BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

What evidence involved in Flynn's lying to the FBI was obtained illegally?

Ever heard of Miranda Rights? We know Strzok was invited into Flynn's office not knowing he was being interviewed on a criminal matter and we know he didn't have counsel present. Even a dumbass like you should know he may not have been Mirandized.

Flynn wasn't under arrest when he was interviewed by the FBI. He wasn't a suspect, either. The only crime he's being charged with resulted directly from that interview, and obviously wasn't at play, at the time.

You don't get Mirandized if you're not under arrest.
Way to go moron...

Every investigator knows that if you want your findings to be admissible in court as evidence YOU MUST MIRANDIZE..

This is one of the reason they are going after the Mueller idiots.. They are pulling fallacious crap out of their ass.. The judge even recused himself from this case due to conflicts...


Don't base your knowledge of the law on Law & Order.

To use statements made while under arrest against someone in court, they must be Mirandized.

Flynn was not under arrest when he lied to the FBI.
You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.
Great, maybe you can succeed where Tom Horn failed miserably....

... show where Miranda is required during non-custodial interviews with law enforcement...
what in the WORLD is President Trump trying to hide for him to go through his Saturday night Massacre in slow motion?
Not when Flynn and his lawyer signed off that they waived all appeal rights. .

Wrong. If it is found that the DOJ and the FBI broke the law then flynns guilty plea is considered to have been made UNDER DURESS. Look it up. And I suggest you not use wiki or Law and Order reruns for your legal education.

Maybe you don't understand. No matter what happens Flynns and Papadopoulos' guilty pleadings are now etched in stone. Both the accused and their lawyers signed under penalty of perjury, that they waived all appeal rights.

There isn't a court they can go to to change the conviction.
Well that's not true. If Flynn could find proof the evidence used against him was illegally obtained, he could have his plea vacated. Flynn's problem, is that there is apparently no such evidence.

Well, somebody we know is holding up his sentencing for some unknown reason. Why is one more possible than the other?
Because no one here knows the reason it's being held up. Anything anyone says is nothing but speculation. Hysterically, most of the claims here are regarding the FISA warrant on Carter Page which has nothing to do with Flynn lying to the FBI.
Maybe you should break out a pool cue and use it on him... and then after you knock him out, cut off one of his ears and add it to your necklace.

Oh, never mind, you only hit women with pool cues. :abgg2q.jpg:

Ah, the snitch pops in....Ears stink as they mummify and nobody wore them as a "necklace"....some REMF stole mine....tried to frag him but the fuse was no good and he never knew how close he came to getting his name etched on that ugly fucking black wall.
Maybe you should break out a pool cue and use it on him... and then after you knock him out, cut off one of his ears and add it to your necklace.

Oh, never mind, you only hit women with pool cues. :abgg2q.jpg:

Ah, the snitch pops in....Ears stink as they mummify and nobody wore them as a "necklace"....some REMF stole mine....tried to frag him but the fuse was no good and he never knew how close he came to getting his name etched on that ugly fucking black wall.

You should lay off that stolen valor stuff. No one is going to believe you were really a soldier when you couldn't defend yourself from a woman with your bare hands.


Do you have a link to "Flynn's attorneys" stating that?

Or did you hear it from "secret sources"?
Now you idiots want named sources..??. but your unnamed sources are pristine and truthful....

I trust my sources in the intelligence community a hell of a lot more than your CNN pieces of crap.
You said Flynn's attorney's said what you claimed. Now you're running away from your own claims??


Fine, post a link to an unamed source claiming Flynn's attorneys "stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained."

I have run from nothing... I just exposed your lying hypocrisy.. You have no problem holding up your unnamed sources as the truth.. when someone else does it, that doesn't agree with your lies you get all tweeked up...:5_1_12024:

If you weren't running from your own claims, you'd back them up.

You didn't back up your claims for the simple reality that you can't back up your claims.

No one is asking you for a named source. Post a link to anyone (besides you) claiming Flynn's attorneys "stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained."

You can't because you're an idiot who vomited nonsense on the forum about that which you know nothing of.
What a DERP....

Keep running in circles with sharp objects...

Thanks for taking the coward's way out. Really speaks volumes about you.

You said....
Flynn's attorneys are stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained.
... I challenged you to prove Flynn's attorneys said that, using name or unnamed sources, and you're making up every excuse imaginable to not post a link to that nonsense.

Your bullshit is sooo easily exposed.

You should lay off that stolen valor stuff. No one is going to believe you were really a soldier when you couldn't defend yourself from a woman with your bare hands.


I remember when you tried to pick a fight with me and gave me a phony address to meet you at. :21:
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

What evidence involved in Flynn's lying to the FBI was obtained illegally?

If I remember right, wasn't he caught up in a violation and misuse of the Espionage Act, which itself is a crime, in the first place?
Not when Flynn and his lawyer signed off that they waived all appeal rights. .

Wrong. If it is found that the DOJ and the FBI broke the law then flynns guilty plea is considered to have been made UNDER DURESS. Look it up. And I suggest you not use wiki or Law and Order reruns for your legal education.

Maybe you don't understand. No matter what happens Flynns and Papadopoulos' guilty pleadings are now etched in stone. Both the accused and their lawyers signed under penalty of perjury, that they waived all appeal rights.

There isn't a court they can go to to change the conviction.
Well that's not true. If Flynn could find proof the evidence used against him was illegally obtained, he could have his plea vacated. Flynn's problem, is that there is apparently no such evidence.

Well, somebody we know is holding up his sentencing for some unknown reason. Why is one more possible than the other?
Because no one here knows the reason it's being held up. Anything anyone says is nothing but speculation. Hysterically, most of the claims here are regarding the FISA warrant on Carter Page which has nothing to do with Flynn lying to the FBI.
My guess is that he is seeking lessening the sentencing or charges with further cooperation with Muller's investigation. That is the only think that makes sense in my mind.
..... what FISA warrant was illegally obtained pertaining to Flynn??

Y'all are confusing Flynn with Page.
That's what I was saying at first. There was no warrant for Flynn. That's why I was (speculating) arguing that if they found out Flynn was lying by looking at the Russian Ambassador's communications, that would be an illegal warrantless search on a U.S. Person.
Lets make this simple...

1. The Dossier, payed for by the Clinton Campign, was used to obtain a FISA warrant . The Dossier is fraudulent and disproved having no credibility.

2. Rosenstine and others knew the dossier was fraudulent and still presented it to the FISA court to obtain a wire tap warrant. This obtained Court orders by fraudulent means. A felony with a sentence of up to 10 years for each instance.

3. The FISA warrants (surveillance) gleaned information about potential criminal conduct through illegal unmasking and thus warrant-less and unreasonable search. (unmasking crimes, to numerous to count, are punishable by up to 5 years in prison for each offense)

4. Flynn was questioned formally, because of the illegal collection of information. They failed to Mirandize him and now his whole plea for "lying to the FBI" is now in question. The judge who presided over the hearing has recused himself due to conflicts. An investigation into unethical and illegal conduct is now open for the investigators and the sentencing placed on hold.

The whole of this goes back to the original dossier, its funding by a political opponent, the fact that those who presented it to the FISA court knew it was fraudulent and unverified.

Everything from the beginning is poisonous. Everything else is a distraction from the original point that this was done by fraud and with the intent to influence the election..

And everyone wonders why the do not want the memo released...
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What do you mean when you say "unmasking"?

Perhaps we're using different definitions of the word.

The obama admin was releasing the names of Americans "caught" up in the various surveillance programs they had going. That is "unmasking".
Great, so how does that render a warrant, "illegal?"
If half of what has been reported is true, then the info they used against flynn was most likely obtained via the illegal FISA warrant. If that is indeed factual, flynn walks.

If the fbi materially misreported the evidence they used to obtain the warrant that is called PERJURY. If they perjured themselves to obtain the warrant they are fucked three ways from Sunday.
Again, you're conflating the warrant on Page with Flynn. :rolleyes:

How do you know the memo has to do with Page?

You don't, do you?
The news is reporting unnamed sources familiar with the memo are claiming that's among Nunes' memo.
You should lay off that stolen valor stuff. No one is going to believe you were really a soldier when you couldn't defend yourself from a woman with your bare hands.


I remember when you tried to pick a fight with me and gave me a phony address to meet you at. :21:

Uh I don't think so. The only address I've ever given is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington D.C.
Great, maybe you can succeed where Tom Horn failed miserably....

Excuse me? If a subject believes himself to be in a "non-custodial" interview (say in the back of a patrol car) and the LEO doesn't inform him of legal jeopardy he may be in, then not Mirandizing him produces the poison fruit. Further, there's no better evidence than this caper to prove the FBI is free to lie their asses off to you but if you return the favor you go down for perjury.
Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.

Mueller got the evidence he used against Flynn because the FBI was wiretapping the Russian ambassador, and Flynn called him.

Then Flynn blatantly lied to the FBI about a call that he almost certainly knew was being monitored.

Maybe. We don't have a clue how they obtained the warrant. I am merely going on what has been reported. The fact that mueller has postponed sentencing tells me that the case is in trouble. There is no logical reason to ever postpone sentencing.

No warrant is needed to monitor foreign powers.

And I can think of many logical reasons for Mueller to postpone sentencing - for example, perhaps he's waiting to see how information given to him by Flynn plays out before he offers a sentence recommendation.

Sorry! That's unconstitutional.

What is "unconstitutional"?

Spying on foreign governments, or Mueller postponing sentencing?

Spying on foreign governments and then charging an American citizen based on that spying where no warrant exists.
You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.
Can you please cite your source?

I remember it differently. Maybe I am wrong. It's been a while.
If I sat in my patrol car and had a detainee in the back and he rambles on about the crime and i do not ask him any questions that is an unsolicited statement. That is admissible in court.

IF I take that same individual and I begin asking him questions and he answers, a lawyer can have that thrown out because he is in custody. An out of custody statement is a bit different.

IF you do not have custody and you ask to interview, formally as they did to Flynn, it is considered an IN CUSTODY INTERVIEW. You must give Miranda.

"The Miranda warning (often shortened to "Miranda", or "Mirandizing" a suspect) is the name of the formal warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial situation) before they are interrogated, in accordance with the Miranda ruling."
Miranda v. Arizona - Wikipedia

Dumbfuck ... I can't decide which is funnier ...

... that you link a wiki as evidence ... ?

.... or that your own link reads, "to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial situation) before they are interrogated."

Now prove Flynn was in custody when questioned....
Way to go moron...

Every investigator knows that if you want your findings to be admissible in court as evidence YOU MUST MIRANDIZE..

This is one of the reason they are going after the Mueller idiots.. They are pulling fallacious crap out of their ass.. The judge even recused himself from this case due to conflicts...


Don't base your knowledge of the law on Law & Order.

To use statements made while under arrest against someone in court, they must be Mirandized.

Flynn was not under arrest when he lied to the FBI.
You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.

No. You're just plain wrong, there's nothing else to say about it. Miranda v. Arizona only applies when interrogating people in custody.

Try Again.. 30 years in law enforcement and it very much so applies. A formal interview is "custody" and Miranda warnings are necessary.


No. You're wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.

From West's Encyclopedia of American Law:


n. 1) holding property under one's control. 2) law enforcement officials' act of holding an accused or convicted person in criminal proceedings, beginning with the arrest of that person. 3) in domestic relations (divorce, dissolution) a court's determination of which parent (or other appropriate party) should have physical and/or legal control and responsibility for a minor under 18. (See: child custody)

I can't link it, because it's behind a (very expensive) paywall. But there it is, nevertheless.

I've argued these cases in court... Good luck...
"The unmasking that was going on by the Obama admin tells me they had a tap going on Trump tower"

That sentence doesn't make sense. It looks like a pile of buzzwords without substance.

How would the "unmasking" tell you that Trump tower was tapped?

As for the surveillance that trapped Flynn in his lie - he was on the phone with the Russian Ambassador. It's a pretty safe bet that the target of the surveillance was the Russian, and not Flynn.
How about an illegally gotten tap on the phone? Actually, I would like to know what the conversation was exactly...mayne Flynn IS guilty.

It's not illegal to tap the Russian Ambassador's phone.

As for what they were talking about, it's been all over the news for a year now - and as for whether or not Flynn is guilty, he claims that he is, so why do you doubt him?

Like I said, I would like to know what he is guilty for. If it's trivial, or even illegal tactics used, Let him go. We have to have laws and the authorities have to abide by them. We are no better than a third world country if we allow illegal means used to get political enemies.

Flynn told the FBI that he had not talked to Ambassador Kislak about sanctions. The surveillence of Kislak, which picked up that phone call proved that he was lying.

Lying to the FBI is a crime, and the one that Flynn plead guilty to. There were no "illegal tactics" used, and no one forced Flynn to lie. It doesn't even really appear that he had reason to lie - but he did so anyway.

So how is Flynn being prosecuted from a wiretap on the Russian ambassador if he was not the target of the surveillance?

That would be like prosecuting someone for jaywalking when you can see him walking across the street on a traffic camera after he witnessed an armed robbery at a bank, and letting the bank robber go free!

you know that phone conversations generally have two participants, right?

if one is surveilled, the other will be heard
I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

no. a conviction based on illegally gotten evidence (which Flynn's wasn't despite rightwing fantasies) is reversible if they didn't know at the time of the trial thereby waiving the defect by not objecting.

with a plea there is a small chance pre-sentencing but generally only if the judge rejects the plea deal

and let's not forget that mueller held back state charges that wouldn't be barred by double jeopardy. he'd go to jail.

What state charges?

Talking out of your ass again?

I figured after the SOTU, you be sitting in an ice water bath to sooth the burns on your ass!

figuring isn't necessarily your strong suit
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant that was used to spy on him. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing
You can't expect to be saved just because you got caught while being an American by birth.

You don't want to get rid of a weapon that helps protect America just because it puts a kabash on GOP adventurism.

People who aren't traitors would want the real traitors caught.
A traitor? Like someone who purchased a dossier from Russian intelligence? Steele already admitted to using Russian intelligence to mother Jones and it was reported again in the Vanity story.

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