Police and Security agencies. 7 Covert agencies. The IRS has one of the most sophisticated security forces on this PLANET. On and on and on....more worthless departments and sub departments and sub sub departments with thousands of "big wigs" that do nothing but collect fat paychecks and huge pensions than any other government on the planet.

In fact, I'm not certain, but I believe that the United States GOVERNMENT is the largest employer within the US. IT IS INSANE.

For years, I have been in favor of FIRING every employee of the damned IRS and replacing them all with a flat tax.

Now, they are exceeding their reach by claiming that the RELATIVES of those who have passed owing taxes are now RESPONSIBLE for those taxes. INCREDIBLE.

It is beyond time for the IRS to be dismantled, and their employees fired.

You "recall" wrong.

The preamble of the Constitution and the first clause of section 8 assigns the Federal government much more responsibility then just to defend borders and collect "tariffs".

Where the heck do you guys come up with this stuff..really?


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