Breaking: Republicans just handed Democrats the Midterms.

Sallow's original post is silly, of course.

But based on historical observations, and noting that SOME of our liberals here at USMB get the liberal / Democrat Parody talking pointlesses BEFORE others, it is pretty safe to predict that:

in the coming days (maybe even weeks) MANY elected liberal Democratics are going to be intoning the same catch phrases about the House vote that Sallow muttered in his USMB OP here.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


Add that and all the Democrats that will run on Obamacare, the Democrats should be a shoe in.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


Add that and all the Democrats that will run on Obamacare, the Democrats should be a shoe in.

* * * *

Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.
Excellent. Londoner drops a dose of sanity here and two nutters who are bright enough to get half if what he said try to dismantle it.......failing miserably.

Ryan is in it for Ryan. He knows that 20% of the electorate will never abandon him so long as he focuses on three things.

1. Expressing a desire to never raise taxes.
2. Express a desire to cut spending aimed at helping the less fortunate among us.
3. Express a desire to end the ACA.

Doing so gives him a reliable market for his books and speaking appearances for the remainder of his productive years.

The midterms will be good for nutters unless there is high turnout.

The whole enchilada ( yes, nutters....I know you'll enjoy that ) rests on turnout.

Ryan is in it for Ryan

and how is that any different than any Politician alive today?....

I know that you want to throw your hands up.....or point fingers in every direction. It means you can never really be "wrong".

My pointing out what Ryan is doing has nothing to do with any other politician. Some are, believe it or not, serious about something. Even if that something is seeking higher office. Ryan is serious about nothing.

I'm as ( if not more ) cynical as the next guy when it comes to the motives of people who have been soiled by the culture in our nation's Capitol. But they are not all cut from the same spite of how attractive it may be to believe that.

well thats your opinion far the politicians i have seen in DC from either party only care about 2 things.....what they can get out of the deal and what kind of advantage they can get for their party over the other guys.....and the stuff you say that some are serious about?....yea if it has to do with making them look good...then they are serious.....
One of the most surprising things I've had to come to terms with is how Progressives are unabashed, pathological liars.

Once you understand that, it's a breeze to debate them

Perhaps it's worthwhile to debate the more educated moonbats who know damn well that their agenda is to destroy the constitution and promote an authoritarian nanny state.

Bed wetters like swallow are far too stupid to debate. They just regurgitate the talking points they're programmed to respond with, along with some pathetic pseudointellectual denunciation like "you're a racist". They exist in a delusion that their policies have lead to great things, and that somehow all the collectivist regimes that slaughtered, starved, gassed, and worked to death untold millions of people were actually "rightwing".

I prefer to use their own tactic against them.

A leftist sociopath said:
Alynsky Rule #5: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

Indeed it is.

For years the left had the entire entertainment industry locked down, as well as the "news" media. With the advent of talk radio and then the internet we have managed to expose just how utterly insipid ordinary liberals are, and how wicked and self serving their political whores are.

It has been a long and tedious process, but I believe we're winning not just in the arena of political ideas but in the court of public opinion as it were.

Everytime it snows in April, the biggest joke in the world is Algore's bullshit ecoreligion and that is among people who don't even pay attention to politics. I've noticed that bed wetters aren't as quick as they used to be too call their opponents Nazis. Maybe that's because anyone who knows anything has realized the "progressives" were inspired by national socialists and fascists.
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House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


Add that and all the Democrats that will run on Obamacare, the Democrats should be a shoe in.

* * * *

Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.

you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.
I hate to say this but the thing about the poor is that many really do feel totally hopeless. They feel abandoned by government and that their vote doesn't count. So? Voting is a terrible inconvenience. And with the voter suppression thing? It becomes moreso.

Seniors? That's generally NOT the case. Middle class seniors vote all the time. Why? Because they see politicians actively whooing them. And they feel a "buy in" to the system.

But Democrats can and should work both fronts. Getting the working poor and other poor out to vote by convincing them they really do have a buy in.

And letting Seniors know that Republicans want to cut something they've worked for..

Sallow people have been poor since day one....what are the Democrats going to do for them?.....feed them more bullshit?....and then do nothing just like all the other times?...poor people may not be as stupid as your wonderful party thinks they are....

Well Harry..each time the Democratic party actually gets to implement stuff..there are less poor people.


The New Deal actually made a "middle class'.

First time evah!

there are less poor people?.....tell that to all those people stuck in the ghettos of the big cities that have been there before the new sure they will agree with you....the only people that get out of the ghettos are the ones who get a break in life or the ones who get the fuck out of there on their own, which may be rare....
Sallow people have been poor since day one....what are the Democrats going to do for them?.....feed them more bullshit?....and then do nothing just like all the other times?...poor people may not be as stupid as your wonderful party thinks they are....

Well Harry..each time the Democratic party actually gets to implement stuff..there are less poor people.


The New Deal actually made a "middle class'.

First time evah!

there are less poor people?.....tell that to all those people stuck in the ghettos of the big cities that have been there before the new sure they will agree with you....the only people that get out of the ghettos are the ones who get a break in life or the ones who get the fuck out of there on their own, which may be rare....

before social security, 50% of all senior citizens lived below the poverty line

you cannot have a middle class simply through "free market". laissez faire has always been a failure and there is no such thing as trickle down voodoo economics...
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Ayn Rand collected every nickel of SS. Didn't turn down or give back a dime. Whenever there is a natural disaster in places like Louisiana, Republicans are the first to beg for Federal help. Red States have always been the biggest takers, and you will NEVER see a Republican senior give back their SS or Medicare benefits. Never, ever, ever, never.

How 'bout them Walmart Walton's? Their employees draw huge benefits from government because they can't survive on poverty wages. This is our biggest employer, whose profit margins are sustained by ol' uncle sucker. And let's not even mention how unpatriotic Walmart is, getting over 20% of their products made in communist China (see sweatshop labor costs). Post-Reagan capitalism is the story of how our noble John Galts got in bed with freedom-hating nations for the cheap labor. And these are the biggest funders of the Republican Party. What a racket.

And let's not even talk about the economy - which is run by state protected monopolies, the ones which have erected a lobbying empire around our political organs. John Galt not only came out of hiding; he now owns government. In the Russia of Ayn Rand's youth, Stalin steals the family pharmacy. Now, big pharma owns government. The roles have reversed, but talk radio still convinces a group of uneducated idiots that it's still the 30s.

Hey Republicans: do you understand the patent system? This is where the nanny state intervenes in the economy to protect the investments of the wealthy. Or... what about the Pentagon budget pays for the protection Exxon's oil fields in Iraq? Republicans never complain about this raping of the taxpayer. Or what about the satellite system, created by big government and handed to the private sector. Business has always been deeply parasitic on the state, not only in terms of patent enforcement and military protection of overseas supply chains or the advanced industrial infrastructure provided by Government, but also the legal system and the whole corrupt mess of subsidies and bailouts. The State is a dynamic advocate for the narrow accumulation of capital. Everybody knows this, save the folks who listen to noise machine (Limbaugh/Fox/etc.,). We have become an aristocracy where birth counts more than merit.

Of course, the corporate owners of government don't admit they own government. They claim to be victims. And they get these poor loser schlubs - people making less than 100K - to vote for the party of billionaires. They do this by dividing Americans against each other through a toxic culture war. They convince the stupid that their country has been stolen, but they never admit that they are the ones who stole it. God help us.

Most of us understand this all to well.

What has it got to do with the OP ?

Or did you mean to go off topic ?
Well Harry..each time the Democratic party actually gets to implement stuff..there are less poor people.


The New Deal actually made a "middle class'.

First time evah!

there are less poor people?.....tell that to all those people stuck in the ghettos of the big cities that have been there before the new sure they will agree with you....the only people that get out of the ghettos are the ones who get a break in life or the ones who get the fuck out of there on their own, which may be rare....

before social security, 50% of all senior citizens lived below the poverty line

It takes more than just the simple stupid statements you make like this to prove a point.

Unemployement amongst seniors was well above the national rate, even during the depression. Why ? Because prior to that time, most seniors worked as part of family farms or family businesses. They didn't just retire, the faded. As they became less capable, they got less responsibility...but they still contributed.

Then along comes the industrial revolution and seniors were marginalized.

Many seniors on S.S. today are below the poverty line and thanks to S.S. many do not save for retirement (even though...S.S. says it isn't supposed to be the main sourse of retirement income.

You are a loser.
Add that and all the Democrats that will run on Obamacare, the Democrats should be a shoe in.

* * * *

Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.

you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

Of which 5 million probably had insurance before...many of whom lost good plans and are now paying more.....what else would you like to know ?

Well Harry..each time the Democratic party actually gets to implement stuff..there are less poor people.


The New Deal actually made a "middle class'.

First time evah!

there are less poor people?.....tell that to all those people stuck in the ghettos of the big cities that have been there before the new sure they will agree with you....the only people that get out of the ghettos are the ones who get a break in life or the ones who get the fuck out of there on their own, which may be rare....

before social security, 50% of all senior citizens lived below the poverty line

you cannot have a middle class simply through "free market". laissez faire has always been a failure and there is no such thing as trickle down voodoo economics...
there are not less poor people Jill.....Ghettos are just as overcrowded now as they were then....poverty from what i read went from 14% in 09 to 16% in 2008 it was 13%....
I didn't forget it at all.

The 10th doesn't trump constitutional supremacy.

And the congress can assign the federal government "powers" through legislation or changing the constitution.

Yeah..really. :D

FUCK you! you MARXIST piece of shit.

Listen Nazi.

You didn't even know what was in the Constitution.

Now go play in the corner.

You were owned, Henrich.

The only thing you own is collection of butt-plugs. couldn't own your grandmother.
I hate to say this but the thing about the poor is that many really do feel totally hopeless. They feel abandoned by government and that their vote doesn't count. So? Voting is a terrible inconvenience. And with the voter suppression thing? It becomes moreso.

Seniors? That's generally NOT the case. Middle class seniors vote all the time. Why? Because they see politicians actively whooing them. And they feel a "buy in" to the system.

But Democrats can and should work both fronts. Getting the working poor and other poor out to vote by convincing them they really do have a buy in.

And letting Seniors know that Republicans want to cut something they've worked for..

Sallow people have been poor since day one....what are the Democrats going to do for them?.....feed them more bullshit?....and then do nothing just like all the other times?...poor people may not be as stupid as your wonderful party thinks they are....

Well Harry..each time the Democratic party actually gets to implement stuff..there are less poor people.


The New Deal actually made a "middle class'.

First time evah!

The New Deal didn't do squat. You morons need to get out of your political mosques and look around you.
The shock value of a Ryan budget has passed. Nobody takes them seriously and knows they will never pass

So does Ryan

It's not a "shock value" thing,'s a pattern of behavior.

A lot of people aren't even aware of what's in this mess.

Democrats have a huge opportunity here.

Hopefully they don't blow it.


Like they lost the house (they were supposed to keep for ten years) in two.

Don't hold your breath.
there are less poor people?.....tell that to all those people stuck in the ghettos of the big cities that have been there before the new sure they will agree with you....the only people that get out of the ghettos are the ones who get a break in life or the ones who get the fuck out of there on their own, which may be rare....

before social security, 50% of all senior citizens lived below the poverty line

you cannot have a middle class simply through "free market". laissez faire has always been a failure and there is no such thing as trickle down voodoo economics...
there are not less poor people Jill.....Ghettos are just as overcrowded now as they were then....poverty from what i read went from 14% in 09 to 16% in 2008 it was 13%....

Don't listen to Shillian. She knows nothing except what her masters tell her.
Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.

you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

Of which 5 million probably had insurance before...many of whom lost good plans and are now paying more.....what else would you like to know ?


Jillian posted the Rand study as proof that the ACA was a RAGING success.

The Rand study points out that of the 7.8 off Exchange policies purchased only .5 were previously uninsured and yet she runs like a bitch when it is pointed out.
You can book mark this if you want.

House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


well, since you are the only one who believes this, including all polls and analysts. Seniors have been so screwed over by Obama.

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