Breaking! Schumer Livid As Trump To Divert 3.6 Billion In Pentagon Funds To Build The Wall

It’s against the LAW.. we aren’t supposed to have a standing military only militias.. and they arrested some militias in new Mexico for doing just that.

It is not against the law, the law says that the military cannot preform law enforcement functions. Defense of the border is not and should not be a law enforcement function.

18 U.S.C. § 1385 only prohibits the use of the Army and Air Force as posse comitatus and while 10 U.S.C. § 375 prohibits direct participation by a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps in a search, seizure, arrest, it doesn't mention the National Guard.

They can be mobilized at the request of a state governor.
Way to fuck over the military!
Who deserves it more? They sure as hell aren`t keeping us safe and they were useless on 9-11.
They`ll never miss the money anyway.
Pentagon Reportedly Buried Study Exposing $125 Billion in Waste
Chicken feed compared to the waste fraud and abuse with socialist entitlement programs so shut the fuck up you spineless motherfucker
Yes damn SS and medi care
I’m 50 years old and I will never see a penny from those fraudulent socialist entitlement programs… They are already bankrupt
Hope you get your wish
I don’t want the shit, I would gladly give up everything I’ve paid in to this point to quit paying from now on. Fuck socialist entitlement programs
JFTR, do you believe we have the money to pay for the Green Deal? College debt and tuition relief? Medicare-for-all including those in the US illegally?
Because they are just 3 of the Democrat Socialist Party 's promised programs.
3 reasons out of 10000 that I am not a Dem. We do not have the money to pay for what we do now, let alone all that dumb shit.
Now if we can only elect enough to congress who will stop the bleeding and maybe even throw a few bucks at the nation's debt.

It was George Washington who said no American generation has the right to spend today and burden future gens with the bill.
LOL have you become a Dem??
JFTR, do you believe we have the money to pay for the Green Deal? College debt and tuition relief? Medicare-for-all including those in the US illegally?
Because they are just 3 of the Democrat Socialist Party 's promised programs.
3 reasons out of 10000 that I am not a Dem. We do not have the money to pay for what we do now, let alone all that dumb shit.
Now if we can only elect enough to congress who will stop the bleeding and maybe even throw a few bucks at the nation's debt.

It was George Washington who said no American generation has the right to spend today and burden future gens with the bill.
LOL have you become a Dem??
Dems embrace waste fraud and abuse, all socialist entitlement programs are just that
Who deserves it more? They sure as hell aren`t keeping us safe and they were useless on 9-11.
They`ll never miss the money anyway.
Pentagon Reportedly Buried Study Exposing $125 Billion in Waste
Chicken feed compared to the waste fraud and abuse with socialist entitlement programs so shut the fuck up you spineless motherfucker
Yes damn SS and medi care
I’m 50 years old and I will never see a penny from those fraudulent socialist entitlement programs… They are already bankrupt
Hope you get your wish
I don’t want the shit, I would gladly give up everything I’ve paid in to this point to quit paying from now on. Fuck socialist entitlement programs
Have you ever heard that the greatest of countries are those that treat the ones who are the poorest best?
JFTR, do you believe we have the money to pay for the Green Deal? College debt and tuition relief? Medicare-for-all including those in the US illegally?
Because they are just 3 of the Democrat Socialist Party 's promised programs.
3 reasons out of 10000 that I am not a Dem. We do not have the money to pay for what we do now, let alone all that dumb shit.
Now if we can only elect enough to congress who will stop the bleeding and maybe even throw a few bucks at the nation's debt.

It was George Washington who said no American generation has the right to spend today and burden future gens with the bill.
My guess is that he said that some time after the Continental Congress borrowed hugs sums of money to finance the war.
Chicken feed compared to the waste fraud and abuse with socialist entitlement programs so shut the fuck up you spineless motherfucker
Yes damn SS and medi care
I’m 50 years old and I will never see a penny from those fraudulent socialist entitlement programs… They are already bankrupt
Hope you get your wish
I don’t want the shit, I would gladly give up everything I’ve paid in to this point to quit paying from now on. Fuck socialist entitlement programs
Have you ever heard that the greatest of countries are those that treat the ones who are the poorest best?
Lol.......and now the Democrats are all of the sudden concerned about the military. Total bullshit! Schumer could give a damn about the military. Schumer called Trump’s move to divert funds from military projects to pay for the border wall a “slap in the face”. Somebody cue the Monty Python 'fish slapping dance!

Pentagon diverts $3.6 billion in military construction funds to build Trump's border wall

NEW: President Trump to Divert $3.6 Billion From Pentagon For Border Wall Funding
President Trump representing the American citizens.
Schumer is representing the drug cartels and human traffickers who want open borders.
Do jails have walls? Walls work in Israel they have seen almost 100% repeal of Africans crossing over

Jails have guards because the walls would not stop anyone without them.

Israel's wall is manned by their defense force, the wall would not stop shit without the Defense Force.
Yes we have guards they are called boarder patrol .. walls work

Actually they are called the Border Patrol
That’s what I said

No, you said Boarder patrol.

Two different words with different meanings.
Jails have guards because the walls would not stop anyone without them.

Israel's wall is manned by their defense force, the wall would not stop shit without the Defense Force.
Yes we have guards they are called boarder patrol .. walls work

Actually they are called the Border Patrol
That’s what I said

No, you said Boarder patrol.

Two different words with different meanings.

This is what you posted,


Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Yes we have guards they are called boarder patrol .. walls work

Actually they are called the Border Patrol
That’s what I said

No, you said Boarder patrol.

Two different words with different meanings.

This is what you posted,

View attachment 277353

Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Why do you lie
Actually they are called the Border Patrol
That’s what I said

No, you said Boarder patrol.

Two different words with different meanings.

This is what you posted,

View attachment 277353

Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Why do you lie

What are you talking about? I am not lying, it is a different word. and you used the "a", i gave you a screen shot and it is there for the whole world to see.
Actually they are called the Border Patrol
That’s what I said

No, you said Boarder patrol.

Two different words with different meanings.

This is what you posted,

View attachment 277353

Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Why do you lie

You know, when you edit your post it leaves a time are really too stupid to be this dishonest, you just cant pull it off being as dumb as you.

That’s what I said

No, you said Boarder patrol.

Two different words with different meanings.

This is what you posted,

View attachment 277353

Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Why do you lie

What are you talking about? I am not lying, it is a different word. and you used the "a", i gave you a screen shot and it is there for the whole world to see.
Photo shopped .. you are deranged
No, you said Boarder patrol.

Two different words with different meanings.

This is what you posted,

View attachment 277353

Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Why do you lie

What are you talking about? I am not lying, it is a different word. and you used the "a", i gave you a screen shot and it is there for the whole world to see.
Photo shopped .. you are deranged

It is in every reply that I made to your post. You cannot go back and edit those! Just admit you are a dumb ass and move on.
No, you said Boarder patrol.

Two different words with different meanings.

This is what you posted,

View attachment 277353

Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Why do you lie

What are you talking about? I am not lying, it is a different word. and you used the "a", i gave you a screen shot and it is there for the whole world to see.
Photo shopped .. you are deranged

Most Grammar Nazis are.

People who work with numbers are worse. They eventually go crazy and end up sniping off the rooftops.

That's why I hate math.

This is what you posted,

View attachment 277353

Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Why do you lie

What are you talking about? I am not lying, it is a different word. and you used the "a", i gave you a screen shot and it is there for the whole world to see.
Photo shopped .. you are deranged

Most Grammar Nazis are.

god forbid people should use the right is a race to the bottom with you all try to out stupid the other Trump worshipers.

But I have to admit, it is entertaining as hell to watch

This is what you posted,

View attachment 277353

Notice the "a" in there, that does not belong. It is the B O R D E R Patrol, when you add the "a" like you did, it is a different word.
Why do you lie

What are you talking about? I am not lying, it is a different word. and you used the "a", i gave you a screen shot and it is there for the whole world to see.
Photo shopped .. you are deranged

It is in every reply that I made to your post. You cannot go back and edit those! Just admit you are a dumb ass and move on.
The mods disagree with you

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