Breaking: Republicans just handed Democrats the Midterms.

Add that and all the Democrats that will run on Obamacare, the Democrats should be a shoe in.

* * * *

Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.

you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

7 million covered.

and 300 million paying for it.

Somehow I'm betting the GOP will remind the voters who was behind Obamacare.
Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.

you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

7 million covered.

and 300 million paying for it.

Somehow I'm betting the GOP will remind the voters who was behind Obamacare.

Which, I suspect, is why Sebellius was shown the door. SOMEONE has to clean this crap up (or make it look as though it has been cleaned up) before November. Won't work. The Dems are toast.
As much as the Dems on this board tell us Obamacare is great, the proof is how many Democrats running for office will campaign on this. Very big difference.

So either the liberals on this board are nuts or they are lying about how great they really think Obamacare is.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Not only are most Americans unaware of what Ryan did, those who know will likely forget by the time the elections roll around. I believe the R's will hold the House, and take the Senate.

As much as the Dems ran all those ads with a Ryan look-a-like push granny off the cliff a couple of years ago, which really hurt the GOP, I'd bet my bottom dollar that ads like that will be running at a very high pace. They worked then, why wouldn't they work again.
And the Dems will probably running ads about the GOP blocking equal pay for women too.
That's two issues where the GOP took the wrong side of the issue as far as demographic numbers go.
I said this before. The GOP had what I saw as a clean sweep in the midterms, but the shot themselves in foot and leveled the playing field.
there are less poor people?.....tell that to all those people stuck in the ghettos of the big cities that have been there before the new sure they will agree with you....the only people that get out of the ghettos are the ones who get a break in life or the ones who get the fuck out of there on their own, which may be rare....

before social security, 50% of all senior citizens lived below the poverty line

It takes more than just the simple stupid statements you make like this to prove a point.

Unemployement amongst seniors was well above the national rate, even during the depression. Why ? Because prior to that time, most seniors worked as part of family farms or family businesses. They didn't just retire, the faded. As they became less capable, they got less responsibility...but they still contributed.

Then along comes the industrial revolution and seniors were marginalized.

Many seniors on S.S. today are below the poverty line and thanks to S.S. many do not save for retirement (even though...S.S. says it isn't supposed to be the main sourse of retirement income.

You are a loser.

it is always amusing when one of the stupidest people on the board insults *my* intelligence.

now run along, go to school. then maybe when you grow up some day you won't be the pathetic failure you seem destined to be.
Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.

you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

Of which 5 million probably had insurance before...many of whom lost good plans and are now paying more.....what else would you like to know ?


Which is basically a lie.

In any case folks like you hate Americans.

And just want to see them die.

Death, disease and decay is what you offer.

You and your ilk are the personification of evil.
Add that and all the Democrats that will run on Obamacare, the Democrats should be a shoe in.

* * * *

Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.

you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

False figures which will get embarrassingly corrected will not help lolberal Democratics get re-elected.

And that figure is false.

First of all, we were "told" that ObumblerCare was necessary to get something on the order of 39 MILLION uncovered folks "covered." 7 million is a bit of a short fall, especially at those costs.

Secondly, of course, LOTS of people who were satisfied with their coverage proceeded to LOSE their coverage BECAUSE of ObumblerCare.

But whatever. It will all get distorted by the Lame Stream Liberal "media," before (eventually) the actual story gets told over their cacaPHONY.
you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

Of which 5 million probably had insurance before...many of whom lost good plans and are now paying more.....what else would you like to know ?


Which is basically a lie.

In any case folks like you hate Americans.

And just want to see them die.

Death, disease and decay is what you offer.

You and your ilk are the personification of evil.

So how many Democrats are going to run on Obamacare? 100%? 85%? 50%?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Oh, come now. It's not as though the GOP would be so ungentlemanly as to remind the voters of who was behind the passage of ObumblerCare or how it has worked out.

you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

False figures which will get embarrassingly corrected will not help lolberal Democratics get re-elected.

And that figure is false.

First of all, we were "told" that ObumblerCare was necessary to get something on the order of 39 MILLION uncovered folks "covered." 7 million is a bit of a short fall, especially at those costs.

Secondly, of course, LOTS of people who were satisfied with their coverage proceeded to LOSE their coverage BECAUSE of ObumblerCare.

But whatever. It will all get distorted by the Lame Stream Liberal "media," before (eventually) the actual story gets told over their cacaPHONY.

lets not forget the 6 million who lost coverage
you mean with 7 million people being covered.

yes... please do.

False figures which will get embarrassingly corrected will not help lolberal Democratics get re-elected.

And that figure is false.

First of all, we were "told" that ObumblerCare was necessary to get something on the order of 39 MILLION uncovered folks "covered." 7 million is a bit of a short fall, especially at those costs.

Secondly, of course, LOTS of people who were satisfied with their coverage proceeded to LOSE their coverage BECAUSE of ObumblerCare.

But whatever. It will all get distorted by the Lame Stream Liberal "media," before (eventually) the actual story gets told over their cacaPHONY.

lets not forget the 6 million who lost coverage

that would be incorrect. you should probably get your numbers straight because those people got real coverage instead of insurance company scam coverage.
You can book mark this if you want.

House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

The measure passed after a three-day debate that again exposed the hugely varying visions of the rival parties for the nation's fiscal future. Republicans promised a balanced budget by 2024 but would do so at the expense of poor people and seniors on Medicaid, lower-income workers receiving "Obamacare" subsidies, and people receiving food stamps and Pell Grants.
House passes Ryan budget with big cuts - US News

Seniors are reliably Republican.

They just completely screwed themselves.


They never seem to cut their own over bloated retirement and entitlements....or,,,,,cut from the top down, not the bottom up....
I'm a senior...I not a demoquack..cut my SS..I could give a fuck.
SS was insolvent YEARS ago. I won't ever see it.

Isn't that funny... you constantly hear that SS is broke and that they want to cut benefits for the very people that paid into it their entire life... but you never hear about them wanting to cut SNAPS, EBT cards and obama phones for illegal aliens.

And there's your progressive, leftist, shit bags for ya.
False figures which will get embarrassingly corrected will not help lolberal Democratics get re-elected.

And that figure is false.

First of all, we were "told" that ObumblerCare was necessary to get something on the order of 39 MILLION uncovered folks "covered." 7 million is a bit of a short fall, especially at those costs.

Secondly, of course, LOTS of people who were satisfied with their coverage proceeded to LOSE their coverage BECAUSE of ObumblerCare.

But whatever. It will all get distorted by the Lame Stream Liberal "media," before (eventually) the actual story gets told over their cacaPHONY.

lets not forget the 6 million who lost coverage

that would be incorrect. you should probably get your numbers straight because those people got real coverage instead of insurance company scam coverage.

You posted the Rand Study, how many did they say lost their insurance Jillian?
lets not forget the 6 million who lost coverage

that would be incorrect. you should probably get your numbers straight because those people got real coverage instead of insurance company scam coverage.

You posted the Rand Study, how many did they say lost their insurance Jillian?

Critics of the law now say millions lost their health insurance. But that’s misleading. Those individual market plans were discontinued, but policyholders weren’t denied coverage. And the question is, how many millions of insured Americans had plans canceled, and how does that compare with the millions of uninsured Americans who gained coverage under the law.

There is evidence that far more have gained coverage than had their policies canceled.

?Millions? Lost Insurance
lets not forget the 6 million who lost coverage

that would be incorrect. you should probably get your numbers straight because those people got real coverage instead of insurance company scam coverage.

You posted the Rand Study, how many did they say lost their insurance Jillian?

good memory. i posted an article from the Washington Post that discussed the Rand story.
the article can speak for itself. :)

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds
B. Insane just sent another one of his budgets to Congress, and Guess What....

Another Obama joke shop budget got shot down again.
This one went down to defeat 413– 2.

Disingenuous distortion of the facts!

They voted down Republican amendments to the Obama budget!

House and Senate Unanimously Reject Obama Budgets ? Or Do They? - ABC News

“Gimmicks are not solutions,” White House press secretary Jay Carney emailed to ABC News. “The American people overwhelmingly support a balanced approach to our long-term budget challenges. That’s the approach the President supports. The sooner Republicans drop their intransigence and join the American people in supporting a balanced approach, the sooner Congress will be able to come together and reach a compromise.”
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Miss., introduced a budget amendment representing the president’s budget request; the Sessions amendment was voted down 99-0. (You can read it HERE.)
A similar effort from Rep. Mick Mulvaney, R-SC, was rejected in the House 414-0.
Sessions told reporters that it was “stunning” that no one voted for the version of the Obama budget he put forward. “A sitting president of the United States, seeking reelection, can’t lay out a plan that will gain a single vote in the House or Senate for the financial future of America,” he said. “It speaks volumes
While the Sessions and Mulvaney bills put forward the same topline numbers as those in the president’s budget, neither offered any specifics. The Sessions legislation was 56 pages long; actual budgets are closer to 2,000 pages long.

The actual budget was never voted on in either the Senate or the House.

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