BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

a plea of guilty IS a conviction, dum dum
No it isin't...he will have to face a judge and jury to be convicted and sentenced for anything he admitted to...that will not happen now that the memo is coming out...
Still waiting for that DESERVED apology, Hutch....


Nothing you posted says it was done illegally, liar.

You called me a liar TWICE for posting FACTS......

It takes a real man to be able to stand up and admit when he is wrong, to apologize.

Thank you for demonstrating you ain't one....that's you're just a gutless, sniveling little toady like most snowflakes on this board who can't stand being wrong and who refuse to admit when they are.

Like Mueller, your credibility is SHOT...consider yourself 'Ignored'. You aren't worth the time.

Don't get mad. Just be a man and show us when and how the unmasking was illegal.

"...unmasking must have a national security rationale.Unmasking the name or names of Americans for political purposes would be highly improper, Leaking those names to the media would be a crime, according to legal experts."

The Obama administration unmasked Trump associates and many Americans. Their identities were leaked to the media.

As usual, the Obama administration committed crimes, and cockroaches attempt to argue in their defense to the death.
are you that dense? he will be sentenced by the federal judge who takes the plea that he made the deal for.

Yes by a judge just like I case you don't know it judges sit in courtrooms not Mueller's office....Mueller is pulling back your insults show your desperation...
The memo is big news why is the news media so uninterested in it? Why don't they want to know whats in the damn thing?
Because it hasn’t been released yet.
The left wing nut media is trying to stop it's release...
Actually, Trump’s own FBI is trying to do that. Should trump listen to the people he put in charge?
This is where you come off the rails...this is not Trump's FBI it's Obama's...but it will be Trump's this time next month...

Wait, Trump didn't nominate Wray?

Trump appointed the new FBI director Wray dumbass. He also appointed Rod Rosenstein.


And Christopher Wray put out this warning.

"When a GOP congressman at the State of the Union speech urged him to release it, Trump was heard on a hot mic replying: “Don’t worry, 100 percent.” Wednesday morning, White House chief of staff John Kelly said on Fox Radio: “It will be released here pretty quick, I think, and the whole world can see it.”

Soon after came a remarkable public warning to Trump from the FBI: Don’t do it.

“We have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy,” a statement from the bureau said. That signals FBI Director Christopher Wray is willing to cross Trump, who up until now has voiced confidence in his replacement for James Comey.

The Justice Department also has warned that releasing the memo would harm intelligence-gathering. "
1600: FBI warns Trump that Nunes memo is bogus


Christopher Wray FBI director--Trump's appointment to replace James Comey.

In the history of this nation there has never been a President that was so naive, or frankly STUPID enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in it. The media, our intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE, the more they will write & report. The more he insults & degrades our intelligence agencies (the FBI) the more he implicates himself into a coverup and the deeper they will dig. :dig:

The more he threatens--fires and undermines the Justice department the more they will LEAK.
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a plea of guilty IS a conviction, dum dum
No it isin't...he will have to face a judge and jury to be convicted and sentenced for anything he admitted to...that will not happen now that the memo is coming out...

you really want to argue that point?


psycho... nunes' made up memo isn't changing Flynn's plea you delusional nutter.

you're welcome.
Oh but Flynn has not plead in a court of law a grand jury you are not allowed to have your attorney in the room so a grand jury has no power to convict or punish...that takes a court with both sides represented...get it honey?
are you that dense? he will be sentenced by the federal judge who takes the plea that he made the deal for.

Yes by a judge just like I case you don't know it judges sit in courtrooms not Mueller's office....Mueller is pulling back your insults show your desperation...

I'm insulting you because you're lying and uninformed and making more and more spurious wingnutty accusations. you clearly don't know what a plea deal is and you clearly have zero understanding of what happens when a plea is taken.

so I'm trying to write in caps so maybe it's easier for you to read.... like little children's books.

are you able to tie your shoes in the morning?

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Still waiting for that DESERVED apology, Hutch....


Nothing you posted says it was done illegally, liar.

You called me a liar TWICE for posting FACTS......

It takes a real man to be able to stand up and admit when he is wrong, to apologize.

Thank you for demonstrating you ain't one....that's you're just a gutless, sniveling little toady like most snowflakes on this board who can't stand being wrong and who refuse to admit when they are.

Like Mueller, your credibility is SHOT...consider yourself 'Ignored'. You aren't worth the time.

Don't get mad. Just be a man and show us when and how the unmasking was illegal.

"...unmasking must have a national security rationale.Unmasking the name or names of Americans for political purposes would be highly improper, Leaking those names to the media would be a crime, according to legal experts."

The Obama administration unmasked Trump associates and many Americans. Their identities were leaked to the media.

As usual, the Obama administration committed crimes, and cockroaches attempt to argue in their defense to the death.

The Obama administration unmasked Trump associates and many Americans. Their identities were leaked to the media.

Not by the administration, liar.

Prove it!
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

No evidence was illegally obtained.

Trump's going down.

Your post will be used to identify you as a collaborator.

Then you'll go down.

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