Breaking: Republicans just handed Democrats the Midterms.

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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


How did we hand them the midterms? What your crony government did to Cliven Bundy should keep our grasp firm on the midterms. The government's behavior only solidifies our position. Desperate much? And how do you think people will react to the Democrat plan? $1.5 trillion in tax hikes? You seriously have no idea how boned Democrats really are, do you?
Excellent. Londoner drops a dose of sanity here and two nutters who are bright enough to get half if what he said try to dismantle it.......failing miserably.

Ryan is in it for Ryan. He knows that 20% of the electorate will never abandon him so long as he focuses on three things.

1. Expressing a desire to never raise taxes.
2. Express a desire to cut spending aimed at helping the less fortunate among us.
3. Express a desire to end the ACA.

Doing so gives him a reliable market for his books and speaking appearances for the remainder of his productive years.

The midterms will be good for nutters unless there is high turnout.

The whole enchilada ( yes, nutters....I know you'll enjoy that ) rests on turnout.
Run along kid you are boring.
Londoner's premise if that we have now devolved into an entitlement society and that it is that devolution that will drive elections from now on.

If he/she IS from London I understand that notion, Britain has been in that quagmire for decades.

Your trouble LL is that pretty much everything you attempt to discuss is beyond your ability to actually grasp, hyper partisanship will do that, it blinds otherwise reasonable people.

You may get your way, but not soon.
There are too many educated people still around that will resist your paternalistic view of Government, we reject the bullshit notion that collectivism is the "enlightened" path.
Read it and weep.

This will come as a shock to you it's the first time you've probably seen it.

K? I will put it in a nutshell.

1. Responsible for Laws (Justice).
2. Insuring Domestic Tranquility.
3. Provide for the common Defense.
4. Promote the General Welfare.

That's four..just in the Preamble!

Now..prepare to get your mind totally blown!

Holy fucking shit, right?

Kinda hard to drink that all in.

But lets bullet point some of these.

So in addition to the top? Which is repeated?

1. Collects taxes.
2. Borrow Money.
3. Coin Money.
4. Regulate commerce.
5. Regulate immigration.
6. Establish a postal service.
7. Maintain a navy.
8. Call forth an temporary army comprised of militia to suppress insurrection and defend against invasion.
9.Declare war.
10. Pass legislation.


That's a lot of responsibilities.


Hey dumbass - all of that falls under "insure domestic tranquility" which is to defend the borders of the United States. Now, smartass - where the hell does it say - take over state's rights??

Just as I thought...You marxist piece of shit.


You really haven't read this thing, you Nazi piece of shit.

Section 10.

No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.

No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection laws: and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress.

No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.

And if that isn't enough for you?

All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Are you even American?


Perhaps you forgot this:

The 10th Amendment:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

And, how does the rest of that not fall under "ensuring domestic tranquility?" Maybe you should pull out your dictionary and look up the words "domestic" and "tranquility."

Domestic - existing or occurring inside a particular country; not foreign or international.

Tranquility - the quality or state of being tranquil; calm

The first four you listed are essential to the common defense of the citizenry (which also includes securing our borders). How does securing our borders not fall under such clauses?

1. Responsible for Laws (Justice).
2. Insuring Domestic Tranquility.
3. Provide for the common Defense.
4. Promote the General Welfare.

1. Responsible for Laws (including but not limited to passing laws related to Immigration Control and Enforcement and that existing laws are properly enforced).

2. Insuring Domestic Tranquility (including but not limited to insuring all laws pertaining to illegal immigration are enforced, and keeping illegal immigrants from disturbing the peace in any given area of the United States).

3. Provide for the common defense (including but not limited to ensuring that illegal aliens do not actively try to cross our borders illegally, engage in any criminal activity if they have entered illegally, and charge them for any crimes committed while in the country illegally).

4. Promote the General Welfare (including but not limited to passing laws, statutes, and appropriating adequate funding to the proper Immigration and Naturalization agencies to ensure the enforcement and implementation of the previous three clauses).
Run along kid you are boring.
Londoner's premise if that we have now devolved into an entitlement society and that it is that devolution that will drive elections from now on.

If he/she IS from London I understand that notion, Britain has been in that quagmire for decades.

Your trouble LL is that pretty much everything you attempt to discuss is beyond your ability to actually grasp, hyper partisanship will do that, it blinds otherwise reasonable people.

You may get your way, but not soon.
There are too many educated people still around that will resist your paternalistic view of Government, we reject the bullshit notion that collectivism is the "enlightened" path.

Is that right? You think nutters are educated? Interesting.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


they did screw themselves with normal people. but can democrats put that into soundbites like the rabid right will?

we'll see.

in the meantime, the ignorant righties will hear only "obama didn't pass a budget". they will ignore the responsibility of the House loons.

the question is, do the independents and moderates get it?

and good luck to them telling 7 million americans they shouldn't have health coverage.

Seniors care ALOT about Medicare.

Trust me on this.

Ryan's plan for Medicare calls on vouchers based on the CPI (Consumer Price Index). The annual growth of the voucher increase is will mirror the CPI. Notice how much healthcare costs exceed the CPI. As a matter of fact the rise in healthcare costs aren't included in the CPI. The increase in the cost of healthcare will be mirrored in the increases in the private insurance they will be forced to buy.
So as most of the people who rely heavily on Medicare as it is today, will be assuming more and more responsibility of the financial cost of having healthcare insurance coverage under the Ryan plan. A large majority of the those on Medicare are on fixed incomes. So to pay for the difference between the voucher plan based on the CPI the actual cost of healthcare, they will have to be forced to figure out where they are going to get the money. In other words, they will severely squeezed.
Here's an interesting article:
Comparing Medicare And Private Insurers: Growth Rates In Spending Over Three Decades
Comparing Medicare And Private Insurers: Growth Rates In Spending Over Three Decades

Below is a chart comparing the rise in the cost of healthcare versus the rise of the CPI.
The winners are the private insurers, the losers are senior citizens on fixed incomes.


  • $cpi and healthcare cost.jpg
    $cpi and healthcare cost.jpg
    13.3 KB · Views: 32
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


And older working Americans as well, many of whom lost employment as a consequence of the December 2007 recession, through no fault of their own. Millions of such working Americans lost their retirement savings to pay the mortgage and keep food on the table. Most are back to work now, they saved their homes and avoided bankruptcy, but they have too few working years left to recoup their exhausted savings – they’ll need their Social Security retirement and Medicare/Medicaid, the same Social Security retirement and Medicare/Medicaid republicans seek to destroy.

Clearly republicans expect these older working Americans to work into their 80s or 90s and drop dead on the job.

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks and what's worse, you know it. You want to know what is WRONG with this country? People like YOU. You and your lawyer friends who have subverted and subjected this country to your crap for the last 50 years.

I constantly hear that "We are a nation of laws" and I say BULLSHIT. We are a nation of slaves beaten over the head with the goddamned law. You don't use a gun or a bayonet to subjucate us. Oh no. There isn't a man or woman enough among you to do that. Nope. You beat us into submission with your legalese and then tell us that it's OK - after all we are a "nation of laws". There is no JUSTICE in this country any longer - unless you're rich.

Thank you asshole.

Jones is a Lawyer?....
Nor will my I have not spent a penny of it...they can piss it away as they please...hopefully they will not...
I am a VET that has YET to use promised Benefits...the whole institution is such a fucking mess...I don't even bother.

You guys are nuts, and perfect chumps of the greedy rich. AARP calls SS being in trouble the #1 myth. It's FINE. Jeebus what morons...

Frankie do you ever question anything the Democrats tell you?...
You can book mark this if you want.

House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


Is that all Republicans are going to do....pass bills that are going to be turned down in the Senate....what a waste of time, effort and money. What else is new?
Between obamacare, the brewing civil war in Nevada and the big IRS money grab, democrats have less of a prayer than they had a week ago.

Yep. I swear by all that is Holy - I truly believe that the IRS is going insane. Fortunately, my kin paid every nickel they "owed" in taxes or they would be coming after me...

I don't think this will hold up for one second. Coming after folks because their RELATIVES DIED while owing taxes!?!?!?!?!

I'm telling you = bad things are awaiting this country in the not so distant future. Jesus - even England didn't try to pull THIS SHIT off...... :lol:

and we have idiots like swallow who think its all hunky dory because a dem is in the white house-------------dem/libs are truly insane.
You can book mark this if you want.

House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


Is that all Republicans are going to do....pass bills that are going to be turned down in the Senate....what a waste of time, effort and money. What else is new?

next january when the GOP controls both houses things will get done. Then obozo can either veto them and destroy what little credibility he has, or sign them and do whats right for the country------any bets?
It's a pretty simple thing too.

All the congressmen that voted for this mess are on record..

Pick a state:


Narration: You've worked your entire life and now it's time to enjoy your golden years. And Medicare has always been there for you..assuring that you have that time.

But now? Congressman <Insert name here> has voted to take that away.


Narration: Can you really afford that?


Also consider the working poor in Red States who were not allowed access to expanded Medicaid coverage because their legislature hates Obama
People in Blue States got lower cost health coverage than you did

my premiums went was less expensive last year.....and some of my co-pays have gone up.....and the Govt wont cover some of the Meds my wife takes even though Blue Shield will....but the Govt is making her take something else that doesnt work as good..... its cheaper.....
You can book mark this if you want.

House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


Is that all Republicans are going to do....pass bills that are going to be turned down in the Senate....what a waste of time, effort and money. What else is new?

next january when the GOP controls both houses things will get done. Then obozo can either veto them and destroy what little credibility he has, or sign them and do whats right for the country------any bets?

Is that all Republicans are going to do....pass bills that are going to be turned down in the Senate....what a waste of time, effort and money. What else is new?

next january when the GOP controls both houses things will get done. Then obozo can either veto them and destroy what little credibility he has, or sign them and do whats right for the country------any bets?


How much are you willing to bet on it? Make it easy on yourself, how about $500?
It's a pretty simple thing too.

All the congressmen that voted for this mess are on record..

Pick a state:


Narration: You've worked your entire life and now it's time to enjoy your golden years. And Medicare has always been there for you..assuring that you have that time.

But now? Congressman <Insert name here> has voted to take that away.


Narration: Can you really afford that?


Also consider the working poor in Red States who were not allowed access to expanded Medicaid coverage because their legislature hates Obama
People in Blue States got lower cost health coverage than you did

I hate to say this but the thing about the poor is that many really do feel totally hopeless. They feel abandoned by government and that their vote doesn't count. So? Voting is a terrible inconvenience. And with the voter suppression thing? It becomes moreso.

Seniors? That's generally NOT the case. Middle class seniors vote all the time. Why? Because they see politicians actively whooing them. And they feel a "buy in" to the system.

But Democrats can and should work both fronts. Getting the working poor and other poor out to vote by convincing them they really do have a buy in.

And letting Seniors know that Republicans want to cut something they've worked for..

Sallow people have been poor since day one....what are the Democrats going to do for them?.....feed them more bullshit?....and then do nothing just like all the other times?...poor people may not be as stupid as your wonderful party thinks they are....
It has always been fashionable for republicans to demonize the poor. However, I noticed somewhere before the last election that the republicans now also demonize the working poor. Whereas, they used to just go after "welfare queens", they now include McDonalds and Walmart employees. They can't call them lazy, so they say that they lack the ambition and drive to lift themselves out of poverty. Raising the minimum wage is "redistribution of wealth", which is code words for forcing companies who routinely put mom and pop stores out of business should be able to continue to make hundreds of billions in profits while their employees get food stamps from us tax payers.

As for their chances in mid term elections, all they really have to do is to convince Hispanic, women, gay, SS and Medicare recipients , and poor people to vote for them, and they have it made! That's going to happen, for sure... just as soon as the earth burns and the sun freezes.
It has always been fashionable for republicans to demonize the poor. However, I noticed somewhere before the last election that the republicans now also demonize the working poor. Whereas, they used to just go after "welfare queens", they now include McDonalds and Walmart employees. They can't call them lazy, so they say that they lack the ambition and drive to lift themselves out of poverty. Raising the minimum wage is "redistribution of wealth", which is code words for forcing companies who routinely put mom and pop stores out of business should be able to continue to make hundreds of billions in profits while their employees get food stamps from us tax payers.

As for their chances in mid term elections, all they really have to do is to convince Hispanic, women, gay, SS and Medicare recipients , and poor people to vote for them, and they have it made! That's going to happen, for sure... just as soon as the earth burns and the sun freezes.

total horseshit. every word is a lie.
Excellent. Londoner drops a dose of sanity here and two nutters who are bright enough to get half if what he said try to dismantle it.......failing miserably.

Ryan is in it for Ryan. He knows that 20% of the electorate will never abandon him so long as he focuses on three things.

1. Expressing a desire to never raise taxes.
2. Express a desire to cut spending aimed at helping the less fortunate among us.
3. Express a desire to end the ACA.

Doing so gives him a reliable market for his books and speaking appearances for the remainder of his productive years.

The midterms will be good for nutters unless there is high turnout.

The whole enchilada ( yes, nutters....I know you'll enjoy that ) rests on turnout.

Ryan is in it for Ryan

and how is that any different than any Politician alive today?....
It has always been fashionable for republicans to demonize the poor. However, I noticed somewhere before the last election that the republicans now also demonize the working poor. Whereas, they used to just go after "welfare queens", they now include McDonalds and Walmart employees. They can't call them lazy, so they say that they lack the ambition and drive to lift themselves out of poverty. Raising the minimum wage is "redistribution of wealth", which is code words for forcing companies who routinely put mom and pop stores out of business should be able to continue to make hundreds of billions in profits while their employees get food stamps from us tax payers.

As for their chances in mid term elections, all they really have to do is to convince Hispanic, women, gay, SS and Medicare recipients , and poor people to vote for them, and they have it made! That's going to happen, for sure... just as soon as the earth burns and the sun freezes.

total horseshit. every word is a lie.

The depth of your assessment surprises me. I was expecting only, "Fuck you!". Are you taking debating courses? Keep it up, and you might be invited to stay up late with the grownups!

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