BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.
Can you please cite your source?

I remember it differently. Maybe I am wrong. It's been a while.

Flynn's attorneys are stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained. Everything they found with that information is now illegally obtained. They also denied his right to counsel.

Lots of awe shits are coming out...


Do you have a link to "Flynn's attorneys" stating that?

Or did you hear it from "secret sources"?
Now you idiots want named sources..??. but your unnamed sources are pristine and truthful....

I trust my sources in the intelligence community a hell of a lot more than your CNN pieces of crap.
You said Flynn's attorney's said what you claimed. Now you're running away from your own claims??


Fine, post a link to an unamed source claiming Flynn's attorneys "stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained."

I have run from nothing... I just exposed your lying hypocrisy.. You have no problem holding up your unnamed sources as the truth.. when someone else does it, that doesn't agree with your lies you get all tweeked up...:5_1_12024:

If you weren't running from your own claims, you'd back them up.

You didn't back up your claims for the simple reality that you can't back up your claims.

No one is asking you for a named source. Post a link to anyone (besides you) claiming Flynn's attorneys "stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained."

You can't because you're an idiot who vomited nonsense on the forum about that which you know nothing of.
What a DERP....

Keep running in circles with sharp objects...
I think that will be answered when the facts of the I.G. report are released. That is if the FBI isn't able to quash the whole thing.
Technically when you present perjured evidence to a FISA judge to obtain a warrant you are committing perjury.
You want to play dumb until it becomes unavoidable for you to admit the truth....hiding behind the fact that the report is currently classified.


So, what you're saying is that you have no actual basis for those beliefs, but you think you will at some point in the future?

Why should I believe you now?
Thanks for the input, Baghdad Bob.
I have plenty of basis......the fact that the FBI is trying to edit and redact the findings before it's released raises a big red flag.
That tells any rational person that they are worried about what it reveals. They are in panic mode right now.

The fact that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was escorted out of the building by security because they felt that he was a risk to the investigation.

"McCabe is escorted out by security after being forced out of the FBI. I'm sorry, but if McCabe has done half of what we think he has done he deserved every last bit of embarrassment he felt leaving the FBI."

No...McCabe wasn't escorted out by security. That photo is from this January 2nd article: Irregularities found in FBI's handling of Clinton case | Daily Mail Online

Where did you get that claim from?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And these are the same imbeciles telling us Nunes' memo is going to take down the Democrat party, the DOJ, the FBI, Mueller, Obama and Hillary; when as you just showed, they fall over and over and over again from the lies they are spoon fed.

Conservatism is truly a cult for the mindless.

Liberals are mindless and lawless fools...
Oh, noooos .... I know you are but what am I??

Was it your intent to show the forum your intellect is stuck in pre-K or was that just a slip?

You all pay for a pile of lies.. those lies are given to a court to abuse the system and gain advantage in an effort to subvert a lawful election and when you lose that election you double down in an effort to remove a duly elected president by FRAUDULENT MEANS. This is a Coup and TREASON... in previous years we would have shot traitors like this...

Let's see ya prove any of that.

Hell ... you can't even prove your own claims about Flynn's attorneys "stating that the FISA warrant was obtained illegally and thus information used to accuse him was illegally obtained," so you have no chance in proving what in Nunes' memo which you have not seen.

Can you tell me what law was broken by "reviewing a U.S. Person's conversation" without a warrant?
FISA section 702, I think.


Also, the 4th Amendment.

Well, you'll have to be more specific than that. Section 702 is quite long.

It's been inserted into the US Code - 50 U.S.C. Section 1801 et seq.

The section that authorizes the President, through the Attorney General, to place surveillance on foreign operatives is 1802, by the way.

You didn't ask a question, fuckwit - you made a statement.

Are you going at least attempt to defend it, or just bloviate?

Ah I your diminished capacity you don't feel obligated to reply to a statement unless it has a "?" on the end for you to sense there's a question in there someplace. What kind of "doctor" are you????? do you sew up Barbies at a doll hospital???? :badgrin:

I did respond to your statement, fuckwit.

That's what you're whining about.
Then you didn't read and understand what I said. While obama was still in office there was a flurry of unmasking going on. All of it designed to harm the trump campaign. How did the obama admin get the information that allowed them to do the unmasking? As far as flynns case go's. How do you know? None of that has been released. You and I simply have way of knowing how any of muellers case was built.

My speculation is based on several decades of work in the Court system. But that is all it is, speculation.

What do you mean when you say "unmasking"?

Perhaps we're using different definitions of the word.

The obama admin was releasing the names of Americans "caught" up in the various surveillance programs they had going. That is "unmasking".
Great, so how does that render a warrant, "illegal?"
If half of what has been reported is true, then the info they used against flynn was most likely obtained via the illegal FISA warrant. If that is indeed factual, flynn walks.

If the fbi materially misreported the evidence they used to obtain the warrant that is called PERJURY. If they perjured themselves to obtain the warrant they are fucked three ways from Sunday.
Again, you're conflating the warrant on Page with Flynn. :rolleyes:

How do you know the memo has to do with Page?

You don't, do you?
What evidence involved in Flynn's lying to the FBI was obtained illegally?

Ever heard of Miranda Rights? We know Strzok was invited into Flynn's office not knowing he was being interviewed on a criminal matter and we know he didn't have counsel present. Even a dumbass like you should know he may not have been Mirandized.

Flynn wasn't under arrest when he was interviewed by the FBI. He wasn't a suspect, either. The only crime he's being charged with resulted directly from that interview, and obviously wasn't at play, at the time.

You don't get Mirandized if you're not under arrest.
Way to go moron...

Every investigator knows that if you want your findings to be admissible in court as evidence YOU MUST MIRANDIZE..

This is one of the reason they are going after the Mueller idiots.. They are pulling fallacious crap out of their ass.. The judge even recused himself from this case due to conflicts...


Don't base your knowledge of the law on Law & Order.

To use statements made while under arrest against someone in court, they must be Mirandized.

Flynn was not under arrest when he lied to the FBI.
You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.

No. You're just plain wrong, there's nothing else to say about it. Miranda v. Arizona only applies when interrogating people in custody.
Well, you'll have to be more specific than that. Section 702 is quite long.

It's been inserted into the US Code - 50 U.S.C. Section 1801 et seq.

The section that authorizes the President, through the Attorney General, to place surveillance on foreign operatives is 1802, by the way.
Oh, c'mon, man. Don't make me go research! It's late.
I think that will be answered when the facts of the I.G. report are released. That is if the FBI isn't able to quash the whole thing.
Technically when you present perjured evidence to a FISA judge to obtain a warrant you are committing perjury.
You want to play dumb until it becomes unavoidable for you to admit the truth....hiding behind the fact that the report is currently classified.


So, what you're saying is that you have no actual basis for those beliefs, but you think you will at some point in the future?

Why should I believe you now?
Thanks for the input, Baghdad Bob.
I have plenty of basis......the fact that the FBI is trying to edit and redact the findings before it's released raises a big red flag.
That tells any rational person that they are worried about what it reveals. They are in panic mode right now.

The fact that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was escorted out of the building by security because they felt that he was a risk to the investigation.

"McCabe is escorted out by security after being forced out of the FBI. I'm sorry, but if McCabe has done half of what we think he has done he deserved every last bit of embarrassment he felt leaving the FBI."

No...McCabe wasn't escorted out by security. That photo is from this January 2nd article: Irregularities found in FBI's handling of Clinton case | Daily Mail Online

Where did you get that claim from?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

And these are the same imbeciles telling us Nunes' memo is going to take down the Democrat party, the DOJ, the FBI, Mueller, Obama and Hillary; when as you just showed, they fall over and over and over again from the lies they are spoon fed.

Conservatism is truly a cult for the mindless.

It well might, Fawn.

You moron Stalinists ended your midterm chances last night.

Had it been a bipartisan effort by impartial folks, maybe it could do the damage you hope and pray for. But given it was coordinated by Nunes, who was already caught once collaborating with the very White House he was supposed to be investigating, that's highly doubtful.

As far as the mid-terms, who wins remains to be seen.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.
Oh, oh! Do I smell an acquittal on the horizon? How does that work?

Not necessarily, but the possibility exists. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing how mueller got the evidence he used against flynn, but if it is tainted then flynn walks. Sadly so to will manafort, who really is a scumbag.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

no. a conviction based on illegally gotten evidence (which Flynn's wasn't despite rightwing fantasies) is reversible if they didn't know at the time of the trial thereby waiving the defect by not objecting.

with a plea there is a small chance pre-sentencing but generally only if the judge rejects the plea deal

and let's not forget that mueller held back state charges that wouldn't be barred by double jeopardy. he'd go to jail.

What state charges?

Talking out of your ass again?

I figured after the SOTU, you be sitting in an ice water bath to sooth the burns on your ass!
I did respond to your statement, fuckwit.

That's what you're whining about.

No you didn't. What will you say when the memo is the beginning of the end of this HOAX, this quiet coup against a duly elected President? (notice the "?"...I want to make this as easy as possible for you).
Well, you'll have to be more specific than that. Section 702 is quite long.

It's been inserted into the US Code - 50 U.S.C. Section 1801 et seq.

The section that authorizes the President, through the Attorney General, to place surveillance on foreign operatives is 1802, by the way.
Oh, c'mon, man. Don't make me go research! It's late.


Ok, that's fine. I hear ya.
You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.
Can you please cite your source?

I remember it differently. Maybe I am wrong. It's been a while.
If I sat in my patrol car and had a detainee in the back and he rambles on about the crime and i do not ask him any questions that is an unsolicited statement. That is admissible in court.

IF I take that same individual and I begin asking him questions and he answers, a lawyer can have that thrown out because he is in custody. An out of custody statement is a bit different.

IF you do not have custody and you ask to interview, formally as they did to Flynn, it is considered an IN CUSTODY INTERVIEW. You must give Miranda.

"The Miranda warning (often shortened to "Miranda", or "Mirandizing" a suspect) is the name of the formal warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial situation) before they are interrogated, in accordance with the Miranda ruling."
Miranda v. Arizona - Wikipedia
I did respond to your statement, fuckwit.

That's what you're whining about.

No you didn't. What will you say when the memo is the beginning of the end of this HOAX, this quiet coup against a duly elected President? (notice the "?"...I want to make this as easy as possible for you).


I started a thread for people to go on record for what they expect the memo will reveal. You're welcome to post your theory in it, if you've got the confidence to do so.
You really are clueless..

Unsolicited statements are admissible without Miranda. Once you as a law enforcement officer asks a question, YOUR SOLICITING A STATEMENT.. and your stupid ass had better have Mirandized your suspect or its garbage.
Can you please cite your source?

I remember it differently. Maybe I am wrong. It's been a while.
If I sat in my patrol car and had a detainee in the back and he rambles on about the crime and i do not ask him any questions that is an unsolicited statement. That is admissible in court.

IF I take that same individual and I begin asking him questions and he answers, a lawyer can have that thrown out because he is in custody. An out of custody statement is a bit different.

IF you do not have custody and you ask to interview, formally as they did to Flynn, it is considered an IN CUSTODY INTERVIEW. You must give Miranda.

"The Miranda warning (often shortened to "Miranda", or "Mirandizing" a suspect) is the name of the formal warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial situation) before they are interrogated, in accordance with the Miranda ruling."
Miranda v. Arizona - Wikipedia

The highlighted sentence is pure fiction, and has no basis in law. You just made that part up.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

What happens if the guilty plea is not accepted by the judge because of some misconduct by the FBI brought out in the FISA memo?

It was already accepted.

What "misconduct" do you believe occurred?

Illegal FISA warrant.

Judges can change their mind if there is new evidence.
What illegal FISA warrant in regards to Flynn?
Had it been a bipartisan effort by impartial folks, maybe it could do the damage you hope and pray for. But given it was coordinated by Nunes, who was already caught once collaborating with the very White House he was supposed to be investigating, that's highly doubtful.
That's why I want the democrat memo released too. I can sniff out the bullshit if I get to see both. Of course, none of us will see the underlying evidence, so we're all just masturbating anyway.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.
Problem is if the whole investigation was tainted....everything gets thrown out.
The point I made a couple of months ago was the FBI went to the FISA court and committed perjury to get a warrant.

It's not quite that simple, actually.

If the charges against Flynn was based on illegally obtained evidence, he could appeal his guilty plea, but only if his lawyers had previously filed motions to suppress said evidence which were denied. I'm not aware of Flynn's lawyers challenging the evidence against him, but it's possible that it happened.

As for your fantasies of "perjury" to get the warrant - what are you basing that on, other than desire?

Apparently your "Law & Order" marathon law education is lacking.

Go back to school and learn it the right way.

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