BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

Yeah, I am sure Flynn was calling the Russian ambassador on a payphone in Jersey City, NJ!
Doesn't matter one bit. Even if they were tapping the Russian Ambassador (they were) they illegally reviewed a U.S. Person's conversation without a warrant. THAT is the issue.

Poisonous tree.

Can you tell me what law was broken by "reviewing a U.S. Person's conversation" without a warrant?

How about the 4th Amendment? DUH!

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A wiretap requires a warrant, does it not?

Part of the unmasking had to do with information provided by foreign governments who were doing their own surveillance of the Russians.

Care to provide a link to that. I haven't heard one bit of that.

You haven't heard about an "illegal warrant" used on Flynn either -- that didn't interfere with your claims about an "illegal warrant" you know nothing about which is not being reported about by anyone.

And you're still stuck on square one bleating about that which you know nothing about.

Cries the idiot who has zero knowledge of the illegally obtained warrant used on Flynn because it's actually alledged to have been used on Page, not Flynn.


You keep trotting that out as though it exists. Where is it?
WASHINGTON — A secret, highly contentious Republican memo reveals that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein approved an application to extend surveillance of a former Trump campaign associate shortly after taking office last spring, according to three people familiar with it. The renewal shows that the Justice Department under President Trump saw reason to believe that the associate, Carter Page, was acting as a Russian agent

Secret Memo Hints at a New Republican Target: Rod Rosenstein

I started a thread for people to go on record for what they expect the memo will reveal. You're welcome to post your theory in it, if you've got the confidence to do so.

Note to viewers: some of you may wonder how I get away with giving this mod a ration of shit on occasion. Although he Rubber Roomed a thread of mine today, generally he's a prick but not an asshole who bans for being outplayed. :eusa_hand:

if he's ever outplayed by you, i'll keep this in mind.
None's been reported. That's the point.
Yes. The overzealous are at item Z when we're still at item D. They also keep trying to backdoor a Miranda defense on what is clearly a non-custodial interrogation.

I have tried to guide and educate...but my experience as an out-of-work custodial technician has not helped me make a good case.

I am inadequate.
Maybe. We don't have a clue how they obtained the warrant. I am merely going on what has been reported. The fact that mueller has postponed sentencing tells me that the case is in trouble. There is no logical reason to ever postpone sentencing.

No warrant is needed to monitor foreign powers.

And I can think of many logical reasons for Mueller to postpone sentencing - for example, perhaps he's waiting to see how information given to him by Flynn plays out before he offers a sentence recommendation.

If there was a tap on trump tower there was a warrant. Period. How they obtained that warrant is probably what a good portion of that memo is all about.

What in the world makes you think there was a tap on "Trump Tower"?

Yeah, I am sure Flynn was calling the Russian ambassador on a payphone in Jersey City, NJ!

I think it's more likely that the tap was on the Russian ambassador's side of the call, don't you think?

If you are using evidence against Flynn, the warrant had to be for Flynn. Read the 4th Amendment!
Flynn did not follow protocol and invite the Security Council's lawyers in on the meeting with the FBI....which I heard on the news, was standard procedure....

And when the FBI began questioning him on anything he became uncomfortable with, he could have called the council lawyer's in or even told them he refused to continue without his lawyer..... but Fynn didn't....he must have felt comfortable with his lies......knowing the President would have his back, perhaps? I just don't know?

There are so many, alleged crimes he committed that they could indict hm for....lying to the FBI is probably not even a charge they would have needed to pursue...

It was the ''easy deal/less important'' one, out of all of his and his son's alleged crimes.... thus Flynn pleading guilty to that one lesser crime, in exchange for his cooperation in the investigation of people higher up than himself in the administration or oval office.... if Flynn has or had no further info that could help them get to the truth, then the prosecutor would never had made that easy peasy plea bargain with him....
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I started a thread for people to go on record for what they expect the memo will reveal. You're welcome to post your theory in it, if you've got the confidence to do so.

Note to viewers: some of you may wonder how I get away with giving this mod a ration of shit on occasion. Although he Rubber Roomed a thread of mine today, generally he's a prick but not an asshole who bans for being outplayed. :eusa_hand:
Oh? You think you outplayed him, do you?

Was it your impressive knowledge of Miranda or was it your application of the Carter Page warrant to Michael Flynn which did him in?

Perhaps he's not banning you for outplaying him because you're really just cracking him up? Have you thought of that?
Lets make this simple...

1. The Dossier, payed for by the Clinton Campign, was used to obtain a FISA warrant . The Dossier is fraudulent and disproved having no credibility.

2. Rosenstine and others knew the dossier was fraudulent and still presented it to the FISA court to obtain a wire tap warrant. This obtained Court orders by fraudulent means. A felony with a sentence of up to 10 years for each instance.

3. The FISA warrants (surveillance) gleaned information about potential criminal conduct through illegal unmasking and thus warrant-less and unreasonable search. (unmasking crimes, to numerous to count, are punishable by up to 5 years in prison for each offense)

4. Flynn was questioned formally, because of the illegal collection of information. They failed to Mirandize him and now his whole plea for "lying to the FBI" is now in question. The judge who presided over the hearing has recused himself due to conflicts. An investigation into unethical and illegal conduct is now open for the investigators and the sentencing placed on hold.

The whole of this goes back to the original dossier, its funding by a political opponent, the fact that those who presented it to the FISA court knew it was fraudulent and unverified.

Everything from the beginning is poisonous. Everything else is a distraction from the original point that this was done by fraud and with the intent to influence the election..
Dude. Just....NO.

I want nothing more than to expose what appears to be a bunch of corruption and ass-hurtedness, but you are WRONG.

Trust me. Can you do that?
Yeah, I am sure Flynn was calling the Russian ambassador on a payphone in Jersey City, NJ!
Doesn't matter one bit. Even if they were tapping the Russian Ambassador (they were) they illegally reviewed a U.S. Person's conversation without a warrant. THAT is the issue.

Poisonous tree.

Can you tell me what law was broken by "reviewing a U.S. Person's conversation" without a warrant?

How about the 4th Amendment? DUH!

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

A wiretap requires a warrant, does it not?

As per 50 U.S.C. 1802 (the legal codification of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the President, through the Attorney General, can order electronic surveillance on any agent of a foreign government without a warrant for periods of time up to 1 year, and which can be renewed as many times as wanted.
No warrant is needed to monitor foreign powers.

And I can think of many logical reasons for Mueller to postpone sentencing - for example, perhaps he's waiting to see how information given to him by Flynn plays out before he offers a sentence recommendation.

If there was a tap on trump tower there was a warrant. Period. How they obtained that warrant is probably what a good portion of that memo is all about.

What in the world makes you think there was a tap on "Trump Tower"?

Yeah, I am sure Flynn was calling the Russian ambassador on a payphone in Jersey City, NJ!

I think it's more likely that the tap was on the Russian ambassador's side of the call, don't you think?

If you are using evidence against Flynn, the warrant had to be for Flynn. Read the 4th Amendment!


No. This is not the slightest bit true.

Remember the hypothetical about the kidnapper that I gave earlier?
Way to go moron...

Every investigator knows that if you want your findings to be admissible in court as evidence YOU MUST MIRANDIZE..

This is one of the reason they are going after the Mueller idiots.. They are pulling fallacious crap out of their ass.. The judge even recused himself from this case due to conflicts...


Don't base your knowledge of the law on Law & Order.

To use statements made while under arrest against someone in court, they must be Mirandized.

Flynn was not under arrest when he lied to the FBI.
You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.

No. You're just plain wrong, there's nothing else to say about it. Miranda v. Arizona only applies when interrogating people in custody.

Try Again.. 30 years in law enforcement and it very much so applies. A formal interview is "custody" and Miranda warnings are necessary.


No. You're wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.

From West's Encyclopedia of American Law:


n. 1) holding property under one's control. 2) law enforcement officials' act of holding an accused or convicted person in criminal proceedings, beginning with the arrest of that person. 3) in domestic relations (divorce, dissolution) a court's determination of which parent (or other appropriate party) should have physical and/or legal control and responsibility for a minor under 18. (See: child custody)

I can't link it, because it's behind a (very expensive) paywall. But there it is, nevertheless. is expensive?

Oh? You think you outplayed him, do you?

Was it your impressive knowledge of Miranda or was it your application of the Carter Page warrant to Michael Flynn which did him in?

Perhaps he's not banning you for outplaying him because you're really just cracking him up? Have you thought of that?

I don't put much thought into motives for instance are obviously needy and still looking for a safe-space after your heroine got her doors blown off by a real estate magnate who never held an office before the Oval. I feel your pain and am enjoying it immensely. :nocknockHT:
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

What happens if the guilty plea is not accepted by the judge because of some misconduct by the FBI brought out in the FISA memo?

It was already accepted.

What "misconduct" do you believe occurred?

Illegal FISA warrant.

Judges can change their mind if there is new evidence.
What illegal FISA warrant in regards to Flynn?

Several people have been claiming that there was no warrant for Flynn. Without a warrant, nothing is admissible. So there must have been a FISA warrant for Flynn, right?

Don't base your knowledge of the law on Law & Order.

To use statements made while under arrest against someone in court, they must be Mirandized.

Flynn was not under arrest when he lied to the FBI.
You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.

No. You're just plain wrong, there's nothing else to say about it. Miranda v. Arizona only applies when interrogating people in custody.

Try Again.. 30 years in law enforcement and it very much so applies. A formal interview is "custody" and Miranda warnings are necessary.


No. You're wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.

From West's Encyclopedia of American Law:


n. 1) holding property under one's control. 2) law enforcement officials' act of holding an accused or convicted person in criminal proceedings, beginning with the arrest of that person. 3) in domestic relations (divorce, dissolution) a court's determination of which parent (or other appropriate party) should have physical and/or legal control and responsibility for a minor under 18. (See: child custody)

I can't link it, because it's behind a (very expensive) paywall. But there it is, nevertheless. is expensive?

custody does not hold much legal weight.
Lets make this simple...

1. The Dossier, payed for by the Clinton Campign, was used to obtain a FISA warrant . The Dossier is fraudulent and disproved having no credibility.

2. Rosenstine and others knew the dossier was fraudulent and still presented it to the FISA court to obtain a wire tap warrant. This obtained Court orders by fraudulent means. A felony with a sentence of up to 10 years for each instance.

3. The FISA warrants (surveillance) gleaned information about potential criminal conduct through illegal unmasking and thus warrant-less and unreasonable search. (unmasking crimes, to numerous to count, are punishable by up to 5 years in prison for each offense)

4. Flynn was questioned formally, because of the illegal collection of information. They failed to Mirandize him and now his whole plea for "lying to the FBI" is now in question. The judge who presided over the hearing has recused himself due to conflicts. An investigation into unethical and illegal conduct is now open for the investigators and the sentencing placed on hold.

The whole of this goes back to the original dossier, its funding by a political opponent, the fact that those who presented it to the FISA court knew it was fraudulent and unverified.

Everything from the beginning is poisonous. Everything else is a distraction from the original point that this was done by fraud and with the intent to influence the election..

And everyone wonders why the do not want the memo released...

That is one yuge mess of utter nonsense.

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