Breaking Rumor: Trump considering Romney for Sec State?

Likewise, former Governor Mitt Romney did everything he could to stop Donald Trump.

Today Mitt congratulated the “duly elected president” but did not mention Trump by name.

Mitt Romney


Best wishes for our duly elected president: May his victory speech be his guide and preserving the Republic his aim.

8:03 AM - 9 Nov 2016
Indeed, snowflakes like you are resentful that Trump will consider Romney.

I am thrilled the Orange Man is considering a real American patriot for SoS.
1. 'Snowflakes' are the new term for you frail, fragile liberals who are melting down because you did not get your way, libs who require 'safe zones'.

2. I am not resentful of anything. I have no need to be.

3. Funny how you suddenly see Romney as an 'American Patriot' after you were bashing the shite out of him when he was running against Barry. :p
^^^^ Snowflakes have always been the term for the far and alt right pretend cons who need safe spaces when they are conftoned. :lol:

Funny you did not that I have supported Romney as an alternative, after Kasich, to Trump.
Indeed, snowflakes like you are resentful that Trump will consider Romney.

I am thrilled the Orange Man is considering a real American patriot for SoS.
1. 'Snowflakes' are the new term for you frail, fragile liberals who are melting down because you did not get your way, libs who require 'safe zones'.

2. I am not resentful of anything. I have no need to be.

3. Funny how you suddenly see Romney as an 'American Patriot' after you were bashing the shite out of him when he was running against Barry. :p

Trump played with legos, colored in pictures and cried all week after Hillary lost. He's starting to be ready to come out of his safe zone though
Trump played with legos, colored in pictures and cried all week after Hillary lost. He's starting to be ready to come out of his safe zone though
Trump is neither far right nor alt right. He is not a wimp like those pukes out there. Trump will hammer them into submission if he has to in order to make them accept the Romneys, etc., and the banishment of the Bannons.
^^^^ Snowflakes have always been the term for the far and alt right pretend cons who need safe spaces when they are conftoned. :lol:
God, there is no end to your lying and attempted spinning...

It was the pu$$ified Libs who started the whole 'safe space' thing, you idiot.

(I knew there was a reason I had you on 'ignore' for a while. Welcome back to it! :p )
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^^^^ Snowflakes have always been the term for the far and alt right pretend cons who need safe spaces when they are conftoned. :lol:
God, there is no end to your lying and attempted spinning...

It was the pu$$ified Libs who started the whole 'safe space' thing, you idiot.

(I knew there was a reason I had you on 'ignore' for a while. Welcome back to it! :p )

Jake is perfecting idiocy, don't interfere. In fact he could morph onto an entirely new plane. At some point we may not be able to see or hear him because his idiocy will reach such an advanced level. His post is hysterical, and for the reason you said. That and Trump won ...
^^^^ Snowflakes have always been the term for the far and alt right pretend cons who need safe spaces when they are conftoned. :lol:
God, there is no end to your lying and attempted spinning...It was the pu$$ified Libs who started the whole 'safe space' thing, you idiot. (I knew there was a reason I had you on 'ignore' for a while. Welcome back to it! :p )
Both Kaz and you try the tactic of Mirroring, get caught, and now like a typical far right wussie, start crying. Go find a safe space.

You two Snowflakes are going to freak when and if MR becomes SoS.
Kaz and easyt need to joint PantSuit Nation: what a couple of wussies.
Rumor has it the Groper Elect made him Kneel and kiss his ring first.

Then he said "Get Out! Loser!"

Romney as SOS, not a chance in hell. Aliens will land on the White House lawn before that comes to pass. If true maybe Trump is throwing the GOP establishment a bone by just meeting with Romney. No way that back stabbing dick joins Trump's cabinet let alone offered a position that high up.
Romney as SOS, not a chance in hell. Aliens will land on the White House lawn before that comes to pass. If true maybe Trump is throwing the GOP establishment a bone by just meeting with Romney. No way that back stabbing dick joins Trump's cabinet let alone offered a position that high up.
Find a safe space, you alt right sissy.

No, don't tell me you really believed what Trump was saying.
^^^^ Snowflakes have always been the term for the far and alt right pretend cons who need safe spaces when they are conftoned. :lol:
God, there is no end to your lying and attempted spinning...It was the pu$$ified Libs who started the whole 'safe space' thing, you idiot. (I knew there was a reason I had you on 'ignore' for a while. Welcome back to it! :p )
Both Kaz and you try the tactic of Mirroring, get caught, and now like a typical far right wussie, start crying. Go find a safe space.

You two Snowflakes are going to freak when and if MR becomes SoS.

I said I'm in favor of Romney for SOS, idiot. I also voted for him, the first Republican I voted for since HW's first campaign in 88. You knew that once before you started sleeping in a whiskey bottle
Just got a Breaking News headline with no details. Details to follow. Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County announced he has been offered position as Secretary of Homeland Security. That would be good news.

Wow. That's pretty interesting. Thanks.
Just got the follow-up from Political Insider.

CONFIRMED: Sheriff Clarke Vetted for Major Role in Trump White House

As President-elect Donald Trump continues to flesh out his cabinet, rumors continue to swirl about the possible selections for various positions.
The New York Times is reporting that Trump may choose a prominent African-American to the role of Secretary of Homeland Security.
The choice of a minority should please liberals far and wide.
Just kidding, it’s David Clarke, a staunch conservative and man who kicks a** and takes names when it comes to far-left rioters and radical Islamic terrorists. A perfect choice for American law and order.

President-Elect Donald Trump Just Gave Sheriff Clarke AMAZING NEWS!
Sheriff Clarke rocks!
Romney as SOS, not a chance in hell. Aliens will land on the White House lawn before that comes to pass. If true maybe Trump is throwing the GOP establishment a bone by just meeting with Romney. No way that back stabbing dick joins Trump's cabinet let alone offered a position that high up.
Find a safe space, you alt right sissy.

No, don't tell me you really believed what Trump was saying.

Safe places are for Hillary, putz. And how does that even make sense? Why would Trump supporters be sad? You really need to work on your insults
^^^^ Snowflakes have always been the term for the far and alt right pretend cons who need safe spaces when they are conftoned. :lol:
God, there is no end to your lying and attempted spinning...It was the pu$$ified Libs who started the whole 'safe space' thing, you idiot. (I knew there was a reason I had you on 'ignore' for a while. Welcome back to it! :p )
Both Kaz and you try the tactic of Mirroring, get caught, and now like a typical far right wussie, start crying. Go find a safe space.

You two Snowflakes are going to freak when and if MR becomes SoS.

I said I'm in favor of Romney for SOS, idiot. I also voted for him, the first Republican I voted for since HW's first campaign in 88. You knew that once before you started sleeping in a whiskey bottle
Good for you. You might start showing some promise. You just cannot stand being showed up for being stoopid is the point. Let it go, kaz, you will better.

I am glad we both agree Romney would be a good pick.
Romney as SOS, not a chance in hell. Aliens will land on the White House lawn before that comes to pass. If true maybe Trump is throwing the GOP establishment a bone by just meeting with Romney. No way that back stabbing dick joins Trump's cabinet let alone offered a position that high up.
Find a safe space, you alt right sissy.

No, don't tell me you really believed what Trump was saying.

Go change your depends fool, and shoot up whatever drug you are on to ease your Trump butthurt.

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