Breaking Reuters: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Says Trump Never Discussed Comey During Meeting

Remember when journalists would not run a story until it was verified as accurate and true.
Remember when we didn't believe much of anything the Russians said? Like "We aren't trying to take over Crimea--that's not us"

Your new Marvel comic name is Deflector!

Poison blood spurts from her eyeballs whenever the name Trump is mentioned.
Yeah, watch that blood spurting from wherever shit. I think that was used once before....
Remember when journalists would not run a story until it was verified as accurate and true.
Remember when we didn't believe much of anything the Russians said? Like "We aren't trying to take over Crimea--that's not us"

Your new Marvel comic name is Deflector!
I felt it was very on point.

Lib please, we are discussing US journalists who have abandoned their professional integrity, who run stories that are half truths, false, not vetted and you deflected 8,000 miles to Russia wtf.
No, no, no....we were talking about Russia's credibility, since the OP is heralding that the NYT is lying because Lavrov the Russian says so. Since when do we believe Russia, who tells Big Ones like that on a regular basis?
Not surprised. Why would he mention an employee he already fired during an important meeting? Especially to put them down.

Trump may say crazy crap when he isn't working but when he is working he is all business from what I've seen

He said it twice, once on national tv, proving criminal obstruction of justice.


And yeah, he really is that stupid.
And since you call the orange clown your " glorious leader" you make no bones about it, he's a full fledged dictator.
In order to drain the swamp and become a patriotic Nationalist nation, we need a Trumpenfuhrer! America First!

Draining the swamp includes getting rid of you
You were duped with Tramp's lie that he's draining the swamp. He's STOCKED the swamp with Wall Street types and incompetent boobs.
You're so easily fooled I almost feel sorry for you.
It's amazing that the easily duped now are also sucking Russia's cock just like Tramp does.

DEPLORABLES priorities:
1. Their supreme leader
2. Fox News
3. Party
4. Country

Sad but true.
So now you believe the Russians?
And since you call the orange clown your " glorious leader" you make no bones about it, he's a full fledged dictator.

Sadly the media has less credibility than them at this point. Almost Every huge breaking story this week has had them lying about something.

When you are right you don't have to make crap up
There have been no lies. The leaks are coming from YOUR people, inside the White House.
So you're saying you don't trust Tramp's staff.
I also remember when we could mostly trust in these journalistic ethics and standards in reporting.
SPJ Code of Ethics | Society of Professional Journalists | Improving and protecting journalism since 1909

Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity.

The Society declares these four principles as the foundation of ethical journalism and encourages their use in its practice by all people in all media.

Seek Truth and
Report It

Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

Journalists should:

Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.

Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy.

Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.

Gather, update and correct information throughout the life of a news story.

Be cautious when making promises, but keep the promises they make.

Identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of sources.

Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted.

Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.

Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.

Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless.

Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.

Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all.

Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.

Boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear.

Avoid stereotyping. Journalists should examine the ways their values and experiences may shape their reporting.

Label advocacy and commentary.

Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information. Clearly label illustrations and re-enactments.

Never plagiarize. Always attribute.
Minimize Harm
Act Independently
Be Accountable and Transparent

Remember when journalists would not run a story until it was verified as accurate and true.
Remember when we didn't believe much of anything the Russians said? Like "We aren't trying to take over Crimea--that's not us"
If American journalists had been allowed in the Oval Office, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But even most Republicans now love Russia the way Trump does.
I also remember when we could mostly trust in these journalistic ethics and standards in reporting.
SPJ Code of Ethics | Society of Professional Journalists | Improving and protecting journalism since 1909

Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity.

The Society declares these four principles as the foundation of ethical journalism and encourages their use in its practice by all people in all media.

Seek Truth and
Report It

Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

Journalists should:

Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.

Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy.

Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.

Gather, update and correct information throughout the life of a news story.

Be cautious when making promises, but keep the promises they make.

Identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of sources.

Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted.

Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.

Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.

Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless.

Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.

Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all.

Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.

Boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear.

Avoid stereotyping. Journalists should examine the ways their values and experiences may shape their reporting.

Label advocacy and commentary.

Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information. Clearly label illustrations and re-enactments.

Never plagiarize. Always attribute.
Minimize Harm
Act Independently
Be Accountable and Transparent

Remember when journalists would not run a story until it was verified as accurate and true.
Remember when we didn't believe much of anything the Russians said? Like "We aren't trying to take over Crimea--that's not us"
Modern day reporters don't even know that exists.
More proof the Jew York Slimes are perpetuating lies aimed out our glorious leader, Donald Trump. Our president is being targeted in a systematic organized plot to have him removed from office he was duly elected to serve. The facts prove it.


You've really ramped up the Jew thing lately. Thank you for that. It's good to see the real Trump fans being themselves.
Breaking Reuters: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Says Trump Never Discussed Comey During Meeting

The White House did not deny the facts as reported by the NYT - but the interpretation.

Trump told Russians firing 'nut job' Comey relieved 'great pressure': report
From your link:

"according to a New York Times report Friday"

Nope, that won't fly! The New York Times have zero reputation

What's Lavrov's reputation?
Breaking Reuters: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Says Trump Never Discussed Comey During Meeting

The White House did not deny the facts as reported by the NYT - but the interpretation.

Trump told Russians firing 'nut job' Comey relieved 'great pressure': report
From your link:

"according to a New York Times report Friday"

Nope, that won't fly! The New York Times have zero reputation

What's Lavrov's reputation?
Enough for our glorious leader to grace him with his presence.
More proof the Jew York Slimes are perpetuating lies aimed out our glorious leader, Donald Trump. Our president is being targeted in a systematic organized plot to have him removed from office he was duly elected to serve. The facts prove it.


You've really ramped up the Jew thing lately. Thank you for that. It's good to see the real Trump fans being themselves.
Yes, we're just being truthful in a non-politically correct way.
So now you believe the Russians?
And since you call the orange clown your " glorious leader" you make no bones about it, he's a full fledged dictator.

Ok don't believe Russia, but do you use the same standards when listening to the lying media.

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